TNA's Use of Blood... Too much?

OK first off I want to say that I NEVER S**T on TNA because Pro Wrestling needs TNA just like Pro Wrestling needs ROH . Now the blood on a weekly basis in TNA is some what too much . Last night at Lockdown I think RVD's wound was legit because he looks at the ref right after it happened as if to say what do I do now ? . There was ALOT of Blood at the PPV last night . I think it was needed in the Anderson VS Angel match and really needed in Lethal Lockdown because of the weapons . But the deeper issue is the Lethal Lockdown match ending why the hell do Bitchoff , Hogan and Flair feel the need to get in the cage when none of them are in that match it self that turn of events killed the whole show for me . Among other things like the blood and the BS ending to the World Title match . All in all Lockdown had too much blood too many BS "Creative" mistakes and was a total mess The "Creative" Mess makes me really think hard weather or not I'll order Sacrifice next month . so herer is a math lesson

I agree completely. Look bloods cool and in certain matches (hiac,elimination chamber) its almost necesarry but every single week on tna somebody gets busted open and it is disgusting. To much blood is just overwhelming and almost sickening. Especially during the hogan/flair match from a month ago that was just to much watching two old wrinkley wrestlers bleeding all over isnt something I want to see. As a wrestling fan there are times when I want blood but tna is overdoing and imo its a cheap tactic to try and gain more viewers
well with WWE dropping the blood thing 100% TNA needs to pick that up, and they have. The REAL ECW used a shit ton of blood, and people loved it. Not every one did, but there are more...for lack of a better term..homicidal, genocidal, and suicidal (ok so i just wanted to throw that in) fans than you'd think. I personally love hardcore matches, I think TNA should bring a hardcore title and put the 24/7 rule in effect. That was creative! Having people fight in laundromats and all. But to answer your question about TNA and blood, it's a good thing. It's for people who don't like the PG program. And I've heard about the fans suing for getting blood on them. Bit of advice for those money hungry *****, DON'T SIT IN THE FRONT ROW! It's a sport where people kick and punch each other, blood can happen. Dana White needs to take notice, it will happen to him too lol
I really don't approve using blood too much.Not because it becomes disgusting or ugly.Because it gets STALE.

Just imagine that.each and every week you see blood.Sometimes even more than on what happens?After some while , you don't care about blood.WWE has banned blood and i know that this move stinks , but overusing the blood is also not intersting.It seems that TNA and mostly Bischoff is obsessed with do angles that WWE doesn't.I think that they should use blood in a certain amount to keep it fresh and fun to watch.

On a side note ,I'm also sure this overusing is 100% because of WWE not using it.It's a proven fact that EB cares a lot about weaknesses of Vince's job.
I don't get disgusted by it, but blood should be something special. It should be something happens once and a while and when it does it's because some shit went down.. but when you use it every damn night.. if not multiple times.. it really loses it's appeal
Blood is effective when used sparingly, but when multiple guys are blading every week on iMPACT it quickly loses its effect and begins to resemble a plea of desperation on TNA's part. IMO, TNA sometimes overuses the bleeding thing to the point that it's no longer exciting and something to get all worked up over.
Well, there are always two sides to this argument. I think that Blood can add some intensity to a match. Lockdown was a great example. The blood in the matches weren't too overdone. The only example I can point out where it was a bit much was, as per the norm, with Flair. I am an old school Flair fan, but have always hated it when he blades because I swear he always overdoes it. I can say that as long as it isn't to the point of ridiculous, then it doesn't hurt anything.

I tell you though, blood can make a hardcore match that much more intense. When I watch an "Extreme Rules" match from WWE these days and they stop it for a trainer to come out and clean up the blood from an accidental cut, that usually helps to kill the momentum a match can have. Especially if its a taped show like Smackdown. Just edit out the trainer and continue on with the match on television for crying out loud!

Either way, matches don't need blood to be exciting, but I can't say there is no room for blood either in it. It's not TNA overusing blood, it's Flair and Hogan being too overzealous with their blading.
Blood can certainly add intensity to a match if its used properly. I have no problem with blood as long as its used properly and in moderation. Theres a point at which it just becomes grotesque to watch. Im all for realism but I dont need to see Hogan or Flair bleeding everywhere on a weekly basis.

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