Book This! - General Discussion

Got a nice chunk of my tournament match done. If I hadn't done so today I'm not sure I would have been able to enter as I'm pretty swamped the rest of the week.

So that earthquake today (technically yesterday), my room was shaking and all my stuff was as well at it woke me up. I figured my step dad was doing work in the garage directly under me. I looked outside and he wasn't home. So I said out loud in such a nonchalant way "Cool we're having an earthquake" and I went back to sleep. Needless to say it didn't bother me much and it was the first earthquake I have experienced. Was pretty cool.
Damn, I might not make the library at all this week, nor next week. Either I return to my "spam" like show posting method or I ditch my Book This. I don't really want to ditch it because I have some good ideas
I'm currently working on a rather large project that should be a fun read when I am finished with it. Hopefully can get it done in the next two weeks.
Just a heads up, I plan on having my first show up tonight, i'm about half way done with writing it and should be able to pound out the rest by morning.
Looking forward to reading it Profit.

I just have my main event to write up and Smackdown will be ready to go, anyway, let's get some discussion going! Sup BTers?
I'm working on the supplemental draft, though I'm considering just announcing the names moving over as I pretty over worked from the draft and the tournament match.
Which series of Underbelly? Anything bar season one is crap, I tried watching a bit of the new season but I turned it off after twenty minutes.
I really enjoyed the Golden Mile series that came out. Season one was the best though, didn't get into the second series that came out at all. This new season of Underbelly just started so I'm giving it a chance. Nothing is interesting to watch on Sunday anyway.
Now that you mention it Golden Mile did seem interesting, never really watched it in full however, should try and give it a watch. Just finished Smackdown, going to proof read it now and will post a preview on the weekend.
I knew some of the backstory for the season so Golden Mile was something I was really looking forward to seeing. They picked an interesting time for Sydney and New South Wales as a whole really. Big police investigation, people getting shot, a prostitute and more guns. What more could you ask for from Australian television?
Theo just posted the supplemental draft, everyone check it out! I will post a piece on the draft before I post my next Smackdown preview, so watch out for that.
For me it has to be 2-3 times longer than my regular shows. My regualar shows are usually 7-8 thousand words were as with my ppv I have 2 full matches done and half of 2 matches done and im well over 7,000 words.

Edit: Although im having lots of fun writing this; especially my hardcore match I wont say any more about it for now.
TNA Wrestling Matters- Lockdown 2011 is now available in 2 parts :)

I had to break it up because I had typed too many characters apparently, and then I had too many images per page (there are about 10 guys in my x div cage match)

Anyhoo it's there for your viewing pleasure and I hope you gys like it. Flick me a comment if you have the time, cheers team,

With things getting really busy here, I expect my presence in this section to dwindle down a fair bit. My thread isn't dead by a long shot but the progress of shows is going to be slower. I'm trying to get this Smackdown finished but I don't know when I'll be able to get it up. I'll also be doing RAW in a recap as it isn't PPV month (switch roles around following each PPV).

In short, things are busy and shows will be slower by a couple of weeks.

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