Book This! - General Discussion


anyways, The IHW is looking for a new 3rd person to operate a show!

PM me for details if your interested.

anyways, The IHW is looking for a new 3rd person to operate a show!

PM me for details if your interested.

Excellent PPV, I quite enjoyed it. If I had the time in my schedule to add another show I would take you up on your offer, but I don't wanna overwork myself. Best of luck on the replacement IHW.
Wow, seeing the Royal Rumble and knowing that I will be writing one soon is getting me excited.

To be honest I feel a little underwhelmed.

I liked Kharma, Road Dogg and the performances of Miz/Cody/Dolph/Jericho/Sheamus.

It just didn't feel like it lived up to expectations
Wow, seeing the Royal Rumble and knowing that I will be writing one soon is getting me excited.

To be honest I feel a little underwhelmed.

I liked Kharma, Road Dogg and the performances of Miz/Cody/Dolph/Jericho/Sheamus.

It just didn't feel like it lived up to expectations

Same, mayeb we can make a thread where we all put in how we would have bookd the Rumble and it's entrants. I know having all three announcers and the middle being mainly jobbers was a real let down. Soem fo the comedy spots were well done however!
Downlo- ah... getting it legally right now, annoyed that I read the winner of the Rumble but that's what I get for reading any part of a wrestling forum.
Well done theIHWrestling! Did you have to tell everybody the result? FFS, not everybody was watching live. No need for it. :(
Well done theIHWrestling! Did you have to tell everybody the result? FFS, not everybody was watching live. No need for it. :(

Opps, my bad. Somebody call his mamma.

No but seriously, it's a forum. Its not spoilers if it already happened.


Oh, and thanks anyway Theo.
And? Of course it is a spoiler. You posted it within minutes of the end of the event. For people in the UK, the event ended at 4am, it's not inconceivable that we wouldn't see it till after our work days ended. So yeah, it's a spoiler because you posted the result. IN CAPITAL CHUFFIN LETTERS. Whilst this is a wrestling forum, I thought it'd be safe to look on the BT forum.
And? Of course it is a spoiler. You posted it within minutes of the end of the event. For people in the UK, the event ended at 4am, it's not inconceivable that we wouldn't see it till after our work days ended. So yeah, it's a spoiler because you posted the result. IN CAPITAL CHUFFIN LETTERS. Whilst this is a wrestling forum, I thought it'd be safe to look on the BT forum.

What were you doing on a wrestling forum at 4a.m.?
You thought wrong.
Well, this is a Book This forum mate, there was no point in posting actual wrestling. The only time you come in here is to post was to do that, really annoying.
I didn't read it at 4am, I was asleep. That's when you inconsiderately posted it. I didn't expect to come on BT and see the result today - spoiled the suspense completely. If I'd gone onto the main section and seen it, I'd be stupid, but it shouldn't have been posted here - neither me or Peep expected it to be here. Great start to BT mate, well done.
Not to be on anyone's side in this argument, but I don't think you guys should be so hard on IHW. It was GCB that brought the discussion of the Rumble into this thread. Being new here, IHW must have seen that members of BT spoke about things like the Rumble etc.

If anything you guys are indirectly to blame for this one. Cut the guy some slack.

Very quiet this weekend. How are we all doing? WWF 1993 hit a little problem - I got writing SMACKDOWN for my original WWE BT! Have gone back to full promos but summarised matches. Really enjoying my writing of Kofi right now, he is going to be a big player in the future of my BT - Royal Rumble winner?

Speaking of the Rumble, are we all looking forward to tonight? Any predictions. I am going to be boring and say it will be Jericho or Sheamus that wins tonight, Punk to defeat Ziggler now that Mr. Boring's job is on the line, Bryan to sneak the win in the Triple Threat and Kane to defeat Cena. Oh, and Brodus Clay to steal the show. ;)

In other news, I'm half way through the next episode of WCWF and have planned out my next episode of TNA-Wrestling Matters. I watched some old tapes of attitude era and some 2006 stuff of TNA the other day and it's got me motivated! :)
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Not to be on anyone's side in this argument, but I don't think you guys should be so hard on IHW. It was GCB that brought the discussion of the Rumble into this thread. Being new here, IHW must have seen that members of BT spoke about things like the Rumble etc.

If anything you guys are indirectly to blame for this one. Cut the guy some slack.

In other news, I'm half way through the next episode of WCWF and have planned out my next episode of TNA-Wrestling Matters. I watched some old tapes of attitude era and some 2006 stuff of TNA the other day and it's got me motivated! :)

Yeah, all right mate. I asked for it. Bugger me, asking people for what they thought might happen caused some idiot to post bleeding spoilers all over the place. IN CAPITAL LETTERS.
Look all of you stop fighting over some little spoiler OK. I know he did wrong and should have put that under spoiler tags. But, fighting over is just pointless and inmature.

After seeing this I wish we had a mod in here.
Lets just try and drop the whole thing. He apologized for the whole matter. Sure he should have known better, but he was new to the parts and the Rumble was being discussed. One thing I like about the book this section is we are usually pretty tight knit and stay away from pointless drama, yet this seems to be causing tension here and that is no good. Lets just drop it and get over it.

Now everyone knows that if something big happens at a PPV put it in spoiler tags and we won't run into this again.
Ok, shall be dropped. I guess from now on, anything from PPVs should be in spoilers until a few days after the show has been aired so everyone can see it. But next time, I'll just avoid this section all together until after I have watched it.

I enjoyed the Rumble show but it was a bit of a let down. The WHC match was allright but it just seemed as though Henry/Show took turns in throwing Bryan into the cage and then the finish (which was really cool) happened. No real structure or anything. Divas match - pointless. Drew Mac vs. the Funkasaurus was pointless. Entering Clay into the Rumble match would have been so much better, he could have danced around as two big stars were down and out ala the 2004 Rumble with Ernest Miller. The Rumble was good in parts but there where way too many suprise/legend entries, became a bit of a joke. Foley, Kharma and one more would have sufficed. I love Sheamus but I think it was just taken away from Jericho for the sake of it not being super obvious, great pay-per-view anyway. Looking forward to EC and of course 'Mania.

I have been on a bit of a roll with my writing, will continue tomoz. I will try to get a review or two up tonight.
So after all those red reps, spoilers and rants, it's time for some shows.

FINALLY... the first-ever episode of the Saturday Night Verdict with Michael Cole is posted. Check it out and leave a review, please. Let me know what you think about the first show.

I've started writing Judgment Day and it will be up soon. Also, the predictions contest will be starting from tomorrow. So look forward to it.

And BTW, GLOBAL ICON has left the site.
I know I had a bad start, from one spoiler, but I am going to bounce back from that and begins some good shows. I'm glad to be a part of the BT! Section and have a few questions.

How do the reviews work?
Do you just read a show and then post your thoughts?

Do you have to type out entire matches, from start to end?

I there a limit on the length of shows?

What are some of the rules/guidelines that the BT! Members follow (basic things that the group made/thought of)?
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How do the reviews work?
Do you just read a show and then post your thoughts?

Do you have to type out entire matches, from start to end?

I there a limit on the length of shows?

What are some of the rules/guidelines that the BT! Members follow (basic things that the group made/thought of)?

1. You just post out a non spam post regarding your thoughts and opinions on that person's show. You can provide pointers on what you'd like to see them improve on, what you think is the best part of the show, etc.

2. That one is up in the air. The only real requirement is that the match is a decent match. You can provide an overview of the match (much like Peep, GrandSword and JAM do) or go full out like myself, Proph, or GCB. Though most of us usually write PPV matches in full as they deserve that.

3. Length of shows can vary. You can have a show that last an hour or a three hour show. Though I probably wouldn't do a show over two hours. People use different things to determine "length" of a show. The usual guideline is 150 words is right around a minute or so.

4. Spoiler tags after PPV ;). What we really look for is just good product and not to keep us on a string. What I mean by that is if you say you are going to post a show, post the show. Don't keep saying you will and nothing comes from it. Even if it is one episode and you lose interest, you at least put it out there. Another thing is to stick with what you are doing. I believe it was JAM who got some flack for this because he kept switching book this ideas and dropping his. We tried to be a strong knit group that helps all new members get better and be the best critics we can be. Don't take offense if someone doesn't like your show. Take what they said and try to make it better.

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