Big Show = Penis Monster?

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Pre-Show Stalwart
Does anyone remember the time Big Show wore a shirt that said "big show" with an arrow pointing down to his penis? Who could forget it? It provided a memorable backstage moment with the lovely Trish Stratus.

I think Big Show could be quite funny if his gimmick revolved around his dong. He could scare wrestlers with girlfriends that he would be able to steal them with his "big show."

Basically he would be a modern-day Mr. Ass/Val Venis style character. If he ever fights Mark Henry again, they can call it a cockfight.
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This thread will likely be taken down, but it's funny. Thanks for the laugh.

"WEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLL, well it's the Big Dong!"

This thread is just all kinds of mind-blowing insight, isn't it? So after Big Show goes on this girlfriend stealing spree - because SO many people want to get with a 500lb, 7 ft. tall pro wrestler - what is he going to do? Tag team with Big Dick Johnson and repulse everyone? Bring back Billy and Chuck so we can have some incredibly awkward penis-related backstage segments? Bring in Ron Simmons for the inevitable "DAMN!" moment that will follow? Why would you want to trade the fired-up, passionate Big Show we've been treated to since his return, for a guy whose gimmick is his dong?

Been there, done that.
I thought this would be about how Big Show looked wearing that WMD beanie. But yes, if Big Show were to start trying to steal girlfriends from people, it would be awesome. Its kind of interesting how many Divas are currently hooking up with the guys all of a sudden.
I'm honestly not even interested in the context of this thread, im just interested in the fact that it is the best thread title ever
I thought this would be about how Big Show looked wearing that WMD beanie.

I had a similar thought, except I thought it was just about his bald head. For whatever reason, I think almost all white guys who shave their heads completely look like penises (peni?) with ears. Big Show especially, for whatever reason.

Obviously, this idea won't happen. I don't necessarily think it would have even really worked during the height of the Attitude Era. I feel that Big Show/Giant should have ALWAYS been booked as an unbeatable giant. A dude his size shouldn't be able to lose so often. My favorite time for Big Show's booking in recent memory is the way he was booked on the new WWECW (I'm assuming that was Paul Heyman's doing). At that time, it seemed no one could stop him. He was doing that sleeper hold & toss thing (I forgot what the move was called), and he just seemed unbeatable. I know that's been done to death with Paul Wight, but I just like that version of him the best.

If he ever fights Mark Henry again, they can call it a cockfight.

This is a little off-topic, but I don't understand why another Henry/Show match (or feud) would be considered a "cock-fight". Does it have something to do with the old "Sexual Chocolate" gimmick, or are you implying that Mark Henry should do a wing-dang-doodle gimmick as well? Did I miss the mark completely? ...I just didn't get it.
LOL. This thread made me laugh. That shirt was awesome. Wish I would have bought one back in the day, that is if they were ever on sale. I can't remember. I would rather have that gimmick back rather than the crying, I'm a baby, I hurt someone gimmick. Him crying like a baby last week was just pathetic looking. What happened to the pissed off Giant I used to see in WCW? Remember when Nash threw coffee in his face? His face turned red, he started to shake. That's the Big Show I want to see back. But I like the penis gimmick too. :)
Does anyone remember the time Big Show wore a shirt that said "big show" with an arrow pointing down to his penis? Who could forget it? It provided a memorable backstage moment with the lovely Trish Stratus.

I think Big Show could be quite funny if his gimmick revolved around his dong. He could scare wrestlers with girlfriends that he would be able to steal them with his "big show."

Basically he would be a modern-day Mr. Ass/Val Venis style character. If he ever fights Mark Henry again, they can call it a cockfight.

This wouldn't work though, as we learned from Val Venis in his infamous bathroom GTV scene, his Show is anything but Big.
... uh no. Big Show is interesting as he is with his ongoing storyline with Mark Henry and Daniel Bryan. Why sabotage it for an irrelevant bit of cheap toilet humor? Tch. :lmao:
Assuming this thread isn't a troll...

I don't think this idea is totally ludicrous, but it would never fly under the PG rating.

Does anyone remember "The Johnsons?" They were a TNA tag team (created by Vince Russo) whose gimmick was resembling 2 penises.

Having a wrestler go around talking about how big a dick he had would probably get him over, but I don't see how it could last longer than a few weeks.
Does anyone remember the time Big Show wore a shirt that said "big show" with an arrow pointing down to his penis? Who could forget it? It provided a memorable backstage moment with the lovely Trish Stratus.

I think Big Show could be quite funny if his gimmick revolved around his dong. He could scare wrestlers with girlfriends that he would be able to steal them with his "big show."

Basically he would be a modern-day Mr. Ass/Val Venis style character. If he ever fights Mark Henry again, they can call it a cockfight.


Reasons why this idea is stupid:

1. WWE is PG.

2. This is the worst way to use Big Show.

3. Read the idea. Do I need another reason?
This is a little off-topic, but I don't understand why another Henry/Show match (or feud) would be considered a "cock-fight". Does it have something to do with the old "Sexual Chocolate" gimmick, or are you implying that Mark Henry should do a wing-dang-doodle gimmick as well? Did I miss the mark completely? ...I just didn't get it.

It's a combination of both. He is a big wanged guy and once wrestled with the sexual chocolate gimmick.
Can I attempt to save it ala Jericho?

The only way any idea like this would work if he has to fight Shaq and he starts bragging about his ding dong.

Oh then it's on, IT'S ON!
That would be funny if he did that but Big Show is way too over for that gimmick they would have to get a a really tall guy whose bald. Maybe they can shave Eli Cottonwood's head and change his name to Eric Shen or Dickey the Giant
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fuck u man ! delete my account bad site

No, fuck YOU and don't sign in again. I'm not doing extra work and deleting your account just because you're a creepy mother fucker who wants footage of Big Show's junk.
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