Who botched: Paige or AJ?

It was the fucking finish. She won with a light punch to the back of the leg.

All of the Diva's bullshit is awful, but the segment actually had me intrigued until they Diva'd it up.

It was a half second.

You still get the effect from the finisher, even if the finisher looks extremely tame.

To say it ruined "the entire thing" is laughable because it was such a minor hiccup.
It was a half second.

In a thirty second match where she had five seconds of offense.

You still get the effect from the finisher, even if the finisher looks extremely tame.

You see someone you've never seen before botch their first move and some how win the title from it.

To say it ruined "the entire thing" is laughable because it was such a minor hiccup.

It did ruin the entire thing. Nothing else of note happened. It was a poorly written segment that made no sense and the hero had one move to complete and she fucked it up.

I know Paige is the flavor of the month for a lot of people, but to ignore what was an awful segment with awful performing is silly. If you want to say you've seen more of Paige and she is a much better performer than what we saw in Monday, that's fine. But don't pretend her shit on Monday didn't stink.
It was a half second.

You still get the effect from the finisher, even if the finisher looks extremely tame.

To say it ruined "the entire thing" is laughable because it was such a minor hiccup.

It was more than a half a second. She fucked up the entire move.

I didn't get the effect from the finisher. She was debuting, I had no idea what her finisher is and I still didn't until I saw this thread. She didn't even come close to hitting it.

It's not like the whole segment was gold otherwise. It was a standard exchange with a botched ending. I know all of you NXT guys love this girl and that's fine, but I still haven't seen anything from her that suggests that she's better than any of the other Divas.
It was more than a half a second. She fucked up the entire move.

I didn't get the effect from the finisher. She was debuting, I had no idea what her finisher is and I still didn't until I saw this thread. She didn't even come close to hitting it.

It's not like the whole segment was gold otherwise. It was a standard exchange with a botched ending. I know all of you NXT guys love this girl and that's fine, but I still haven't seen anything from her that suggests that she's better than any of the other Divas.

Who exactly is an NXT guy?

Your "standards" seem to be ridiculously stupid.

"Fucked up the entire move."

No, this is fucking up an entire move:


And this:


Also this one:


What do we have here:


Well this is awkward:


To be honest the biggest botch of that match i felt was Paige waving her hand and slapping AJ several times in what appeared to be a tapout and literally no one acknowledging it. It just ruined the rest of the match for me since I thought perhaps it was another "diva submission botch".

The entire ten seconds of it?
Who exactly is an NXT guy?

People that think every gimmick coming up from NXT is going to be gold.

Your "standards" seem to be ridiculously stupid.

If it were the conclusion of an actual match, I'd be way easier on it.

"Fucked up the entire move."

That's what I said.

No, this is fucking up an entire move:


And this:


Also this one:


What do we have here:


Well this is awkward:


So in an effort to show me that Paige didn't fuck up her move, you show me gifs of a bunch of other people fucking up their moves? I'm confused. I don't see how hers was any different.

After a quick search, I see that technically speaking her move is a Swinging leg hook fireman's carry slam. She punched AJ in the back of the leg.
People that think every gimmick coming up from NXT is going to be gold.

Asked "who is" not "what is." You get that mixed up, no wonder you think "she fucked up the entire move and ruined the whole segment" by being off a half-second.

If it were the conclusion of an actual match, I'd be way easier on it.


That's what I said.

I know, I was quoting your ridiculous statement sarcastically.

So in an effort to show me that Paige didn't fuck up her move, you show me gifs of a bunch of other people fucking up their moves? I'm confused. I don't see how hers was any different.

I showed you gifs of people actually "fucking up the entire move." Notice how Paige isn't in that list? Of course you don't see how it's different, your standards are either so ridiculously high or you're mental. "Fucking up the entire move" equates to the entire move being ruined. AJ's/Paige's half-second off timing didn't ruin the entire move. It's a minor botch at best as many people have already stated.

After a quick search, I see that technically speaking her move is a Swinging leg hook fireman's carry slam. She punched AJ in the back of the leg.

And then AJ fell back as if she had been sweeped out like normal.
Asked "who is" not "what is." You get that mixed up, no wonder you think "she fucked up the entire move and ruined the whole segment" by being off a half-second.

I didn't get anything mixed up. I simply described who I was referring to when I said "NXT Guys" as I wasn't addressing anyone specifically. If that description did not apply to you then you need not fret, child.

If they had a real match instead of what basically amounted to a MITB cash in, I wouldn't really care if a move was botched. If the finish was botched it'd take me out of it a bit but I wouldn't declare the match a failure.

Also, note that I originally said it ruined the segment for me.

I know, I was quoting your ridiculous statement sarcastically.

You're really boring.

I showed you gifs of people actually "fucking up the entire move." Notice how Paige isn't in that list?

Uh huh.

Of course you don't see how it's different, your standards are either so ridiculously high or you're mental.

My standards are remarkably lower during a Diva's match. If you only have one offensive move in your match and you fail to execute it properly, you fail in my eyes.

"Fucking up the entire move" equates to the entire move being ruined. AJ's/Paige's half-second off timing didn't ruin the entire move. It's a minor botch at best as many people have already stated.

She did NOT perform her move. She fucking punched her in the back of the leg.

And then AJ fell back as if she had been sweeped out like normal.

Lulz. Sweeped.

And are you really using the fact that AJ sold a fucking leg punch like a gunshot as a positive? That just made it all the more stupid.
I didn't get anything mixed up. I simply described who I was referring to when I said "NXT Guys" as I wasn't addressing anyone specifically. If that description did not apply to you then you need not fret, child.

Again, I didn't ask for a description. You said "you NXT guys," I questioned "who is an NXT guy?" You answered with a response to a "what," not a "who."

If they had a real match instead of what basically amounted to a MITB cash in, I wouldn't really care if a move was botched. If the finish was botched it'd take me out of it a bit but I wouldn't declare the match a failure.

Also, note that I originally said it ruined the segment for me.

Yes I know you said "for me." I'm suggesting it's silly that being a half second off timing "ruins the whole thing."

You're really boring.

Uh huh.

My standards are remarkably lower during a Diva's match. If you only have one offensive move in your match and you fail to execute it properly, you fail in my eyes.

She did NOT perform her move. She fucking punched her in the back of the leg.

Lulz. Sweeped.

And are you really using the fact that AJ sold a fucking leg punch like a gunshot as a positive? That just made it all the more stupid.

You seem to be the only one on your side of the fence currently and you're making a mountain out of a mole hill (as am I, I guess :shrug: ). I watched your gif, no way does it remotely look as if she "fucked the entire move up."

She attempted a snap version of her move, removing the initial grab set up to make it go quicker (hence the "snap"), AJ's timing was off a half second. I don't see how that equates to "fucking up the entire move" when it still looks like she was sweeped back to land on her head as per the norm.
You seem to be the only one on your side of the fence currently and you're making a mountain out of a mole hill (as am I, I guess :shrug: ). I watched your gif, no way does it remotely look as if she "fucked the entire move up."
For the record, F.A.T. and I do have the same Louie avatar, but we're not the same person. You haven't been arguing with me, the OP.
It doesn't matter who botched. All women's "wrestling" is horrendous. Nobody cares if the moves are technically correct, women only exist on wrasslin' programs for eye candy purposes.
There would be heavy criticism towards the WWE and the performers if the finisher was done by The Bellas or Kelly Kelly. Paige and AJ aren't bulletproof.
I would almost say that the Paige Turner not being hit perfectly could help the whole scenario.

It can be used to highlight just how far AJ had underestimated Paige while at the same time hinting that rookie champion still has more to give.
Seemed like a miscommunication, I'd love to hear a report on the subject just because I'm curious but could've been either party's fault. Obviously the usual set up for her finish is a little slower with a delay and more of a pick up, but this way the first time is seen it as a reversal. So whether this was the way it was meant to be done in a reversal and AJ was not prepared, or AJ was perfectly prepared and Paige let the huge moment get to her remains to be seen. In the end it shouldn't be a huge deal, it was a bit of an eyesore but the actual moment was so huge it won't get too much attention.
I think it was probably mutual a little bit. I don't know if AJ's ever taken the move before. On Paige's end, she was making her main roster debut in front of a post-Mania crowd and she knew she was about to win the title, so things had to be crazy for her. They also did a very unique lead in to it with the counter. Probably both of them messed up a little bit, but history is likely to smooth it over after these two have some killer matches (hopefully).
I was a little thrown off at first how it looked like a quick sweep to the leg.
Then I was just happy that Paige won the title in her on screen debut match for WWE. Obviously not counting the NXT stuff.

I could see how a casual viewer might have thought it looked like a weak move.
I'm sure she'll make up for it.
I'm probably looking at this in probably the 'markiest' of ways ever. But what if that was the entire finish after all?

I mean, the segment was basically Paige saying she wasn't ready and then AJ not caring and still wanting a match with her. Maybe the entire point really was to make Paige look like she wasn't ready, I mean obviously the Paige we saw on Raw wasn't anything like the confident Paige who walked around NXT with her title held high.

She was sheep-ish. The way I see it, it could mean two things. The segment was done to prove that AJ got too cocky and a rookie beat her (similar to Angle/Cena, but with Angle losing), or they were going the route this was done to make Paige appear like she isn't ready, she wins it and then we watch and see her as she slowly develops into the Paige that we know. Or yes, it could have been a botch, but the point behind the segment, I think it could go either way honestly.
I'd just say that considering the spot they were using... it was a bad move to use as the finish.

It just doesn't come off well in that particular situation.

I get why they used it, since it is Paige's finish... but in this case it just didn't work. I've got no doubt that the two of them can easily make up for that going forward though.
Well this sure was a lot of discussion for a weak ass divas match. I did like the Dolph .gif though, he sold that shit. I wonder if he just runs around all day fighting himself & doing random moves to invisible people.

Page is good, but I have never liked her finisher. Based off the segment on Raw, I am unimpressed like a great many people. That whole thing sucked for more reasons than one & changing the impact of the move doesnt make up for the terrible acting beforehand.
Was clearly a botch, but not bad enough to warrant the vitriol in this thread.

AJ sold it like a finisher, but the move didn't seem like one.

Not too bad off a reversal. In kayfabe, one could say AJ was stunned she escaped the submission and was taken by surprise with the giant sweep to the leg, causing the over sell of AJ in the process.

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