Book This! - General Discussion

I'm still yet to get on a decent enough computer to make graphics but I think I can still produce some shows, expect a preview of Episode 5 of PWC.
How are things going, folks? Anybody close to posting a show?

Happy New Year to you all in advance (although I guess it is 2012 already for Proph!)
Raw is going slowly which is mainly due to Assassin's Creed but things are moving along. I had hoped to have all the shows before Backlash up at the end of this month but I can't see that happening at the moment. I'll aim for Backlash to be up before the end of February. Anyway hope everyone is enjoying the new year and can't wait to read some more shows.
I have two matches and three mini promos to go before Smackdown is finished, hope everyone had a great new year.

Proph: AC Revelations? I love the series but I might wait till the price drops a bit as I already have a couple of games to play for the moment. Is it as good as the other AC games?
I've only played the first couple of mission of it but it does look to be a really enjoyable game. With all the AC games you need to really get into the story to enjoy it so I'm not skipping any of the cut scenes. Being only a couple missions in and can't judge to much on the game but from the things I've done it looks good.

Also I'm getting some writing done at the moment, just knocked off a small interview segment and now I'm doing a large confrontation between Crash Holly and Triple H.
Yeah, it's a quality series - I prefer games with a great story like RDR, GTA and the AC series. Intense segment between Christian/Edge now complete.
Yeah, but I guess it had to happen for storyline purposes - he was a part of the Old West so he had to be destroyed as well.
Recap is faster but I find full, albeit a little more time consuming, a lot better as you can put more detail into the show. Looking back on my recapped shows they just didn't come out how I thought they did in my head.
I find that with recap it takes me longer to write a promo and it isn't that good. Writing in full allows you to get your point across and no matter how long it takes writing in full makes the show better. The preview for Raw is up as you can tell the name of the episode isn't to amazing but I think you get the main point of the show.
If I had time, I'd go with full promos every single time. However, sometimes you haven't got that time needed. Hence why I'm using recap form at the moment. After the Rumble, I'll be back to full promos though for the Road to WrestleMania!
You didn't post anything for a long time. I thought you were on a vacation. Anyways, how did the 23rd birthday go? And how are the match-cards going?

Birthday was excellent, had a great time. Match cards will be done in the next 24 hours barring something happening that sets me back.
Happy Birthday Theo for the other day mate.

The next episode of TNA - Wrestling Matters has been posted for those who have been keeping up with it. In the lead up to the second biggest ppv of the TNA calendar, Slammiversary, it's one of my most promo heavy shows I've done, and I've tried to really keep away from these sorts of shows, but it just seemed that it couldn't be helped to get all the pices of the puzzle together to ensure there was some big name matches on the ppv. But it gives a few big reveals and names some big matches such as ...

King of the Mountain match
World Champion Samoa Joe defends against, The Pope, Shawn Hernandez, Bobby Lashley and Rob Van Dam

In an unsactioned match due to Kurt Angle not being cleared to wrestle it will be the Olympic Gold Medalist taking on Petey Williams, the man that almost crippled him with the Canadian Destroyer

The World Tag Champs the Motor City Machine Guns will take on AJ Styles and Chroitopher Daniels to end their months long feud inside the six sides of steel for the belts

The battle of Beer Money has arrived, as Roode and Storm will finally go to war

The TNA Founder will once again lace up the boots as he will take on the Blueprint in a month long feud of words that will now end in a good old fashioned grudge match, as Jeff Jarrett takes on Matt Morgan.

That and the X Division and KO titles will also be on the line as well as many more matches revealed in the latest episode. So have a read and leave a comment or two if you have the time.

So I've been on a nice little cruise control of late. I'm nearly down with my Over the Limit matches and I finished up my first episode of NXT. I have my next episode of Raw all finished and proof read as well. Once I hammer out my OTL things I may take a break unless I get the itch to start on the next Raw. Like I said a while back in here I'll likely be moving away from the full detail matches. I will shorten them up a bit (think my tournament matches from my recent Raw). PPV will definitely be in full detail and likely NXT as I'll need to get you guys accustom to the rookies being used and it is a shorter show in general. Enough of my blabbering, how's life for the rest of the crew?
So I've been on a nice little cruise control of late. I'm nearly down with my Over the Limit matches and I finished up my first episode of NXT. I have my next episode of Raw all finished and proof read as well. Once I hammer out my OTL things I may take a break unless I get the itch to start on the next Raw. Like I said a while back in here I'll likely be moving away from the full detail matches. I will shorten them up a bit (think my tournament matches from my recent Raw). PPV will definitely be in full detail and likely NXT as I'll need to get you guys accustom to the rookies being used and it is a shorter show in general. Enough of my blabbering, how's life for the rest of the crew?

I think getting the PPV started is always a good thing to do before you finish the last of the shows. What most bookers do is they finish writing all the television shows leading up to the event and then start the PPV. Now the problem with this is that a PPV takes a long time and a lot of hard work to write. After weeks of waiting the readers lose knowledge in the angles that are presented in the PPV. I had this problem when reading the CM Punk vs. Randy Orton match on your PPV. I had no idea why they were fighting because it had been weeks since I had checked the thread. So I think it is great that you have the OTL stuff nearly finished.
Hmm. Well that's something I don't do. I like the idea and I'll certainly try to use it. But the thing is, it shouldn't confuse me to what I am doing. You know I get a little carried away. I've already starting thinking over my Royal Rumble (yes, that far) and that's the reason my SmackDown! is getting delayed.
Slow down Theo! Haha.

I have nearly completed my next episode of Smackdown, then I have one more to do than Over the Limit.
I'm writing a Raw at the moment before I go to sleep, I'm trying to do 2 segments day so I can get to the final week of shows before the end of the month. I think I can do it.

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