Blink 182 returns


I can't believe it's taken me this long to make this thread. Anyway, at the Grammys, Blink announced they were back. I went totally crazy over this, Blink being my favourite band and all. And I started thinking about how this will work out, and what their new sound will be like. It's a bit hard to say, I think they may get some songs that are really slow and laidback, and then some songs that are fast and just like the old Blink. But they've said it'll be a mix of all the bands that each member has been in, so really this could turn out to be anything.

So what are your views on this? Are you excited? What do you think the album will sound like? Do you even care that they are back?
Meh! I use to really like Blink 182 and Adam's Song is one of my favorite songs ever but this reeks of desperations. When they first split they were all content at leaving Blink behind and creating new projects, but since they all flopped they decided to jump back on the Blink 182 band wagon.

I'm excited to see what their sound will be now after this few years, I just don't know if they are going to get the same reception they got before they left, but you never know they could get a huge welcome back reception, who knows?

I defenitly think there is a little bit of hype surrounding their return, since they announced it at the grammy's, I hope they go all out on this album and don't just do a quick release of a bunch of b-sides just because they think they fans will buy anything. At the very least I'm excited to see if they flop or suceed.
It'll be interesting to see what they come up with as Blink 182 after everyone's stints in other bands and playing different sounds to Blink 182, I think they'll be able to come up with something interesting and different but also something that has the old feel of Blink 182 but with a new twist and I just hope it's not a twist for the worse, like what happened with Good Charlotte and their new found emphasis on techno-ish sounds and cliche lyrics.

I'm hoping for some slow songs and some faster, intense songs which they will be able to do and have done very well in the past and I think they will be accepted very well once they make their return to the radio, tv, and tour around because even when they weren't together, their songs were still played on the radio here, so obviously there's going to be people out there who want to see Blink 182 make something new.
Never liked them. Was oh so happy to hear they broke up... Actually that's not true. I didn't really care about it when I heard the news. Much like I didn't care about them when they were together. Now pleases don't mistake my words either. I'm not trying to flame or instigate anything, I'm just saying that I'm purely indifferent to the band as a whole and to the individuals themselves. To hear they are back is a non issue for me as I've no plans to purchase their new material. And for the record, regardless of my personal tastes and opinions, I wish them well and hope they have success and happiness in whatever they do. It's all just music anyways

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