Book This Tournament?


Too Sweet To Be Sour
Just a thought, have a tournament pitting maybe 8 Book This Companies against each other. I'm sure there are at least 8 active ones. And dirtysouth is starting a Book This Magazine so maybe his mag could cover it?

real life bit me in the ass so I had to go on hiatus for a bit.

I'm working on the 3rd show now. check out the card in the lounge
Will do, but you want to organize this Book This tournament? Or at least try. it's something to do.
Yeah because I would personally like to get my Book This a little more time before doing a tournament with it in it. I'd say we give it a few weeks.

How's Book This Mag comeing DirtySouth?
That would fail harder than anything ever on these forums. I'm sorry. It's true.

You don't know until you try 48.7, I mean it's possible people would dig it, it could be the Book This Monday Night Wars, people trying tp put on better shows to get more votes. It could bring life to that section of the forums, as I'm sure it isn' the most viewed.
You don't know until you try 48.7, I mean it's possible people would dig it, it could be the Book This Monday Night Wars, people trying tp put on better shows to get more votes. It could bring life to that section of the forums, as I'm sure it isn' the most viewed.
Don't mind 48.7 he's just a miserable twat
You all simply have no faith. And if it does fail, at least we tried. But I doubt it would fail.
See, there's one problem with this, and I hate to put it this way, but as Norcal put it, unless it's called OCW, most of the time people don't read it. I hate to say that but it's true.
Well I'm about to head out to bed, so Milenko, dirtysouth, if you guys are still up for this PM me about it, even though I'll check this out tomorrow, the subject will most likely change. Peace.
As much as I hate to say this, it will fail. KB and NorCal said it best. A majority of people only care for OCW. Traffic has gone up over the last few weeks/months, so let's not go overkill on it. It'll do more harm than good.

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