Big Show's last run with the WWE?!


the wrestling god
The Big Show as we know has been with the WWE for a long time now. He has simply done everything there's to be done in the company. There's nothing left for him to do. Not only that but don't forget that he's getting old. It's not a bad thing actually. Everyone gets old by time. I personally think he has no reason to stay in the company anymore. I mean people will always remember him as the world's largest athlete there's no doubt about that. But instead of staying with the WWE doing absolutely nothing, he should have this last run and not renew his contract. I think he won't do that anyway. I personally don't want him to leave and would be sad to see him go after all these years but everything has an end anyway. Do you think this will be Show's last run with the company?
He's got a few years left, assuming his health allows it. Paul Wight is 40, so i think his size impact on his long-term health is more of an issue than his age, as there are guys older then he is active, though most aren't his size.

QUestion is, how do you keep booking him long term? he's gone through a lot of phases between fun-loving face to monster heel, and while he has been successful, he's never going to be one of the greats.

His days as a main event guy should be over, i think. There is a place for him, but it should be to put young guys over, not be competing for belts.
Paul Wight himself has said that he can still do this for a while and that retirement aren't in the plans for him anytime soon. Based on these recent interviews I'd say he has maybe 3 or 4 years left before he wants to call it quits. You also got to remember that Kane is older than Show. Kane is 45 and he still works a full time schedule and everything. So, should this be his last run? No. And I don't think it will be. We've still got a while before Show retires. BUT when it is all said and done, "Big Show" Paul Wight will go down in history as one of the greats. And he's already one of the best big guys to ever enter the ring. He is a future Hall of Famer. Just not in the near future.
Unfortunately for Paul Wight, there's not a lot of other jobs the guy can do. He tried being an actor, and he tried being a boxer. Obviously boxing didn't work out for him, hence why he returned to the 'E. As far as acting goes, he doesn't have the natural ability that a lot of actors do. The only thing he has going for him is his size and strength, and that makes him a perfect fit for professional wrestling.

I feel that pro wrestling is what Mr. Wight was born to do, and he should do it for as long as he's able. I understand the argument that he has done everything there is do to in pro wrestling (won all the titles, played all the characters he could have, etc), but that shouldn't be a reason to quit the business. Big Show can still go in the ring just about as well as he always could, and I still enjoy watching him wrestle. I've only seen Big Show in person once (it was from the nosebleed section of The Palace in Detroit), when he was still with WCW as "The Giant". Even from my seat (which were waaaaay up in the upper deck), it was astounding to see how huge this guy is in person. Kevin Nash was in the ring at the time as well (I had gone to see WCW's "World War III" in 1998), but Big Show looked like he was a foot taller than Nash (I know he's not much bigger than Nash in real life). There's something about the guy that just screams "dominance", even if it doesn't come across that way on television. I think the main problem with his character nowadays is that WWE made him a joke for so long. Now that he's a "monster heel" again, it doesn't feel like it used to.

All in all, I think that Mr. Wight should keep wrestling for as long as he's able (and enjoys it). I wouldn't be surprised if he keeps working for WWE after his retirement from the ring, possibly as a trainer or something. I think that Paul Wight is the best big man worker of all time. He's just as big and intimidating as Andre is/was, although Big Show is able to do a lot of stuff that Andre couldn't do (flip over the ropes, etc). I hope he's able to work for as long as he wants, and I feel that he'll be over with live crowds (his size is ridiculous to see in person) for the rest of his days. I also hope we'll see him entertaining us for at least a few more years; I hope this isn't his last run, and I have a feeling that it's not.
im a fan of his and hope he sticks around a bit longer but the problem with the big show he more or less has had two roles over his wwe career 1 is the unbeatable giant role 2 is a comedy character and hes done them both very well but there are some problems and he is becoming a bit stale to me recently

1 the unbeatable giant role many have had it and big show has been great at it but what annoys me about big show matches is that the commentaters always feed us the same story before hand about how big shows unstoppable and they have no idea how his opponents going to win against him he may dominate most of the match but he never seems to win its getting old and it doesnt seem a big deal for me when someone beats show now its kinda meh so what

2 the comedy giant role this has amused me over the years but again hes done it so many times also getting a bit old and stale now plus when they need a comedy giant its clearly best left to kane

as i said i hope he sticks around for a bit but when it comes to his last run i would like to see him not just winning against guys like cena punk ect at ppvs but destroying them its his natural role in a wrestling ring
I'd love to see Big Show get one last run as World Champion before he retires. Have him win the title from Sheamus at Hell in a Cell, and retain it until WrestleMania 29, where he loses it to a younger, up & coming guy (maybe a face Dolph Ziggler or The Miz), then announce his retirement later that week on SmackDown.
As others have said he seems to only have to roles as an active wrestler. He is an unbeatable giant or a comedy character. I think now would be the best time to give him a last run with the World title. Whether he is going to retire soon or not I think he has enough momentum going right now where he could have a decent reign with the title if he beat Sheamus. I think he could easily go another 3 to 5 years though. I am sure there is a backstage role waiting for him when he is done, and he will definitely go down as one of the all time greats.
I don't think there is anything left for him to do in WWE to be honest? He has had runs with all the titles, main evented every PPV there is to main event, been in fieds with EVERYONE on the roster worth having an issue with. Still, I don't see him going anywhere. He must love it or he would have left by now (guy is a multi millionaire with a wife at home) and it's good for the WWE to have "the largest athlete" on their books for certain PR.
I respect the guy, but I really don't think there is much reason for him to stay around anymore. he has done everything he could possibly do, from titles to feuds. In fact, staying around for too long would be bad for someone like him who many consider stale, including myself. The fun loving big guy and monster heel has been done SO many times by now, he isn't even believable as a monster heel despite his size. I respect the guy, but he shouldn't stay around any longer than he has too.
Big Show taking up TV time doesn't bother me except when he's got that too-small skullcap on. He just looks ridiculous when he's rocking that thing.

He's one of the few established stars who's still around weekly, so let him keep doing his thing.

Especially if his "thing" @ Hell in the Cell is to lose...then knock Sheamus out with the WMD so Dolph can come out and cash in $$$ in the Bank.
Why does this thread topic get created after EVERY ONE of Big Show's recent feuds or when he takes time off??

Guys, the Big Show just turned 40 this year. He's still extremely relevant and has plenty of gas left in the tank. Just because they're not throwing a strap around his waist doesn't mean his career is coming to a close.

Ugh... these threads are ridiculous. :disappointed:

He absolutely serves a purpose. He is a draw to every little kid that has read a fable about giants to actually see one in real life. He may be stale to the lifelong fan but to a kid he is awesome. Throw in a kid seeing Cena, Sheamus or Ryback getting Show off the ground and that kid is going to be an instant fan of one of those guys. As long as he is healthy and until another giant comes in to the WWE with half of Show's abilities (sorry Khali), there is no point to him retiring. He can work up and down the card like he has for umpteen years.
Im ready for him to hang the singlet up. He has accomplished alot, but now a days his matches are boring. How slow can a match be before we just get tired of it. If he was the size he was in WCW, I'd be all for another year or two. He has gotten so big, and slow that I cringe when I see him on television. Realistically he shouldn't lose a single match, he is over 7ft tall and 400lbs. Its just really dumb to see him lose to people like Mysterio when we all know damn well that would NEVER happen. Hang em up big guy, hang em up.

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