Bobby Roode's Contract Was Up; Issues Resolved with TNA

Bobby Roode isn t going to wwe and never will he praises TNA and is loyal to TNA expect him to sign another 5 yeard deal till 2018 . I wish all wwe marks stop finding rumors that when a wrestler doesn t sign his contract in TNA doesn t mean he is wheelchair wrestling enterprises bound. He has a bright future and a deal of being World CHampion a few more times in his contract;)

Its funny you are saying WWE marks are finding rumors when you talk like massive TNA mark. Like I said before I don't know why someone would make this up but they could be misinformed. If that's the case I figure TNA would clear it up since Roode is advertised for tonight to defend the tag titles.

Let say for argument sake this is true not saying it is but lets just assume for argument sake. If TNA really did let Roodes contract expire why would Roode stay loyal to TNA now? They basically said Roodes not worth signing. Now this is assuming this is true but if I was Roode I would seriously consider going somewhere else after this.
First, learn proper grammar. Second, I think Bobby going to WWE would be interesting. There are multiple options for gimmicks he could have. He could use the Ravashing gimmick of his father or something new. Lets just wait and see what happens shall we.

Do you think that Bobby Roode is the son of Ravishing Rick Rude? What an idiot.

Of course Roode's contract will be renewed, he is a big part of TNA Wrestling and he has always said that he wants to remain in TNA, so if the contract is up they probably have renewed him already, if not they will do soon enough.

Roode isn't going anywhere. He loves TNA Wrestling and of course WWE could offer him more but he knows that it doesn't really matter how much of talent he is they could fuck him like they are doing with El Generico who has become Mr. Generic.
I call Bullshit on this... remember in 2009 Roode signed a 5 year deal.. it would be year 4 right now. I think is all a trick by someone..

"My contract is put away and I've re-signed for five years with TNA. I'm very happy about it. They wanted to sign me to a long-term deal. Most contracts are one to three years, but they wanted to keep me around for five. I'm quite pleased.

For now, I don't know what the future will hold for me, but signing the long-term deal is a good sign that in time they'll branch me off into a singles guy again. There are guys in our company right now -- like Kurt Angle, Booker T and Kevin Nash-- who are in their 40s and their careers are near the end. Mine is just peaking.

The company is looking toward their future and I think they'll mould me into one of their spots down the road. We'll have to see what happens, but I think that's what is going to be the case."
Why does it feel like some dirt sheet "reporter" got his info wrong, announced that his contract is up a year earlier than it should and then all the rest of the 'sheets pawned it off as their news as well, continuing the chain of bullshit?

It seems like an error, but if it isn't, common logic would tell you that Roode is staying with TNA. Why? Very simple.

If this man wanted more money for the rest of his life, he would've quit TNA back in 2009 when he was a part of a progressively staler tag-team with little chance of him doing something else.

However, he didn't. Not only did he not sign with the WWE despite his position within the company and the distress TNA was in back then, he signed a 5 year contract with them. Does this seem like a man who's planning on leaving for the WWE? The guy signed the dotted line for half a freaking decade. He's made his mind up LONG time ago.

So, in the last 4 years, Bobby Roode not only got out of Beer Money, but he became TNA World Champion, a solid Main Eventer, a current tag-team Champion in arguably one of the most entertaining tag-teams in recent history which has him featured on TV on a weekly basis. Moreover, Roode has shown ZERO displeasure with TNA over the course of these 4 years. He has a solid position in the company and the pay seems to not be a problem. Roode is happy with TNA, TNA is happy with Roode.

Yet, despite all this, this thread has been flooded with many a WWE brainless zombie saying how Roode is so going to go to the WWE or how it'll be so much better for him, and that he should leave because of that gosh darn Aces and Eights.

Well, let's entertain that thought. Let's just say that TNA is a wreck right now. Nothing works, nothing's good. Is the WWE really the company to go to? Is the WWE really a step up, quality wise? Money-wise, hell yeah. But everything else?

Roode has a lucrative deal with TNA. Roode has a great, fluid relationship with TNA. Roode is SOMEONE in TNA. Why would he go to the WWE? So he can be replaced or overshadowed by the return of a former Attitude Era "superstar" or Brock Lesnar? So he can have his gimmick changed three times with absolutely zero explanation or transition between them, resulting in him being dressed in a silly costume and forced to dance?

So his natural wrestling ability and his instincts can be cut right off, and anything that made him Bobby Roode replaced with what the 90 years old, senile and completely out of touch McMahon thinks is cool in 2013?

Why the FUCK would Bobby Roode go to the WWE, aside any financial reasons. So he can rassle in front of the big crowds? TNA's going on the road, love, crowds ain't gonna be as big as WWE's but you can't see jack shit past the first few rows anyway.

This announcement is bullshit, next year - when it is true, Roode will stay with TNA and WWE fans will just have to stick with CM Punk and Daniel Bryan's beard until then.
I'm not gonna buy into this hype. Now Roode could be great in WWE, but I wouldn't want to see him leave TNA. Money talks, so any man in a position like this would go where the money is. But like the majority has stated, his contract shouldn't be up until next year. I say don't feed this rumor. Sit back and keep enjoying Roode's work in TNA.
Breathing a big sigh of relief after having read the issues were resolved. Roode is/was too important to the TNA landscape to risk losing over something this fucking stupid. I'm not going to get into whether or not Pritchard should be fired over it, because we know so little about the situation, but every TNA fan should be ecstatic that he's likely here to stay.
Is there any reason to think this is true? Other than it was written on a dirtsheet? We have Bobby himself, in his own words, saying that he signed a five year deal four years ago. And to the yahoo that brought up possible option years - yeah, he'd have to tell them he was opting out well before the contract actually expired, not after it expired, so we can safely rule out that possibility.

One of two things happened here:

1.TNA wants us to think his contract has expired when it hasn't. They're trying to swerve the IWC again. Obviously, they've done this before, so it's certainly not out of the question.

2.A dirtsheet made something up. Again. It's pretty well known that dirtsheets aren't the most credible place to get information, and there's a reason for that. They're not always honest.

Which one is it? Look, if TNA was trying to swerve the IWC, this wouldn't have been the first we heard about it. How long has he been off of TV? They would've started "leaking" this out long before they took him off TV, not after they took him off TV. Unless, of course, this was a last minute thing they decided to put out there in hopes of boosting interest in the PPV. But that almost seems too smart for TNA. And, either way, it would've been leaked to more than one dirtsheet - WrestleZone says their sources can't confirm his contract expired.

So we can rule out the possibility that his contract actually expired, and we can rule out the possibility that TNA leaked this on purpose. That leaves us with one viable option: it's another made up dirtsheet rumor.
Is there any reason to think this is true? Other than it was written on a dirtsheet? We have Bobby himself, in his own words, saying that he signed a five year deal four years ago. And to the yahoo that brought up possible option years - yeah, he'd have to tell them he was opting out well before the contract actually expired, not after it expired, so we can safely rule out that possibility.
Would he have to tell you? I must have missed the part in contract negotiation where it's obligatory to announce to the public what your intent with a contract is.

Or are you dumb enough to believe the public position of "oh, jeez, we forgot about performer contracts"?

It seems I put a bit of a scare into you with the idea that Bobby Roode might take off if the money was right.

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