Book This! - General Discussion

Proph, if it's any consolation, if you're thread would've won if it made the deadline, but you were still doing the WWE project at the time.
Review my Book This.

Considering you give reviews like "good job, keep it up", I'm not going to use my time to give you a review which actually helps. When you change and give reviews that actually have some length and depth then I'll review it. At the moment, no I will not do it.

And do you not know the word please?
Considering you give reviews like "good job, keep it up", I'm not going to use my time to give you a review which actually helps. When you change and give reviews that actually have some length and depth then I'll review it. At the moment, no I will not do it.

And do you not know the word please?

I'll try to lengthen my reviewes.

And even though you said no I'll sya it "Please"
Your Review
So far good show, keep up the good work.

Compared to this.

Peep's Review
Ok Proph, time to review the debut episode of your TNA thread, should be good. As I have said, TNA has the right wrestlers and divisions, just needs good direction and you could be the one to provide just that. Nice opening promo which needed to happen in order for Styles to explain his actions, Flair providing some nice resistance and I fully expect Anderson to challenge for the gold at Sacrifice. Was Anderson a babyface before Lockdown? Unusual opening match as the roles where reversed, the heels getting the hot tag, but I do really like the Brits getting the win and I hope Nash is taken out of the picture and these guys get a good match at the pay per view for the titles. This tag division is something special, hope you use them well here. Love me some Kazarian, Flair seems a little desperate now and the champions vs. champions match should be a doozy in the main event I assume. Nice intro from Angle but so far I'm not liking the smarkiness of some of the promos, TNA does this shoot style thing in real life and I really don't like it. Christian makes his return and gives out some nice dialogue, thought you hated the E vs. C story, but nice reveal from Angle and this feud should be really great, promo and of course match wise.

Well written Knockout match and it does it's purpose of putting over Rayne as the champion and furthering the feud between all those beatiful people. Not to excited about womens wrestling but I'm sure you will be able to pull me in Proph. Didn't really feel the Hardy promo but he is very interesting heel character, maybe keep his promos down a little and have him in the ring a whole lot more, his match with Angle is main event pay per view worthy, should be another great match. I hope you get Desmond onto the right track and he is getting there with a win over Moore, hope to see him with a title or in the main event scene soon. I'm sure Nash is going to find a partner, but I have no idea who, another team with EY? Wolfe perhaps? No idea. Awesome match but it was odd to have Hardy lose clean to Angle, would have thought Christian would have made an appearance for sure to further the feud. Don't like Pope's chances next week and I don't think he is main event ready, a feud with Kaz for the X Div title perhaps would be really, really good. Make it happen! Awesome ending to the main event, love how Styles landed on his feet then connected with the Pele, Styles needed to go over and did, well done on the match. I fully expect Anderson to challenge for the gold at Sacrifice and with that as the headliner it will make a great show. Overall, great start Proph with great matches, a little too many promos, but I understand why, and Sacrifice should be awesome.

Tell me which one would have me wanting to give a review back?
No Way Out 2005 is on so it is time for me to get writing. Who is going to face AJ Styles at Sacrifice?

Kurt Angle vs Rob Van Dam vs The Pope vs Mr Anderson.
No idea, Signy I'm maybe half way through but will get some serious writing done now, let's get some chat going to keep each other motivated! Might chuck on a match or two, really helps me write.
Kevin Nash is just awesome to write for.

So I think me review count is Peep, Theo, Jam at the moment. Hopefully that is all I have to do.

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