Book This! - General Discussion

Depends, I haven't checked your work, but are you just doing one single brand? Because, if so, I'd expect that your roster would have to be quite big if you're gonna have 4 titles. If you have a small roster (25-30 people) I say scrap one of the titles. No need for a lower card title, imo.

yes my roster is big,im having a main title, midcard title, tag and a women's title, you see i want vareity on my show so i wanted all aspects of wrestling and say if i scrap the midcard title, there will be so many wreslters competing for nothing i you know what i mean.
Why would people read of you give poor TV product and only decent PPV product.For me I just like to get everything out of a match and do whatever I can with it.I could have done heaps more with my Main Event on Poison, maybe 3 more paragraphs.

EDIT: But I do get what your saying :)
Why would people read of you give poor TV product and only decent PPV product.For me I just like to get everything out of a match and do whatever I can with it.I could have done heaps more with my Main Event on Poison, maybe 3 more paragraphs.

I agree with prophet, it might be okay to have a few short matches but really even to get a 5 minuete match you need more than 3 paragraphs, It's better to make your TV shows good and with lenghtly matches, otherwise knowone will want to stick around for a ppv.

EDIT: Like prophet i get what you mean aswell.. :)
TV's, imo, should be more about the angles that you build towards the upcoming PPV. The angles that you're trying to get over should be your first priority, not matches.
When I get to PPV, I like to put heaps of work into a match, maybe write it multiple times until I get it right.

EDIT: I'm not the best at writing promo/ segments, I can get a great angle going but the match is one of the match parts for me.All the stuff that some may have in a segment I sometimes use in my matchs.I find it works better for me and it gets the angle working the way I want.
I'll admit that promo's aren't my strong suit, but people aren't going to pay attention if you bring walls and walls of texts of matches. For TVs, A great promo >>>>> A great match.
The part about Book This! that makes me have fun is writing the matchs, so that is why I put up 4-5 paprgraphs for a Main Event.But what if it is a PPV, how much would you put up?
Eh, with the small PPV's it'll probably just be an extended recap, because I've seen guys that have gone all out with many PPV's and not gotten much (if any) feedback, and it doesn't seem worth the hassle. For the Big 4, though, I will probably be going all out. But, I gotta get there first. Getting past Judgment Day and ONS would be a great accomplishment for me b/c they'd be my first PPV's, full or recap, that I've completed in over 20 months. I've started a few, but I always tried to go all out and it burnt me out.

But whatever floats your boat, man, but I just don't see a lot of people reading 7-8 full matches for a PPV, aside from the big ones that have great build. If you wanna do it, though, be my guest.
I like to put heaps of detail as it helps to story tell as well as the promos do. A lot of apy per views have promos/ videos to intersect the matches so I will try and implement that in my first PPV.
Edit: I think you're promos are really good Papa.
Man, if you think my promos are good, I'd like to see your reaction at some of the best promos that I've read, ever. Like, 4-5 guys always produced quality stuff and it was always a great read, and they didn't bust their balls on TV matches, so I've tried to mold my stuff a little after them, but adding my own take on things.
IDK if I can link other forums, or if I'd get a warning/infracton. Otherwise, I'd be more then happy to.
Yeah, I think you should just PM it, or maybe you could quote it in this thread and not give out the link.
Yeah, I think you should just PM it, or maybe you could quote it in this thread and not give out the link.

Quoting all of the shit they put up would be quite hard. :p I'll just pm him.

Oh yeah, another thing I noticed on this site was that there's a lot more created threads and not nearly as many WWE threads. Kinda makes it hard, for me, to get into a bunch of these created threads after spending so much time reading WWE and TNA BTBs for so long. Again, nothing wrong with that, but I think some guys would be able to look and book better if they started from the WWE. I've seen only a select few that've been able to run a created thread well. It kinda takes a special sort of talent.

Not trying to slight anyone, just a few observations I've had on my small time here so far.
Yeah, I made SCW from scratch because I wanted something totally different from all that's been done, as an alternative to WWE and "serious" wrestling.

BTW, if I become BT mod, I'm cracking down on "matches" like Master_Awesome14's battle royal. :suspic: I know you don't have to go all out for TV matches, but at least show some semblance of effort.
Doc, you already have a mod spot, do you really need another? :p

Nah, I think this section might need a little more activity before any modding happens.
My show should be up soon, sometime after my RP's for WZCW are done. Sorry for the hold-up.

EDIT: They said there was no need for a BT moderator at all.
This place would be better if we had one!

EDIT: They could get rid of those threads with no shows or ones that are so bad to read, or ones that only have a roster up.Plus isn't there a rule about posting up your furts show in 48 hours of posting up the thread in the main section?I'm still to see that inforced.
This was back when CM was in charge of the area... he did close a few threads down.

Honestly, this would be the only area I'd like to mod but considering the load, I'm not sure a new guy coming into the fray would be beneficial to an already full staff team.
They're a bunch of threads on the first page that should be closed, they have a roster posted up and that is it.Would be cool if we did have a mod.
Taking over one wrestling site at a time, Australian Alliance!

EDIT: Have an idea to for my show, I thinking about have a Money in the Bank type thing and it will be defended on each show.Then it can be cashed in at anytime.But the holder must defended it and when it is cashed in, on the next episode of Poison I have a battle Royal to see who the new holder is.Of course the same person can not hold it if they have already cashed it in before.But if they lost it in a match then they can have another go.

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