Biggest Pet Peeve Attending Live Wrestling Shows?

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I have TWO major pet peeves. First:
Security Guards: The security at the Florence Civic Center here in Florence are assholes. If you're a security guard there and you're reading this, screw off! I wave my hands in the air, they throw a fit. I scream "YOU SUCK" at a heel and they tell me to calm down. I pat a wrestler on the back when they walk by and they get all defensive. It's terrible! Every time I go to a show whether it be TNA or WWE, they always spoil my fun at least one time during the show. They walk through the front rows waving flashlights, and telling us to back off the rail. I paid 50 bucks for me front row seat, let me enjoy it you asswhipe!!

Lastly, Kids: Don't get me wrong. I've been to a live wrestling show as a kid. It's really a lifetime experience. At the time, those guys were my heroes. So I wanted to scream, and shout, and yell. And I also understand that they want to have a good time. However, they're annoying! Last year, I went to a Smackdown here in town. Of course by then, WWE was PG. So the house was packed with Little Jimmys. I was literally surrounded by kids! All I heard was "You stink" "you suck eggs" "Big Show is a poo poo head". It really got annoying. They were just yelling out corny sh*t. They looked all mad and disappointed at me when I cheered for the heels and booed guys like Hornswoggle. So, I just got up and moved over to the upper deck right above the stage, so when the wrestlers come out I can talk trash. Like I said, I completely understand the kids want to have fun, and cheer and boo like everyone else. But, as for me, someone who knows all about kayfabe and backstage politics, I don't want to hear "poo poo head".
As an aussie, the shows I attend are a bit limited to Americans, but for the two that I have attended, I have had to deal with being seated near overly drunk bogans that are trying to pick fights with the wrestlers as they walk by.

Makes me shake my head at my fellow countrymen. :disappointed:

I just hope that 2012's RAW show isn't the same :)
***warning this post is NOT politically correct, people who are easily offended should stop reading now and hit the "ignore" button***

First off, I sympathize with the OP. Some of you seemed to think that he was asked to move so the person could get through. He was asked if the person could sit in the seat he paid for. If I can't switch seats to a different one when I want to, I shouldn't be forced to do so when I don't want to... If the cripple doesn't like it, maybe next time they should have bought the seat I did.

As far as the cripple sitting in the walkway... Pretty sure that's a fire code violation in every state. That's why they make people who are standing in the aisle go sit in their seats. If he can't sit anywhere but the aisle, he shouldn't be in the venue...

Now about the language. I'm a huge proponent for the 1st amendment and I hate any restrictions on it and all forms of censorship. I might not agree with what someone else is saying, but will stand up and agree they have the right to say it. Whether it's swearing, racial slurs, drunken jibberish, or the guy spoiling the event by telling the results. However I also believe that a person should be allowed to yell fire in a crowded theater, threaten to kill people, and tell the pope to go f*ck himself.

However, I generally tend to respect other people's wishes as well... If I see a family in the immediate area at a show, I generally tone it down a bit, but at the same time there are well known chants that occur at most shows that some people might find offensive. (you f*cked up and holy sh*t come to mind) If a person can't handle some adult language, they shouldn't attend events attended by mainly adults. Disney on Ice is touring, go see that.

This obsession with PC bullcrap that this society is currently under is ridiculous. Wanting to bitch because someone called some else a handicap, or a racial slur, or uses profanity as part of their normal speech is ******ed. People are way too sensitive these days...
Alright i have noooo problem with little kids at shows, i think its good that there are fans of all ages. but what annoys me is how some of there parents can be veeery annoying. I was at a monday night raw in buffalo and not many people showed up because of a blizzard. i was suppose to be on the floor but near the back and because people did not show up they moved me to the front row. i was in my seat and how the usher ordered all the people there were some kids with there parents next to me and like two more moms with there kids behind me. i was getting along with them and everything and then i stand up during a cena entrance to slap hands with him and the women behind me picks up her kid and puts him in my seat and i almost sat on the kid and killed him but i noticed he was there when he screamed in joy seeing cena. i looked at the lady like are you serious bro and she said oh you can move over theres seats other places so i had to move over to the corner rather then front center. only other thing that bothers me is when at house shows they do the crowd dance contest which is based on crowd reaction to who wins, no one ever does a spinaroonie. even if you cant do it just setting up for it and trying will make most of the crowd like you i would think lol
You know, I have started the most super awesome threads ever, but I have to say... This one makes me jellious...

I attend events everytime they come to Dallas and I must say, my bro's and I, usualy get stuck next to some real shitt starters. Not the fun kind, but the kind that DO NOt respect your personal space. Your already pretty packed, so any further and your in MY personal space. Me, my 2 brothers, and our friends ALL got kicked out of one event about 2 years ago because some black guys who were sitting behind us kept yelling out "F you white boy", to the white wrestlers in the ring. They also loved to invade our personal space, and you dont do that with me, so the shitt talking started. Of-course it attracted security and WE got thrown out.
Dumbass, the wheelchairs don't fit in the aisles, maybe if people stayed in the area that they paid for rather than being fucking rude towards people who are disabled, the hypocrites wouldn't have anything to bitch about. People with disabilities are given close seats because all arenas are handicap accessible and that area is the easiest to access. For all of you who hate on disabled fans having better seats than you, suck it up bitch!
Stud: Suck it up you little bitch. You have so little respect from everyone here right now I hope you're ashamed of yourself. Did you even take five seconds to realize that the usher was doing his job. He was trying to accommodate both you and the handicapped person. Some arenas have handicapped seating where they can sit comfortably with wheel chairs and what not but some don't or the people just don't think to ask because they figure that is there is a conflict that people would at least have a bit of compassion. So you and your buddies are split up for a little while so fucking what. Get up during the divas match and bitch and moan about everything you want on your own time. Bottom line is you have a lot to learn about life and lesson one is to grow a god damn heart. I do believe that this time of year the term to use is Grinch but unfortunately the Grinch redeemed himself which you sir will not at this point.

Ryan: You misspelled "beautiful" you redneck hick troll. Also just as you have you rights to voice your opinions we have our rights to call you assholes for being assholes. It goes both ways believe it or not but the way your spelling and grammar is I'm sure you couldn't read all the rules.

Also just so that I do follow the rules of this forum I will answer the question so I'm not trolling. It's ironic actually but I hate being seated near someone who is really obviously a hardcore IWC member. You all know who I mean the guys who blindly boo every face and cheer every heel and pretend that they know everything going on backstage because they've heard a couple rumors.

How was the usher doing his job? By splitting up me and my group of buddies who was looking forward to the event the whole week? Why not roll the handicap to the other side of the row so me and my buddies can sit where we paid to sit? I'm not so much blaming the handicap as I'm blaming the usher. Ushers need to learn that the handicaps have to abide by the same rules as the rest of us.
You know, I have started the most super awesome threads ever, but I have to say... This one makes me jellious...

You have not started a single good thread. You've received praise from one person and he happens to be the biggest troll on the forum, don't flatter yourself.

Ignoring the ****** bashing the disabled, nothing has really annoyed me at live events, I usually find them quite enjoyable and I've ventured off to at least twenty. None in particular featured a pet peeve, one thing that comes to my mind which more disgusted me more than anything was at No Mercy 2008, I was positioned a few rows behind the announce table veering off to the left, at one point in the night a promo for John Cena aired, forget what it was for but seeing as he was injured at the time some people got very excited. A girl a few rows above me started screaming hysterically, she'd a Cena t-shirt on as well, some hick took offense to this and stood up and began roaring a barrage of insults towards her. Was funny for a second but then the security came and removed him. He was a cunt.

Asides from that nothing really stands out. Fans taking things a bit too serious I guess is the short description of my pet peeve, if you actually feel the need to start flaying insults towards strangers you got more mental issues than Ryan86 off his medication, huh.
You are so missing the point here. This isn't about 'rights' as much as it is about human decency. Protecting people of their ignorance by referring to their 'rights' is as narrowminded as it comes. It would be this kind of thinking that would have prevented us from moving beyond the archaic practices of our ancestors. You know.. the actions that genuinely did infringe upon another persons rights. His rights weren;t infringed upon one bit and neither were those of the personally he so poetically refers to as 'A Handicap', he was just being an asshole!

Basically, think about it like this - You have just defended someone who has a forum name of 'TheStudd77' and in response to offending a bunch of people, chooses to respond by narcissistically stating "I'm a good looking guy myself..." :wtf:

What the hell else did you want to call him? A "handicap" is what he was referring to. What was TheStud supossed to say? Was he supposed to protect your liberal "PC" non scence? I'm a stud to
You have not started a single good thread. You've received praise from one person and he happens to be the biggest troll on the forum, don't flatter youtself

I DONT NEED TO FLATTER MYSELF. And a few people on this forum like me... more than one... BUT EVERYBODY RESPECTS RYAN86!

And I thought this was a very funny thread that has done an excellent job in ammusing me. I get to read and relate to personal stories, and laugh at the ones i have encountered myself.

TheStud77 did make a great thread.
I DONT NEED TO FLATTER MYSELF. And a few people on this forum like me... more than one... BUT EVERYBODY RESPECTS RYAN86!.

Myself, The Brain, D-Man, JGlass, Sound of Madness and Slyfox are a few names alone, alongside of justinsayne, Norcal and Sanka who've publicly pissed on you since your arrival. You're a piss poor poster, we don't respect you, I pity your lack of perspective and ignorance. One poster who has said anything decent about you is Coco and he was doing that to troll because of the amount of people who simply don't get where your mother went wrong with you.

This thread was a good idea if he didn't bash the physically disabled. It's a sick thing to do, I'm sure you being an asshole will probably find some humorous silver lining though.
How was the usher doing his job? By splitting up me and my group of buddies who was looking forward to the event the whole week? Why not roll the handicap to the other side of the row so me and my buddies can sit where we paid to sit? I'm not so much blaming the handicap as I'm blaming the usher. Ushers need to learn that the handicaps have to abide by the same rules as the rest of us.

Please please Pretty please...OMG...I cant stop laughing. This is real comedy. "Roll the handicap"... LMAO!!! LMAO!!!!LMAO!!!

Yes, i feel it's terrible to split up you and your friends becuase if they did that to me, i would never pay to see the WWE again. I come with my damn friends and i would like to enjoy the show with my damn friends. I can totally relate to what you are saying. The unfortunant man in the chair should have been rolled, kicking and screaming, to a better spot or had his tickets upgraded.
We all love wrestling and nothing's more exciting than going to a live show but what's some of the things that have or could ruin your experience. I have to say handicaps are my biggest pet peeve.

I went to a tna show in winston two years ago and bought 5th row seats. Me and my crew got there a few minutes after bell time and there was this handicap parked where my seat should have been. I showed the usher my ticket and he had the balls to ask me if I would mind splitting up my crew so the handicap didn't have to move. I pitched a pure fit. I didn't care that we would all still be on the 5th row, the point was I was getting screwed for no reason at all. What are some of the things you guys get upset about?

Ok guy first off you make me sick.
Now on to why you make me sick and the reason you should have more respect for the "handicap". Me and my buddy and huge WWE fans and use to go to house shows every chance we got. We deployed to Iraq to fight for your freedom our truck got hit by an IED (roadside bomb) and now he no longer has use of his legs. So do think he should have a seat in the back because he gave up his freedom to walk so you can have the freedom to be a douchbag.
Ok guy first off you make me sick.
Now on to why you make me sick and the reason you should have more respect for the "handicap". Me and my buddy and huge WWE fans and use to go to house shows every chance we got. We deployed to Iraq to fight for your freedom our truck got hit by an IED (roadside bomb) and now he no longer has use of his legs. So do think he should have a seat in the back because he gave up his freedom to walk so you can have the freedom to be a douchbag.

First of all I respect you and friend's decision to go to iraq but you have to understand it was YOUR decision...not mine. I didn't send you two anywhere. I thank you for everything you've done but in my opinion you do not deserve special treatment over me. A paid ticket is a paid ticket and EVERYBODY should be seated at the seat they paid for. I model some on my free time...would it be right for me to kick you out of your seat just because I've done some modeling ads? wouldn't.
First of all I respect you and friend's decision to go to iraq but you have to understand it was YOUR decision...not mine. I didn't send you two anywhere. I thank you for everything you've done but in my opinion you do not deserve special treatment over me. A paid ticket is a paid ticket and EVERYBODY should be seated at the seat they paid for. I model some on my free time...would it be right for me to kick you out of your seat just because I've done some modeling ads? wouldn't.

By the way it wasn't my decision to go to Iraq I enlisted before Sept. 11.

Not once did I say anything about getting special treatment. I have no problem with you being upset about having to give up your seat. The problem I have is you suggesting the handicap should be segregated.
First of all I respect you and friend's decision to go to iraq but you have to understand it was YOUR decision...not mine. I didn't send you two anywhere. I thank you for everything you've done but in my opinion you do not deserve special treatment over me. A paid ticket is a paid ticket and EVERYBODY should be seated at the seat they paid for. I model some on my free time...would it be right for me to kick you out of your seat just because I've done some modeling ads? wouldn't.

You are a disgusting, shallow, classless human being. It's called human decency, you step aside because of the adversity and restrictions placed upon him because YOU have no such problems. Right now, you're making me waste perfectly good rage, and that's making me even more angry. It's not my fault your parents didn't raise you correctly, but I still have to pay for it. Such is life.
By the way it wasn't my decision to go to Iraq I enlisted before Sept. 11.

Not once did I say anything about getting special treatment. I have no problem with you being upset about having to give up your seat. The problem I have is you suggesting the handicap should be segregated.

First of all, what branch of the military were you in and who was your unit? and what is your rank and how many years of service? B/C that statement doesnt sound like it's coming from a full time warrior to me. you know damn well what you signed up for. When you make that descision you enter a contract signing over your civillion rights to become part of the U.S. Goverment.
Multiple things here.

1. Stud, you're a pathetic person.

2. Ryan, you're going to prison because if I infracted you for all the spam in here, you'd be banned for a month of Sundays.

3. Thread closed due to it mostly be people rightfully bashing Stud.
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