Book This! - General Discussion

[QUOTE="Hollywood" Prophet;3522576]Quick changes made today on my next project. I guess you could say it going to be invading the section.[/QUOTE]

Re-writing the WCW/ECW invasion? Hope so, that would be cool. Thought of doing it myself a few times.

GCB will be reviewing people's shows over the next week. I've been giving any spare BT time to writing Vengeance but reviews will come once I've posted it ... which will be in the next hour!

As for TNA, I'm not a fan but I have tried to watch it, GS. I wouldn't go as far as JAM in my 'hatred' for it, I just don't get it. The mediocre, past-it WWE wrestlers that end up there and become major stars irritates me - why don't TNA develop their own young stars? I liked Jeff Hardy but I don't like his TNA version. Angle - I preferred his WWE persona much more. Matt Morgan? Mr. Anderson, aka Kennedy? Bubba Ray Dudley? Ric Flair? Hulk Hogan? Give me a break! These guys are mediocre or past it and I think there is a reason they're not in WWE no more - so why do TNA reckon they can make use of them? The only guys I saw on TNA and liked were AJ Styles (probably not suited to WWE though) and Abyss (who definitely would be).
I have one more match to write, Foley vs Christian for the Hardcore Title, then formatting that shit & posting. WATCH THE MOTHERFUCK OUT.
[QUOTE="Hollywood" Prophet;3523146]Yep. Going to do straight after WrestleMania 17.[/QUOTE]

My absolute favourite time period in the WWE, sorry WWF!

So many possibilities. Make sure nWo and Goldberg are involved though. Nobody could take the ECW/WCW invasion seriously when their top stars were WWE stars who jumped ship (Austin/Angle), youngsters making their names (RVD) or people like DDP and Booker T - solid pros but not main event. Am looking forward to seeing it.

Erm ... I was gonna say something ...

Err ...


Yeah, I remember!

Vengeance is posted! Woop woop!
Sick Proph, sounds awesome. How much/any shows have you written?

I am reading Vengeance right now GCB, great so far.
My absolute favourite time period in the WWE, sorry WWF!

So many possibilities. Make sure nWo and Goldberg are involved though. Nobody could take the ECW/WCW invasion seriously when their top stars were WWE stars who jumped ship (Austin/Angle), youngsters making their names (RVD) or people like DDP and Booker T - solid pros but not main event. Am looking forward to seeing it.

Yeah I am pumped to be doing it. I don't want to give to much away but the invasion is something I will be saving for a little while in the project. I will be using the main event guys of WCW and not just the jobbers that were used by the WWE/F. It's going to be good as you have Austin just turning heel and his alliance with Vince, Triple H hasn't hurt his knee yet, Paul Heyman is on the announce team (bring on the smark comments) and finally no brand extension.

Sick Proph, sounds awesome. How much/any shows have you written?

I am reading Vengeance right now GCB, great so far.

As I said this was a change from the original project I was going to do Peep. I was going to be starting a 2003 project but I saw the Austin/Rock promo for the main event a couple days and it got me thinking. So in short nothing has been started but I will start writing tonight. The show will be in recap form until the first PPV so I can get my angles going.
Cheers Theo, great review. Will hit you back with one by Sunday at the latest.

Any questions re: Vengeance folks?
Writing as Steve Austin for the first time is very hard. I'm not using any of his famous words to keep with this new heel persona he is going into, so that takes away half the help I had. Really finding it difficult but this segment must be done in full. Damn me and my dreams of perfection.
Guys, I don't wanna say this, but I'm gonna have to. Carnage will be back in flow NEXT Monday and then every other Monday. I'm spending most time in bed and I've still gotta scrawl out an RP for my WZCW match this week. You will get a great show next week, just hold out for it, please.
Guys, I don't wanna say this, but I'm gonna have to. Carnage will be back in flow NEXT Monday and then every other Monday. I'm spending most time in bed and I've still gotta scrawl out an RP for my WZCW match this week. You will get a great show next week, just hold out for it, please.

It's times like these when I'm happy I don't give deadlines/promises about my shows anymore.

Also the Steve Austin promo has just finished so the rest of the show will be in recap. Looks good in the basic stages of planning to be honest.
Yeah, I wanna announce some shit now.

I put up Carnage, well I enjoyed writing it, so enjoy reading it. Rush will be up in the next day or so. However, from now on, there will not be a specific posting date. It will be up when it's up and I'll notify you the day before it goes up that I'll be posting. Don't worry, it should be fortnightly pretty much.
[QUOTE="Hollywood" Prophet;3525838]Very sad to see no comments in my thread. :disappointed:[/QUOTE]

There is no show in it yet for us to comment on. :shrug:

However there has been TNA No Surrender available for a while now and there has only been Theo and Jam's reviews... thanks lads! Wouldn't mind a comment from yourself Proph...
Me too. I'm one of those guys who just completely hates TNA. You know what, I feel that TNA is a WWE wannabe. They have stars the WWE fired (Anderson/Hardy) or stars that retired (Ric Flair). They STEAL WWE Storylines from time to time. And the reason why WWE's program is decreasing in the quality level, is because it has no real competition. Sorry for these harsh words, but FUCK TNA. It is NOT watchable. Period.

For these reasons I would love to get a review from you GI...
[QUOTE="Hollywood" Prophet;3525838]Very sad to see no comments in my thread. :disappointed:[/QUOTE]

You don't need comments cluttering it up before a show. I avoided posting for that reason. However, I cannot wait for you to post the first show. I will comment when it is up and running!

[QUOTE="Hollywood" Prophet;3526332]When my show is finished I'll be doing the rounds with feedback for people. GCB is first on my list.[/QUOTE]

Woop woop!
For these reasons I would love to get a review from you GI...

Sure thing mate. Just post your next show and you can be sure of a review. Good Vengeance GCB. I loved it. Sorry, couldn't post a review because I was in a rush (ask JAM). I really loved the Cena-Orton ending, and no riot, right Proph? I'll give you a review as soon as I can. And my RAW is posted. So you guys can check it out and give me a review as well!!
Sure thing mate. Just post your next show and you can be sure of a review. Good Vengeance GCB. I loved it. Sorry, couldn't post a review because I was in a rush (ask JAM). I really loved the Cena-Orton ending, and no riot, right Proph? I'll give you a review as soon as I can. And my RAW is posted. So you guys can check it out and give me a review as well!!

Sort of waiting for more reviews of my ppv before moving to the next show is all...
Latest TNA -Wrestling Matters episode is now available...

What will be the fall out from the NO SURRENDER ppv? Tune in and find out!

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