Your Taste in Music Sucks Because I Say So

What are you guys on about? If someone thinks your taste sucks they can say so, it's not a big deal. It's exactly the same as harassing someone for thinking Cena sucks by telling them they "don't understand pro wrestling". It's just their personal taste and it's just your opinion that their taste sucks. Deal with it.
Why even care about their opinion? I'm an ol' school guy that likes mostly old or underground hip-hop which doesn't click well with those my age who mostly listen to radio stuff. I have a habit of straight tell it like I really feel and if they ask what I think of [insert mainstream hit song name], I quickly say it sucks if I don't like it. It may lead to them talking shit about my taste and my simple answer is "I give a fuck less what you think about my taste".

I never preach to anyone about what is good music and what is not. When I'm asked about my favorite, I'll mention it and say it's the good music everyone I think should listen to but I don't force it down anyone's throats.
There are people qualified to say how good music is. Degrees in music aren't for kicks. However if you plan on telling me how my taste in music is shit, please bring me a list of reasons that don't include a musician's outside endeavors and such.

I fall in a heavy minority where I'm from. If you aren't a fan of Reggaeton here, get ready for heavy criticism. I hate the genre. Why? Repetitive rhythm. Stupid, oftenly sex-related or just outlandish lyrics, goofy lines used for the sake of being catchy, the cockyness the rappers express in the middle of the damn song. See, I have my reasons. But when someone responds to me, they just ignorantly claim "rock sucks! it's noisy and satanic." That's it? Nothing on how they express heavy dislike towards social standings or how they may promote violent behavior? Let's talk when you can see Pitbull needs a major star to get Hit and that Calle 13 isn't a shitty artist simply because he wants to be a controversial prick.

The music biz is build on different opinion. If you wanna say something is shit, bring a graph and a sermon.
Fan's of Country should not be putting down '80s Hair because Country had such an influence on Rock Ballads

What are you talking about? Country and 80s Hair Metal are as opposite as night and day. Rock ballads are just slower songs meant to appeal to a different crowd than the heavier songs. That has nothing to do with country, which is a completely different genre.

My post was not about disrespecting musical history, it was about how people disrespect each other by telling someone they can't listen to things they think suck. If you like country, you won't find me telling you things like "throw those cd's away they are horrible", no I would let you listen to it if you like it even if I detest it. People should not disrespect others' taste in music because it's rude. We should all be willing to agree to disagree.
What are you guys on about? If someone thinks your taste sucks they can say so, it's not a big deal. It's exactly the same as harassing someone for thinking Cena sucks by telling them they "don't understand pro wrestling". It's just their personal taste and it's just your opinion that their taste sucks. Deal with it.

You've missed the point completely. Yes we are entitled to our own opinions. However, so is everyone else. Someone who likes rap has NO right to tell someone that likes rock that their music is stupid and they should therefore not like it. It's rude and people should keep comments like that to themselves unless they would like to calmly maturely debate the issue like adults. I don't care if such a statement is protected by the freedom of speech ammendment. That doesn't change the fact that it's rude and things like that can ruin what was otherwise a really good day for someone else. If people focused more on being nicer or more respectful to others, the world would be a much enjoyable place.
Nickelback are like the Mason Ryan or Rob Terry of rock music. They look big and cool on the outside, but once you go beneath the surface, you realize they're completely and utterly talentless.

There are people more qualified than you to discuss the quality of music. No one can tell you what you should or should not like, but they can tell you what is of high quality and what isn't.

I've read through this thread a couple times now, and these two quotes pretty much sum up everything you need to know about this thread.

Firstly, X brings up a fucking stellar, outstanding, end all, be all point that can is easily related to everyone who posts on this forum. Success doesn't always mean talent, you could even replace Mason Ryan/Rob Terry with Batista and have probably an even more accurate analogy.

Secondly, Sly brings up an equally important point, Music, just like any other professional field is going to have a variety of experts, and aficionados who's opinions hold more value than the common radio warrior. Obviously someone who listens to multiple genres and sub genres and is going to have a more educated opinion than the fair whether Nickleback fan. As is someone who has studied music or goes to school for music, it's a profession just like anyone else, with experts just like and other profession.

Just listening to music doesn't make you an expert in the field, it's like assuming that everyone who watches wrestling is an expert on the subject, and obviously that couldn't be further from the truth. Now everyone who watches wrestling most definitely has an opinion, and the same thing goes for music; but just because you have an opinion doesn't mean it's right, and it also doesn't mean your an expert.

While the fair whether radio fan like to think that he is an expert in the field, expressing opinions like they are facts, such people just come off as completely clueless. Your musical taste can suck, if you like a bunch of shitty bands then you probably have a pretty generic, basic taste in music, and shouldn't be trying to tell people who know more about music what's good and what's not.

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