Book This! - General Discussion

I'm trying to decide if my PPV is too detailed! I've got so much happening in this one, it's the turning point towards the Road to WrestleMania, loads of things coming to end as well as new stuff setting up. I think I have too many matches going on now!

Am pretty confident that Vengeance is going to appear before the weekend is finished though. Hope people are ready for a lengthy read!!!!

I've joined the BT's! Finally, I'll try to make a bit of an impact around this place. Watch out for Monday Night Carnage, which should be up on..well.. Monday.
I'm trying to decide if my PPV is too detailed! I've got so much happening in this one, it's the turning point towards the Road to WrestleMania, loads of things coming to end as well as new stuff setting up. I think I have too many matches going on now!

Am pretty confident that Vengeance is going to appear before the weekend is finished though. Hope people are ready for a lengthy read!!!!


If Orton wins I riot.
JAM, I've given you a review. Proph, me too, if Orton wins I riot. GCB, I can't wait for this one. But yeah, you've been keeping us waiting for way too long, haven't you? Anyways, that'll mean that the show has brought out the best in you. At least I hope so. And finally, Jerichoholic, your roster is looking good and I really like the voting idea. Though I couldn't vote coz you shut the polls down early.
Apologies for keeping you waiting! It's not delayed because I've put more effort into it - I've just not had the time to dedicate to it. Work is busier (I've got more responsibility there now so that takes more time and energy) and the baby is edging close so have a Nursery to decorate etc ... As it happens, the PPV has more detail - maybe because I am doing it in smaller chunks - but not intentionally.

Regardless, there are ten matches and some massive segments between them including the revealing of the new SMACKDOWN General Manager. You'd definitely be shelling out the cost if it was a real PPV - maybe I should set up a PayPal account!?!

As for Orton winning, why the riot? Randy Orton and John Cena have had a massive rivalry of late but they're both on a roll. It's definitely a close call. Get your riot gear ready ... maybe.

Anyway, hoping to finish it tonight. I know I promised the weekend (really should stop promising) but it is very close. If I don't, there is good reason and it won't be long now.

Man, can't wait for Vengeance GCB. Hope it's posted really soon. Orton riot huh? Well, let's just see how it turns out in Vengeance. WHOO! Can't wait for this one!
With John Cena just having the big change in his character my thoughts are you need to have him win clean or have Orton execute a roll up. If Orton wins with something like a roll up, small package, it doesn't make Cena look weak. You would be able to use Cena much like the cry baby Jericho character that was used in WCW. You have several roads to travel GCB, I wouldn't mind seeing Orton win if we see Cena go nuts in the weeks following.
I'm betting on a DQ win for Orton. Not taking away from Proph but I don't see Cena as an effective crybaby, he needs to be a hard ass heel.

I am still bunked down and it's frustrating as I only have one big promo to write and two re-capped matches to finish off until the episode is over. Maybe just a little preview; the tournament advertised in Jam's magazine begins! I'm excited for where the end product is going on that one.
Hello. I've been reading Book This threads for months now, and I finally joined the forum. Now, I had an idea for a thread that follows Sin Cara from his surprising debut to his retirement. Now, I would not be copying WWE obviously, as I have different plans. Anyone who has any input, it would be greatly appreciated. One I garner 10 posts, I may start this. Thanks!:)
WWE Carnage is going to be up today, I'm just finishing it off now. It should've been up 2 days ago, but I just couldn't get it done in time, being pretty damn busy. Don't worry, from now on, Carnage will be up every Monday, with Rush every Thursday.

When it's posted, READ IT.
Tonight I'm gonna try and throw out some more reviews. I got CJ done already, so J4L and Jam are on deck. I also see Red Skull is in the process of posting his first show, so he will join the list rather soon. If I forgot to include you, just yell at me and I'll get to it.
Theo, I'm trying to give you a rep but the forum doesn't allow me to. Also, I am dying to give a review but your thread seems to be resting for a while, huh?
Carnage is up for those who didn't see it. First show, be kind ;)

Lots of you think that Rush is going to be like a 2nd Show, when it's actually a lot like Superstars & I will be posting up the results just like Theo does for Superstars in his BT.
Jerichoholic, I checked out your show and it's great. I'll give you a detailed review sometime later but I really like the concept for the Royal Rumble. Not only for the match but the PPV as a whole. Good luck for your next shows.

Guys, SmackDown! is posted. 2 new matches announced for Judgment Day alongside the WWE championship match. Check it out. Leave a review IF YOU CAN. At least some feedback would be appreciated.

Slowly getting back on track, one promo and one match to go.
Theo, I'm trying to give you a rep but the forum doesn't allow me to. Also, I am dying to give a review but your thread seems to be resting for a while, huh?

My shows go up after Peep does so it stays with a realistic flow. My show will be up a day or two after his. And in terms of rep, you have to spread it around to others before getting it back to me.
Look out for something from me in the next couple of weeks. I'm looking to get back into things in the near future.
[QUOTE="Hollywood" Prophet;3508038]Look out for something from me in the next couple of weeks. I'm looking to get back into things in the near future.[/QUOTE]

Is it WWE Undisputed?
[QUOTE="Hollywood" Prophet;3508038]Look out for something from me in the next couple of weeks. I'm looking to get back into things in the near future.[/QUOTE]

I know what it is...ehhhhh. Do I? Haha. I hope the section picks up soon! Miss reading y'all's shows!

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