Biggest Attraction For A Wrestling Game

BK Styles

Certified Nerd
With Smackdown vs Raw 2011 just around the corner, I was wondering, what is the biggest attraction of a wrestling game that makes you want it.

Is there anything about a particular wrestling game that would make you buy it, or conversely, not buy it?

For me, it has to have a good and detailed CAW mode. I hated SVR 2008's CAW mode. Appearance wasn't too bad, but I hated the movesets and how they were made. So many moves were left out of the game and that dissapointed me.

What attracts me to a game is improvement, authenticity, and creativity. It needs to look like the WWE and the superstars need to look like they actually do (Miz in the past few years has looked horrible, and HHH looks like a non-green Hulk with long brown hair). You should also be able to make changes to things and create your own stuff (something WWE has really sharpened up on in the last two years).

So, what makes you like wrestling games. Although I've focused on WWE games, feel free to relate to others.
What attracts me the most as a detailed in-depth "season" mode like in the earlier Smackdown! games. I just want a mode where random stories happen week in week out with either my created wrestler or a WWE Superstar. Though the Road to Wrestlemania is good and all, it gets a bit stale to a point. I just want to mess around with a guy like in the old days where every PPV was a fatal four way for the championship and Big Show KO'd you with the Show Stopper, those were always fun.
To me, there have to be many things included. First, I want superstars that werent in past games. Even if theyre just jobbers, I still want them to be included, because if I am a fan of them, I can do something with them in Season or GM mode. Another thing is that the game has to have a good season mode. I'm talking like SVR 2007 good. If they were to combine the Season Mode from SVR 2006/7 and the RTWM from SVR 2010, I would enjoy it. Because then it would have character specific storylines, that go into great detail throughout the whole year, instead of just a few months. The last thing I want, are improvements to the "Create" system. There are improvements being made every year, and each year they get better.

So, with what I've seen from SVR2011, I will be buying it when it comes out. In fact, I have bought every SVR game except for SVR 2008 because it was so horribly bad, it was almost unplayable.
For me it is the CAW and CAF, but the biggest thing for me is the unrealistic weapon hits mainly the tables lol,I like to break two tables side by side or stack them up and be able to break them anyway I like not by moving over to the corner or by tossing by guy against the table,i want to be able to do my moveset on them.

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