Book This! - General Discussion

Honestly, there are some pretty crazy gimmicks in WZCW, haha. WZCW would be a pretty good place to look for gimmicks but then again, you could always come up with your own. When you say that you'll be making up your own characters for NXT, I'm not too fond of that idea. I think it's better if you use guys from FCW on NXT instead of using your own characters. Unless I read it wrong, haha.
First off all, it's good to see Thrash get so many reviews just days after posting his show. Does it mean more people in here and more people interested?? I hope so.

Second, I like GCB's idea of creating a thread to introduce new threads and bookers. It could keep all the ads in one place and give it sort of an "exclusive" feel.

Third (only for JAM): if you create a separate thread for the graphics won't this problem arise:
If I want you to create some match cards for me and I post all the matches in your thread, isn't there a possibility of others reading the post and the result being all the hard work of keeping the matches in suspense will go down the drain??

Last but certainly not the least, I apologize from the bottom of my heart for never showing my previous thread the light of the day. It was a tough time then but vacations have started for me and I think I'll be able to start afresh (thanks to JAM). I have a few ideas, I just need to put them into writing.

And finally, JAM, expect a PM from me soon. All in all, it's great to see Book This! back in full force.

Oh what, sorry. Was admiring your sig, Mila Kunis!

And yeah, I think we definitely need to post an advertisement thread. Maybe have the discussion thread and advertisement thread both on the main page instead of in the spam area. Also, your question is being taken into consideration about the graphics. It's quite simple actually, just PM me your match cards, duh! lol.

But yeah, hopefully this revival works out. It's already better than the last one.

Oh what, sorry. Was admiring your sig, Mila Kunis!

And yeah, I think we definitely need to post an advertisement thread. Maybe have the discussion thread and advertisement thread both on the main page instead of in the spam area. Also, your question is being taken into consideration about the graphics. It's quite simple actually, just PM me your match cards, duh! lol.

But yeah, hopefully this revival works out. It's already better than the last one.

Ashley Benson though, amirite Jam :glare:

As for potential gimmicks, I've always liked the idea of someone having the gimmick of a master manipulator. Someone who can get others to do what he wants with words, not money or through favours or anything like that. But as someone already said, coming up with new gimmicks can be tough, because if it's good, then it's probably already been done in some way shape or form.
Ashley Benson though, amirite Jam :glare:

As for potential gimmicks, I've always liked the idea of someone having the gimmick of a master manipulator. Someone who can get others to do what he wants with words, not money or through favours or anything like that. But as someone already said, coming up with new gimmicks can be tough, because if it's good, then it's probably already been done in some way shape or form.

I love me some Ashley Benson. Shay Mitchell is hotter than Ashley though.

I really like that gimmick idea. Hell that sounds like something Edge could have done.
Talked to Swagger and he says expect Smackdown up tomorrow in our thread!

As for me i'm chipping away at Raw slowly and have laid out the plan for Superstars.
As for gimmicks, how about a Two-Face (from Batman) kind of a guy. At one moment he's a face and the other a heel?

EDIT: JAM, once you're up with the graphic request thread, this sig of mine will be gone. You'll need to make me another one.
As for gimmicks, how about a Two-Face (from Batman) kind of a guy. At one moment he's a face and the other a heel?

EDIT: JAM, once you're up with the graphic request thread, this sig of mine will be gone. You'll need to make me another one.

Noooooo the sig must stay!
Finally got my first SmackDown finished. If it feels a little rushed, that's because it was. Hell it's only one post, but the show may be like that until our first Pay-Per-View. I did try to keep it a bit short on purpose, but overall I feel it lays the groundwork for what I have planned. Hope you enjoy.

EDIT: I also apologize for any spelling or formatting errors. Most of this show was written after 10 hour shifts at work and I'm usually pretty beat. I planned on spell checking and all that jazz before posting, but honestly I'm too tired XD
Hey there peeps (And not just the #1Peep). I have a question for you. Do you guys feel like short matches are best up until the PPV? As in, just the big details are told of the matches until the PPV where I go all out. On the other hand, I want to do an NXT BT (yes with PPVs), so I would want people to get a feel for the style of each wrestler. Help?
Hey there peeps (And not just the #1Peep). I have a question for you. Do you guys feel like short matches are best up until the PPV? As in, just the big details are told of the matches until the PPV where I go all out. On the other hand, I want to do an NXT BT (yes with PPVs), so I would want people to get a feel for the style of each wrestler. Help?

I think it depends on the writer if full shows are needed or not. If you can cover the main points with recapped promos and matches then go for it. However you can get a better feel for the style wrestlers talk in and wrestle by writing things out in full.

Here's my advice, try doing your first show in full and based off how you feel you did with matches and promos along with other peoples feedback decide if you wanna keep doing that with your future shows.
Hey there peeps (And not just the #1Peep). I have a question for you. Do you guys feel like short matches are best up until the PPV? As in, just the big details are told of the matches until the PPV where I go all out. On the other hand, I want to do an NXT BT (yes with PPVs), so I would want people to get a feel for the style of each wrestler. Help?

I think having short matches for weekly shows would be fine then that's when you can go to full shows once you get to a PPV. Recap matches are alright but then the lack of detail may push readers away, but then again, readers don't wanna read very long matches. PM me if you wanna see how I'd do it.
Hey there peeps (And not just the #1Peep). I have a question for you. Do you guys feel like short matches are best up until the PPV? As in, just the big details are told of the matches until the PPV where I go all out. On the other hand, I want to do an NXT BT (yes with PPVs), so I would want people to get a feel for the style of each wrestler. Help?

You'll get different responses from different people, some will prefer reading full matches, while others will prefer reading recapped ones until the PPV's. As for me, I prefer reading full matches as long as they mean something, a filler match written out in full wouldn't interest me, but if it was important to progression of a storyline then it would.

You won't be able to please everyone, so I recommend doing what you prefer doing. If you feel writing full matches will burn you out before the PPV then do recap, that way you can save your match writing energy for the big event.
Hey guys, I apoligize for leaving a while back after just one show, the workload was too much.

Quick question though...who would be interested in reading quick spoiler type shows, as a change from v.detailed shows.

What length...around 3/4 Miscrosoft Word pages.

Anyone who would be interested in something like that?
More new shows to catch up on soon. Feedback to come, at some stage soon, for Hollywood and Arcade.
Probably going to put up a bit of news in me and Swagger's thread today.

Oh wait the name changes went I need a new way to shorten his name. :p
Hey guys,

I posted in here a few weeks ago about starting a BT! I've spoken to JAM and Nightmare via PM and I've been working on my show. However, it's a 2013 BT (starting from the Royal Rumble) and I was thinking that considering two 2013 shows have started in the past week or so, should I change mine before posting anything?

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