Big plans for Miz...Triple H?


Dark Match Winner
Title dosn't make much sense but the question will.

So Miz has lost the WWE Title and Vince is focused on Cena defending it against everybody. Yet he says he has big plans for Miz and he'll still be in a main event sort of picture. Now at the moment RAW has probably got these rivalrys. R-Turth & Jo-Mo. Rey & Alberto, Swagger & Kofi, there isn't a single big face for Miz to face at the moment. But here is what I think should happen. Miz has no one to face on RAW that can handle his bad in ring skills (sorry but I hate him it's in my genes:shrug:) but I think Triple H can. H said himself he would be used if he was needed and right now with Vince saying Miz will still have a major role I can only think Triple H. Maybe not yet cause I'm sure Miz isn't done with the WWE Title and will try to get it back but maybe after he's out of the title picture he can work something with Triple H. If you can name a single person on the RAW roster that can make Miz shine tell me cause I don't see anyone who can help him and those who can are booked up. I just asking if you think maybe a win or loss against Triple H will show Miz is still a top contender in WWE?
If you wana be a big time player in the WWE, a win against HHH will do that. A win against Trips is possibly bigger than winning a world title, just me opinion.

Anyways, i couldnt agree with you more. After Miz's fued with Cena is over i would love to see him in a fued with Trips, maybe a match at SummerSlam?... This would be great for the Miz. A win or loss would help him establish himself even more by fueding with HHH.
maybe at next week RAW he will win a N1 contender match for The WWE Championship At Over The Limit OR he could face HHH like yu said OR face McIntyre or Ziggler who is going to turn Face but that is maybe NOT going to happen
If you wana be a big time player in the WWE, a win against HHH will do that. A win against Trips is possibly bigger than winning a world title, just me opinion.

I doubt it will happen in any kind of credible way. HHH is known to be anti-Miz and would be highly unlikely to put him over in any way that wouldn't lead to Miz getting utterly crushed in a rematch. If there is one person Miz needs to avoid it's HHH
I don't see HHH coming back to do any long term feuds with anyone anytime soon. Hell I doubt he comes back until he has his rematch with Taker next year.

I think that Miz and Cena will have at least one more one on one PPV match probably at Over the Limit. Then I think there will be another Triple Threat or Fatal Four Way match involving Miz, Cena, Truth, and Morrison or Del Rio. Then I think that will be the end of Miz's chances at the title for a little while, as Cena moves onto feuds with other heels on the RAW roster until he faces The Rock.

So I think that the one person that needs to comeback, that will also be willing to and honestly do the best job of putting over the Miz in a main event capacity, would be Chris Jericho. He is done with Dancing with the Stars, is gonna have a short summer tour with Fozzy, and then he will be free to return to WWE. Jericho has stated many times that he doesn't want to come back and do the same thing he has done in the past, and since he left as a heel I think he could come back as a face with a completely different personality and character than he has ever used before. Or he could come back and play a different heel role that actually puts the Miz over a face.

Jericho is so talented that he would be the one I would choose to have a very lengthy feud with Miz, keeping him solidly in the main event scene for a long time.
I See triple-H returning around summerslam;it could realy elavate The Miz to a real solid main eventer! And also could very well become Champion AGain in the future.

Back on topic,I would rather see A Dramatic Chris Jericho return Than triple-H,It would make Miz More credible and we could actually possibly see a Chris Jericho return as a face! I would Like It :) Jericho is also more talented that Triple-H In My Eyes And Him & Miz Could realy HAve A Few Good Matches.
I personally don't want to see Triple H feud with the Miz. I would much rather see the Miz and Chris Jericho feud with each other. Chris Jericho is a great wrestler and he is good at making other superstars look good. Both the Miz and Chris Jericho have great mic skills and can work a crowd into a good frenzy. Having them feud would be funny and keep people entertained. I love both the Miz and Jericho and would love to see them in a feud :)
If HHH really is anti-Miz, then that would make a feud between them so much better. These guys would really put on some intense stuff on the mic and in the ring.
Triple H sounds like a good choice of the next feud for The Miz but the best one is, like others have said, Chris Jericho. When he returns, he should definitely start a feud with The Miz as a face on Raw. They both have many similarities including The Miz using an old finisher Jericho used to have (Breakdown).
i agree with bionic redneck chris jericho would be a great guy for the miz but if he doesnt come back then what? its simple..JOHN MORRISON...i kno hes busy with r truth right now but miz is busy with cena after morrisons fued with r truth culminates he can start up again with the miz...its perfect they have the history and morrison is a guy that can help miz shine. i like the hHh idea but i dont think hell comeback for that long and weve already seen miz vs morrison it was a great match but that fued only lasted about 3 weeks they didnt get into the history they had n this would be a great oppurtunity for them to
I still think a feud with Jericho could either unleash Miz or bury him, but a feud with Triple H would do wonders for him, too. It's probably better that he faces Triple H, because HHH doesn't have the ability to bury him like Jericho does, in my opinion. Honestly, Miz just needs a high profile feud with a heavily established talent. He's still a big time up and comer rather than a big name, highly established talent. So, for Miz to learn and grow even more from a big time veteran would be monumental for him. I think JoMo needs the same thing to get over, as well. Maybe if Jericho comes back as a heel, then Miz could feud with HHH and JoMo could get Jericho? That is, after JoMo is done with Truth; I really like this feud, so far. Morrison needs desperately to establish himself on the mic, and I think that it would be good for him to get tutored a little bit, even if it is getting showed up by someone better. It worked for Jericho when he first came in and feuded with the Rock, so maybe Jericho could bring out a little bit of that in Morrison? I know Morrison and Jericho aren't similar at all, but maybe it could work.
I think a fued with HHH would be more enjoyable as I see Y2J as a heel, but I don't see HHH coming back. At the moment Miz is fighting Cena and if last Monday anything to go by they could put on some good shows. As for long term there one name not mentioned on here and that is Punk, his contract maybe running out but if he were to sign a deal this could be Miz's future.
If you wana be a big time player in the WWE, a win against HHH will do that. A win against Trips is possibly bigger than winning a world title, just me opinion.

Anyways, i couldnt agree with you more. After Miz's fued with Cena is over i would love to see him in a fued with Trips, maybe a match at SummerSlam?... This would be great for the Miz. A win or loss would help him establish himself even more by fueding with HHH.

A win over Rock, Austin, Trips is bigger than a world title.

Jericho sky rocketed after beating both austin and rock IN ONE NIGHT.
I agree. I actually just finished looking at the RAW Roster, and I don't see a guy that can "keep up" with the Miz's poor in-ring skills that isn't already involved in another rivalry.
I think that the Miz is getting too overwhelmed with wrestlers who have 10x higher status then he does. Let him feud as an upper mid card worker instead of going after Cena, Rock ect. I think if he ever feuded with Triple H, it would be a goofy mix, as you have someone serious and another person who treats everything like a joke. The Miz needs a little more progress before moving up.
I think that the Miz is getting too overwhelmed with wrestlers who have 10x higher status then he does. Let him feud as an upper mid card worker instead of going after Cena, Rock ect. I think if he ever feuded with Triple H, it would be a goofy mix, as you have someone serious and another person who treats everything like a joke. The Miz needs a little more progress before moving up.

What the hell are you talking about being overwhelmed? No wrestler in the WWE is 10x higher than the Miz right now. He IS a main eventer and had the longest title run in the WWE in a long ass time.

As far as what to do next... Keep the Miz in the main event picture and then have him take on Taker at Mania 28. The title will most likely be on the line with Cena and Rock so this way you can keep the Miz in a main event spot even with Rock/Cena
Jerico would be fun to see against the Miz, but he's not gonna be back for a few months it seems. I'd think they would like to keep him relavent right now. Maybe hhh turns out to be the raw gm and tries to mess with miz somehow.
What the hell? HHH is anti Miz? During Wrestlemania week they were both conducting interviews at ALL not just some of the same spots and news stations. They're have been wrestlers who HHH is high on that have faded in to mid card scene Sheamus being the most recent example. Im sure if HHH was Anti Miz, Miz would be in a program with a mid carder.
I think Triple H would be a really good transition opponent for Miz, while we wait for Jericho to come back. After all, the company needs to take Miz out of the title picture for awhile; he's been at the top of the charts for a long time now and they've got to give someone else a chance.

Meanwhile, though, they say they want to keep Miz in the main event. What better way to do that than to give him to Triple H? The program would be short in duration since Triple H isn't going to stand for a long one.

Another alternative is to bring up someone from the mid-card ranks to give Miz a battle. After all, Miz has had his turn as the lowly regarded guy who unexpectedly rises to the top; so why not make him the opponent of a new guy with similar ambitions, even if they have to turn a heel into a face to accomplish it?

Yeah, yeah.....I admit it, I'm talking about Drew McIntyre. And why not?:)
I Like the Idea of Jericho v Miz Feud. Those 2 would have good matches and some great promos. Plus Jericho would put Miz over. He is Selfless like that.
IMO the Miz is heading for a BIG face turn, each week the cheers get louder, dumping Riley the douchebag only helps him. a year from now he will be WWE's biggest face IMO

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