Book This! - General Discussion

Hey guys, first time posting in this thread.

Firstly I love the work of some of the guys in here. Let's be honest, most of you are doing a better job than some of the idiots in the WWE and TNA at the moment.

I was wondering, I know Theo does MNR post WM as his show, but I have some good ideas for a Monday Night Raw post Survivor Series show starting from this Monday. I haven't been on here long enough to really know what goes on, on a regular basis so what do you guys think?
Hey guys, first time posting in this thread.

Firstly I love the work of some of the guys in here. Let's be honest, most of you are doing a better job than some of the idiots in the WWE and TNA at the moment.

I was wondering, I know Theo does MNR post WM as his show, but I have some good ideas for a Monday Night Raw post Survivor Series show starting from this Monday. I haven't been on here long enough to really know what goes on, on a regular basis so what do you guys think?

Hey man, go for it. I'd love to see what you churn out. Anything to get a little more buzz in this section.
Hey guys, first time posting in this thread.

Firstly I love the work of some of the guys in here. Let's be honest, most of you are doing a better job than some of the idiots in the WWE and TNA at the moment.

I was wondering, I know Theo does MNR post WM as his show, but I have some good ideas for a Monday Night Raw post Survivor Series show starting from this Monday. I haven't been on here long enough to really know what goes on, on a regular basis so what do you guys think?

I say go for it, mate. If you've been reading around, you'll have a feel for it. Maybe hit a few reviews to get you thinking about what you think a good BT is, plan out what you want to happen over the coming weeks and start writing. If you can take a little bit of constructive criticism as well as praise, your show will improve quickly. We've only had one guy who didn't take criticism well - we scared him off though in the end! Look forward to seeing what you come up with.

p.s. Guys, what happened to wrestlingfan in the end? Didn't he come back for a day and then disappear? Did he get future endeavoured? My mind isn't what it used to be!
I 'got' rid of him...

Thanks for the reviews GCB and LSN, appreciate it guys. I have a bit of you review written up Butty as I don't want to review the monster all in one hit - I will probably loose concentration and skim over details and matches. Most of the questions in your review of Smackdown will be answered in the next couple of episodes - everything is beginning to fit together for Over the Limit.
The latest episode of TNA Wrestling Matters is now available...

Find out who becomes the final qualifiers for KotM when Lashley vs. Wolfe and Hernandez vs. Storm...

We hear from Petey Williams on the unsanctioned match vs. Kurt Angle at Slammiversary and find ot what the alliance is between the Beautiful People and the NEW World Tag Team Champions the Motor City Machine Guns..

All this and more, in TNA: Wrestling Matters
Hey guys, just getting ready the 3rd episode of Carnage which WILL be up befoirethe end of the week, promise. But the 4th episode and Royal Rumble could then turn up anytime and I mean, ANYTIME.
Hopefully you will get the 4th around Xmas Time, but from then I might not be around much till the beginning of the new year, so my Rumble may come around the same time as the real thing!

Also, I see JAM is in this thread right now. Dude, check out my requests in the requests section, I think you might be the top man :)
I say go for it, mate. If you've been reading around, you'll have a feel for it. Maybe hit a few reviews to get you thinking about what you think a good BT is, plan out what you want to happen over the coming weeks and start writing. If you can take a little bit of constructive criticism as well as praise, your show will improve quickly. We've only had one guy who didn't take criticism well - we scared him off though in the end! Look forward to seeing what you come up with.

p.s. Guys, what happened to wrestlingfan in the end? Didn't he come back for a day and then disappear? Did he get future endeavoured? My mind isn't what it used to be!

Thanks mate. I'll definitely be open to criticism, especially in the early few shows. Nearly finished my first show so I hope to have it up tomorrow.
Thanks for the review, Peepster! Couple of things to address:

- Some of the matches (US Title Triple Threat, Intercontinental Title match) were a little succinct and to the point because of the number of matches and the length of the PPV. Writing the matches became a chore and I decided to give those matches a little less description as a result. I hope the other matches that had loads of detail made up for it! :)

- Rob Van Dam coming back was purely selfish! I don't watch TNA, it doesn't interest me. However, I like RVD and I like Kurt Angle and I like the one other guy who will join WWE in my BT soon - I just wanted them in my BT because they are some of my favourites and I really wanted to write them. To hell with realism, I wanted RVD, Angle and ************* ...

- Gabriel and Nexus are not finished yet, give it chance. Like I keep telling Proph, everything that is happening is happening for a reason.

- I thought long and hard about how to order the Last Man Standing match and the WWE Championship match as I felt the result of the first match would give away the ending of the other. I felt that a potential Triple H vs. Kurt Angle title match was more believable than Wade Barrett vs. Sheamus title match so I decided to go that way.

- Michael Cole as GM could be fun. He's such a slimeball, everybody hates him so having him as a heel GM is something I'm looking forward to writing. I tried with Teddy Long but I didn't feel I could make him interesting. Don't rule out Cole returning to the announce table though! Christian and Matt Hardy's tension with Cole is a sign of things to come - Christian's title match is not yet guaranteed!

- I try to keep interest in all the titles high where I can. Michelle McCool is one of my favourite Divas so I want to keep her high profile and this new story is my way of doing it. Most people can tell what is coming with her new arrival! Big things will happen with the Divas over the coming months.

- I will make it to WrestleMania and beyond. Can't promise when but I WILL!

- I wanted to end the Miz and Morrison feud and with the MITB briefcase in his hands, I decided to go with Miz as needing the build. With the Royal Rumble in his home-town of Cleveland, Ohio, Miz offers all sorts of options. You're right that he isn't built up for a MITB cash-in but he will be by the Rumble. Will he do it then? Hmmm, you'll have to wait and see.

- Glad you're excited about NXT Season 3 - I'm looking forward to something a little different. After WrestleMania, I'm planning to head straight into NXT Season 4 as well but there I will introduce some new characters - not sure whether to go with the newer WWE arrivals (Sin Cara, Mason Ryan, Jinder Mahal) or whether to make up my own new superstars. Any thoughts? Making up my own appeals as I can shape them completely my own way - although it would need some work to get their characters, background and personalities across to you guys.

- Who said anything about Kane feuding with Undertaker? I'm with you, it'll be boring. Watch this space. Some obvious feuds won't happen because I only need 4/5 PPV matches for the Rumble due to the actual Rumble match. They may get sorted on SMACKDOWN, RAW and might even be sorted in the Rumble itself. I'll guarantee you now that Kane vs. Undertaker will never happen in any GCB WWE PPV!

- I love the fact that Kofi is so believable as a potential World Champion now - one of my biggest successes. He will get there 'one day' - but will it be soon or will it be later? Daft thing is that I'm not that big a fan of Kofi - I think he is over-rated but his gimmick and position suited at the time. Watch out for more big things from Kofi Kingston over the coming weeks and months!

- Glad you enjoyed the show. Question for you though: Survivor Series or Vengeance?
I'm thinking about doing something different here in the book this section if I can fit it into my schedule. Obviously I'll be writing two shows (Raw and NXT) soon, so it is going to really be a project per se. What I'm looking to do is something interactive involving you guys. It will likely be a monthly feature, maybe bi-monthly. What I will do is give you option of superstars for me to write with and you set everything up. One week I may give you a list of ten superstars and I want you to come up with a match involving at least four of the ten stars. Whatever one catches my attention the most I will write. Another week I may already have the superstars selected and you will chose the match they will partake in. Here is an example.

The Beard selects:

Daniel Bryan, Sin Cara, Alberto Del Rio, Kurt Angle, Rey Mysterio, and Cody Rhodes.

Your goal: You can use as many of the superstars as possible here. You may use two or six, the choice is yours. What I want is for you to give me the match. It can be anything you can scheme up. The most creative and eye catching option will win and I will write out the match using your scenario.

It is something different that I can't recall ever being done around here. It sort of has that Cyber Sunday/Taboo Tuesday feel to it. Something interactive that may get some casual viewers into the section. The main question I have is are you guys interested in seeing something like this and will you participate in the idea giving process. If not then I will scrap the idea all together, but if you dig it I'd love to see what you guys come up with and see if I can put it out on screen. Let me know.
That would be me giving you a review - hardly spamming though! :lmao:

Not you mate. Seeing the details you go through in every post, I bet you've never spammed. It was some guy called TasiaFutanami who's got taken care of by Slyfox. Anyways, thanks for the review GCB and I've started writing the next RAW!
I'm thinking about doing something different here in the book this section if I can fit it into my schedule. Obviously I'll be writing two shows (Raw and NXT) soon, so it is going to really be a project per se. What I'm looking to do is something interactive involving you guys. It will likely be a monthly feature, maybe bi-monthly. What I will do is give you option of superstars for me to write with and you set everything up. One week I may give you a list of ten superstars and I want you to come up with a match involving at least four of the ten stars. Whatever one catches my attention the most I will write. Another week I may already have the superstars selected and you will chose the match they will partake in. Here is an example.

It is something different that I can't recall ever being done around here. It sort of has that Cyber Sunday/Taboo Tuesday feel to it. Something interactive that may get some casual viewers into the section. The main question I have is are you guys interested in seeing something like this and will you participate in the idea giving process. If not then I will scrap the idea all together, but if you dig it I'd love to see what you guys come up with and see if I can put it out on screen. Let me know.

Theo! It is a big task to take on, but you are really trying to do great things for this forum... (where do I vote to have Theo as BT! moderator (if you have the time mate of course))

Interactive stuff is the way to go sometimes to really get people interested...

*We could do a draft also, such as have people sign up, and each person gets to draft a wrestler at a time, it could be from any time period perhaps, and then once it's complete we could put together a card. The best card can be judged and the winner gets reps etc.

*BT! battles, kind of like the tournament, but you could have 1 scenario such as rebook the Summer of Punk, or book the feud between Sting and Taker or write a Rock vs. HBK promo segment or whatever. Two guys would then put togetehr their idea of it, and then we can all vote who wins.

In anycase, I'll support your idea Theo, and I'll help out where I can. Love to see this idea in full flight!

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