Big Show Fesses Up To What Everyone Already Knew


Mid-Card Championship Winner

Big Show was the guest on Chris Jericho’s “Talk is Jericho” podcast last week, and he finally revealed the truth behind the famous ring collapse during a June 12th, 2003 Smackdown match against Brock Lesnar.

While Big Show has maintained for years in interviews that the ring collapse was not planned, and was a total shoot, Show revealed on Jericho’s podcast that the ring was in fact rigged to collapse:

“We did a spot right before we broke the ring where we’re both down and they shoot a close up of both of us selling,” said Big Show. “In that time, Ellis (Edwards, WWE Stunt Coordinator) had airbags under the ring. So they had lifted the ring a couple inches. When I’m standing on that top corner, that ring is like standing on marbles. Because it’s moving. Of course now I’ve got my fat ass up in the air, 500 pounds on a not very stable surface. So then the ring broke. You don’t know how the stunt is going to look. It was so perfectly timed the way we did it and Ellis did a great job of setting up. That thing collapsed and everybody they bought it so long.”

Not major news, but I am pretty sure most of the people at the event knew it was fixed. Several people saw crew working on the ring right before the spot happened. And to be honest, I knew it was faked as soon as I saw it. A ring wouldn't break that way from sheer force.

Was it still a cool spot? Of course? One of the most memorable in WWE history, but saying it was "faked" now is several years too late.
....but saying it was "faked" now is several years too late.

Plus, saying it was faked after so many years of insisting it wasn't now casts doubt on everything else they claimed was real. Once they've admitted to one lie, why would anyone believe anything else they say?

Of course, who really cares? Sports entertainment is what it is. It was a great spot.

Still, I wonder what 'ole Vince had to say after hearing Big Show say that on the podcast?
I didn't watch the podcast, but am not surprised to hear that it was rigged. You would expect a ring that's built to hold a couple of tons, not to collapse. I barely remember the match, as it was about 12 years ago, but wrestling is a scripted sport, and when shit like this happens, yea.

On another note, does it really matter. If it had happened on last night's RAW and we were all still ooohing and aahhhing then different matter. It was a long time ago, and most current casual fans probably won't even remember it now. So someone came out and admitted it was rigged. But it's really a case of who cares considering the length of time that's gone by.
Everyone knew it was fake, or at least everyone should have. This is pro wrestling or sports entertainment or whatever you want to call it and it is scripted. It was still a memorable moment (12 years later, we're still discussing it) and one of the best in Smackdown history.
I could care less if it planned or not! Of course it was planned we all knew that,the fact Big show admits it years later to me does not change the fact it still its one of the coolest feats ever to occur in the WWE ever..

Its called Sports Entertainment for a reason.. The timing was absolutely spot on.. Congrats to everyone involved and what 12 years later its still one of the best moments ever in smackdown history.. It speaks major volumes! Planned or not
That was one of my first wrestling shows here in Orlando. That spot was amazing even from nose bleed section. I don't care if it was fake, it was amazing live.
A great moment, super obvious that it was rigged, but great moment anyway. I liked how much over selling the ref did flopping around the ring when it collapsed.
No shit it was faked. If you drop half a ton of weight onto on a ring, the fucking posts aren't gonna fall off and tip over. It'll be the canvas or the base breaking due to giving in to the weight. You know. Like when this happens.

I knew it was fake right away by how wide the camera angle was. You almost never see that wide of a shot. It didn't matter though it was still fucking rad.

Obviously it was planned - as pretty much all broken ring spots are - but don't forget that Smackdown is taped, so they can choose camera views in the editing room
I've always been sure it was a planned spot, but so what? 99% of things that happen on a wrestling show are "preplanned" and the talent know whats happening.

It was still a cool spot to see though, as it emphasised Lesnar's insane strength and its a visual marvel to see a giant like Big Show flying through the air. I definitely wasn't expecting to see the ring break, but it looked awesome when it happened!

Don't really see the point of Show admitting it was preplanned all this time later though, what's the point??
No shit it was faked. If you drop half a ton of weight onto on a ring, the fucking posts aren't gonna fall off and tip over. It'll be the canvas or the base breaking due to giving in to the weight. You know. Like when this happens.

Just because I'm confused, you know that was a gimmicked ring, too, right?
I am surprised nobody mentions the very same spot that involved Mark Henry a few years ago! It should have been plain obvious then that it was faked. No wonder Vince thinks we are stupid.

But yes, the majority of us knew that this was planned.

Funny how the ring collapsed in the exact same style. One break, than two. It didn't break all at once. Even the ref made the exact same motions in both matches.
Destroying the ring is a fun way to end a show. Maintaining that it wasn't planned is pretty fucking stupid on WWE's part, that is to deliberately mislead fans into thinking that it was real as opposed to just playing coy if asked directly.

The WWE up and decided to close an episode of Smackdown in a similar manner as how an episode of Nitro was closed about five years earlier.

Skip to 8:20


At least WCW didn't play us for dumbasses and try to be all like "THIS IS NOT AN ANGLE!! THIS WAS NOT PLANNED!! PAUL WIGHT JUST CAUSED THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS IN DAMAGE TO OUR RING!! CALL 911!!"
When I think of greatest single moments in Smackdown history, that has to be up there with the best. Regardless of it was real or rigged (isn't all of wrestling?)
I'm not surprised it was fake. It looked believable though. At the end of the day it's about entertaining the fans and that's what happened.

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