Blood in TNA


Dark Match Winner
Now I am all for blood but is it just me or does TNA over use it. It seems like every time I see Hogan or Flair tey are bleeding. Hell even in the opening to TNA tonight Flair was bleeding at one point. I get that you might want to use it more because the WWE doesn't use it but every time Flair or Hogan is in the ring they are eventually busted open. I dont see what the point is of all the blood when there is no real reason to do it.
I'm not convinced tonight Ric bled for the sake of bleeding. He was talking abou this hate for Hardy & Hogan and it seemed like a fan said something and we all know how nuts Flair goes in promos. Do we need to even bring in the stripping and elbow drops to a suit jacket? I am not sure Ric expected to bust himself back open and I don't think AJ expected it either. If you look at AJ's face when Ric was busted he looked shocked and worried.
I hear amongst many that they crave blood in matches. I don't, although I never really see matches that require it. But there are some, around 1-2 a year. Unfortunately, WWE doesn't give us that anymore apparently (Yet to see a match that needed blood that didn't have it).

But TNA uses is too much. It overkills what bleeding can do for a match. Ric Flair was covered in blood 5 minutes into the match. Now what does that lead to future matches and blood baths? They wont matter as much to me.
I like blood in some matches cuz I do think that it can make it more intense but I dont need to see two 60 year olds bleeding all over when it means nothing to make them bleed cuz I dont look at Flair and Hogan as two men who need to be bleeding. I think they do the blood with them a lot as a way for them to seem not as old as they are. I think TNA just plain over uses it. Hell Anderson just busted Angle open AGAIN for like the 20th time. It gets old if you use it so much. On a side note has anyone noticed how ridiculous Hogan looks when he is busted open. He looks so pathetic.
Exist2inspire im like you, i think tna are going overboard with the blood now, when ric flair started bleeding during the openig of impact i was like what the hell are they doing here?! it just seemed kind of cheezy. MR. TM your right also there are some specialty matches that you expect blood ,but tna have gone crazy,it loses its shock value when we see it every week,i thought it was better back in the day when you never saw it on tv but only on ppv or at the arena, it was exciting then and you guys are probably right-on in thinking its just a reaction to wwe's pg stance.
Blood should only be reserved in brutal matches. Like street fights or attacks like the one Anderson put on Angle tonight. Other than that... blood's not needed all the time. It needs to look realistic. Like, 'man, that dude took an asskicking. Look at his face!'

I think that TNA may over do it. But it's not enough to make me cry foul on it. Except for Hogan and Flair. Seriously... no need to bleed all the time, guys.
I agree , they could use the blood but only in small doses or like what happened tonight with Kurt angle. That will help build a better rivery. Having we seen flair busted open like a million times in all of wrestling. We know he is bond to bleed guys you just don't need to empathize it every week since wwe is pg rating and strictly no blood rule.
I never thought I would agree with anyone about this but you're right. TNA has been exposing too much blood lately. It doesn't have that same special effect when it is used in a special match or promo. It seems they are trying too hard with cutting almost everyone. They need to use it in moderation so it doesn't lose its value. Pretty soon fans will expect to see blood in every match, even knockouts.
I agree with the majority of posters that TNA is over using blood. It's ridiculous really. Hogan and Flair are ALWAYS bleeding. I personally never liked the use of blood in the WWE. It just looked too unrealistic. If they're gonna use blood, the wrestler whose bleeding better have been hit by 5 chair shots or be legitimately bleeding because the whole fake blood thing just isn't believable anymore. I don't know if its because I got older but the use of blood in wrestling just doesn't seem needed. Give me a great match where both wrestlers give it their all and actually entertain the fans. I'll pass on the blood. Give me Owen Hart vs Brett Hart. Give me Samoa Joe vs AJ Styles. Give me Undertaker vs Michaels. Don't give me two geezers who seem to have their menstruations on their faces every time i see them.


Ric Flair: The best customer of the companies that make fake blood​
Blood should only be reserved in brutal matches. Like street fights or attacks like the one Anderson put on Angle tonight. Other than that... blood's not needed all the time. It needs to look realistic. Like, 'man, that dude took an asskicking. Look at his face!'

I think that TNA may over do it. But it's not enough to make me cry foul on it. Except for Hogan and Flair. Seriously... no need to bleed all the time, guys.

i have to agree with The Lariat the blood is not needed all the time only with like the angle beat down or, brutal matches like street fights first blood matches etc.
Seems a little like a cheap ploy to seem like a more controversial show, when IMO controversey should come more naturally in a sense of not seeming this forced.

Blood is a fantastic tool in the arsenal of pro-wrestling booking 101, but the abundant use of it turns it into a gimmick, and not all gimmicks are good ones.

This is TNA, not CZW, so the last thing I need to see is so much blood flowing from Flair's (or Hogan's) forehead every week, that it ends up in his eye(s) in HD. I was actually cringing at the sight of it and had to look away during most of his promo, despite being an avid fan of Flair's mic work/promos.

I'd hope they manage to tune it down in the future, if not to appease the queasy, then to actually save the use of it for the more brutal and pronounced matches at PPV's, or during main events.
I like blood in some matches cuz I do think that it can make it more intense but I dont need to see two 60 year olds bleeding all over when it means nothing to make them bleed cuz I dont look at Flair and Hogan as two men who need to be bleeding. I think they do the blood with them a lot as a way for them to seem not as old as they are. I think TNA just plain over uses it. Hell Anderson just busted Angle open AGAIN for like the 20th time. It gets old if you use it so much. On a side note has anyone noticed how ridiculous Hogan looks when he is busted open. He looks so pathetic.
hey buddy how bout dont watch it if it really bothers you that much im sick and tired of people complaining about how much tna sucks and yet week after week they still continue to tune in and sure enough at 11 oclock there are people waiting to post on here about how bad the show was i mean am i the only one that feels this way or what
Yeah, I have noticed this over the past couple of weeks on Impact. Hogan and Flair have been busted open A LOT. We all know Flair is notorious for bleeding, and so is Hogan to a certain extent, but I feel TNA is sort of going overboard with this. I agree with Lariat when he says blood should be reserved for brutal matches because it just isn't needed all the time. I also just recently learned that the match between Tara and Daffney this Sunday will be a First Blood match. Women blading can be looked at as something daring and bold or it could be looked at as going too far.

Call me crazy,but Maybe TNA is just doing this as another way of being different from WWE? We're all aware of WWE's very strict no blood policy, so maybe TNA is doing this to show people that they are willing to go to the extreme?
TNA is most definitely overdoing it with the blood. Well, I don't know if TNA is overdoing it, or if it's just Hogan and Flair. These guys are seemingly being busted open every week lately, and it's just getting to be too much. Someone getting busted open is kind of like a treat to wrestling fans, and should be reserved for big matches. If it happens too often, the wow factor is gone.

But I have to disagree with some of you about Flair. I really think he truly meant to bleed last night. He started punching his own wounds. I mean, he looked as though his wounds were already open on his way down the ring. He had to know that with fresh cuts like those, they were going to bleed if he hit himself. As big of a Flair mark as I am, he really needs to relax a bit. There is being over-the-top, and there is what Flair doing. He is taking everything way, way too far.
I think it is great they are willing to use it, and it is a great tool to set them apart from WWE, but as had been said, less is more.

Save it for brutal matches, pay per views or to get a storyline across more. Using it too much will just make it less valuable and lessen the effect it can have.
I'm glad they're willing to use it but they could do with cutting back on it just a little bit. It just seems like they want to try and use it as much as possible to show that they have something the WWE doesn't.

Then again, I can see why the main event last week had blood and the Anderson beatdown this week. Hogan and Flair bladed last week to take the emphasis off of their lack of in-ring ability and the beatdown Anderson gave Angle also kept the feud going because last weeks angle felt like a blow off.

I think Flair busting himself open on the last Impact was accidental so I won't factor that into it either.
It has been a little excessive but it is too early to say they are overusing it. It obviously is being done to distinguish themselves to wwe's blood policy. But of all the things wwe has done to water down their product I wish tna would focus more on the others than the blood to distinguish themselves. I would much rather see excessive "(wwe)illegal" moves and more varied hardcore actions than the cheap trick of blading without much purpose.
hey buddy how bout dont watch it if it really bothers you that much im sick and tired of people complaining about how much tna sucks and yet week after week they still continue to tune in and sure enough at 11 oclock there are people waiting to post on here about how bad the show was i mean am i the only one that feels this way or what

First of all, these are your friends:

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Use them. Please.

Secondly, people are "complaining" about the product, because they are anxious to see it succeed and want to express what they think is good or bad about it. Naturally, it is much easier to express what is bad about something (what they dislike), rather than putting their finger on why exactly they like something.

It's not a matter of turning to WWE's Monday Night Variete, because that doesn't offer an equal or better alternative, so we stick to our TNA guns, because we want competition so that TNA, WWE and the wrestling business as a whole benefits. Telling people to shut up, or go away, or watch something else is detrimental not only to these discussion forums (DISCUSSION, see?) but also to the entire wrestling business.

The only way forward is through a minefield of dos and don'ts, not by drinking the Kool-Aid and pretending your legs are not blown to smithereens.

With that said, last iMPACT definitely over-used blood. OK, so Ric's stunt wasn't planned (but looked incredibly stupid, like Ultimate Warrior silly), but Ken Anderson once again cutting Angle open with the badge just seemed excessive. He could've gotten the point across just as well by doing the beat-down and the intense face-to-face snarling without making Kurt bleed.

I am of the opinion that blood should be used, albeit sparingly, to accentuate the hardships of a match, not that it should be used as coloring for the iMPACT ring canvas.

It's getting a wee bit out of hand, methinks.
I agree that the use of blood has been quite overdone as of recent.

And I also agree that maybe they should use it conservatively as it is taking away from the product. But I also believe the reason they are using it so much is to differ from the WWE's current product.

Flair is gold on the mic and doesn't need to constantly bleed to make his point. I hope they can come to some sort of compromise. Maybe only use blood at PPV's where necessary.
They do use way too much. I see it every week on Impact and it just gets tedious. It loses its Impact (no pun intended) if it is used all the time so if you see someone bleed its not that big of a deal.

One of the most iconic moment in the history of wrestling is when Bret Hart locked Steve in the sharpshooter and Austin with blood dripping from his face eventually passing out from the pain. Would that moment be as rememberable without blood? For me i'm not sure but its sad how far blood has come along from then. It used to be important and special but what its become now is pretty pathetic.

I don't mind it when Anderson and Angle use it as its become really personal and should have some blood in it. They haven't over done it or use it every week so TNA can use it in the right places just others like Hulk and Flair need to learn to turn it down a notch.
There's no way there's been too much blood on Impact. Everyone is just jumping on the fact that it's Hogan and Flair.

I agree with the general consensus that too much is bad and that it needs to be reserved for key feud and big matches. It was inevitable that the tag match was going to end in a bloodbath and it worked because it gave the excuse for the Sting turn and the short match to suit Hogan.

I don't want to see Abyss, Hogan and Flair blading every time they fight but for hardcore matches it's acceptable and gives a nice contrast to WWE.

I'm also intrigued by the Knockouts First Blood match; that could be awesome if they let Daffney work properly.
I don't believe there is too much blood in TNA. But I do believe the likes of Hogan and Flair have contributed to an increase on a regular basis. It used to be blood was spilled on PPV's not on a weekly basis to attempt to draw more viewers.
Blood is effective when used sparingly, but when multiple guys are blading every week on iMPACT it quickly loses its effect and begins to resemble a plea of desperation on TNA's part. IMO, TNA sometimes overuses the bleeding thing to the point that it's no longer exciting and something to get all worked up over.
There's definitely too much blood in TNA at the moment and as such it has lost all of its impact for me. When you know as soon as Flair or Hogan enter the ring that their faces will end up being a "crimson mask," no one really cares about it. While there is, arguably, too little blood in the WWE, it has definitely been over the top in TNA lately, and as someone else said, it reeks of desperation, trying too hard to entice away WWE viewers with a supposedly more "adult" show which allegedly, blood and scantily clad women produces.

I have always believe there's a place for blood in pro wrestling, but in moderation. Then it's more effective when it happens, it looks more brutal, more real. Matches like a First Blood Match become interesting, which they aren't if everyone bleeds in every match anyway. When Kofi made Batista bleed a couple of RAW's ago (granted it was an accident, a mistake) it was better than seeing Ric Flair literally dripping every time he enters the ring.
Blood is more effective the less you use it. If blood starts pissing out of Shawn Michaels on Sunday, then people will immediately bump up the match in their estimations. If Ric Flair doesn't bleed in a match, and this was true in his later WWE days too, then you think there's something up. However, while Flair's problem is an individual one, TNA are certainly guilty of hamming it up sometimes when itcomes to blood. Doing it as often as they do desensitises the audience and removes the shock effect that you are trying to manipulate with blood. Ultimately then it becomes a pointless thing to do which is ultimately quite dangerous and stupid. TNA should have blood, but only when they need it. E.g. Lethal Lockdown but not in a backstage segment on Impact.

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