BOOK THIS - Fortnightly Ratings


Getting Noticed By Management

This thread will show the popularity of the currently active BT threads based on the increase in their viewing figures over a fortnightly cycle. I will endeavour to post the new ratings every fortnight, however at times when I fail to do this, I shall adjust the calculations to fit a fortnightly cycle for comparison sakes.

For example:

If ratings over a three week stage are calculated, I shall divide by 3 to give it a weekly rating and times it by 2 to make it fortnightly.


Your viewing figures at the start of the period and the end of the period are recorded and the difference between them is calculated. This figure is then divided by 100 to give your rating. So, if you had 1000 views and two weeks later you had 1300 views, your views increased by 300, 300 divided by 100 = 3.0 rating for your show. This is the way that Sign Guy began calculating them and I see no reason to not use this still.


GCB 9340
Global 934
Prophet 7987 (nearly 8000!)
Grandsword 917
Jam 644
The Best (and his Cock Shaped Pillow) 1509
Theo 2733
Peep 2434
Avitus 2014
Mr HD 4405
Mr Hashasheen 5088
Sign Guy 1885


When new threads start in BT, the first ratings after this will be used to determine their first view count. They will then be given a rating at the next ratings calculation.

Stand by for the September 1st ratings!
AUGUST 10th:

GCB 9340
Global Icon 934
Prophet 7987
GrandSword 917
Jammin 644
The Cock Shaped Pillow 1509
Theo 2733
Peep 2434
Avitus 2014
Mr. HD 4405
Mr. Hashasheen 5088
Sign Guy 1885


GCB 10717
Global Icon 1355
Prophet 8840
GrandSword 1492
Jammin 1185
The Cock Shaped Pillow 1876
Theo 3276
Peep 2983
Avitus 2299
Mr. HD 4952
Mr. Hashasheen 5200
Sign Guy 2065

NEWCOMERS: Captain Mike 79; ZBroski 221; abraxasdeux 179; Profit 164; Cenation716 149; Arcade 430; Joeezy 143

Please note that the views were calculated over 3 weeks so they were adjusted to 2 weeks to determine a fortnightly rating.

1: GCB (9.2)
2: Prophet (5.7)
3: GrandSword (3.9)
4: Peep (3.7)
5: Mr. HD (3.7)
6: Theo (3.6)
7: Jammin (3.6)
8: Global Icon (2.8)
9: The Cock Shaped Pillow (2.5)
10: Avitus (1.9)
11: Sign Guy (1.2)
12: Mr. Hashasheen (0.8)

So GCB and Prophet stay out in front but newcomer GrandSword's TNA thread surprisingly leaps ahead of everybody else into third place - can he continue to improve and challenge the two BT 'veterans' above him? Peep just edges out Theo in the battle between RAW and SMACKDOWN for ratings with SMACKDOWN winning at the moment. They both score similar ratings to Mr. HD - despite his disappearance recently - and Jammin who I hope can continue to post his show. Jam's rating shows that he has a good show and people are reading it and want to see more. Sign Guy and Mr Hashasheen have not posted lately and their threads have dropped off the first BT page so they need an update if they are to move back up the rankings any time soon.

Arcade's views so far suggest that he could feature high in the next rankings if he continues to post and CaptainMike's show - although low on views so far - has only just appeared and looks impressive. The rest of the new guys seem to have 'abandoned' their threads already but their views are recorded just in case.

That's it for the first ratings show. Keep posting!

This is a cool idea well done to Sign Guy for it's innovation and to GCB for this month's edition.

I've gotta say, I'm pretty proud of my position there especially since it 1/ my BT doesn't have a WWE banner on it and 2/ has a TNA banner on it, since the company is seen in a very negative light here on WZ...

Thanks to all who are reading my shows abnd congrats on the great ratinsg everyone is receiving.
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Reactions: GCB
Im on the top of the newcomers list. Intresting. Also please disregard my current show format. My computer won't get fixed for awile, but when it gets fixed, my show should be in a much better format and be posted in one post when my computer gets fixed
Im on the top of the newcomers list. Intresting. Also please disregard my current show format. My computer won't get fixed for awile, but when it gets fixed, my show should be in a much better format and be posted in one post when my computer gets fixed

Means nothing unless you get more 'new views' than the rest by September 15th! Good luck!

Welcome to the 'Book This!' ratings show where we find out whose BT show is pulling in the most viewers over the past two weeks. With several of the more established shows not airing a show in the past fortnight - including yours truly - then there is a chance that one of the less experienced bookers could make a move up the rankings today. Since the last ratings were announced, a time span of 16 days has passed so the increased view rates have been divided by 16 days and then multiplied by 14 to give a fortnightly score for those of you who like to compare your ratings. A weekend show is much easier for me to commit to!

Here are the last viewing figures from September 1st:

GCB - 10717
CM Prophet - 8840
GrandSword - 1492
#1 Peep - 2983
Mr. HD - 4952
Theo Mays - 3276
WeJammin22 - 1185
Global Icon - 1355
The Cock Shaped Pillow - 1876
Avitus25 - 2299
Little 'Sign Guy' Jimmy - 2065
Mr. Hashasheen - 5200
NEW: Arcade - 430

(The other newcomers on September 1st have not posted since so there shows have now been discounted from the ratings.)

Here are the latest viewing figures from September 17th:

GCB - 11557
CM Prophet - 9285
GrandSword - 1945
#1 Peep - 3365
Mr. HD - 5374
Theo Mays - 3753
WeJammin22 - 1357
Global Icon - 1706
The Cock Shaped Pillow - 2027
Avitus25 - 2441
Little 'Sign Guy' Jimmy - 2116
Mr. Hashasheen - 5242
NEW: Arcade - 783

Potential new entries for next rankings: Bender 145, Ash. Ketchum-All 50, Adalam 392

'BOOK THIS!' RATINGS (September 17th):

1. == GCB (7.4)
2. ^4 Theo Mays (4.2)
3. == GrandSword (4.0)
4. -2 CM Prophet (3.9)
5. == Mr. HD (3.7)
6. -2 #1 Peep (3.3)
7. NE Arcade (3.1)
8. == Global Icon (3.1)
9. -2 WeJammin22 (1.5)
10. -1 The Cock Shaped Pillow (1.3)
11. -1 Avitus25 (1.2)
12. -1 Little 'Sign Guy' Jimmy (0.4)
13. -1 Mr Hashasheen (0.4)

Congratulations to Theo Mays and Arcade who make the biggest moves this week. GCB retains his place at the top of the rankings but his ratings figure drops to give hope to the rest of the field :D

See you next time for the third BT rankings!

Welcome to the 'Book This!' ratings show where we find out whose BT show is pulling in the most viewers over the past two weeks (well, maybe three!). It has been three weeks since I last posted the ratings so I shall divide by 3 and multiply by 2 to get a ‘fortnightly’ rating for people who like to keep track. With the more established shows now active recently, it remains an excellent chance for the lesser lights to move up the rankings.

Here are the last viewing figures from September 17th:

GCB - 11557
CM Prophet - 9285
GrandSword - 1945
#1 Peep - 3365
Mr. HD - 5374
Theo Mays - 3753
WeJammin22 - 1357
Global Icon - 1706
The Cock Shaped Pillow - 2027
Avitus25 - 2441
Little 'Sign Guy' Jimmy - 2116
Mr. Hashasheen - 5242
Arcade - 783
NEW: Bender 145

(The other newcomers on September 17th have not posted since so there shows have now been discounted from the ratings.)

Here are the latest viewing figures from October 8th:

GCB - 12681
CM Prophet - 9663
GrandSword - 2429
#1 Peep - 3714
Mr. HD - 5887
Theo Mays - 4309
WeJammin22 - 1521
Global Icon - 2239
The Cock Shaped Pillow - 2173
Avitus25 - 2557
Little 'Sign Guy' Jimmy - 2194
Mr. Hashasheen - 5287
Arcade - 946
NEW: Bender - 330

(Potential new entries for next rankings: TempestH – 71; TheSheaver - 78)

'BOOK THIS!' RATINGS (October 8th):

1. == GCB (7.5)
2. == Theo Mays (3.7)
3. +5 Global Icon (3.6)
4. +1 Mr. HD (3.4)
5. -2 GrandSword (3.2)
6. -2 CM Prophet (2.5)
7. -1 #1 Peep (2.3)
8. NE Bender (1.2)
9. == WeJammin22 (1.1)
10. -3 Arcade (1.1)
11. The Cock Shaped Pillow (1.0)
12. -1 Avitus25 (0.8)
13. -1 Little ‘Sign Guy’ Jimmy (0.5)
14. -1 Mr. Hashasheen (0.3)

GCB (me) remains in first place with a rating that is double that of second placed Theo. The ratings are suffering from a lack of posts which is leading to Theo and myself holding onto the top two spots pretty easily as our shows are already established. Global Icon has made a huge leap this fortnight after his latest show and he moves into third place – can he ensure that he continues posting and starts to challenge for the second spot in the rankings? Bender debuts in 8th and will now be looking to move up the rankings.

Just a note: from the next rankings, if you are on Page 2 of the Book This forum, your BT will be considered abandoned and will be left out of the rankings. Unless the forum livens up, being on Page 2 probably means your BT is abandoned – if we get busy, I’ll change the rule. Therefore, Avitus25, Little ‘Sign Guy’ Jimmy and Mr. Hashasheen need to get posting their shows to remain in the rankings!

Tune in on October 22nd, if I remember, for the next rankings!

Hi GCB...

I had a look at the first page and how the ratings are calculated, and I'm thinking my BT should have a 4.8 ... I could be mistaken though, could you let me me know how you calculated them this week.


It was 4.8 over three weeks but I'm trying to do them fortnightly. So that people can compare their ratings, I use fortnightly numbers so your 4.8 over three weeks is divided by 3 and multiplied by 2 to make it a two week rating of 3.2. Everybody's numbers were done this way. GCB

A couple of days late as I have been away for the weekend but here are the ratings for the previous fortnight here in the ‘Book This!’ world. Again, it has been quiet – I’m sure it is going to pick up soon – but that presents another opportunity for the less established guys to make their way towards the upper echelons of the BT Rankings.

Here are the last viewing figures from October 8th:

GCB - 12681
CM Prophet - 9663
GrandSword - 2429
#1 Peep - 3714
Mr. HD - 5887
Theo Mays - 4309
WeJammin22 - 1521
Global Icon - 2239
The Cock Shaped Pillow - 2173
Avitus25 - 2557
Little 'Sign Guy' Jimmy - 2194
Mr. Hashasheen - 5287
Arcade - 946
Bender 330

NEW: TempestH and TheSheaver have not returned to BT so their shows have now been discounted.

Here are the latest viewing figures from October 25th:

GCB - 13347
“Hollywood” Prophet - 9899
GrandSword - 2798
#1 Peep - 3928
Mr. HD - 6324
Theo Mays - 4592
JAM – Abandoned for new show!
Global Icon - 2683
The Best - 2270
Avitus25 - Abandoned
Little 'Sign Guy' Jimmy - Abandoned
Mr. Hashasheen - Abandoned
Arcade - 1077
NEW: Bender - 400

(Potential new entries for next rankings: JAM – 252; hyourinmaru – 51; CJ1988 – 149)

'BOOK THIS!' RATINGS (October 25th):

To get a 14 day rating, I have divided by 17 (days since last ratings) to get a daily score and then multiplied by 14 for a fortnightly rating.

1. == GCB (5.5)
2. +1 Global Icon (3.7)
3. +1 Mr. HD (3.6)
4. +1 GrandSword (3.0)
5. -3 Theo (2.3)
6. == Prophet (1.9)
7. == Peep (1.4)
8. +2 Arcade (1.1)
9. +2 The Best (0.8)
10. -2 Bender (0.6)

The gap is closing!

I (GCB) remain in first place but there is a significant drop in the gap between myself and second placed Global Icon who will be aiming to take top spot in the next rankings now. The improvements in Icon’s work are clear and he is getting more views as a result. GrandSword’s momentum seems to have fell off but he is consistently in the top five positions whilst Mr. HD retains a spot near the top as well. Theo and Peep’s break is causing them to fall down the rankings and it appears that some of the 2011 regulars are now deserting BT ... Prophet is falling away, Sign Guy has gone – hopefully, they will make returns soon. JAM’s new show looks promising and he will be hoping to build on a good start recently to become a new entry in the top five next time out!

Tune in on November 8th, if I remember, for the next rankings!


A gap of 32 days – it should be 14 days, apologies – so I will divide it by 32 and multiply by 14 to make it a fortnightly rating for those who wish to compare their ratings as it goes:

Here are the last viewing figures from October 25th:

GCB - 13347
“Hollywood” Prophet - 9899
GrandSword - 2798
#1 Peep - 3928
Mr. HD - 6324
Theo Mays - 4592
Global Icon - 2683
The Best - 2270
Arcade - 1077
Bender – 400
NEW: JAM – 252
NEW: hyourinmaru – 51
NEW: CJ1988 – 149

Here are the latest viewing figures from November 26th:

GCB - 14685
“Hollywood” Prophet – ABANDONED (NEW SHOW)
GrandSword - 3660
#1 Peep - 4553
Mr. HD - 7423
Theo Mays - 5405
Global Icon - 3683
Bender – 589
NEW: JAM – 829
NEW: hyourinmaru – NO MORE POSTS
NEW: CJ1988 – 431

Potential new entries for next rankings:
RatedDTM – 227
“Hollywood” Prophet – 337
Jericholic4Life – 547
Red Skulltula – 305
Little “Sign Guy” Jimmy – 199
TempestH – 384

'BOOK THIS!' RATINGS (November 26th):

1. == GCB (5.85)
2. +1 Mr. HD (4.81)
3. -1 Global Icon (4.38)
4. == GrandSword (3.77)
5. == Theo (3.56)
6. +1 #1Peep (2.73)
7. NE JAM (2.52)
8. NE CJ1988 (1.23)
9. +1 Bender (0.83)

Not much change this time out, Book This remains quiet although there are several new shows now being posted and hopefully they can help to liven up the section. In my opinion, people need to commit to reviewing a few more shows to keep interest levels up.

Next rankings are due on Saturday 10th December.

WHAT! I've fallen off??? Where's HD? He's ahead of me after posting 2 shows? Are you serious, bro? This ain't right!!!


Congrats GCB and HD and me. We are top 3. What GCB said is true. We need to get this section alive people. Let's give each other a tough time and a run for our money. Let's do it people. Let's do it!


GCB manages to do the fortnightly ratings on time for a change!

Here are the last viewing figures from November 26th:

GCB - 14685
GrandSword - 3660
#1 Peep - 4553
Mr. HD - 7423
Theo Mays - 5405
Global Icon - 3683
Bender – 589
JAM – 829
CJ1988 – 431
NEW: RatedDTM – 227
NEW: “Hollywood” Prophet – 337
NEW: Jericholic4Life – 547
NEW: Red Skulltula – 305
NEW: Little “Sign Guy” Jimmy – 199
NEW: TempestH – 384

Here are the latest viewing figures from December 10th:

GCB - 15168
GrandSword - 3984
#1 Peep - 4894
Mr. HD - 7755
Theo Westside - 5782
Global Icon - 4171
JAM – 1091
NEW: RatedDTM – 390
NEW: “Hollywood” Prophet – 643
NEW: Jericholic4Life – NO MORE POSTS
NEW: Red Skulltula – NO MORE POSTS
NEW: Little “Sign Guy” Jimmy – NO MORE POSTS

Potential new entries for next rankings:
Adalam – 51
Out(ast – 230
Workhorse – 167
Rob Dam Van - 677

'BOOK THIS!' RATINGS (December 10th):

1. +2 Global Icon (4.88)
2. -1 GCB (4.83)
3. +2 Theo Westside (3.77)
4. +2 #1Peep (3.41)
5. -3 Mr. HD (3.32)
6. -2 GrandSword (3.24)
7. NE “Hollywood” Prophet (3.06)
8. -1 JAM (2.62)
9. NE Rated DTM (1.63)


For the first time in ages, I have been toppled off the top spot here in Book This! Global Icon takes over at the top of the rankings – only just, I must point out – which is a recognition of the hard work he has put into his BT recently – congratulations to him. Don’t get used to it though! Lots of movement elsewhere as well – Theo and Peep are moving up once again whilst Proph’s new entry has joined in at a reasonable #7 to start – I’m sure as his show gains momentum, it will threaten the leaders.

Next rankings are due on Saturday 24th December. Christmas Eve. Hmm. No promises that they will be on time! Merry Christmas!

Woohoooo! My achievement is not being #1 but being ahead of GCB. He's a true star and a veteran and to top him in the ratings is a huge achievement, isn't it GCB? Thanks to all my readers and thanks to GCB for putting up the ratings. I have RAW finished, just the main-event to go and I think it will be posted today or tomorrow.
Nice I'm still in the Top 3 Haha. But Congrats go out to Global Icon and his great BT. Deserving of the Top Spot.

I, on the other hand, am still working on WrestleMania, but these Finals have been killer. So, I still hope to get WrestleMania up before the New Year. Without schoolwork to worry about for a month, I can put a good dent in it.
It's an excellent achievement, Mr. Icon, excellent. It's also fuelled me to regain my top spot with some writing this Christmas! Like I said, enjoy it while it lasts!!!

Mr. HD - real life comes first, my friend. Looking forward to seeing some more from you when you get chance.

Here we go then, the final Book This ratings for the year 2010. Will Global Icon be able to hold off GCB and retain top spot for another fortnight? Will GCB regain his spot on top of Book This? Or will a new challenger rise up and take the coveted Number 1 spot this time out? It’s time to find out!

Here are the last viewing figures from December 10th:

GCB - 15168
GrandSword - 3984
#1 Peep - 4894
Mr. HD - 7755
Theo Westside - 5782
Global Icon - 4171
JAM – 1091
NEW: RatedDTM – 390
NEW: “Hollywood” Prophet – 643
Adalam – 51
Out(ast – 230
Workhorse – 167
Rob Dam Van - 677

Here are the latest viewing figures from December 24th:

GCB - 16164
GrandSword - 4351
#1 Peep - 5258
Mr. HD - 8212
Theo Westside - 6314
Global Icon - 4696
JAM – 1390
RatedDTM – 604
“Hollywood” Prophet – 902
NEW: Out(ast – 491
NEW: Workhorse – 596
NEW: Rob Dam Van - 944

Potential new entries for next rankings:
XThe_True_CampeonX - 211

'BOOK THIS!' RATINGS (December 24th):

1. +1 GCB (9.96)
2. +1 Theo Westside (5.32)
3. -2 Global Icon (5.25)
4. +1 Mr. HD (4.57)
5. NE Workhorse (4.29)]
6. == GrandSword (3.67)
7. -3 #1Peep (3.64)
8. == JAM (2.99)
9. NE Rob Dam Van (2.67)
10. NE Out(ast (2.61)
11. -4 “Hollywood” Prophet (2.59)
12. -3 Rated DTM (2.14)

GCB returns to the top spot after firing out several new shows in the past fortnight whilst Theo also manages to leapfrog Global Icon after his two weeks on top of Book This. Despite not having any new shows, Mr. HD consistently retains his place near the top of the rankings which shows how often people must be checking out his thread in anticipation for WrestleMania – he could be Number 1 the fortnight he posts that show! However, he needs to be aware that should he fall off the first page of Book This, then he wouldn’t be counted in the rankings – post something soon! :) Workhorse is a new entry in the top five which shows that his thread could well be a danger in the future – a great start to Book This for him. Unbelievably, in my opinion, “Hollywood” Prophet falls to 11th – whilst I am impartial when it comes to rankings, get in there and check it out, it is a really good show!

Book This fortnightly rankings return on January 7th – hopefully, baby pending – so we’ll see how the Book This landscape changes as we enter 2012. Keep on posting and keep on feeding back to each other!

Merry Christmas to you all! Happy New Year!

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