Botched Spot or Strange Booking?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Everyone saw the main event tonight for Raw. Miz gave Gabriel the Skull-Crushing Finale, goes for the pin, gets the 1-2-3. All the while, Slater looks like he wants to come in and break the pin, but doesnt. Afterwards, Cena has a bewildered look on his face. The Corre all rally outside the ring, where it appears Zeke Jackson and Gabriel appear to be laughing.

To me, this looks like a botched finish. If so, I give it to Barrett for saving the segment and ad-libbing the "re-match clause."

If this was the way this match was originally booked, Why? It made no sense and added nothing to the storyline. I usually dont get on here and bitch about things like booking, simply b/c there are enough boneheads on here who do that who actually think they are better bookers than what WWE actually has. If they were, their paychecks would say WWE and they would not be sitting behind a computer, eating pizza, drinking Mt. Dew, and claiming they have "all the answers."

However, that was just weird tonight in the main event. So what was it:

a. Botched spot
b. Weird booking

Your thoughts?
So yeah, to end out the night, the Corre (Slater and Gabriel) lose the tag titles to Cena and Miz, only to win them back after Miz SCFs Cena in an instant rematch. Congratulations WWE, you've just officially put the final nail in the coffin of the tag team division.

I don't give two shits or even one that Cena vs. Miz should be the big thing on Raw heading into WM. Whoever pitched the idea that the feud should be sparked at the expense of the tag team champions should really have their head examined. Surely there could have been a better way to get the ball rolling. The last thing Slater and Gabriel needed right then was to look like middle schoolers that only win because of external circumstances and that's exactly what WWE did. So yeah, congratulations again. You've buried the Nexus and now you're burying the Corre, all for your precious John Cena.

Thoughts on this atrocious segment? Bring on the hate "CeNation", bring it on.
Did you see the end of the match? The second match? They made it pretty clear. The Miz said he would win the tag titles, which he did. The rematch then gave him the opportunity to cross Cena and not have to draw out this "we're tag champs and have to face each other in 6 weeks" nonsense.
I agree with you 100%. And then they'll be criticizing the Corre for failing to 'get over', all the while absolving themselves of the true blame.

And how have things gone for the tag teams that they've insisted on undermining and breaking up? Wonder what Kidd and Hart-Smith would have to say? Or the Usos, the only actual 'team' left?

The fact is that Vince and Co have effectively killed tag teams in pro wrestling.
'Strange booking'?

Nah, more like bad booking.

Needlessly neuter the Corre and further minimze already ruined tag-team 'titles'.

Another error on a pathetic show.

A show which did more to slow momentum for Wrestlemania than to add to it.
I actually enjoyed this match... I think we all sorta figured what would happen eventually, but I certainly didn't expect them to win. The Miz was looking at Slater when he put his leg through the ropes, and I guess that deterred him. I personally looked at it to see what kind of reaction the fans would give the Miz, which they were cheering him oddly enough. Perhaps they wanted to see if it was feasible to turn the Miz face in the future. It's inevitable Riley will turn on the Miz at some point, the question is whether the Miz or Riley gets a face turn.
You do realize that after the first 'match', which was the main event, there was still almost 10 minutes left on RAW?

That means one of two things: 1) It was supposed to happen like that, or 2)Sting was supposed to come out for the last 10 minutes (a la 'The Rock' last week), and make his statement on why he will face The Rock at WM27.

Of course it was scripted like that. Or maybe the 'first' match was actually supposed to last 10 more minutes.

All it was, was a way for Miz to get heat by saying he won the titles on his own, and because of him, they lost them. He controls his own destiny, he'll say. Hell, I don't know, but if you didn't realize there were 10 more minutes left in the show when the 'first' match ended, I can't help you...
i agree and disagree, yes i have absolutely no idea why they booked the end of RAW that way, if anything they shouldnt have won the titles at all they should have been about to win and thats when Miz turns on Cena

But this doesnt kill the division guys, the division is already dead! this did nothing to hurt it because you cant hurt something that is already dead!

Think about it, is it just me or do you have to stop and think who the tag champs even are half the time? because wwe doesnt care about the belts and neither do we
Totally agree here Blitz, this totally was the final nail in what has been not only the destruction of the tag-team division, but a series of flat out below average RAW episodes.
I saw the EC PPV and can tell you it was worth every penny, but the aftermath was flat out atrocious and very disappointing.
And of course we all know that Cena will wreck Miz at WM and be champ.....again *sigh*
its pathetic to say the least. say what you want but ive realized if i want a tag team match worth watching i turn to tna. its obvious tag teams in wwe dont mean shit. the corre? the corre BURIED anything cool about slater gabriel n barret. n now they burried those big ol pennys round there waist.

i know sometimes during road to mania defending champ n contender usually compete in tag matches for good tv, but at the expense of a championship belt?

No I realized it and thought "well what's next". Then they made the match and I realized they are dropping the belts back.

Cena is now a 4 time tag champion when only one reign went longer than a week.
That means one of two things: 1) It was supposed to happen like that, or 2)Sting was supposed to come out for the last 10 minutes (a la 'The Rock' last week), and make his statement on why he will face The Rock at WM27.

LMAO!! I know you're joking, but that's really funny. And I bet there are people who thought Sting was still going to debut, even after Undertaker and HHH had their face-off.

Anyway, I see no reason to believe this match didn't go exactly as expected. I was a little surprised at how easy Miz/Cena won the first match. It made Gabriel/Slater look really weak. And the fact that the titles switched twice in one night, along with Miz practically giving them away, shows how worthless those titles are anyway.

I really liked this match though. All throughout the match, all I could think was "Holy shit! Is Miz turning face??" And I was legitimately surprised at the finish. I kind of figured Corre would ultimately get the titles back once they announced the rematch, but I didn't think Miz would lose on purpose.

One thing I never get in situations like this: Why not just get disqualified on purpose? Cena has shown lately that he has no problems with getting disqualified. So he should have just ran in with a chair and floored everyone.

Logic and overbooking aside, I ultimately enjoyed this segment.

Oh, and on a side note, kayfabe, why in the world was The Corre even at Raw?
Although I agree, there are a couple of pro's to this segment.

1)Miz pretty much won the tag belts himself in the first match. Cena was in for all of 30 seconds. I believe that Miz will exploit that next week.

2)They tested the waters of a Miz face turn. I almost expected Cena to screw Miz, reversing their roles. When Miz hit that kick when Gabriel came of the ropes, the crowd went ape-shit.

3)There is real fuel in the fire now... Now Cena has a reason to want to destroy the Miz.

As far as screwing The Corre over, I think that having them job to the cobra for the last month and a half was enough damage to their rep, no disrespect to marrella/kozlov
Well There was 10 min left when it happened, and I didn't notice anything. Maybe a small botch, but everything went as planned in my eyes. But the title is being treated like shit imo ;/
this did nothing to hurt it because you cant hurt something that is already dead!

You can still hurt the legacy.

You're saying that I could rip on Eddie Guerrero all I wanted, and it wouldn't "hurt" Eddie at all? Not his name, not his legacy, family or anything else?

This damaged the legacy of the tag titles because people can look back at the history and see the back story behind this. And you know what? There's no valid excuse or reason for what WWE did, they just wanted to add to John Cena's cheap legacy.
i hated how they did the win the belt only to loose it but i did like the Attitude adjustment into skull crushing finally finisher this RAW had potental but they messed up ALOT
I completely agree that it lowered the value of the belts.

But I don't think anybody cares. Not WWE. Not the fans. When you have a division that only has 2 teams, it's not really a division. The tag belts are just a prop. They served their purpose tonight.

Anyway, I think the belts were used better tonight than the World Championship was used on Smackdown, with Dolph winning the title over a stipulation, only to lose it 10 minutes later. I've come to expect the tag titles to be treated like nothing, but the World Championship should be used better.
Why criticise and bitch and whine about the Tag Team division. Theres always something to bitch about isn't there? Yes, the tag titles mean jack shit. Thats been the case for a long time now. But lets look at the positives for once, instead of giving the WWE shit for every wrong move that they make. Epic confrontation between HHH and The Undertaker. Solid segment between Lawler and Cole. Cena's edgier promo. I mean, for goodness sakes. The show was actually good! Let's appreciate the product for what it is, and watch the damn show. If you dislike the tag team division and Cena & Miz, switch the TV off. It's that simple.
Why criticise and bitch and whine about the Tag Team division. Theres always something to bitch about isn't there? Yes, the tag titles mean jack shit. Thats been the case for a long time now. But lets look at the positives for once, instead of giving the WWE shit for every wrong move that they make. Epic confrontation between HHH and The Undertaker. Solid segment between Lawler and Cole. Cena's edgier promo. I mean, for goodness sakes. The show was actually good! Let's appreciate the product for what it is, and watch the damn show. If you dislike the tag team division and Cena & Miz, switch the TV off. It's that simple.

While I like Trips and Taker, the spot was boring. It was a weird confrontation between two guys who haven't been on TV in a LONG while and all of a sudden BAM! Undertaker vs Triple H at Mania. No build up. No reason. Just looking at the wrestlemania sign. No one says anything, they're just cool enough where all they have to do is look at the sign and its implied whats going down. Somebody should have said something.
Other than that, the Cena promo was amazing. I haven't seen him like that in years. Its a welcomed change (WWE WRITERS PLEASE TAKE NOTE OF THE RESPONSE OF THE FANS TO OLD SCHOOL THUGANOMICS)
Please stop crying about tag teams.... The Corre is a good tag team, this just gives more into the Cena/Miz storyline.

Now Cena or Miz can bring into their promos that they are former tag team champions.. yada yada yada. Corre are still champions so get over it. I doubt any of you shed a tear with Cena and Michaels being champs a couple years ago.
I don't give two shits or even one that Cena vs. Miz should be the big thing on Raw heading into WM. Whoever pitched the idea that the feud should be sparked at the expense of the tag team champions should really have their head examined. Surely there could have been a better way to get the ball rolling. The last thing Slater and Gabriel needed right then was to look like middle schoolers that only win because of external circumstances and that's exactly what WWE did. So yeah, congratulations again. You've buried the Nexus and now you're burying the Corre, all for your precious John Cena.

Thoughts on this atrocious segment? Bring on the hate "CeNation", bring it on.

Are you for real? You're blaming John Cena for this?

The Miz basically WON the tag titles by himself (I laugh how very few people pick on this, yet if Cena did the same thing he'd get a shitload of negativity.) And in the second match, Cena is tagged in finally, and competes for roughly a minute or two before the Miz screws him over.

My point is, I fail to believe how the fuck you can say the WWE buried the Corre for John Cena, when he was the one watching from the apron the whole freaking time. And are people STILL complaining about the tag titles becoming meaningless? Here's a newsflash; they've been irreverent for about 5 years now, if not longer.

Next thing you know you people are going to blame the booking of the Diva's division on John Cena as well. Czena bashing is so 2007, get the hell over it already.
It was a very odd finish. Slater looked very unsure of what he was supposed to be doing. I thought that Slater was supposed to try to break up the count, with Cena intercepting him before he could or something.

I think the idea of Miz winning the match and then causing Cena to get pinned was according to script. Now Miz can rant about how he won the belts but Cena couldn't get the job done afterwards.. But the finish was to the first match was just weird.
I thought the over all show was very good, even Eve during the women's match was pretty improved over what I'm used to seeing.

On the topic though (which we all may have lost sight of) I think that it was planned. I think they maybe wanted to tease something to the IWC who clock the shows and expect something to happen. Realistically, maybe USA wanted to end RAW on a more normal time frame after letting them go over 20 minutes last week.

HHH/Taker was pulled off ok, but I question having Taker come out first. HHH should have came out, then stood there while Taker made his way down. It was odd seeing Taker standing in the ring for 5 minutes while HHH walked around hollering at the fans. Every time they showed Taker looking "spooky" with orange, green, and blue lights flashing on him....looked like a rave. Didn't fit the character. HHH should have came out first, THEN the countdown should have ended and Taker should have came out. As for talking during the confrontation, I'm sure all the dialog will come out next week, or on Smackdown.

Tag match was ok. But the booking was odd. I REALLY expected them to have the titles going into WM, or at least for the week like what has been done SO many times before. I was surprised about the re-match. I also expected Barrett and Jackson to get in the ring instead to win back the belts after.

And even the wife (who hates Cena, but LOVES the Rock) liked the "thuganomics" promo Cena did. She didn't watch wrestling at all when Cena first came out. So that was pretty alright too.
Realistically, maybe USA wanted to end RAW on a more normal time frame after letting them go over 20 minutes last week.

WWE hasn't ended RAW at a normal time in, at least, a year. If not longer. I ALWAYS change my DVR's settings on the "Record Show With Options" to end 15 minutes later because RAW NEVER ends at 11:05 like it's "scheduled" to end.

To the thread topic. This was planned, completely. People may hate Cena or Miz, but neither one of them would have allowed The Corre to mess that up. Were Miz not supposed to win he'd have yanked up Gabriel by the hair "just because he could."

You might not like Cena or the Miz, but they know how the company works and aren't stupid enough to let two (relatively) new talents mess up that badly in a "title" match.

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