Book This! - General Discussion

Final show before Sacrifice is finished. It's in a recap so it isn't long compared with what I normally put out. Hopefully it hits all the points I wanted.
Hey guys, just posting a quick update on my show. I've finished the 1st hour and I am working on the 2nd as I'm typing this. I should have the finished show up by tonight or at the very latest tomorrow morning! I would really like if y'all could give some reviews so I can improve.
I'll try and get around to some reviews this week but new guys, read around and post your thoughts on the existing stuff to get in everyone's good books.

As for Smackdown: I have two matches and two big promos to go, and I'll post Superstars once I get the graphics from Theoski.
Hey guys, popping back to this place for a one off thing.

Got a TNA/WWE mashup hitting in the next week or so, love you guys to read it when it does surface!
Got some awesome feedback, thanks a lot to everyone. I'll definitely be going around and trying to post some more reviews tonight, I've been reading up on some of the longer posts to try and get up to speed.
I apologize to those I promised reviews to this past week. A bit under the weather and what not that I haven't been able to put my full attention towards reviewing shows. My goal is Sunday and/or Monday to do so barring any restrictions.

Just to let you know big fella, I'm waiting for you to complete Royal Rumble so that I can write an article on the RTWM of your show in WWE: The Icon View.

Man, I wish I could give you some good news but, alas, I can't. It's not progressing fast, it's not looking likely anytime soon. That's why I refused to put a time limit on it. Too busy with work.

However, despite my absence of late, I have to say it is fantastic to see all the newcomers. When my time allows me to, I shall look and review your work.

Hey all,

First off, great to see so many shows being pumped out ATM.

I've been working on my show a little but I've had a bit of a lull, including some time off for other reasons, and I've decided to discontinue my show and start again.

I'm looking at a project similar to 'Straight Awesome', in where I use the current WWE but this time I will make some significant changes.

I'll be sure to keep you posted.

Hey guys, due to my stupid little cousin, my first show will have to be postponed. I was working on it and was just about to copy and paste it to the website when I had to go to the bathroom. When I came back, my 5-year old cousin,Jaylon,had his finger on the off button of my computer tower and erased ALL of my progress!!! So, it will take me another couple days to get it done now that I have to start all over! Anyways, how is everybody else's shows going?
just finished up my 3rd show gotta proof read it then do a double check to make sure i covered everything it needs to cover then it will be up probably sometime today or tomorrow but no guarentees.
Well, I had promised some reviews but due to a mild stomach virus I went to the hospital. So, I'll try to finish my SD! show and get my promised reviews.
Don't you save your writing anywhere? Do you write a show all in one go?

Yeah, thats one mistake I'll never make again, I was rushing the show and I wanted it to be done since I'd been working on it since the start of the summer.
But,now that I can take it slow I'm sure it will be alot better. Hows your show going by the way? I just got finished reading OTL and it was great!
Thanks for the review Proph, just some points from my end.

1. Putting the belt on Rey gives him plenty of options, especially as I have a roster of a lot of young, unestablished or faltering superstars. Having the match end in a roll up would of been lame, a lot of bookers are 'scared' of having people lose after a finisher but it shouldn't mean that much. That would mean more DQ's, count-outs, unclean finishes etc. He got a Cross Rhodes and a Frog Splash, he'll be good.

2. 'Swagger stepping out of the cover immediately' means he got right to his feet from the roll-up, without falling down to the mat or anything due to his size advantage. Swagger is a guy I won't to build up and far enough if you don't like him, if you think back to his stuff pre 2011, that is what I'm aiming for, he has personality and is incredible in the ring, he just needs to be able to show that.

3. Glad you liked the E/C stuff!

4. Yeah Gabriel and Slater are boring in real life as tag champs, because once again they haven't been given anything at all. I thought it was about time they split up, they don't have a gimmick or a character at all, they're not that great (ring wise they're good) as a team and I wanted something fresh. I also want to see how far I can take both of them. Yeah, having a big name team with a young star allows me to build a new division around them - have a few surprises for the division.

5. Despite what you said I felt that ADR/RKO had a decent build, they actually had something to work with besides 'I want the title more than you'. Anyway, the feud has just begun, it leaves room for more to happen and they have nice in ring chemistry. We didn't realise how many people would of wanted the WWE title to go on last, yes it had a great little twist but we both thought it would of left the show on a bad note if there was a no contest. Looking back, it should have been but oh well.

Again, thanks for the comments! Hope we can out do it with Cap Punishment - it does only have a three week build but it should be enough for the feuds Theo and I have planned. It's amazing how far my plans have changed from when I first thought of these storylines, and I'm sure they won't stay the same for future events.

Punk: If you had been working on it since last summer, wouldn't you have had it all saved in a Word doc or something? How can anyway write a whole show in one sitting?
Writing out the Sacrifice preview at the moment. I've made some basic match cards for the event and I'll be doing it in full. Changed my mind from the other day and I'm aiming for this to be my best PPV ever. Going all out to make this thing great.

Kevin Nash for World Champion = Ratings!
Punk: If you had been working on it since last summer, wouldn't you have had it all saved in a Word doc or something? How can anyway write a whole show in one sitting?

Nah man, since the start of this summer! And like I said, I'll take it slower so It will be better. Also,this is my first shot at Book This so I'm kinda playing with different fonts and formats.
Hey guys I will hopefully be putting some reviews out over the coming days due to there being no school :) I would really appreciate any feedback on my bt to help me improve. Thanks
Hey guys I will hopefully be putting some reviews out over the coming days due to there being no school :) I would really appreciate any feedback on my bt to help me improve. Thanks

You're next on my list, read your show earlier. :)

Peep/Theo, OTL feedback is up. Straght Awesome, feedback for RAW and SMACKDOWN is up. JAM, coming for your new show soon too - even if it is TNA. Proph (Horror), might need a while longer as your show will be a bit of a read for me first.

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