Bigger "Mania" - Hulk or Wrestle

Bigger "Mania"

  • Hulkamania

  • Wrestlemania

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Going on 10 years with WrestleZone
I was listening to the opening of RAW Monday Night while cleaning my kitchen. The part prior to Papa Roach where the eras are played through clips for 10 seconds or so. And they have a back to back sound clip where Vince McMahon yells "WrestleMANIA!" and Hulk Hogan proclaims "Hulkamania is Runnin Wild!" I said to myself - that's a lot of Mania's. But those are arguably two of the biggest "things" in WWF/E history. It's the classic questions of who made who.

I look at WrestleMania being more important than Hulkamania. Some argue that HULKamania created WRESTLEmania. I don't think that's true. Hogan may have been the first true main eventer, but WrestleMania was built around the concept of a televised, Pay Per View "Supercard" and the involvement of legitimate celebrities in the festivities. It was created to be the SuperBowl of Professional Wrestling, not a showcase of one man's drawing power.

Furthermore, Hulkamania cannot survive without Hulk Hogan. Not only can WrestleMania survive without Hulk, it has thrived and done just fine. While Hulk Hogan may have carried WrestleMania for years, he wasn't bigger than it. WrestleMania IS the stage. It's like saying the New England Patriots were bigger than the SuperBowl in the late 90's.

It's simple question. Which "Mania" is the bigger, better "Mania?"

Is it:


Or is it:


Vote and post - speak out!
Hulkamania. Hulk Hogan was teh star of Wrestlemania. He made it, not the other way around. Think back to the original WM, and most people's first memory will be one of two things: Hogan, or Andre. Hogan headlined 8 out of the first 9 manias, was on the poster/box for the one he didn't main event, and was by far and away the biggest star there was. Think about it like this: Hogan pins Andre for the belt at WM 3. That win made him so big that there wasn't a legit challenger for him at WM 4. Hogan was the reason WM was made: to have a supercard with him as the star attraction in the Rock and Wrestling storyline. This is Hogan, because there would be a Hogan without Mania, but without Hogan, Mania is just another show.
I think this goes back to what is better, Hulk Hogan or Vince McMahon, and their feud. I would have to go with Wrestlemania. Its not the march of one man and his disciples, its the maarch of all men and women, with all their fans. Hulkamania is now gonig into its 25th year, and will keep going. Unfortunatly, especially for Hogan fans, Hogan is almost done. Wrestlemania will never end, in that context, it is not built to one man. Hulkamania was only meant to help one man in the business. Wrestlemania has helped at least dozens, especially The Undertaker and his streak, Shawn Mr Wrestlemania Michaels, Triple H, Bret Hart, Hulk Hogan himself, Chris Benoit, Edge, John Cena, and many many more.
This is a no brainer, one wouldn't exist without the other. Wrestlemania wouldn't exist without Hulkamania. Hulkamania would have existed regardless the success of Wrestlemania or not. Wrestlemania never would have been as successful as it is without the Hulkster being the main focal point of the first nine wrestlemanias.

Hulk Hogan made the WWF, and he made Vince McMahon and I honestly can't see how anyone could argue that point. It's completely evident because when Hogan left, the WWF lost status in pop culture, when Hogan went to WCW he nearly put Vince McMahon out of business. That's the power of Hulkamania. Hulk Hogan made the WWF, and he nearly killed it.

As I've said before, if it wasn't for Vince selling out his fanbase and his core ideals with the Attitude Era, then the WWF would be bankrupt. Instead we've had to deal for nearly the last ten years with the repricsussion of the WWE and it's image problem because of the Attitude Era. The Attitude Era was done out of sheer desperation to counter Hulk Hogan and WCW.

In the long run, Wrestlemania is a bigger name, but Wrestlemania has only become the mega event it has the last 7 or 8 years. I would say that Wrestlemania 17 was the start of the new, modern gigantic Wrestlemanias.
This is actually a really tough and really good question, and kudos for posting it.

I voted for Hulkamania just for the fact that I liked Hulk Hogan before I liked wrestling. I mean, what makes this question hard is Wrestlemania's greatest moment was Hogan slamming Andre, Hogan's greatest moment was slamming Andre at Wrestlemania. They both helped make each other.

What I think is different was I watched a lot of Wrestlemania's. Wrestlemania X7 did not have Hulk Hogan, it sucked. Wrestlemania 18, Hogan comes back against the Rock, and it was a much better event. I feel like Hulk Hogan after he left for WCW was still able to go around on the premise of being Hulk Hogan, Wrestlemania would not make him better, it would just promote him more. Hulk Hogan, however, can make Wrestlemania better.
Hulkamania was far bigger than Wrestlemania. The only reason people would vote Wrestlemania is because of its total length of existence.

But, when comparing the two, the total life of one has nothing to do with which is/was bigger.

I look at WrestleMania being more important than Hulkamania. Some argue that HULKamania created WRESTLEmania. I don't think that's true. Hogan may have been the first true main eventer, but WrestleMania was built around the concept of a televised, Pay Per View "Supercard" and the involvement of legitimate celebrities in the festivities. It was created to be the SuperBowl of Professional Wrestling, not a showcase of one man's drawing power.
Without that one man's drawing power, though, Wrestlemania would not have even been attempted.

Yes, it was a Supercard, but so was Starrcade and Superclash, and neither one of them came close to doing what Wrestlemania did with the backing of Hulk Hogan.

Furthermore, Hulkamania cannot survive without Hulk Hogan. Not only can WrestleMania survive without Hulk, it has thrived and done just fine.
That's a faulty analogy.

Here's a better one. Hulkamania cannot survive without Hulk Hogan, and Wrestlemania cannot survive without the WWE.

It's the only comparison that makes sense.

This is a no brainer, one wouldn't exist without the other. Wrestlemania wouldn't exist without Hulkamania. Hulkamania would have existed regardless the success of Wrestlemania or not. Wrestlemania never would have been as successful as it is without the Hulkster being the main focal point of the first nine wrestlemanias.
This paragraph is THE answer. The logic is perfect and the post is pristine. It is not debatable.
Your right, I think the Warrior did bodyslam Andre, on WWF Superstars on a sat morning. That was much bigger than Hogan slamming Andre in front of 90,000. Andre was already on the downside of his career, by the time warrior did it, or would have done it, it wouldn't of really mattered Hogan is one man Wrestlemania is hundreds, and that itself is amazing that we are comparing the 2. Hulkamania existed before Wrestlemania. Most of the greatest Wrestlemanias were headlined by Hulk Hogan. Take him out, I don't think it would have survived. All these "replacements" even if they would have worked, didn't come around for a few more years. People talk about how big it is now, thats because they make a weekend out of it, and the technology allows it to be more worldwide, making it bigger than ever. I still feel the best Wrestlemanias were the earlier ones. Wrestlemania 3 is still considered one of the best, and who headlined it? Hogan Andre. With the exception od Savage Steamboat, which is one of the greatest matches ever, and Piper's "last match" nothing much else stood out. And still, 90,000 people. That is unthinkable right now, that will probably happen never ever happen again. Wrestlemania 6, 63,000. Who headlined that? Hulk Hogan. Nobody else could draw like that, therefor, I feel Hulkamania is bigger than Wrestlemania.
Hulkamania was far bigger than Wrestlemania. The only reason people would vote Wrestlemania is because of its total length of existence.

And that would be a perfectly viable reason to vote for WrestleMania. Don't try to invalidate people's votes, Sly, in such a transparent manner. You're better than that. The longevity of the event, and the fact that is has thrived in the post-Hogan era, is proof enough that WrestleMania has legs of it's own, and is bigger than the other Mania.

But, when comparing the two, the total life of one has nothing to do with which is/was bigger.

Do you have trouble breathing when you debate in a vaccum? I wasn't talking about strict "longevity." I was talking about the uber-success of WrestleMania well after Hogan left, in addition to it's longevity. And total life is certainly a part of something's "size" because it's longevity shows it's relevance and staying power.

Without that one man's drawing power, though, Wrestlemania would not have even been attempted.

A sad assumption. And I am not saying you are wrong - I am just saying that you have no way of proving this. Vince McMahon is a risk-taker, and a crazy marketing genius. I am not sold on the idea that McMahon wouldn't have tried WrestleMania without Hogan. Would it have been as much an instant smash as it was because of Hogan? Maybe not, and that is fine, but to say Vince would have never tried it is nothing but speculation.

Yes, it was a Supercard, but so was Starrcade and Superclash, and neither one of them came close to doing what Wrestlemania did with the backing of Hulk Hogan.

Starcade and Superclash didn't have the mainstream star power OR the marketing dollars behind it that WrestleMania did. Again, I agree that Hogan was the biggest draw in wrestling, not just then, but EVER, and to say otherwise would be irresponsible. But Hogan wasn't the ONLY variable between the events you mentioned and WrestleMania.

That's a faulty analogy.

Here's a better one. Hulkamania cannot survive without Hulk Hogan, and Wrestlemania cannot survive without the WWE.

It's the only comparison that makes sense.

Hardly. You're trying to change the debate. I am not debating whether WrestleMania is bigger than the WWE, or whether Hogan is bigger than the WWE. Saying that Hulkamania cannot suvive without Hogan, but WrestleMania HAS survived without Hogan, makes perfect logical sense when comparing the two Mania. Hogan, in this case, is the variable. When you give one "Mania" one variable and the other "Mania" another one, you lose the ability to compare. It's Algebra 101.

This paragraph is THE answer. The logic is perfect and the post is pristine. It is not debatable.

World Heavyweight Campion Chris Jerucho told me that THE CODE is the answer, actually. And your "logic" is damn sure debatable. In fact, I will go so far as to say that this is the most flawed argument you've ever presented on these boards, and your unwavering stance as a Hogan supporter is blinding you to the face that WrestleMania is, in fact, bigger han Hulkamania. Now, if your legs are tired from treading water, I will gladly toss you the WrestleMania life raft.
And that would be a perfectly viable reason to vote for WrestleMania. Don't try to invalidate people's votes, Sly, in such a transparent manner. You're better than that. The longevity of the event, and the fact that is has thrived in the post-Hogan era, is proof enough that WrestleMania has legs of it's own, and is bigger than the other Mania.

Do you have trouble breathing when you debate in a vaccum? I wasn't talking about strict "longevity." I was talking about the uber-success of WrestleMania well after Hogan left, in addition to it's longevity. And total life is certainly a part of something's "size" because it's longevity shows it's relevance and staying power.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but is this not what you originally asked?

"It's simple question. Which "Mania" is the bigger, better "Mania?""

Which is asking which is bigger, not which has lasted longer. I would hope that an annual event would last longer than a human being. To say that an abstract concept is bigger simply because the human body decays is ridiculous.

Which is why longevity should have no bearing on the argument.

A sad assumption. And I am not saying you are wrong - I am just saying that you have no way of proving this. Vince McMahon is a risk-taker, and a crazy marketing genius. I am not sold on the idea that McMahon wouldn't have tried WrestleMania without Hogan. Would it have been as much an instant smash as it was because of Hogan? Maybe not, and that is fine, but to say Vince would have never tried it is nothing but speculation.
I'm almost certain that McMahon has gone on record saying that without Hogan's drawing power, he would have never even attempted Wrestlemania. In fact, he almost didn't do it to begin with, and that's with Hogan.

Starcade and Superclash didn't have the mainstream star power OR the marketing dollars behind it that WrestleMania did.
Star power and marketing dollars that existed SOLEY due to Hogan's success.

But Hogan wasn't the ONLY variable between the events you mentioned and WrestleMania.
Except that all other variable are variables due to the WWF's success.

Which came from Hulkamania.

Hardly. You're trying to change the debate. I am not debating whether WrestleMania is bigger than the WWE, or whether Hogan is bigger than the WWE. Saying that Hulkamania cannot suvive without Hogan, but WrestleMania HAS survived without Hogan, makes perfect logical sense when comparing the two Mania. Hogan, in this case, is the variable. When you give one "Mania" one variable and the other "Mania" another one, you lose the ability to compare. It's Algebra 101.
How does that make sense at all.

When comparing the two, you're comparing an event and a phenomenon created by one man. To say that the event can exist without the man means nothing.

ECW exists without Hulk Hogan, does that mean it's greater than Hulkamania? ROH exists with Hulk Hogan, does that mean it's greater? It makes no sense.

To make the example fit, you have to compare the phenomenon to the cause of the phenomenon. Hogan caused Hulkamania and the WWE caused Wrestlemania. The difference is that the WWE doesn't create their phenomenon without Hogan creating his.

World Heavyweight Campion Chris Jerucho told me that THE CODE is the answer, actually. And your "logic" is damn sure debatable. In fact, I will go so far as to say that this is the most flawed argument you've ever presented on these boards, and your unwavering stance as a Hogan supporter is blinding you to the face that WrestleMania is, in fact, bigger han Hulkamania. Now, if your legs are tired from treading water, I will gladly toss you the WrestleMania life raft.
Your entire post is nothing but faulty logic and leaps of useless information.

What's your next act, IC? Saying that the NWA is a bigger wrestling organization than the WWE, because it's been around longer?
Wrestlemania >>>> Hulkamania

Ultimate Warrior could have pulled it off..... He was even selling more merchandise than Hogan there for a while !!!

Hogan wouldn't have been as big in wrestling if it wasn't for Andre ...... Let's not sit here & pretend that Andre had no effect on Wrestlemania also. The man was part of the drawing factor also.

& No WMIII didn't have 93,000 people in attendance either. It only had like 78,000......

WM23 had like 84,000 which is way more !!! So shall we say that HBK, Taker, Cena, & Batista are bigger than WM ... I think not !
I think looking at the longevity of the two mania's is very important, as it demonstrates which mania is continuing to have an impact.
The last Wrestlemania had much more of an impact on wrestling and pop culture, then say Hogan Knows Best, the latest incarnation of Hulkamania.
Now you could make an argument that Hogan's presence defined the earlier Wrestlemania's and that Hogan himself led to their very success, yet Hogan now has no impact on Wrestlemania.
While Wrestlemania continues to build upon its legacy as THE premier wrestling show, Hogan has made reality TV shows in an attempt to parlay his wrestling fame into pop culture success.
Although Hogan is without a doubt one of the most legendary wrestlers to ever lace up his boots, I don't think any man's legacy can surpass that of Wrestlemania.
These two Manias are very similar. Both show up once a year. Both get insane pops. Both are still as big if not bigger than they originally were. And both are ususally overhyped.

Hogan's popularity may not be what it once was, but he is far from being out of the mainstream. How many times do you see one of his family members on tv somewhere? His daughter has a reality show. Its not because of her I know that much. Its because of who her father is. Her father, the king of professional wrestling, Hulk Hogan. The only flaw I see in IC's argument about WM having the longer longevity is that Hulkamania is still around. We all shut down everything on WM weekend, and I can almost guarantee if Hogan popped up on Raw next monday, we would all be glued to the screen and marking out like there was no tomorrow. Neither are dead, but I think Hulkamania is just ahead of Wrestlemania.
Ok, I was wrong about no other Wrestlemania drawing that many people, Wrestlemania 23 did see 84,000 people, I must have forgot, it wasn't that memorable. However, I found in 3 places Wrestlemania 3 had over 93,000 people, including Yes Andre had drawing power, but put anyone else in at that time, you draw less. And stop getting excited about the Warrior. He sold more merchandise? Maybe for a short period of time. He sucked, and everyone knows it. How many Wrestlemania's did he headline? Oh, 1? And with who? Oh, thats right Hogan, who put him over, and what happened? At the next Wrestlemania, Warrior was in the undercard, even though it was an important match with Savage, while Hogan was main eventing with...SGT. Slaugter? Warrior couldn't carry his jockstrap. I'm starting to agree with the other guy that says there should be no debate, they needed each other, but Hogan was needed more to make it happen.
Hulk Hogan made the WWF, and he made Vince McMahon and I honestly can't see how anyone could argue that point. It's completely evident because when Hogan left, the WWF lost status in pop culture, when Hogan went to WCW he nearly put Vince McMahon out of business. That's the power of Hulkamania. Hulk Hogan made the WWF, and he nearly killed it.

Thats COMPLETE fucking bullshit. And I'm a huge Hogan mark. Hogan needed somebody to write him GOOD fueds, needed somebody to build him up, needed somebody to keep pushing him. He needed Vince just like Vince needed Hogan. Hogan had some fantastic matches and the buildup were great.

Hogan and Andre WM3 GREAT buildup.
Hogan and Savage. Good buildup.
Hogan and Warrior, again top notch buldup
Hogan and Slaughter, no buildup needed, heck it was USA vs THEM

Hogan and Sid I thought was done kinda poor, and the money match SHOULD have been Hogan and Flair

Now you sit here, and say HOGAN nearly killed Vince? That Hogan leaving for WCW nearly killed Vince.

Lol. Heres a reality check for you. When Hogan arrived at WCW nobody gave a crap. Want to know why? Cause management thought it would be wise to have him beat Ric Flair 10,000 times in a single year. The writers thought it would be wise to have Hogan fued with a bunch of never would be losers. Like THE YETI. The Shark, The Zodiak. Early Hogan WCW is when he controlled everything. When he beat Flair a zillion times. When he had the main event of the Biggest PPV of WCWs year be him and Zodiak.

Do you think for ONE second Vince would have had THAT as his main event to Wrestlemania? Oh yeah we can't forget his horrible fued with the "Giant" who before a PPV raced Monster Trucks off a Roof. And if you REMEMBER, Hogan TRIED to pull a heel turn. Didn't work then. He wore all black just like nWo. He went dark, he got mean he even faced Sting on Nitro. Nobody cared

Fast foward to 96. Now Bischoff is in Charge. And he sets up the most dominate group since the Four Horsemen. When Hogan went heel this time, it mattered. Cause the nWo mattered. People saw Hogan as a heel cause he was WWE and this was Dubbya C Dubbya. And he THRIVED in that role.

Also, the cruiserweights hurt Vince alot too. And the pure wrestling, the Jerichos the Malenko's the Lucha Libre stars.

So to recap, Hogan dominated the 80's cause Vince fed him top notch angles and opponets and Hogan RAN with it. Warrior couldn't have done what Hogan did. And Hogan couldn't have done that in NWA at the time.

Hogan goes to WCW, ratings are horrible, he's stuck into the most worthless angles possible and god, horrible horrible opponets. Then Bischoff gets into play and we have nWo. Im a HUGE HUGE Hogan mark and Hogan is WAY bigger than Wrestlemania, but nWo resurrected Hogan's career. He should thank Bischoff daily for that.

Remember in the nWo, Bischoff fed him Luger, DDP, Giant, Goldberg, Sting. These guys all were incredible in their roles. Even the Horsemen.

Hogan and Vince made each other, and Austin came in and saved the company. Those 3 men are the reason why wrestling is as big as it is.
I gotta go with Hulkamania being more important. Its pretty close but I dont think Wrestlemania had as much of an impact on WWF as Hulkamania did. People didnt tune in to the WWF because of Wrestlemania it was because of Hulkamania. I also believe if you ask a bunch of non wrestling fans more of them would know(assuming they were around in the 80s) what Hulkamania was than Wrestlemania. I dont know how big of a difference that makes though but I think that should mean something. With all this said I can see people's argument for Wrestlemania though. Obviously both played a huge impact on the WWF.
Sly, it's a shame to see you reduced to using smoke and mirror - utter trickery - to try to debate your way out of this Hulkamania apologizsm. Let's see if I can educate you a tad, shall we?

"It's simple question. Which "Mania" is the bigger, better "Mania?""

Which is asking which is bigger, not which has lasted longer. I would hope that an annual event would last longer than a human being. To say that an abstract concept is bigger simply because the human body decays is ridiculous.

Which is why longevity should have no bearing on the argument.

Ok, even if I allow you to take longevity out of the argument (which should not happen, since longevity is a perfectly viable peice to the puzzle, as the measure of legacy and staying power is as much an indicator of somethings size and success as anything else) I would still say WrestleMania is bigger than Hulkamania. Now, let me be clear - I am in no way attempting to discount the accomplishments of Hulkamania or Hogan himself. I am merely stating that the event, WrestleMania, is a far larger and more significant "abstract idea" than Hulkamania.

I'm almost certain that McMahon has gone on record saying that without Hogan's drawing power, he would have never even attempted Wrestlemania. In fact, he almost didn't do it to begin with, and that's with Hogan.

Oh, wait, stop the debate! You're "almost certain!?" Well, that ends it right there! If you'd almost certain that someone may have said something, Sly, there's no way I can combat those facts! :sarcasm

Come on, Sly, like I said, you're better than this. "Almost Certain?" And you know that, even if Vince McMahon did say something of that nature, it's him trying to put Hogan over, because Vince is a genius. Professional Wrestling got along well before Hogan came along, and Hogan did fairly well for himself as a heel before the concept of "Hulkamania."

Now - did WrestleMania succeed thanks in part to the drawing power of Hulk Hogan? Yes, unquestionably. I have never denied that, and I never will. Sly convinced me of that a long time ago. But to say that the one performer was bigger than the stage he performed on is taking it too far. WrestleMania is THE Super Bowl of professional wrestling. It's THE definitive Mania in professional wrestling.

Star power and marketing dollars that existed SOLEY due to Hogan's success.

:sigh: Hogan was a big part of it, but to say that WWF was completely devoid of talent and cash without him is also a little naive. Hogan made a lot possible, but as much as Hogan helped the WWF, the WWF helped Hogan. The Rock and Wrestling Connection wasn't only Hogan's doing - Cyndi Lauper, Lou Albano, etc. had a lot to do with that.

And if Vince McMahon was 100% confident that Hogan could draw for WrestleMania on his own, then the main event would have been a WWF Title Match. Instead, they had to bring in Mr. T. to team with Hogan as a major, mainstream draw. Liberache wasn't there for Hogan. Cyndi Lauper wasn't there for Hogan. They were there for the total package, showcase event - WRESTLEMANIA.

ECW exists without Hulk Hogan, does that mean it's greater than Hulkamania? ROH exists with Hulk Hogan, does that mean it's greater? It makes no sense.

This may be the most pourous argument you've ever made. We're not arguing whether or not Hogan is bigger than ROH's major event. We're not arguing whether ECW is bigger than Hulkamania. This is your smoke and mirrors attempt, and it won't work.

Your entire argument is based on the idea that "WrestleMania wouldn't exist without Hulkamania, and thus Hulkamania is bigger." My point is that WrestleMania is far bigger, and has proven that by actually having growing success in the post-Hulkamania era.

And we are not debating the event vs the man. We are debating two concepts - WrestleMania and Hulkamania. Try to stay on topic, please.

Let's look at WrestleMania 3 and the Andre slam. You can go ahead and make the argument that Hulk Hogan was a major draw for WrestleMania 3, but the facts are these:

1. Lots of other people would have been capable of slamming Andre the Giant, but for Hogan to do it made the most sense, and

2. There is a reason this event occured at WRESTLEMANIA. Because that was, by far, the biggest, grandest stage of them all. Had Hogan slammed Andre on Saturday Night's Main Event, the match and the occurance would not be remembered with the level of reverence that it is today because of the fact that it happened AT WRESTLEMANIA. That is a big reason why WrestleMania is the biggest and most important Mania in professional wrestling history.

To make the example fit, you have to compare the phenomenon to the cause of the phenomenon. Hogan caused Hulkamania and the WWE caused Wrestlemania. The difference is that the WWE doesn't create their phenomenon without Hogan creating his.

And Hogan doesn't create his phenomenon without WWE marketing him, exposing him, and making him larger than life on the biggest stage in the history of the sport - WrestleMania.

Your entire post is nothing but faulty logic and leaps of useless information.

You're right. I should have solidifed it by saying I was "almost certain somebody once said something." Lesson learned.

What's your next act, IC? Saying that the NWA is a bigger wrestling organization than the WWE, because it's been around longer?

Another naive attempt at smoke and mirrors. This silly post assumes my entire argument was longevity - and that's not true, nor did it ever come off that way. As usual, you are picking apart individual sentences from their context to dissect an argument. Technically, WrestleMania hasn't been around too much longer than Hulkamania. Hulkamania was born on January 23rd, 1984. WrestleMania was borh March 31st, 1985. So in total, maybe 2-3 years difference? My point was that WrestleMania has thrived without Hogan, and obviously didn't need Hogan to continue on. Why? Because WrestleMania is bigger than Hulkamania.
Having reread the whole argument, I'm starting to sit more on the fence on this. I think Hogan was responsible for getting WM off the ground, but now its clear that it can more than survive without him. Arguably the best WM is X-7, when Hogan was nowhere in sight. Taker, the biggest star in WM's history (arguably) has never faced Hogan there, and didn't get started until well past Hogan's Wrestlemania glory days. Shawn is Mr. WM, not Hogan. Hogan was by far and away the focal point for WM at first, but after he left, WM 10-13 were definitely weaker than the ones that came before it, but 9, when he was still there, was hardly a classic. Hogan was the main attraction of WM, but the celebrities that came with it would have shown up no matter what. That's what WM was designed to be: a supercard with mainstream celebrity involvement. It still thrives today, so now I'm not sure on what my answer would be.
The bottom line is Hulk Hogan and Hulkamania made Wrestlemania the biggest pay-per-view in wrestling. His match with Andre at WMIII cemented that. It's tough because Hulkamania made wrestling what it is today and, no matter what anyone thinks, will live forever. However, as has been said, Wrestlemania carries on and has made legends out of many wrestlers. No other event in wrestling is hyped as much and has the history WM has. I don't think WM is bigger than wrestling. Hulkamania is, and transcends the sport. Other than hard-core fans, who cared about wrestling before January 1984?
I chose Wrestlemania, but I acknowledge that without Hulkamania runnin wild, Wrestlemania would never have become what it has. Wrestlemania absolutely needed Hulk Hogan in its early years. Without Hulk Hogan, Wrestlemania is just Starrcade. With that being said though, Wrestlemania has evolved, and it is my belief that it has long since superceded Hulkamania. Look, as you can tell by my avatar, I am a huge Hogan mark. I make no apologies for that, but even I have to acknowledge that while Hulkamania allowed the WWF to get to the level it enjoys, it is not necessary for the WWE to continue. Wrestlemania is absolutely vital to WWE though. The WWF/E survived without Hulk Hogan and Hulkamania, but, what would happen if they just, you know, stopped doing Wrestlemania? It would be disastrous.
Sly, it's a shame to see you reduced to using smoke and mirror - utter trickery - to try to debate your way out of this Hulkamania apologizsm. Let's see if I can educate you a tad, shall we?
What's really a shame is how someone who claims to be on my level uses the same red herring arguments over and over.

Your smoke and mirrors thing was SOOO last debate. Time for some fresh material IC. But, whatever diverts attention away from the fact you're getting your ass handed to you on this debate I guess.

I would still say WrestleMania is bigger than Hulkamania. Now, let me be clear - I am in no way attempting to discount the accomplishments of Hulkamania or Hogan himself. I am merely stating that the event, WrestleMania, is a far larger and more significant "abstract idea" than Hulkamania.

Oh, wait, stop the debate! You're "almost certain!?" Well, that ends it right there! If you'd almost certain that someone may have said something, Sly, there's no way I can combat those facts! :sarcasm

Come on, Sly, like I said, you're better than this. "Almost Certain?" And you know that, even if Vince McMahon did say something of that nature, it's him trying to put Hogan over, because Vince is a genius. Professional Wrestling got along well before Hogan came along, and Hogan did fairly well for himself as a heel before the concept of "Hulkamania."
Almost certain was short for "I know he has, I'm just to lazy to be able to source it". But fine, let's say he didn't say that.

It's a well known fact that, even with Hogan, it was always considered a HUGE gamble, and McMahon bet everything to put on the first Wrestlemania. Do you think he would have done that without the biggest draw in the world?

Now - did WrestleMania succeed thanks in part to the drawing power of Hulk Hogan? Yes, unquestionably. I have never denied that, and I never will. Sly convinced me of that a long time ago. But to say that the one performer was bigger than the stage he performed on is taking it too far. WrestleMania is THE Super Bowl of professional wrestling. It's THE definitive Mania in professional wrestling.
You're confusing yourself IC. I'll address this a little lower.

:sigh: Hogan was a big part of it, but to say that WWF was completely devoid of talent and cash without him is also a little naive. Hogan made a lot possible, but as much as Hogan helped the WWF, the WWF helped Hogan. The Rock and Wrestling Connection wasn't only Hogan's doing - Cyndi Lauper, Lou Albano, etc. had a lot to do with that.

And if Vince McMahon was 100% confident that Hogan could draw for WrestleMania on his own, then the main event would have been a WWF Title Match. Instead, they had to bring in Mr. T. to team with Hogan as a major, mainstream draw. Liberache wasn't there for Hogan. Cyndi Lauper wasn't there for Hogan. They were there for the total package, showcase event - WRESTLEMANIA.
You're confusing yourself yet again.

You mentioned the variables that differed between Starrcade and SuperClash and Wrestlemania. The only difference was the money that Hogan had already brought in, and McMahon KNEW that Hogan would bring in.

Yes, the WWE had talent, but so did the NWA. So did the AWA, WCCW, even Jerry Lawler had talent in Memphis. But, their supercards didn't come close to matching Wrestlemania. How come?

This may be the most pourous argument you've ever made. We're not arguing whether or not Hogan is bigger than ROH's major event. We're not arguing whether ECW is bigger than Hulkamania. This is your smoke and mirrors attempt, and it won't work.
No, it's a ludicrous statement to show just how ridiculous your position on this is.

Your entire argument is based on the idea that "WrestleMania wouldn't exist without Hulkamania, and thus Hulkamania is bigger." My point is that WrestleMania is far bigger, and has proven that by actually having growing success in the post-Hulkamania era.
That doesn't make sense though.

Of COURSE Wrestlemania would still be going on. Of COURSE Hulkamania would end. Wrestlers get old, abstract ideas do not. But, Hulkamania existed before Wrestlemania did. Without Hulkamania, Wrestlemania would never been started.

Hulkamania created Wrestlemania. Not the other way around.

And we are not debating the event vs the man. We are debating two concepts - WrestleMania and Hulkamania. Try to stay on topic, please.
Yes, and we're talking about which is bigger. I honestly don't even know what you're talking about here.

Let's look at WrestleMania 3 and the Andre slam. You can go ahead and make the argument that Hulk Hogan was a major draw for WrestleMania 3, but the facts are these:

1. Lots of other people would have been capable of slamming Andre the Giant, but for Hogan to do it made the most sense, and

2. There is a reason this event occured at WRESTLEMANIA. Because that was, by far, the biggest, grandest stage of them all. Had Hogan slammed Andre on Saturday Night's Main Event, the match and the occurance would not be remembered with the level of reverence that it is today because of the fact that it happened AT WRESTLEMANIA. That is a big reason why WrestleMania is the biggest and most important Mania in professional wrestling history.
What? This whole section doesn't even make sense.

I've NEVER talked about the Hogan slam. Who gives a fuck about a body slam? We're not talking about a body slam, we're talking about Hulkamania and Wrestlemania.

You made this thread IC, I would hope you could at least know what the topic is.

And Hogan doesn't create his phenomenon without WWE marketing him, exposing him, and making him larger than life on the biggest stage in the history of the sport - WrestleMania.
False. Blatantly false. And also kills any chance you have of winning this argument.

Hulkamania was already in full swing when Wrestlemania came around. Trying to say that Wrestlemania played any part in Hulkamania is asinine.

And, unless you're going to try and tell me that any wrestler could have taken Hogan's place, this statement slams the door on your argument.

You're right. I should have solidifed it by saying I was "almost certain somebody once said something." Lesson learned.
Nah, red herring arguments about smoky mirrors are much more your style. :rolleyes:

Another naive attempt at smoke and mirrors.
What's ironic about this is how every time you say this, you're really making a hypocrite out of yourself, as this red herring argument is exactly the same as what you accus me of.

Technically, WrestleMania hasn't been around too much longer than Hulkamania. Hulkamania was born on January 23rd, 1984. WrestleMania was borh March 31st, 1985. So in total, maybe 2-3 years difference? My point was that WrestleMania has thrived without Hogan, and obviously didn't need Hogan to continue on. Why? Because WrestleMania is bigger than Hulkamania.
Well, Hulkamania thrived without Wrestlemania, and obviously didn't need Wrestlemania to continue. Why? Because Hulkamania is bigger than Wrestlemania.

Trying to say that Wrestlemania is bigger because Hogan doesn't participate in it anymore is the most ridiculous possible point you could take in this discussion.

No matter what you say, you can't get around this one inescapable fact. Hulkamania was created without Wrestlemania. But Wrestlemania depended upon Hulkamania to be born.

That is fact and it is indisputable.
Reading all the facts, and seeing everyone's point of view. I would have to go with Hulk-a-mania. Here is why, Wrestlemania was born with the help of Hulkamania, and with a great deal of work from everyone, survived without Hogan. But as evidence has proven, Hulkamania has transcended wrestling itself. Wrestlemania is watched by wrestling fans, only. When you see Hogan in movies and TV outside of wrestling, the ratings are big, not because of only wrestling fans, but the normal public watching him as well. That normal public that would never watch Wrestlemania, are tuning into VH1 watching Hogan Knows Best or American Gladiators etc. Hogan's drawing power is bigger than Wrestlemania. I have had normal people come up to me saying how they watched Hogan Knows Best, but never watched Monday Night Raw, let alone a Wrestlemania. So that is how I justify Hulkamania being bigger than Wrestlemania. When it is able to draw in non-wrestling fans as well as wrestling fans, which Wrestlemania, has not done, in a very long time, which Hogan is still doing today. I don't know how much Hogan's personal battles has ruined his image, but I guess the only way to find out is to see how well his new wrestling promotion does with the help of Easy E.
Having reread the whole argument, I'm starting to sit more on the fence on this. I think Hogan was responsible for getting WM off the ground, but now its clear that it can more than survive without him. Arguably the best WM is X-7, when Hogan was nowhere in sight. Taker, the biggest star in WM's history (arguably) has never faced Hogan there, and didn't get started until well past Hogan's Wrestlemania glory days. Shawn is Mr. WM, not Hogan. Hogan was by far and away the focal point for WM at first, but after he left, WM 10-13 were definitely weaker than the ones that came before it, but 9, when he was still there, was hardly a classic. Hogan was the main attraction of WM, but the celebrities that came with it would have shown up no matter what. That's what WM was designed to be: a supercard with mainstream celebrity involvement. It still thrives today, so now I'm not sure on what my answer would be.

I love Taker he's on of my top 5 wrestlers ever but to say he's the biggest WM star is absurb; I mean what is the biggest WM match this decade Hogan vs The Rock; what was the biggest Match in 90's Hogan vs The Ultimate Warrior what was the biggest match in 80's Hogan vs Andre so do you see the simalirites; we all know HBK is called Mr.WM is to spite Hogan and that was the same reason they had the big farewell for Flair when we all know Hogan meant more to the WWF than Flair did.
Yeah, I am not completely sold on HBK being Mr. Wrestlemania either. For me, as an older fan, Hulk Hogan at Wrestlemania made more of an impact to me. Granted, I still voted for Wrestlemania as being bigger than Hulkamania, but, it wasn't because I believed either the Undertaker or Shawn Michaels eclipsed Hogan's accomplishments at the event. I do believe that Hulk Hogan is the single biggest Wrestlemania star ever, but, Wrestlemania has survived without him. It will also survive without Undertaker and Shawn Michaels when their careers are over too.
I tend to agree with Davi's last post. Anyone that seriously thinks that Shawn Michaels is Mr. Wrestlemania needs a nice cold dose of reality, or really really needs to quit drinking the revisionist history Kool-Aid.

You can argue all you want about which is bigger, Hulkamania or Wrestlemania, but you can't argue, at all, that Hogan isn't the biggest star at Wrestlemania. There is no argument for it.
Yeah there is definitely no debating that Hogan is the true Mr. Wrestlemania, not HBK. Hogan main evented the first 8 Manias and you can almost say he headlined 9 too since he did end up winning the strap. He won all those matches except 1 too. He then came back and basically main evented 18 and had one of the bigger matches on the card at 19 too. Neither Taker or HBK can match the amount of high profile mania matches Hogan had.

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