Book This! - General Discussion

JicKie "FalKon" Mames;2659432 said:
I wouldn't say writing in recaps is the best idea... I'd say that you'd use lower card matches as quick filler and only writing small matches. If you have two lower-midcarders/curtain jerkers/jobbers fighting it out, keep it really short. Only include detail unless its storyline, giving a push or if need a specific ending.

But, whatever works.

This. I think FalKon is the only one I've seen who agrees with me on this, but I like full matches better. I know they're harder, but they're TV matches that you're writing, so they can be shorter (your PPV matches are full anyway, so...yeah).
I'm with FalK and Sign Guy here. Full matches, despite being longer and more time consuming are better for a BT. They are more tedious, but they are essential (in my mind) in making the BT more realistic and gives the reader a look at pretty much everything going on. Like usually my BT work in word comes in anywhere from 8-12 pages. It's tedious work, but everything tends to flow once you get started.
But I'm doing it because that is part of the reason why I couldn't get my other project off the ground. I like writing in full but it takes WAY to long and I don't think anyone even reads the full matches anyway, just the ending.
Short TV Matches is the way to go. TVs should be focused on pushing your angles. And unless the TV matches are important (say a championship or possibly a #1 contender spot) I wouldn't waste a great deal of time on them. Is my biggest problems with TV's. I always want to put more detail in then what's necessary, which in turn makes it more annoying and time consuming to get shows done.
But I'm doing it because that is part of the reason why I couldn't get my other project off the ground. I like writing in full but it takes WAY to long and I don't think anyone even reads the full matches anyway, just the ending.

I always read full matches, as long as they keep me interested. Some writers aren't good enough to keep me interested, but you are good enough. You could also put some plot and story twists/developments in the middle of matches to make them must reads. The time is a problem with some people, but I've never had a problem with writing alot if it is something I enjoy.
I tried continuing the fourth episode of SCW today. I failed. :( I really want to write it but I can't get a good flow going. I'll try again tomorrow.
I have the feeling to write, but I just keep doing other things... so hopefully with the next couple of days free I should be able to churn it out.
I'm busy with school at moment (am a teacher in charge of a Christmas play) but I'm on holiday next Friday. Will get back into swing of it then if not before!
Have written my first main promo and match. My neck is really fucked over so I will writing more in a few days. Hope to have it up soon. How is everybody else going with there writing?
I'm getting a new computer soon, so writing should get better. However I will be offline until maybe next Friday. Going away for a couple of days, should be good. But to answer your question, I have the blueprint in my mind. I know what segments go where, and who should win the matches I have. I also have a plan for Smackdown, a strong push for a couple of superstars who wouldn't get it in the WWE.
Have written my first main promo and match. My neck is really fucked over so I will writing more in a few days. Hope to have it up soon. How is everybody else going with there writing?
I'm hoping to get the second part of SCW4 done today. I'm writing it up now. I have maybe a fourth of it done.
Damnit! Just wrote a promo for Cody Rhodes (Grooming Tip) believing that the man himself hadn't covered the topic already and I go on Youtube and he has already done it. I woud be more pissed but he's too good looking to stay angry at...
3PW is coming in January.....Im not using TNA or WWE Talent, its too pointless to do that as everyone else is.....I'm gonna think outside the box to bring the Global Tag Team Crown Tournament (32 Teams) Triple Chance Tournament (40 Entrants) and the Super J Cup USA (16 Entrants).......I hope everyone reads and gives feedback as I haven't done this in a WHILE, yet my old one PWX won several MOD Awards, so hopefully I can get back to what i had......Hopefully
Know what? This place is already started to look better with Doc in charge.

I've got some free time this week so I might be able to get my BT's first show posted. I sacked five girls and had to re-start the entire first show... but it should be quite epic with what I have planned. Expect some angles already done/currently active to be repeated for the first couple just to get on track.
I'm looking forward to it, Falk. I love me some Winter especially, and you have lots of great names on the roster. No Sara Del Ray though, but I'll manage. ;)
Thank god I have a Christmas Break finally. I hope to get some plans running through my head (although I don't think my WWE thread will last anymore.) Probably a created fed, with a somewhat realistic angle.
I'm getting a new computer/laptop very soon. So my thread should be up and running again in the next few weeks.
God, going through WCW in 2000 is depressing. The variety of stupid events that happened, but the wealth of storyline possibilities... It kills me to go through it to write out a decent update.:banghead:
Just went reading through the multi-man BT's that used to go around... good, fun times... although we never managed to get one done for a whole PPV cycle. Makes me want to do another one.
JicKie "FalKon" Mames;2704364 said:
A lot of failed BT's here: either they can't get off the ground or they give up (just like my one thus far).

I just haven't had time for my 2005 thread, but once I get my computer, all systems go. Got the thread all planned out to WrestleMania.

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