BOD is back!!!

Rumor has it that both are retiring but if someone has to lose at Wrestlemainia you can bet your a** it's not gonna be the Undertaker i would like to see a casket match and they both fall in at the same time and when the casket is opened no one is inside but.. that leaves room for more story so what will probably happen is Kane loses in some kind of match and Taker retires being undefated at Wrestlemainia so in hte futre when Taker comes back for a big match at WM some guy can claim to be "the one who beats Taker at WM" but it will never happen
I think they will inevitably feud again, and i think They will let kane win and get the upper hand. Neither will have a title run b4 there careers are over, neither want it nor need it. Smackdown needs to put the gold on younger stars (lashley,Kennedy etc).
However, they wont wrestle each other at mania. I think they might feud around the rumble, then team up one more time at mania/summerslam.
its gonna be cool to see them but they mite fight against each other who knows

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