Book This! - General Discussion

insperation stuck tonight and i just finished up the rest of my second show so it should be up tomorrow afternoon dont feel like posting it tonight so theres something for yall to look forward to.
Good to see the traffic going on here in the section. Really liking all the new projects that are coming about. As for me, my show is nearly done. Just a quick proof-read and some graphics, then it'll be posted.

BTW Peep and Theo, who won your predictions?

I read your show and it's great. I'll review it whenever I can. Others, it's good to see you all pumping out shows and getting things heated up in here. My show is stuck due to tremendous work in school and I'll start writing ASAP.
I've started writing Victory Road, and as its the last ppv before Bound For Glory I'm trying to ensure all the big set ups happen. I'll try and pump it out in the next week or two.

Jammy I'll get you a review soon my man
For all those soccer fans, the latest article on the sport has been posted in WWE: The Icon View. Check it out and leave your views and reviews. It will be much appreciated.
Just wanted to take a moment to introduce myself to all of you in this section. I will be posting a thread here soon I hope. I booked off and on for five-six years over at Wrestling Edge so I have some experience, but the community there is declining. A member advised me to move here, so that's what I'm doing if there is a more organized, well-constructed community here. I hope this community can take off, and we can get some really great shows, bookers, and a quality community etc etc. Really glad to be here, and I look forward to checking out some work that's been posted and starting a thread of my own.
Found myself a new format which should make most people happy. Recapped episode of Impact should be finished in the next couple of days with some news/rumours coming with it.
Hey guys, just wanted to introduce myself to all the fellow bookers right now. I am done with school for now so I can begin on my thread " WWE Post WrestleMania 28".
I look forward to begin here and reading all of y'alls threads!
Good to see the section getting pretty busy, thank you all. In other news, how's everyone doing with their shows?
Good to see the section getting pretty busy, thank you all. In other news, how's everyone doing with their shows?

I've written three matches so far of Victory Road and have started on the Road to Glory gauntlet match that will determine one of the men who will wrestle in a #1 contenders match for the World title main event match of Bound For Glory...
Good to see the section getting pretty busy, thank you all. In other news, how's everyone doing with their shows?

Got a little break from exams, so I've managed to write some of Smackdown, looking to do some more when I get home from school. I'm excited about this show, and Jam there is a fair bit of wrestling in it
Going to do some proofreading and editing on my first NXT show and get that up and running tonight hopefully.

Awesome man, can't wait. I will be less busy soon so I hope to have Smackdown up in less than two weeks as I have just two matches and a handful of segments to finish.
Theo i will read and review nxt for ya tomorrow man im just too tired tonight sorry JAM says its good to see this section busy as its probably the coolest section of the forums.
Just finished the main event for Victory Road.. and in the words of Austin Powers.. and I'm spent! Going to give it a proff reading and then await on Jam's amazing graphic help and then I'll post it for you guys. The Road to Bound For Glory begins at Victory Road!

Just posting in here to give a brief introduction. I used to book about a year ago on another forum, but the activity has gone down, and I was recommended to this site by another member. I'm looking forward to reading other threads in this section, and should be posting a thread of my own soon.
Joined the site specifically for the booking. I've already got the start of shows/story written up and should hopefully be posting a thread before terribly long. In the meanwhile I'll get to reading.
Welcome all the newbies! This is great news that so many people are joining up and going to have fun writing their own Federations.

TNA- Wrestling Matters Victory Road is now available. Would love to get a few reviews on this one as I think it's one of my best ppvs yet and it starst to set the stage for Bound For Glory.

Thanks everyone, appreciate all the readers and comments and reviews.


and for all the newbies (hell to everybody) i guarentee ill check out your show and review it if you do the same for me sense my shows only had 2 episodes its pretty easy to know whats going on with it.

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