Book This! - General Discussion

I just killed off all my OTL stuff, so I'm well ahead of the game right now. I'll let Peep's show gather some steam and get some looks and reviews before posting mine. I'll probably throw up the final Raw before OTL up at the end of the week or early next week. I'm hopeful to start the Raw following OTL Wed night into Thurs morning as I'm doing a night shift and will have plenty of free time. I'm gonna hopefully gel with the new writing style I plan that isn't as in depth as my current one, but still covers a good chunk of the match. Reviews for any new shows will likely be up Wed/Thurs as well. Busy busy.
Holy shit Theo, amazing job with the advanced writing. Very excited to see the PPV up when you arrive to it. As for me I've got motivation to writing tonight and will try and get some of the bigger segments written.
Theo - you legend. I am excited to write the PPV but at the same time I don't want to rush the go-home show of Smackdown as it will be vital in building up a couple of the matches, mainly Del Rio/Orton - a bit of a dream feud of mine that is finally starting to take some shape that I'm happy with.
GCB; thanks for the short feedback, I will respond to it here as I don't want to post a short bit in my thread. I am trying to give Del Rio/Orton more of the spotlight now as I felt this was my biggest flaw going into ER, the main event feud should be getting more spots than anyone, not the same amount of time. I thought it was obvious but I meant for Del Rio to want a match to show how dominant he was, wanted to win some respect right there he wanted to be on the same level as Orton cause he had a match etc. Well, 'she' is someone close to Orton. I never planned a Harts/Edge stable/alliance but I think I will join them up a bit more, not on a permanent basis. I'm also excited to write the Sheamus/Taker stuff. Oh, the IC Tourny results have been planned for a while now, so anybody could go through.
I have finished Slammiversary BUT I have just written two endings for Slammiversary as I'm not sure in which direction to go. One has basically a clear winner and another has a crazy storyline fuelled ending which some people may think over booked, but it includes a big name return/debut (don't want to give away too many spoilers).

What do you guys think would be the way to go?
TNA-Wrestling Matters hits 5000 views! Woot! Is there anyone else who prefers a big crazy storyline ending over a clean finish?
GrandSword, I think you should do whatever you think is most entertaining. After all, it is your BT - do whatever you think is the best option.
[QUOTE="Hollywood" Prophet;3659709]But crazy storylines are awesome. I say you bring in Konnan.[/QUOTE]

Feedback delivered Prophman. Enjoyed RAW again, really starting to enjoy your thread now.
Right, have sent a few lots of feedback out to Proph, Peep and Theo. Some excellent shows there guys, some of the best there is. Am waiting on a show from JAM and a first show from XThe_True_CampeonX to deliver some feedback there to respond to their feedback on GCB's WWE.
I'll be doing most of my matches for my shows in summary from now on with one or two exceptions. I plan on doing a full match each show, probably the main event or something with the IC division. I find it easier for me to write that way and get the shows up and going.

I'll be sure to review your Smackdown GCB when you put it up.
I tend to like doing full matches better than rather doing a summary. It seems much more fun for me plus more words lol.
My Slammiversary show is complete and will be posted now. A huge thanks to Theo for the amazing graphics he selflssly put together for me! Even if you don't follow my show, check out Theo's banners they kick all sorts of ass!
In 1993, what was the TV set up for WWF? I know about one hour RAW's (cheers Proph, I already knew though) but there were all kinds of other shows as well. WWF Superstars, WWF Challenge (???) ... Can anybody remember?

EDIT: Scrap that, found a Wikipedia site!
After 2 1/2 Months of writing and everything in between, WrestleMania 27 is finally up!!

I hope you all can get a chance to read it, but here's a WARNING: It's very, VERY long due to it being WrestleMania and all. So, don't say I didn't warn you. :)

And to the people I still didn't get reviews to, I promise to get to it by tomorrow.
Just read it Mr. HD ---> great show! Will feed back to you soon but what an amazing show. Some YouTube videos not working though. GCB
I'll review the show HD so I can point out a few issues I have with it. I haven't checked the show out in depth yet, just skimmed over for the results, but I will have a good read of it in the coming days.
IHW is the newest federation in Book This.

This federation will consist of 3 shows.

Check out the IHW NEWS AND UPDATES Thread in BTLounge for the Drafting of the superstars.
Been watching the 93/94 PPV's from the old WWF to get ideas for my new little pet project - I'd forgotten how good Jim Cornette was on promo. As a kid, I hated him when he spoke about Yokozuna and how he was going to crush Luger, Bret and Undertaker but now I'm older and wiser about WWF/WWE, boy, I can appreciate how good he was on the mic.

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