Book This! - General Discussion

No-one's gonna be here to read it.
If you post it now you might be lucky, otherwise no-one's gonna be reading it the next coupla days.
You should never be "in" a Computer. That's gotta be harmful for the genitalia.

Anyways, if you post it on Christmas Day, I won't be here to read it & I highly doubt anyone else will. Whether they come back & wish to read it is another story.
Wellll, that's Christmas for you.
I've been settling off of here more than usual because of it, but today's my lazy day and lazy week really, so I'm hoping Carnage Episode 4 may be up over the weekend and follow that with a Rush.

Then we've got a Royal Rumble to come!

Bit disappointed actually though, because TTC said he'd post his on Christmas Day & well... he hasn't. Makes you wonder if he's stringing us along. I'll read it if it's posted today.
Hopefully everyone had an amazing holiday (or still is having an amazing holiday). I know I did. Can't wait to get back to work on the show. Started bits and pieces of commentary stuff and promos for the OTL PPV. Only one night shift this week though, so I'll be working at a slower rate.
Also hope everyone had a great Chrissy, haven't had much time to work on Smackdown (really want to pump this, then the final Smackdown before OtL out as quick as I can) but I am about half done on it.
Writing the first segment for Raw and I'm split on it at the moment. I'm finding what I had in my head not coming out as good when I type it out. Writing in third person is very difficult for me.
Does anybody think we should have a thread where we can discuss what is happening in the wrestling world on here? Like a 'Book This! General Wrestling Discussion Thread' or something similarily named.
No, this section is made for the booker aspect so if you want to discuss wrestling than use the other sections.

Theo's feedback is up next.
What Proph said is right. This is for the "fantasy booking". If you want to discuss the general wrestling matters, try out the other sections. Those are meant for that. Anyways, how was Christmas for everyone? Any new shows coming? I've started writing SmackDown! and I'm waiting for Theo and his awesome graphics.
Bad news!
My computer hard-drive is f*****!
I've lost my next show that I had saved on Word
I do have about half of it written on my laptop so for now it's going to be a little longer wait :banghead:
Blunt responses. Hmmm.

The reason for asking was that everybody here is involved in their own 'fantasy' booking process - discussion about how the WWE are booking their show is relevant. For example, I wondered what people felt about Kane's appearance on RAW this week. Now, in here is fine but I don't want to 'spoil' things for people yet to see. As 'bookers' in BT, I'd just be interested to see how you saw things that happen for real and get an insight into how you might have booked it.

For the record, I thought the idea for Kane's promo was excellent, the execution by Kane wasn't as good though.
It sucked. Due to the content or his delivery, that I don't know but it flat out sucked. Cena couldn't help it nor could anybody else. That promo did nothing but kill Kane's character and I know many "casual" fans have lost interest in his character (again!). I thought he should have come out and tear Cena's t-shirt one more time to build the storyline and intigrue (I hope I spelled that right). Total waste of character and talent. Not cool.
Honestly, I haven't actually seen much WWE in a couple of months - I have kind of lost interest but if I read about a good match or promo I will watch it. I felt that the WWE was on a great course around Money in the Bank and Summerslam but several potentially great stories just fell through. Hopefully the WWE picks up in time for the Road to Wrestlemania like it always does - I don't read any spoilers so I have no idea what feuds they are planning, looking forward to it.
I do not know what's happening to me! SmackDown! is taking way too much time. And it sucks. I don't want to keep people waiting. Any ideas on how I can quickly finish up without affecting the product?
Don't rush.

My next Carnage isn't going to be out for a while, because I'm just out & about & it's the holidays so yeah.
Hopefully by the end of next week you might have it.
Almost finished the next episode of TNA Impact. It's the second to last show before the second biggest ppv of the TNA calender in Slammiversary... things are heating up, as now Joe's opponents have earned their place and they are ready to stake their claim for the World Championship...

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