BOD is back!!!

Chain Gang MVP

Dark Match Winner

For the first time in more than five years, the Brothers of Destruction will team up again. General Manager Theodore Long made the announcement after M.V.P. assisted Mr. Kennedy in defeating The Big Red Monster in a No Disqualification match. Montel Vontavious Porter & Mr. Kennedy will join together, but will they survive Kane & Undertaker?
wareww said:
yeah i cant wait

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I am Wondering is This Just a one of Thing or is it goin to last for a long time
it prolly going to be just like DX at first it for a couple of weeks then a months and then it be full time so don't be surpizes if we see them till WM23 like we will DX
I think this whole "bring back old tag teams" idea is stupid. If Boogeyman joined up with BOD or maybe have the Bulldog's son join up with DX is one thing, but having the "old guys" by themselves maybe fun, it tends to bore me quickly. Very few new comers are able to make a name for themselves. Don't get me wrong, it sounds like a great idea to have the reunions, but unless they do something with either team, it will bore me, and will cause many wwe fans will loose interest.
I think this whole "bring back old tag teams" idea is stupid. If Boogeyman joined up with BOD or maybe have the Bulldog's son join up with DX is one thing, but having the "old guys" by themselves maybe fun, it tends to bore me quickly. Very few new comers are able to make a name for themselves. Don't get me wrong, it sounds like a great idea to have the reunions, but unless they do something with either team, it will bore me, and will cause many wwe fans will loose interest.

WM 23 main event BOD vs DX buried alive macth Im calling it right now anyways I rather they brought back Evolution then DX maybe that what Edge and Randy can call themself Evolution instead of NWO.
BOD suck. They're a completely one dimensional team and they just hold each other back. Kane and Taker are much better on their own, without this "we're just two big guys in a tag team" bull.
i thought about evolution being reformed with edge and orton, maybe umaga also, maybe put bischoff as the manager, though nWo would seem better to many, orton could re-form eolution sayin HHH thought he got to big for a group,

evolution v DX - possible

DX - nWo - unlikely
Edge and Orton are a very good, original faction. DX is old and tired. BOD is a one-dimensional borefest. The nWo are dead and they better be staying that way. Face it, most factions (especially the newer ones) suck! What is it with people's need to desperately try to dig up bits from the past and juxtapose them in today's WWE?
Mr. Sam said:
Edge and Orton are a very good, original faction. DX is old and tired. BOD is a one-dimensional borefest. The nWo are dead and they better be staying that way. Face it, most factions (especially the newer ones) suck! What is it with people's need to desperately try to dig up bits from the past and juxtapose them in today's WWE?

How is BOD one-dimensional that impossable we live in a 3-dimensional world and no the NWO is it dead their in japan there call NWO 2000 the newer factions don't suck the WWE doesnt doesnt know Wrestling that why they do everything escape wrestling. and the reason these old factions are coming back are because they make more money then the WWE champion john cena
This run of the Brothers Of Destruction will be like how it was in 1998 when they teamed together to destroy Steve Austin, and eventually went on against each other. Face facts, there won't be much for Kane and the Undertaker on the SmackDown! brand after this storyline. Both of their times are, sadly, running out. Maybe they will go at it one more time, just ONE MORE TIME as some possible retirement match at WrestleMania ending their final chapter to both of their carears. But I don't know anything, it's all assuming and what would be cool to me.
By one dimensional I mean that all they have is their "two big guys" gimmick with very little personality, I didn't mean they were cartoon characters or whatever... And I've never heard of nWo 2000, probably because they're most likely some obscure rip-off of the original.
Mr. Sam said:
By one dimensional I mean that all they have is their "two big guys" gimmick with very little personality, I didn't mean they were cartoon characters or whatever... And I've never heard of nWo 2000, probably because they're most likely some obscure rip-off of the original.

Very little personality? They have one of the most storied fueds and back stories in WWE history on their side. This isn't like Kane and the Big Show, for example, where the move really made no sense.
I think Kane & Taker are the next WWE tag team champs b/c we all know how much Kane is attracted to tag team titles(X-pac,RVD,Helms,Taker,Big Show have all been tag teams champs with Kane). This will lead up to Royal Rumble or No Way Out when Kane betrays his brother yet again which only means one thing........Buried Alive match at WrestleMania, possibly both their last matches into retirement.
I find this to be an interesting reunion, because the last time the Brothers were a team, Taker was doing his biker gimmick, and now he's back to his original gimmick of the dead man, so there might be a new element to the BOD, since now Takers got all his lighting bolts and pyro tricks, this BOD could be totally different from the orginal BOD.

I think everybody thats agaisnt this reunion should just give it a chance cause it could be totally different this time around.
I don't see them reforming as they wouldn't just be 'stuck' in a match like this and then just reform. This should just be a 1 or 2 week thing like all other SmackDown tag teams. All that should and hopefully will come out of this is stronger ratings this week for Smackdown. BTW, another reason SmackDown is terrible at the moment is because they've got MVP wrestling the main event against 2 extreme faces. I don't have a problem with Kennedy but come on, MVP??!! For God's sake SmackDown need some talent (and especially some good heels)
BOD of destruction is back because that was one of Kane's wishes before he retires, so it will probably last until WM23 where Kane is going to retire.
JSCT said:
i thought about evolution being reformed with edge and orton, maybe umaga also, maybe put bischoff as the manager, though nWo would seem better to many, orton could re-form eolution sayin HHH thought he got to big for a group,

evolution v DX - possible

DX - nWo - unlikely

That makes no sense whatsoever. How would they make another evolution with only one original memeber and Umaga? Umaga? Why?

Anyways back to the title of the thread. BOD is good for SD because it will bring viewers but IMO I think they are boring alike to much of the WWE and

Edge and orton > DX and BOD
first of all BOD was great when it first happened and IMO is going to be great this time around also ... kane will turn on taker resulting in WM23 buried alive/casket match with kane beating taker and kane saying he has nothing left to do in his career and they both retire ... and by the way dx is the best faction of all time sure they're not as good as they were back in the day but they're still great
It really makes me sad and pissed at the same time because Kane really should have been the world champion another time before the end.

I cannot believe this is the end for one of best of this generation!
But if this is what he wants before he retires then right on its a fuckin shame though

But yeah this rehashing of old teams needs to be put on the back burner for awhile I don't know if this is their way of trying to get ready for Mania or if they are just trying to capitalize on Kane going to Smackdown..but for one thing the Undertaker needs a good singles match for Wrestlemania not a tag team match against fucking DX or another match vs Kane that you know he'll win. Man I hope Kane doesn't leave without destroying somebody!

What needs to be done is Kane coming out like he did in the beginning and just destroying everyone in the middle of matches and interviews.

Like for example say Helms was fighting Hardy then in mid match the lights go out and here comes Kane after the explosion and beats them the F down!

Thats what he needs to do...something to be remembered by instead of Kane losing his last match to some washed up piece of crap like The Undertaker who only occasionally wrestles because he is nearly done himself.
well i Personally Love the BoD.

They may be "one-dimensional" but isn't most tag-teams like that?
And besides, Undertaker and Kane are "brothers" and thats Cool.
I though the thing where undertaker taught Kane the last ride was Sweet!
i think they will last until the nigght they both retire,and they have a tag team buried alive match or casket match,and they end up being buried alive at the same time, like theres a hole big enuf for two people to lay side by side and kane and the undertaker are in there at the end of the match, i wood love to hav a camera inside the hole and at the last second before the dirt comes in, they clutch hands and then are covered in dirt to end there careers
^That sounds good, but I'd love to see BOD win their last match. Then maybe they can just show them walking into a graveyard together or something. I think both men should be given an opportunity to address the fans at that time though, as both have given so much to WWE fans over the years. I remember 'Taker's first appearance in the WWF, and never thought his gimmick would last. I give both guys credit, and both deserve a World Title again before the end.
jlake226 said:
first of all BOD was great when it first happened and IMO is going to be great this time around also ... kane will turn on taker resulting in WM23 buried alive/casket match with kane beating taker and kane saying he has nothing left to do in his career and they both retire ... and by the way dx is the best faction of all time sure they're not as good as they were back in the day but they're still great

bod is great and of course. they were great berfore and im sure they will be good again. but i disagree on what u said because the one who will be leaving is kane. it can be like you said kane will turn on the undertaker and have a match but if someone loses and leaves its gonna be kane not the undertaker. nobody has said anything about the undertaker retiring.

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