Book This! - General Discussion

I wish kingdirrtysouth1 was still around :(

Yeah, it's nice to see some needed activity in this section. Hopefully we can continue this because a nice amount like that is good for a section like this that, for the most part, doesn't even get looked at unless you promote it every chance you can (like Doc).

:lmao: What can I say; I crave attention.
I used to have one, and to my ICW Book This! that I did, I don't know if it helped but it got over 1000 views. But most of the Book This! have them these days but it was harder back then.With only 1 person doing a Book This! at the time people didn't come over here as much so it got less views unlike today where you have multiple ones, going so more people view.So maybe no 100% sure if they would post over here but they would click it.
I'm thinking of hiring someone to do the booking/outlines of the SCW shows, with me writing the shows and stories. I find booking to be a lot harder than the actual writing of storylines.
I'm thinking of hiring someone to do the booking/outlines of the SCW shows, with me writing the shows and stories. I find booking to be a lot harder than the actual writing of storylines.

I could help if you like, I really wanna do a book this... I just don't have time to do an ENTIRE show... by myself. So I could help you.
Well that's position of booker filled - possibly. I'll have to see your first outline before letting you on full time.

Though I'm sure you'll do quite well :)
I could help if you like, I really wanna do a book this... I just don't have time to do an ENTIRE show... by myself. So I could help you.

The offer for you is still there to write a match for Excellence. Whenever you want shoot me a PM and let me know who you want to write a match for and I should be able to sneak it into my show.

Speaking of Excellence, check it out. Any feedback will be rewarded with feedback of your respective show and rep.

And I'm bringing back a Theo classic. Something I did during one of the other join BT. I'll be writing a match (much like Superstars, Heat, etc...) and I'll post it in my thread here in the lounge. It will feature myself at commentary alongside either a superstar from my roster or maybe even a poster if I feel the urge to write for a fellow site member, so stay tuned for that as well.
This place feels like old times... but much more organised now. Before with the joint BT's, people just posted their show whenever they wanted. I remember Baller writing mediocre shows in a day and kept bitching because others didn't post their's up so quickly. I think we should make a Baller jar.

That reminds me, I've got to do a couple of things to my brand.
It's like a BT, but instead of writing matches, you create a character and create promo's/vignette's/interviews with him. The better quality they are, the more chances of you winning your match. There's an entire creative/booking team that writes matches and storylines.

It's pretty good, I've been there for a year and I don't see me leaving yet.
Doc, isn't the point of a 'Book This', um, y'know, booking things? I understand you're a good writer, but I'm a little confused that you'd have 'Book This' but not actually Book anything.

And, if this activity continues for a few more months would anyone consider holding an awards of sorts? I'm not sure if this section ever had any but it would be something for people to strive for.
It's a joint effort now. And Crock's booking plans are far from perfect, so I'm also an editor. The McMahon to his Russo, so to speak. He sends me ideas for shows that fit into the stories I send him, I plan out the details of the matches and how they should go in order to work, and it all fits together from there.
Howdy guys. I'm new to the forums, only been here about a week and a half, but I'm thinking of starting a BT, sorta in the vein of #1 Peeps, WWE My Way, with the promotion starting at Summerslam. I have at least one idea for a storyline that would stretch until Survivor Series.

My only problems are that while I keep up with the WWE and know what's happening on the shows for the most part, I don't see Smackdown or NXT every week, so writing dialogue is hard because I don't really know how most of the wrestlers talk. Also, writing matches would be quite difficult for me.
If you watch wrestling frequently, then you should understand the basic psychology of a match. Most bookers know the different ways to create and finish a match. That's really all there is to writing matches. All you have to do is do a little research on people's movesets (which can be found via their Wikipedia pages).

You want the heel to win yet don't want the face to look bad, make the heel cheat. If you want a clean match, describe some chain wrestling. It's pretty simple stuff when you get down to it.
Ah, no, see, I understand the psychology of the match, and on the ideas I've been messing around with the past day or so, I've even been messing around with the finish of the match. It's writing out the whole match that I would dislike. I really only care about the main idea, i.e. SES is working the hand on Big Show, since it's been damaged in previous weeks, and the finish.
Then do that. It's not a written rule that you have to write out the entire match. Just do enough to get your point across.

And welcome to the section.
Thanks for the welcome. Still trying to work on a couple of ideas. I'd like to not go with the unoriginal idea that Kane took out the Undertaker, but the WWE seems to have booked themselves in a corner, and since I'd like to start at Summerslam, I'm in there with them.

Also haven't really looked at the Raw side of things, but I don't really like ignoring one whole part of the WWE so if I do actually make a BT thread, it might not be immediately.
To Demon: You could just do Smackdown if you really wanted to. But why choose to go from after Summerslam if you don't like the storyline with Kane/Taker. Choose somewhere where you can start fresh stories or tweak the ones already happening. I choose after Over the Limit due to Batista just leaving and the Nexus story not starting yet.
Summerslam seemed like a good spot. I want to at least book through Survivor Series, and I can't really go from NoC since we don't know any matches for that yet. On the other hand, I don't really want to book up to Summerslam, so starting from Summerslam seems to be the best idea for me.

And I have an idea for the Kane/Undertaker storyline, but there are a couple details I haven't quite worked out. If you'd like I can pm you a couple of my ideas and see what you think.

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