Book This! - General Discussion

Getting some work done on the next show. I will probably stay up and hope to capture Proph's show here tonight, so I might get some good work down here tonight.
This is how excited I am for Prophs and Peeps show. I made sigs for ya. Lol. I made them of my favorite superstars on each show right now. Also, I was bored and had time so I made 'em. Haha.

Holy shit it took me an hour to format, takes longer than I thought. Review, love it, hate it, do whatever you want. TNA Impact has been posted.
Eh, poor episode Proph, 3/10 and will post why a bit later.

Just kidding haven't read it yet, added on to my list of reviews.
Eh, poor episode Proph, 3/10 and will post why a bit later.

Just kidding haven't read it yet, added on to my list of reviews.

It is amazing, not to happy with the main event however.

Spoiler for the main event for this weeks Impact. Probably should read the show first before looking at my thoughts on how I wrote the main event.

I wanted to have Anderson play hurt but really he didn't do anything during the match. Most of the time it was on Angle and the match just didn't flow well. Not to happy with it but it will get me to Sacrifice. So yeah, not expecting match of the year for this one.
Instead of putting something like

Orton stalks Goldberg, and then hits a RKO.

I would put something like

There are numerous ways to do this mate. In a quote, like you said. I use quotes too. It's pretty good to look at don't you think? Also, along with writing the match, you can add in a commercial break and also some commentary. So yes, quotes will be fine.

Another way to do this is in italics with a different font. But I use that for crowd reaction, entrances, or some back stage stuff.
I was just told to go back to the hovel of a thread I call my Book This. It's sad that it's better than anything most of the posters on this forum ever have done or will do.
I was just told to go back to the hovel of a thread I call my Book This. It's sad that it's better than anything most of the posters on this forum ever have done or will do.

Don't feel bad, You're probably one of the best writers here, Hell when I first came to the Book This section CWF was the first I read and it partly inspiried me. You're a champion at this thing to most people in this thread.
Go check out the first edition of Shootin' with The Sign Guy in the WWE section. I'm looking to inspire some intelligent discussion out there, and some debate, and it might get you, and therefore your show noticed, so there is some extra incentive. Go and post, all opinion's welcome.
Not sure who cares, but it's taking me quite a while to get my show up. I keep having "false starts", trying to live up to NSCW...I need to just let it go, and let it be it's own thing...
You just need to try and write. Develop new stuff and let things go as they flow. It will be good in the end.

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