Book This! - General Discussion

Guys, I've made my mind up.

Because I'm busy, Carnage will go up every other Monday. So you had one last Monday, you won't get one tomorrow, but the week after.

However, you will still get a weekly episode of Rush.
Plans are moving along very well for what I have planned. Next week will be tough to get anything done as I have a busy couple of days but after that I should be able to get right back into things here.
I'm almost done my show that would air two weeks after the last show I posted. Working nights really gives me some mega time to work on my shows. Some days I can't be bothered to do so, which is good as I don't over work myself. I'm thinking next week I'll have two weeks edition done and then I'll churn out the Over the Limit stuff and probably take a nice little break. We shall see, been really in the mood to write the past month or so.

Can't wait to see what you are bringing to the table Proph, I won't lie, I'm excited as I can be on an internet forum haha.
Hey Guys, my Road to WrestleMania is nearly complete.

I should have SmackDown up by tonight. If not, then late tomorrow afternoon.

Then, there's WrestleMania. I hoped to have WrestleMania up before the new year, but my Computer went all ballistic and deleted almost everything I had planned for WrestleMania. Now, I have to go back and re-create what I had which will take a while. So, WrestleMania will probably be up sometime after the New Year. I want to get 'Mania done and take some time off. But what I've have planned is pretty good. I think you guys are gonna like what I bring to the table for this one.
My my, look how silent the BT! section is. What's happening guys? Theo, Peep, GCB, are your shows complete? Jerichoholic just posted Rush and I am looking forward to his Carnage. Mr. HD, I love how your BT! is going right now and I can't wait for the Big One. And finally, I've started writing RAW so it should be up late this week or early next week. Keep checking out though. ;)
Hey guys! Third episode of PWC was just about finished but the blue screen of death made an appearance. Hopefully will get my laptop back on Saturday. Look out for an angle that I'm sure you all will love :)
I'm almost done my show that would air two weeks after the last show I posted. Working nights really gives me some mega time to work on my shows. Some days I can't be bothered to do so, which is good as I don't over work myself. I'm thinking next week I'll have two weeks edition done and then I'll churn out the Over the Limit stuff and probably take a nice little break. We shall see, been really in the mood to write the past month or so.

Can't wait to see what you are bringing to the table Proph, I won't lie, I'm excited as I can be on an internet forum haha.

Believe me when I say you will enjoy what I'm bringing to the table Theo. I have been planning this for years and I'm finally going to take a shot at it. We have 12 days until the big reveal (which would be the November 22, 2011).

Everything at the moment is coming along very well and hopefully everyone likes what I have planned.
Looking forward to it Proph. If I may say so myself, I've started writing next weeks Carnage and it's going to be fucking amazing. Believe it.
[QUOTE="Hollywood" Prophet;3514202]Believe me when I say you will enjoy what I'm bringing to the table Theo. I have been planning this for years and I'm finally going to take a shot at it. We have 12 days until the big reveal (which would be the November 22, 2011).

Everything at the moment is coming along very well and hopefully everyone likes what I have planned.[/QUOTE]

Planning for years? Hot dog, color me intrigued. My next show should be a doozy. HBK is hosting and it is a 3 hour show....awesome.
I'm terrible at keeping secrets so it wouldn't surprise me if I revealed my plans by next week. Hopefully I can keep my mouth shut until the 22nd.
Preview for Smackdown is up guys, go check it out! I have one last bit to write so it should be in the next couple of days.
Totally serious when I say I'm excited to see the show. I'm interested to see what Undertaker is going to do and some more Orton vs Del Rio build is always good.
Can't wait for that Undertaker announcement Peep. Also, I wanna see how this Swagger/Long feud goes about.
Thanks fellas, but to be honest there isn't much on Del Rio/Orton on this show. However, that is only to add further fuel to the fire for later on. Just got a bit of a brain wave for one of my storylines and I'm excited to see it play it even more now. You got me excited too Proph. How much longer? 12 days?
First off, it's good to have you back Proph. Can't wait to see this BIG event you got planned for your BT. Should be something great as always.

SmackDown for my BT has been posted and WrestleMania is coming soon. Been waiting for this for quite some time. WrestleMania truly will be something special!

I might prediction thing for fun if anybody's interested...
"Hey, GCB has posted in his BT! Vengeance is here! Woohoo ... Oh, no, damn it. An announcement. Fail."


It is coming 'soon' I promise. It WILL be here before Prophet's huge announcement. Just to remind him who is on top round here ...

I am in the process of writing the last part of Vengeance. Then got to read it ... all 84+ pages of it in Word. I format as I go so that should be quick. Really want it posted, I'm ready to go with the 2011 storylines now!
"Hey, GCB has posted in his BT! Vengeance is here! Woohoo ... Oh, no, damn it. An announcement. Fail."


It is coming 'soon' I promise. It WILL be here before Prophet's huge announcement. Just to remind him who is on top round here ...

I am in the process of writing the last part of Vengeance. Then got to read it ... all 84+ pages of it in Word. I format as I go so that should be quick. Really want it posted, I'm ready to go with the 2011 storylines now!

Show please!

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