Book This! - General Discussion

Ugh GCB, we know you've got tremendous writing ability. So just get started with the short shows and move on to the 6 weeks leading up to Mania mate.
Hey guys I was just wondering if I should carry on my Book This? It's just nobody seems to be reading it or reviewing it? And next week (Sunday today) I will hope to have the Genesis PPV up (Royal Rumble match). And I was just wondering if anyone would care to read?
Hey guys I was just wondering if I should carry on my Book This? It's just nobody seems to be reading it or reviewing it? And next week (Sunday today) I will hope to have the Genesis PPV up (Royal Rumble match). And I was just wondering if anyone would care to read?

FFS. :banghead:

What we think is irrelevant. You should write it because you want to.

How do you know nobody is reading it? In just over a week, your show has had 461 views. That's decent. People have fed back to you (I've done it twice) and I'm guessing others will in time, particularly after a PPV.

Only four people have fed back on my Royal Rumble, nobody has fed back on my Tweets and RAW episode that I posted yesterday. Shall I just give it up? Write it because you want to write it and if people read/feedback, consider it a bonus. Posts like the one above will make people assume you're just another guy who is going to write a couple of shows and then disappear.
Well I'm half way through Velocity now.... Here is the scedual for me.

Velocity - (2nd July)
Excess - (3rd July)
Velocity - (TBA)
Excess - (TBA)
Genesis Preshow - (TBA)
Genesis - (TBA)
You're already doing better than me@WWEJames. At least you got reviews. :)

Except that IHW and workhorse both reviewed you. You can't expect everybody to feedback. And you've not written anything for three weeks. What do you expect?

Both of you should also consider what feedback you've given others. Between Proph, myself, GrandSword, Peep, Theo and JAM, we usually cover all the newcomers with the likes of IHW and workhorse chipping in. Too many new starters in BT think they can post shows and get instant feedback. I don't limit my feedback to people who've fed back to me but let's just say it never hurts to get your name known either.

And finally, moaning and bitching that you never get reviews and feedback is a sure-fire way to not get any reviews and feedback. #guaranteed
I'm not sure if mention about getting no reviews twice count as bitching and moaning, but I get what you are saying@GCB. The problem is without reviews or feedback, I'm generally not sure what needs to be improved on in my BT. As for as the three weeks thing, I'm done with Smackdown, it will probably get posted tomorrow. I also review some shows tomorrow since I'll be using a computer then.
I'm so sick of this. If I don't get three more reviews by tomorrow I'm not going to bother writing the next episode. loljk

If people care enough to feedback, they will. I only review the threads I enjoy reading.

So basically - get over it son.
I guess I have semi-joined you guys by posting up my ELW federation. Hopefully I can offer more than just my unique fed around these parts. Credit to Jam for pushing me to make a federation.
Looks like I might not be able to post my show tommorow, I don't know. Smackdown should be posted as early as tomorrow, and as late as tomorrow.

Your fed is pretty interesting@Kermit. I'll review it after I post my show.
You're already doing better than me@WWEJames. At least you got reviews. :)
I'll review you when I get a chance

I'm looking at doing a prediction contest for my ppvs, a bit like yours GCB but I'm just not sure how to do it.
I think. You look at a match and say it is the Rumble, you offer people points. If they get the predictions right, they get points for each match. Keep a leaderboard and then at the end of your book this year, the winnings person is the guy with the most points.

Except that IHW and workhorse both reviewed you. You can't expect everybody to feedback. And you've not written anything for three weeks. What do you expect?

Both of you should also consider what feedback you've given others. Between Proph, myself, GrandSword, Peep, Theo and JAM, we usually cover all the newcomers with the likes of IHW and workhorse chipping in. Too many new starters in BT think they can post shows and get instant feedback. I don't limit my feedback to people who've fed back to me but let's just say it never hurts to get your name known either.

And finally, moaning and bitching that you never get reviews and feedback is a sure-fire way to not get any reviews and feedback. #guaranteed
Asking for reviews isn't really moaning and bitching...

More Kevin Nash is needed in this section. Everyone push him now!
Yeah. I'll push him, straight of a cliff.

Are you drunk, sir?

Kevin Nash is too slow to get into my BT - even when I take three months to write a PPV. He'd still be climbing the ring steps.
Ring steps? He wouldn't get that far in 3 months.

I guess I'll have to make him World Champion.
Good luck.

I'm not sure if mention about getting no reviews twice count as bitching and moaning, but I get what you are saying@GCB. The problem is without reviews or feedback, I'm generally not sure what needs to be improved on in my BT. As for as the three weeks thing, I'm done with Smackdown, it will probably get posted tomorrow. I also review some shows tomorrow since I'll be using a computer then.

I'm so sick of this. If I don't get three more reviews by tomorrow I'm not going to bother writing the next episode. loljk

If people care enough to feedback, they will. I only review the threads I enjoy reading.

So basically - get over it son.
Great Point!

I guess I have semi-joined you guys by posting up my ELW federation. Hopefully I can offer more than just my unique fed around these parts. Credit to Jam for pushing me to make a federation.
Congratulations frog!
GCB: I've torn ligaments in my ankle and am on crutches so I'm a little immobilised so I've finally had a chance to read your Rumble PPV start to end in one hit and have written a review. I will post now.

Also to anybody else, check out my RAW preview. Just need to get some Graphics done and it will be up !

Peace out 'ombres
Sorry for double posting but this is non post count so it don't matter does it? Anyway, I'm about to post Friday Night Excess. I'm doing something different this week. Good luck to me.
I've got this urge to do something. But, at the same time, I don't. I really want to get my BT up and running, but not having my own computer isn't helping. Plus, when I do get time to sit down and plan out some, I seem to not want to do the work. If only my ideas would be written as I think them.

Also, am I the only one who thinks there may be too much activity here recently? It seems like I can't keep up.
@IHW I find the same problem, I think of great storylines but just can't put them into words! It's pretty frustrating.
My guide for keeping up on planning.
1. Get a notepad
You get an Idea? Jot it down! Write the storyline idea in the notepad then in a bubble diagram, right some ideas down on what could happen.

2. Choosing
After you have your ideas, you should choose your favourite one and then build on that instead of just whacking all different story lines into one.

3. Write it out. See if it works
Then what you got to do is write it out and stuff. If it works, post it. If it doesn't work, choose a different storyline.

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