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Bigger Wrestlemania Special Attraction

Most Compelling Wrestlemania Idea?

  • Lesnar / Taker

  • Rock / Cena

  • Austin / Goldberg

  • Sting / Taker

  • Shaq / Show

  • Other - Please specify in post

Results are only viewable after voting.


Going on 10 years with WrestleZone
Ok, so this is coming up a bit. WWE may need to pull off some 'external magic' to create the buzz of Wrestlemania. In the past few years, they've had some interesting stuff with the "Battle of the Billionaires," "Money vs Show," and "Hart vs McMahon." Undertaker has been consistent. Cena too. But with 5 months left (plenty of time) talk is already being generated about how WWE will make this year's Wrestlemania a hit.

So I pose these following scenarios to you and ask you to pick which one would MOST pique your interest and the interest of casual wrestling fans around the world to buy the big one.

1. Lesnar vs Undertaker. The seed was planted @ UFC. If legal issues were cleared and Taker was healthy, Lesnar vs Undertaker could be booked like a shoot-fight. Both men know what they are doing. The weights are there. The desire is there. The respect is there. This would be a HUGE ticket item, and the question of whether WWE would allow the MMA-defector to come in and end 'Takers streak would be matched up against whether Lesnar would allow himself to book his return in a loss.

2. Rock vs Cena. Let's assume Rock's new movie bombs. It's been promoted like hell and clearly cost a few bucks. If Dwayne needs a little breat of life, career-wise, why not return to his roots and earn a pay day? And who better to book him against than John Cena? Even babyface vs babyface it would be effective.

3. Austin vs Goldberg. The dream match that we never got to see. Goldberg, in Atlanta, vs the man who stunnered him in his last WWE appearance at Wrestlemania 20. Why not?

4. Sting vs Undertaker. The greatest wrestler to never compete in a WWE Ring, Sting, finally comes for a match against the Deadman. The WWE's franchise player vs WCW's franchise player.

5. Shaq vs Big Show. It almost happened last year. Why not have Big Show - the guy who took on Akebono and Money Mayweather - face off against someone who he doesn't dwarf?

Of these 5 scenarios. which one would you find the most compelling and why?
It really depends on the context we're talking about here. Are we talking compelling, in it's ability to bring the outside non-wrestling fan in? Or compelling, in that it would make for better television. If it's the former, you have to go with Lesnar/Taker. This is the most likely to make people pay attention. The next closest would likely be Show/Shaq, but doing so would likely bring yuks from the sports media, and nothing more. Taker/Lesnar is something tangible that both those that like MMA and like, or used to like, wrestling can get involved in.

If it's the latter, you can throw out both situations involving Taker. Period. Not because they wouldn't be dream matches, because I'm sure they would be. We're still clamoring for Sting/Taker, thirteen years later than when Sting donned the Crow gimmick. The problem is, we know who's going over in both of these matches. There's absolutely no way that Vinny Mac is bringing in Lesnar and Sting, and letting them go over Taker at Wrestlemania. Not a damn way. Like I said before, Show and Shaq would really be a throwaway, and would likely just be for the lulz of the media. Austin and Goldberg you got something tangible, but the problem is, ego's will arise. Neither of these men will let the other go over, period, not without a hefty sum of cash. Besides that, Austin really can't work that much anymore, and Goldberg already isn't that good a worker. Which leaves me to the last option: Rock and Cena. This is your big draw here. You can draw in the mainstream, with two athletes who are still in fantastic physical shape, and what's more, the viewer isn't sure who's going over. Sure, we can assume Cena's going over, but the talk is Cena's loyal. Cena does good business, and puts over people when the time is right. You can build off that, and the ending will not be nearly as certain for this match as it would be for the other four choices.

By process of elimination, you have to go with Rock/Cena
I for one would pick as my favorite would be Sting vs Undertaker. I see this as a big draw for Wrestlemania even if Sting only does 1 more match.

Of the ones listed in my opinion the most likeley is Big Show and Shaq. Only because as much as I want Sting in WWE the less likely it seems. But with it being in Atlanta I'm still not 100 percent sure it won't. I don't see Rock, Austin, or Lesnar showing up and with the recent comment by Triple H about Goldberg I'd rule him out also.

Big Show is already in WWE and Shaq loves WWE, so if any of these i'd say Shaq
As much as I would love to see The Rock vs John Cena, the battle of phenoms between Sting vs Undertaker is much of an attractive match up and I'd pay the PPV price to see. We've seen The Rock in a WWE ring before, but we have not seen Sting in a WWE ring before with almost all the current roster. Sure, we have never seen The Rock vs John Cena, but I feel it would almost be a limited match because The Rock hasn't been in a WWE ring in a long time and he would go right back to making movies and he can't risk an injury with his new career. Sting vs Undertaker may be a battle of older performers but both these men give it all in every bout their in and would certainly be the better match up and in my opinion, the better draw for wrestling fans around the world.
Easily has to be Rock vs Cena for me, that is the ultimate dream match of this day and age I believe 100%! I would love to see the build up to the match, the promos would be epic!
Personally I'm still waiting for TAKER VS CENA. The storyline is there Taker tagged with Cena on his 2nd week on smackdown. "I been here twelve years you been here two weeks you gonna have my back or what?" Also Taker Tombstone Cena at The Garden on Raw Last December to send a message. Ironically Cena is the top money maker. Cena also beat the same people the Phenom beat at Wrestlemania (Big Show& Edge in a triple threat,HHH, HBK,Batista) If Taker were to return at the rumble he could eliminate Cena. Then forcing Cena to turn heel because his dream at headlining Wrestlemania was taken from him. Then Cena could go on to say I've beaten every one in front of me, won numerous championships and drew crowds all over the world. But the one thing I haven't done is defeat the deadman at the the grand-daddy of them all. (In a over the top voice as only John Cena and also Miz can provide) But the creative team purposely drops the ball constantly. Sorry for the essay. But I would really love to read other people's opinion.
I think that the most talked about match would be Sting v Undertaker, just because it's the dream match from the 90s. I always felt too that Sting's "Crow" gimmick was similar in that to the Taker's. I'm not calling rip-off or even that it was based off the Undertaker's gimmick, though. I just wanted to make that clear. But the two do have common ground to work with and I think it'd be a great way to send off either guy. I'm not sure how well Sting can work anymore, though, because I'm not a TNA follower. However, if he can work and if he could get away from TNA, and come to terms with McMahon, then I feel that there would be enough interest from the old school fans like myself who grew up watching these guys that it would draw pretty well. Also, if Sting is ever going to make an appearance in WWE before he retires, I feel like the timing would be right.
These are all great ideas for a Wrestlemania Main Event, but we all know Lesnar would not come back to a WWE ring after his UFC success.

Rock vs Cena is more of a possibility, but Rocky makes more money on movies. Cena vs Rock would be the equivelant to Rock vs Hogan. It would be the former top draw vs the current top draw. The match itself would not be terrible because both can be showstoppers in the ring.

Austin vs Goldberg is almost impossible because Austin has a messed up back and can barely pull off stunners anymore. Goldberg wants to come back for the one more match that his family can see. The match would bomb though, because of the fact that Goldberg can't put on a well thought out match. In my mind, Austin and Goldberg wouldn't click because they are both used to being the powerhouse of their matches.

Personnally, I think Sting vs Taker would be a great attraction. Sting and Taker have always had that debate about who was better from their fans. They both carried there companies through the Monday Night Wars and into the 2000s. When Sting joined TNA, he carried them for three years, just like Taker did from 2005-2008. Both can still put on good matches and would go all out at WrestleMania.

Shaq vs Big Show is a good idea publicity wise, but we all know the match would bomb. Shaq himself probably wouldn't take any bumps and Big Show can't put on a match like he did in '04. Shaq vs Show is a cool idea, but the match would be a disgrace to WWE.
Biggest problem I have with Sting/Taker is that I just don't see it mattering. If WCW folded a few months or a year ago, then I would be excited, but to boast WWE franchise guy vs WCW franchise guy a decade after WCW was bought out, it loses it's appeal to me. I actually like that Sting hasn't wrestled in the WWE, it proves you can be a success in the business without Vinny Mac, so if he were to do just one match, that is a claim he will never be able to make again.

My pick would be Lesnar/Taker just because it would cause more hype outside of wrestling. Rock/Cena would too, but what are the chances of someone (who doesn't watch wrestling) paying the ungodly PPV price to see him just because they like a movie he was in? But UFC fans are accustomed to buying PPVs, so I think that would be the best bet to get non-wrestling fans to buy. But strictly as a fan, I would go apeshit if The Rock returned for one night.
This thread is great for discussion and the choices are great too. 3 come to mind for me the first being Lesnar vs Undertaker because as you said the seed has been planted at ufc and the feud would have ufc fans and wwe fans watch both shows which would blow ratings through the roof if played right. It would be a great feud if played right.
The 2nd being Rock vs Cena for obvious reasons the top wrestlers in their era and phenomenal mic workers both being fan favorites. Once again ratings would blow through the roof. The feud would be great for the wwe especially if they are out of pg era so Rocky can say anything he said when he was in the wwe too.
And the final one being Sting vs Taker Both phenomenal careers and with Sting never being in WWE it would be a great feud. Think of the mind games that would go on with Taker's paranormal powers and Sting in the rafters. Of course this would be one of the best feuds to come but this would only happen if Sting leaves TNA which would have to be soon with Taker growing old and rumors saying he is leaving when he gets 20-0.
For me personally, speaking as a wrestling fan, it has to be taker and sting. I'll always claim these are the two most respected superstars as they never had a bad word against anyone and count on everyone's respect, not to mention both being phenomenal athletes in their prime and perhaps the two greatest gimmick characters ever as well. It's is borderline impossible because both guys are really winding down ability wise but I would still pay to see it and I don't think it would dissapoint. Sting is in amazing shape for his age and taker always pulls it out the bag when it matters so yeah gets my vote still.

I don't think lesnar and taker would really interest me for the same reason that batista and taker wouldn't have interested me. It's been done when both guys were better wrestlers (Brock is in better shape but I think would be a less good wrestler unless he trained very hard) so I don't need to see it again. Any gimmick match that big show has been involved in has always dissapointed me so I certainly wouldn't want to see something similar again. And austin and goldberg would be a drop-out now because I don't really see the two guys styles meshing at all especially since I was never caught out by the austin craze and was always more of a goldberg man myself as a kid, but there ya go.

The only one that would otherwise interest me would be Rock and Cena, and honestly if they made it into a 30 minute epic then I'd go ape-shit for it, but I'd know, as everybody else does, at the end they would have to make cena win or face the consequences. And in the rock's prime he could beat anybody, so it would be soul-destroying. Thats the only reason i wouldn't want to see that match.

Aside from that, i actually see it as the most feasible because cena is riding high, the rock is in amazing shape as many of you know. All it would require is for rocky to pull his head out his ass and acknowledge the wrestling fans that got him where he is today but giving us this last dance, and i'll never bother the guy again. All you'd have to do is draft rocky as the GM and you would automatically have that feud you needed. You could make out rocky got cena fired so the rock would come off heel, which is what you want, cena would be an auto-face going in and a WM showdown would be set. Only problem would be if that backfires and we have a WM 19 situation where hogan got more of a pop than rocky, but thankfully cena has put up with that his entire career and would be able to cope.

But even still, sting and taker is just a dream match that i may have to wait until I reach wrestling heaven to see.
Of these 5 scenarios. which one would you find the most compelling and why?
To me the most COMPELLING would be Taker/Lesnar. Lesnar, who has a history with WWE, is now one of (if not the) biggest stars in MMA. Combine that with the biggest current legend in WWE (Taker), and that automatically creates a HUGE fight worthy of being on the Mania card, especially if they could actually get it billed as UFC vs. WWE, or something like that. Unfortunately, it's almost completely impossible to happen, since UFC wouldn't do business with WWE, Lesnar likely wouldn't, and Taker is injured, and wouldn't be ready to return for a match of this caliber (one that would likely require a long training session, since I doubt Lesnar would do a "fake" fight).

However, the most REALISTIC scenario, which for me would be the most compelling, is Austin/Goldberg. Goldberg apparently wants to have 1 more last match (I can't blame him, his current last "match" was utter shit), and if Austin can do it physically, I wouldn't be surprised if he would be willing to do it too. WWE would jump on that in a heartbeat, and the 2 competitors I believe have an amicable relationship (or better), so this is the likeliest of scenario. Add in the Atlanta factor, and Goldberg is as close to a shoe-in as you can get. I, however, would rather see Cena (or a current star) defeat him, and not Austin, who is not with the company anymore. Last time there was a match between 2 guys not with the company the next day, Goldberg and Lesnar stunk up the joint at Mania XX. Also, A current guy can use (yes, even 6 years later) "I beat Bill Goldberg" to get a bit of a push.

Sting/anyone is highly unlikely, since Sting is not high on the WWE (last I heard he hated what they did with the WCW guys and hasn't forgotten, but that was years ago). Plus he might be under contract with TNA too.

Rock/Cena is highly unlikely, since Rock, even if his movie bombs, wouldn't risk serious injury to return for 1 match, especially with Cena, since they have not been too cordial with each other in the media (Cena has badmouthed Rock for leaving, I believe).

Shaq/Big Show is virtually impossible this year, but I would love to see it. Unfortunately, Shaq is playing for the Boston Celtics, and unless they decide to flat out release him and Shaq retires, he will be playing basketball during Mania season. I say the first season Shaq retires we can see this matchup (maybe as early as Mania XXVIII).
I honestly don't see any of the OP's ideas happening, for a few reasons: 1. The Rock probably makes upwards of $10 million a movie. Even if his current movie tanks, he's got at least 3 more coming up. Also, in order to work on a movie, he has to be insured. The movie studio would have a hard time insuring him if he were to step into the ring (Lindsey Lohan just got fired from a movie because she couldn't get insured.) Finally, there are these people called studio executives: the Rock's bosses. The Rock simply can't say that he's going to go wrestle a match. Hell, busy actors can't even change their hairstyles without permission. Simply put, as long as The Rock is making movies, he will never be an active part of a match. Never.

2. Shaq versus the Big Slow won't sell that many tickets.

3. Undertaker / Sting won't sell because Sting IMO, is not a big draw anymore.
Cena vs Rock to me would be the most appealing of the choices. Even as a babyface/babyface matchup, Rock is probably the most marketable and well known name in all communities. By virtue of his plethora of Disney Movies, as well as his action ones, he's well known by likely men, women, and children alike.

Lesnar vs Taker would be the second most appealing option, and maybe the best wrestled. But there's no chance Lesnar defeats Taker, so it does lessen the appeal somewhat.

Austin vs Goldberg would just be a terrible match. Austin likely can't even take a bump anymore, and Goldberg never could wrestle. I just don't see the big appeal to it. Goldberg hasn't been relevant for a long time, and I don't think people would pay to see him.

Sting vs Taker would be a marketable match, but Sting is beyond his prime. so is Taker. While Lesnar probably could carry an injured Taker to a decent match, we've seen what happens when two over the hill veterans go at it in Taker and Kane. While it would be a great draw, it wouldn't be a great match. The hype would far overtake the match.

As for Shaq vs Show, no, just no. Show can't move in the ring, and we don't know if Shaq could either. If his recent NBA seasons are any indication, Id say no. Just not an appealing matchup.

Which brings me to Cena and Rock. Rock appears to be in the best shape of his life. His moveset wasn't all that complicated anyway, so how much could he have forgotten? He was a great showman and storyteller in the ring. Does that sound like anybody? Yeah, John Cena. I think the intensity and level of storytelling these two could put on would be epic, and would be the match with the most marketability. It would likely be the best match of those pairings as well.
Personally I'm still waiting for TAKER VS CENA. The storyline is there Taker tagged with Cena on his 2nd week on smackdown. "I been here twelve years you been here two weeks you gonna have my back or what?" Also Taker Tombstone Cena at The Garden on Raw Last December to send a message. Ironically Cena is the top money maker. Cena also beat the same people the Phenom beat at Wrestlemania (Big Show& Edge in a triple threat,HHH, HBK,Batista) If Taker were to return at the rumble he could eliminate Cena. Then forcing Cena to turn heel because his dream at headlining Wrestlemania was taken from him. Then Cena could go on to say I've beaten every one in front of me, won numerous championships and drew crowds all over the world. But the one thing I haven't done is defeat the deadman at the the grand-daddy of them all. (In a over the top voice as only John Cena and also Miz can provide) But the creative team purposely drops the ball constantly. Sorry for the essay. But I would really love to read other people's opinion.

I would definitely have to agree with the above 100%. Correct me if I am wrong, but Cena has never actually beaten The Undertaker. Also, everyone has been saying (at least the Cena Haters have) that Cena's current gimmick is stale. Also, realistically, the only one on the topic list that seems plausible is Taker vs Brock but I still dont think that will actually come to fruition. Truthfully, they could really build the Cena/Taker feud where they don't even turn Cena heel until the match itself. They could have them tag team and little things can happen where there are "accidents" and such during the match similar to many stories from years past like Warrior/Hogan. Cena could have a MAJOR heel turn at WM and beat the streak! It would be a huge deal and one I would certainly like to watch, and I am not even really following these days!
1. Lesnar vs Undertaker: This would be a huge special attraction and Lesnar would be the biggest name to bring in to Wrestle Mania who wasn't a wrestler. It would certainly get people talking.

3. Austin vs Goldberg. This would have been a huge match 10 years ago, but I don't think it would be as big now. Austin could probably go for one more match. Goldberg had a brief run in WWE, but nothing spectacular. This would be a big attraction, but not as big as two stars like Rock and Cena.

4. Sting vs Undertaker: A huge match up between two ring icons from different areas. Sting is to WCW that Taker is to WWE. It would be a big deal to see Sting in a WWE ring with The Undertaker, but I'm not sure that the young fans would even know who Sting is. This match is another match that would have been huge another time, but not so much now since both men are on the verge of retirment.

5. Shaq vs Big Show: This would receive a lot of exposure from the media, but I'm not sure people would want to see this more than the other matches. Not to mention that Show is a goofy baby face and Shaq would probably be terrible in the ring.

Of these 5 scenarios. which one would you find the most compelling and why?

2. Rock vs Cena: This is my pic for the biggest Wrestlemania special attraction. The Rock is still new and popular in the eyes of WWE. The Rock is till young and in great shape. John Cena and The Rock have took jabs at each other in the past. This could be a huge angle with Cena telling the Rock he turned is back on the WWE fans, and The Rock telling Cena he is a poor man's replacement of himself. Fans of all ages would love to see these two go at it. Cena is the most popular wrestler out there today, and The Rock is becoming a bigger movie star.

This attraction would draw the most exposure and the most fans. If big name wrestlers either retiring, joining TNA, or sitting on the side lines. WM 27 needs one of these big names to make it a huge attraction. The standard WWE wrestlers alone aren't big enough names to make Wrestle Mania stand out next year.
It would depend on which demographic WWE is trying to attract for the coming Wrestlemania. This year they were trying to attract the old-school wrestling fans with Bret Hart, while in previous years they were going for mainstream awareness with battle of the billionaires, Mayweather vs Show. I suspect the objective of 2011 would be to attract the old-school WCW fans to watch. I am going with them hiring former WCW personalities to compete or to appear at the event. So I am going with Sting vs Taker.
I'm actually not sure any one of them appeals to me the most.

Brock Lesnar vs Undertaker will be a one night thing. They all will be, but this one is the most definite one night thing. Brock won't be coming back to a permanent position in WWE most likely ever. It would be a cool match I'm sure. But it would have a lackluster result. Because Brock will be made to look weak to make Undertaker's streak continue. And you can't make a big star return for one night to get his ass kicked.

Rock vs Cena will be interesting as well. But neither one of them could truly be fitting as heel. The Rock doesn't want to return. He was already approached for last year's Wrestlemania according to rumors. Why would he accept this year? And why would we want to turn John Cena heel for it? He's one of the few born faces.

Also, Rock wouldn't be sticking around either. Which would cause a lot of shit around the wrestling world who'd want to see Rock return permanently "Because he can work a match!!!". And we won't be seeing that. And he can't just return and beat John Cena, it'd create momentum that The Rock doesn't need at Wrestlemania. And we all know, again the special formula that big returning stars can't just loose if they're only around for one night. It'd make no sense.

Austin vs Goldberg. That's fine, go ahead and demand the guy with a nagging neck take on a powerhouse that hasn't been wrestling for years. Brilliant idea!

Sting vs Taker. No thanks, Sting vs Taker has no appeal to me whatsoever, simple as that.

Shaq vs Show. Oh god no, why would we have someone who isn't a legitimate fighter fight against The Big Show? It'd make no sense to have them fight it out. Because in the end, Big Show would either be made to look weak, which is most likely the possibility looking how he was made to "look weak" against Shaq last time they encountered. Also, Big Show is a face, not gonna work.

Decent thread IC. But I really can't think of any of these things that would be really appealing. Just let the current roster do their thing I'd say.
Interesting thread and there's no doubt that the first four options would be epic Wrestlemania special attractions, epsecially for anyone who's been a fan for any length of time, as the Austin/Goldberg and Sting/Taker in particular are two bouts that long time fans have longed after for years.

Brock Lesnar vs Undertaker- this certainly has a lot of appeal. Their brief exchange had fans marking out like there was no tomorrow and I'll admit I would be excited by the prospect of this match. Brock was excellent during his short stint with WWE and actually had a memorable feud with The Undertaker, they worked well then and I think they could pull out a memorable Wrestlemania encounter now. Plus, you have the UFC v Pro-Wrestling situation going on as a kind of 'sub-feud'....I have no doubt this match would have both sets of fans interested.

Rock vs Cena- the superman of yesterday versus the superman of today, enough said really. This would be another extremely worth while option in my book given both men are hugely popular with the fans and are stand outs in that respect, two genuine superstars of wrestling. Could you imagine the atmosphere that night if it were to happen, "Let's go Rocky....Cena sucks!' It would be epic.

Austin vs Goldberg- this is a match I would have been more interested in seeing during the hight of the Monday Night Wars as both were presented similarly by WWE and WCW, in that they were both bald and took no shit from anyone. However, while I do think this match would draw a healthy figure, I'm not so sure how the match itself would fare given Austin's neck injury and Goldberg never being able to agree his price with WWE. Still, it has interesting potential...

Sting vs Taker- Again, this is probably one that had more significance if it was contested ten years ago but it's still the one I'd like to see most from this list for a variety of reasons. First, both are legitimate legends of wrestling, Sting never competed in WWE so seeing him in a one off match would be a major coup for WWE and something perhaps even bigger than Bret Hart's recent reappearances on WWE TV - I mean, who would ever expect to see Sting wrestle in WWE? Not many, which is why having Sting at Wrestlemania would be huge. The problem is however, Sting would need to make appearances prior to the Wrestlemania match in order to stimulate interest, especially considering a lot of WWE's younger fans wouldn't necessarily know who Sting is (a sin, I know) but I'm confident if WWE were to produce a number of well put together video packages (i.e. history lessons) explaining Sting's importance, coupled with his interactions with The Undertaker, that this match could be big. I certainly would pay to see it...

Shaq vs Show - This is the only one that doesn't appeal to me at all. Yes, you would have significant star power and outside celebrity appeal in Shaq but the match would be horrible I think and that's the main problem I'd have with this. In saying that, Big Show v Mayweather was much better than I expected, so perhaps this wouldn't be all bad if booked right but still, it's the option which interests me the least by a mile and a half...
I think it depends on what kind of a special attraction you are talking about IC25. If you are talking about mainstream attention that is you want the guys who are not fans of pro wrestling to buy tickets, then I don't think you need to look further than Shaq vs Show. Shaq's mainstream popularity cannot be matched by either of the guys that you have mentioned.

The rest of the four options are a treat for any wrestling fan. Fans would love to see Austin or Rock wrestle again. Fans would also love to see Undertaker vs Sting at Wrestlemania. I cannot see why a casual fan would not want to see the first four matches that you mention.

However if I have to choose one I would go with Lesnar vs Taker. MMA is a pretty huge thing right now and there are a lot of MMA fans who were previously wrestling fans. This could be a chance to make them fall in love with wrestling all over again. Also the fact that BrockLesnar has a history with WWE also helps matters. Undertaker is also seen as a legit tough guy among pro wrestlers so the wrestling fans would be interested to see how Taker can match up against a guy with experience as well as a great track record in shoot fights. So I think this idea would be attractive to even the wrestling fans as well as the non wrestling fans.

So, Lesnar vs Taker is my pick.
All of these would make spectacular WrestleMania maint events, some way more than others. These matches would bank on the nostalgic factor. The problem is that not all fans were watching back when stars like Lesnar or Goldberg were around.

Brock Lesnar vs The Undertaker IF Brock would do this it would be a great match. This match is very appealing to most fans and would also attract some UFC fans to see how this one goes. They had some encounters back when Brock was a full timer and it worked, so why not at Mania? These two are very big names and would have both the WWE and UFC fan bases watching. However, the WWE could do better than this.

The Rock vs John Cena This was my choice. By far the most compelling and interesting match that World Wrestling Entertainment could put together. Two of the biggest names in the industry. Today's hero versus yesterday's. This would have a very special feel to it and would attract a huge number of fans. Without a doubt this would be remembered for a long time. But with John Cena "fired" I kinda hope this doesn't happen because I feel that would end the angle too fast. I certainly don't want to see the Rock vs Juan Cena thats for sure.

Stone Cold vs Goldberg This one has potential to be a great fight, but it just doesn't have the big ticket factor like some of the other possiblities do. I wouldn't mind seeing this match, but I am a lot more interested in other options.

Sting vs The Undertaker This would be an amazing match between two of the best of all time. Sting's first time in a WWE ring going up against The Undertaker and his legendary streak. There is one problem with this though, I don't all fans know much about Sting and his work. Many fans would be asking "Who is this guy?"and "Why is he taking on The Undertaker?". For other fans it would be a dream match though.

The Big Show vs Shaq This would attract a lot of media attention, but the match itself would be less than average. I feel like its already been done with the Mayweather match and I'm not that interested in seeing somethng along those lines again. This is the least appealing to me.
Lesnar vs. Taker has been done before millions of times, so it will just be the same as ever. The only buzz is that it's UFC vs. WWE but apart from that there really is nothing special here. Brock would get a lot of heat for this too cause UFC is real and WWE is fake, so in a wrestling match especially one where he would have to lose to keep Taker's streak alive, it would kill the UFC's rep. For Brock & the UFC's sake, I hope this doesnt happen.

Austin vs. Goldberg. A long time ago I would've rooted for this one but not now. Austin is so shot down, he wont be able to perform the same and Goldberg's killer rep is long dead, it just isn't gonna be believable anymore that he stands a chance of beating Austin.

Cena vs. Rock. They're both still young & healthy, none of em are shot down, they'll be able to move around & perform like they're in their prime again.

Sting vs. Taker. This match is more of a special attraction than Rock vs. Cena because they're bigger in name value and this has been a dream match since forever. However the fact that both men are so knackered, it might end up being a stinker.

Shaq vs. Show. Meh, who cares!

The best one to probably go with is Cena vs. Rock cause as mentioned, they're still young and will be able to still go as they dont have nagging injuries, so we could probably see a good match between the two.
Fuck man , It's Cena vs. Rock all the way.

This is one hell of a confrontation , Even bigger than Hogan/Rock , because Rock is not an immobile 50+ year old guy and If you have seen his recent photos you would realize that He is in in shape more than ever.Just can't imagine what kind of electricity this match can have.Rock Bottom into AA , People Elbow to 5KN , Sharpsooter to Stf and the crowd will be crazier than ever.

The sad fact is that chances are that this match is never gonna happen , or at least not for a long time , maybe when WWE goes out of PG so Rock can return the way he wants.

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