Boy Bands

Freedom 35

Kyle Orton Legend Killer
seeing as a Britney Spears thread was just made it seems approprite to make this thread seeing as they were huge at the same time

this thread will be to discuss boy bands love them or hate them they had a huge impact in music. Here you can talk about your favorites if you liked them, or if you hated them and why. talk about your favorite songs or just who you though were the most musically talented

I for one never like any boy bands. To me they all sounded the same and wernt very talented. It may be because I'm not ver heavy into pop music, I just never cared for them. As for the worst I would say Backstreet Boys just b/c they bugged me the most. I'll admit Justin Timberlake became quite famous and better after Nysnc but he still is lame. In closing I hate boy bands.
I was never much of a boy band fan but I can say that if I had to choose a favorite it would be the Backstreet Boys. IMO their music sounded the best and I definitely enjoyed it more than any other boy bands music. it also always seemed to me like they were all about the music while Nsync seemed more in it for the fame. however I was just a little kid so this in hindsight was probably wrong
I don't mind certain boy bands. More like I enjoy certain songs to the actual bands. My mates take the piss because I like some cheesy pop. But I couldn't care less. If I like something then I'll admit to it. I like the Backstreet Boys. I wouldn't buy there album. But I'd happily listen to them on the radio. Somebody else saying it's gay to like boy bands isn't going to make me change my mind about them.
I am a backstreet boys type of guy, i used to get all there albums when i was little. Millenium was a great song along with the one where they all changed into monsters. It was a boyband version to MJ's thriller. I know for a fact that when Freedom 35 feels frisky he plays some N'SYNC and pets his lance bass if ya know wat im sayin
If I want talentless, manufactured garbage with no musically redeeming qualities or any sign of musicianship at all, then I'll listen to boybands.
I can honestly say I was one of the biggest boyband fans, it was more so my rebellious side against my father who is a bit on the prejuidice side so it was a sight to have my walls plastered with members of NSYNC, O-Town, 98 Degrees, Backstreet Boys and whomever else.
Now when I try and listen to it, I go "WHAT THE HELL WAS I THINKING?" but for about 5 years I was big into the teeny pop.
I'm not a fan of boy band music now, but when i was older i was a big Boyzone and Take That fan. The funny thing is both groups have reunited. Take That's new music is better than there old stuff, and more credible, so if ihad to choose a fav boyband it would be take that.

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