Book This! - General Discussion

I think everyone wants reviews... Asking the question is like Scarlet Johansen walking into a guy's locker room and asking who wants a blowjob...
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Whats up guys just giving a quick update on my show. If you saw my eariler post you know that because of frustarating circumstances I have to completely redo my show. But, I've made good progress and I'm happy to say that this show is 100% better than my last. It should be up within the week and I'd appreciate some reviews!:)
Feedback > Reviews!

@ JAM - Everything fine, mate. Just been so busy. One day, I'll get round to posting a Royal Rumble. One day.
also, @Straight Awesome, my new show is similar to your concept where the WWE has a complete overhaul of the product, expect my backstory is vastly different.

If you don't mind I'll send you a PM and see what you think and if it's too similar to your show I'll change it up.

Yo, feel free if you want, I have a lot in mind for mine that I haven't revealed yet but I don't mind if there are similarities. A different backstory alone sets it apart.

Maybe I'm just blind because I didn't catch it in the rules, but there isn't anything against linking to Youtube videos, is there? I was thinking of embedding links to the themes of shows/wrestlers/PPVs (especially PPVs tbh).
Yo, feel free if you want, I have a lot in mind for mine that I haven't revealed yet but I don't mind if there are similarities. A different backstory alone sets it apart.

Maybe I'm just blind because I didn't catch it in the rules, but there isn't anything against linking to Youtube videos, is there? I was thinking of embedding links to the themes of shows/wrestlers/PPVs (especially PPVs tbh).

You can definitely use YouTube videos in your thread but it's really not recommended as it just takes up space in your show. Plus, it's not people play it while reading your show. Just my two cents.
I've posted a preview for Smackdown, and the show should be up by the end of the week!

I read your RAW earlier on my phone - hence not had chance to feedback yet, am not prepared to type on an iPhone - and I thought it was excellent. Best first show I've seen for ages. Complete twist at the end, loved it. Will feedback properly soon but can't wait to see SMACKDOWN next! Also need to read ECW too. :)
Hooray. I'm finished with Raw. It's about 10,000 words and expect 2 spectacular PPV worthy matches in the show. Now it's time for the hardest part. Posting the show on here, since I don't have computer internet.
Hooray. I'm finished with Raw. It's about 10,000 words and expect 2 spectacular PPV worthy matches in the show. Now it's time for the hardest part. Posting the show on here, since I don't have computer internet.

Nice man, looking forward to reading. 10,000 words!? WOW my Raw is only about 2,500 haha.
Just a little tip newbies: get an avatar and maybe something to go in your signature, just to all of you apart :p

A lot of new threads coming, hope they continue and especially looking forward to WeirdGuy's!
Thanks guys, its really good having all of this support :) Once I've got Smackdown up and ready, I'll be sure to look around the section and give feedback to others. Arcade looking forward to reading Raw!
A question or discussion point... Booking our BTs without a GM/Commissioner/Chairman of the Board/Owner/Founder/President etc etc etc.

I wonder how hard it would be? I remember the WWF in 1996- the Attitude era, we sort of had Gorilla Monsoon or Jack Tunney in the background or being mentioned, but was a very, very rare occurance them being on tv. Now this was over 15 years ago so my memory is bad, so I could be wrong, but until D-X, Bret Hart and then Austin started letting everyone know on tv what everyone already knew (Vince was the boss) thre really wasn't an on-screen authority figure.

I would liek to maybe watch these episodes (does anyone know where they are available) just to get an idea of how a show exists without someone in charge, since it is ingrained in today's wrestling products. Even the heavy wrestling promotion ROH has one.

Does anyone have any ideas? Or brainstorm on how to do this? I think it wiould be quite interesting and different, and challenging (but worth it) at the same time to pull off as a BT writer...

A question or discussion point... Booking our BTs without a GM/Commissioner/Chairman of the Board/Owner/Founder/President etc etc etc.

I wonder how hard it would be? I remember the WWF in 1996- the Attitude era, we sort of had Gorilla Monsoon or Jack Tunney in the background or being mentioned, but was a very, very rare occurance them being on tv. Now this was over 15 years ago so my memory is bad, so I could be wrong, but until D-X, Bret Hart and then Austin started letting everyone know on tv what everyone already knew (Vince was the boss) thre really wasn't an on-screen authority figure.

I would liek to maybe watch these episodes (does anyone know where they are available) just to get an idea of how a show exists without someone in charge, since it is ingrained in today's wrestling products. Even the heavy wrestling promotion ROH has one.

Does anyone have any ideas? Or brainstorm on how to do this? I think it wiould be quite interesting and different, and challenging (but worth it) at the same time to pull off as a BT writer...


I think it would be great for someone with more BT experience than myself to try. Maybe you could try and write one like this.
@GS - My WWF 1993 BT suffered a little from this, I couldn't decide how to make decisions without a GM. I wondered about having Vince McMahon relaying these decisions or having a mix of Jack Tunney making decisions and Vince and Mean Gene announcing these. I still would like to do the 93 BT but that plus the problems with how RAW worked with the other shows (Mania, Superstars, Wrestling Challenge, All American Wrestling, Primetime) makes it a bugger to plan.

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