Bobby Lashley, Marcus Cor Von, Similar, Yes or No

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Have you noticed that Bobby Lashley and the "Alpha Male" Marcus Cor Von are very similar. They look similar, both power houses and they both have some sort or shoulder tackle as a finisher. Lashley's Spear and Cor Von's Pounce. Dont you think so?
Yup, and that's what I've been saying. People are such tools. They fucking BEAT OFF to the alpha male then rag on Lashley. They're the same person, save for a bit better mic skills on alpha male, but he's still lame on the mic.

I like 'em both....not how they're getting used, but they're both good in my eyes.

I think Monty Brown should have stayed in TNA. They missed out on a potental superstar in Brown. He had the mic skills, not so much in ring ability but he was marketable. Now he's just gonna drown in ecw.
Bobby Lashley, Marcus Cor Von, Similar, Yes or No?

Similar in the sence that there both big black men. But Monty's mic skill's will carry him further in WWE than Lashley's whole title reign will. Both are'nt terribly good in the ring. Dispute it all you want but it's a fact. Brown is slightly better and I suppose you could argue that Lashley is inexperienced. But Brown has oodles of charisma and in a SPORT'S ENTERTAINMENT promotion that's all that matter's.
^^ Unfortunately I agree, charisma is the key, just ask Chris Benoit.

As for the two of them being similar, I agree and I think it's a shame that Brown has ended up in WWECW; he's so much better than that crap
Vince is an idiot. The only difference between Brown and Lashley is that Lashley is a white man trapped in a black man's body. They are interchangeable in the ring, but Brown is a better promo man. When Vince has three brands out there, he should have placed Brown in Smackdown or Raw. WWECW doesn't need another Lashley on the roster.
They both suck. One has potential with regards to wrestling and is lousy on the mic...the other has potential on the mic and is lousy with wrestling. They're both in the same vein as Goldberg in that they only function well in squash matches. A back-and-forth encounter totally ruins their natural scheme of sucking. I'm happy for TNA that Monty was sent down the road as he isn't what they need because he can't work past the ten minute mark and hold a crowd. On the flipside, I'm sorry for ECW because he'll probably be main-eventing in a year.
I'm not a huge fan of Monty Brown / Marcus Cor Von, but he is at least entertaining sometime. The Pounce gets quite the reaction from the crowd, and he can cut good promos. Bobby Lashley is just plain boring, has a generic moveset and sounds pretty horrible on the mic, not to mention that he looks like Wayne Brady on steroids. Brown is probably my favorite non-original in WWECW along with CM Punk, but I like Brown's current character better than Punk's. Also a thumbs-up for the cool entrance theme. On the downside, it's a shame that he doesn't talk about the Serengeti any more. Here's hoping that he is the one to take the title off of Lashley.
Well... They're both black and strong. But when it comes to the mic skills, that where the difference between the two lies. On the flip side however, Lashley is a bit bettet in the ring.

Monty will have a nice career on that Tuesday show because of his charisma, the WWE has no problem pushing someone who sucks in the ring, as long as he's charismatic and draws either cheers or jeers depending on his aligment. It won't be long before Monty starts getting a reaction and to be honest when Lashley is in the ring the crowd just dies.
Well... They're both black and strong. But when it comes to the mic skills, that where the difference between the two lies. On the flip side however, Lashley is a bit bettet in the ring.

Monty will have a nice career on that Tuesday show because of his charisma, the WWE has no problem pushing someone who sucks in the ring, as long as he's charismatic and draws either cheers or jeers depending on his aligment. It won't be long before Monty starts getting a reaction and to be honest when Lashley is in the ring the crowd just dies.

We'll see just how far Monty gets. The one thing I've noticed about Vince McMahon in recent years is that he doesn't give a damn what the fans think. These stupid angles on Raw like "Donald Trump" vs. "Rosie O'Donnell" and pushes for people like Umaga, The Great Khali, Test and Lashley prove it to me. They all receive little reaction from the crowd but because McMahon loves his big muscular guys, they're all among the most dominant wrestlers on their respective brand. McMahon better check his ego at the door, because it's just a matter of time before TNA and WSX post big enough ratings to pose a legitimate threat to the WWE's reign of dominance.
^^ there is more actually, you see: when cor von debuted , he was just like lashley thats why you may expect a big push for this dude
he actually left smackdown because he wanted to work with paulie insted of the smackdown head writer man

Probably the real reason why Bobby Lashley (Goldberg III) wanted to switch brands is because he knew he would never get to main event on SmackDown with Batista (Goldberg II) standing in his way. Nevermind the fact that the guy is unskilled in the ring, lacks any kind of agility and sounds like Michael Jackson when he speaks. Granted, Batista is no better than he is, but what made him so high and mighty after such a short time with the company?

Vinnie Mac just doesn't understand ECW. The spot that went to Lashley should have gone to Chris Benoit instead. He is an ECW Original whose scientific style was one of the pillars on which ECW was built. If McMahon knew a thing about the company he's trying to bring back, he would have done that instead. ECW was so much more than the hardcore style that he tries to present a tamed-down version of occasionally. He thinks that the fans want that along with a slew of McMahon's favorite big guys that couldn't get over on other brands. That's why it's just a matter of time before WWECW crashes and burns.
Bobby Lashley is just plain boring, has a generic moveset and sounds pretty horrible on the mic, not to mention that he looks like Wayne Brady on steroids.

That sums up Lashley to a tee! I would also add that the man's ears are the same size now as they were when he was born. How can he hear out of those little things?
Why do you guys say Lashley is not over? I went to a Smackdown taping back in October and he received the second biggest ovation behind Batista.
Why do you guys say Lashley is not over? I went to a Smackdown taping back in October and he received the second biggest ovation behind Batista.

Maybe I should rephrase it. For a guy that is getting arguably the single biggest push of anyone in the WWE, the crowd response for Lashley has been underwhelming. Of course the crowd cheers when Lashley's music hits and the pyro (two bursts, no less) go off, but have you noticed how dead the crowd is during his matches? Too many generic maneuvers from Lashley, too many rest holds from his opponents. From what I can see, CM Punk and RVD seem to get bigger pops from the crowd than Lashley, and that's just limiting it to ECW. Lashley needs to show his commitment to the business and prove that he deserves to be where he is by stepping out of his comfort zone, using some new maneuvers, and improving his mic skills. The guy shows absolutely no athleticism in the ring and simply strings together power move after power move. Even Batista has occasionally surprised me with some new maneuvers (like the rolling fireman's carry slam), but Lashley thus far has just shown moves that everyone has learned in Wrestling 101. I expect more from the McMahon-endorsed "next big thing", and judging by the crowd's increasingly lukewarm response, so do they.
"Looks like Wayne Brady on steroids" LMAO

A side note, wasn't Brock Lesnar Goldberg II?

Anyway, yeah Marcus and Lashley are kind of the same. They should make a tag team and WWE could promote them as long lost brothers.
I remember reading on WZ that i think it was the head writer of RAW wanted Monty on RAW & the one in ECW wanted him in ECW but also didn't want to change his name. the guy in ECW got him but since Monty Brown's his real name Vince wanted it changed to something he could copywrite. think he woulda been better on RAW especially with HHH down.

On a side note i notice how they gave Lashley the exact same pyros at the ring as Lesner (when he hops on the ring apron the pyros shoot from the turnbuckles) can't they do anything original with this guy.
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