Big E. Langston Debuts


In the closing minutes of Raw last night, AJ Lee came skipping back down to the ring with a big muscular black guy in tow. At first, since we couldn't see the guy because of the lighting, only his outline, I thought it was Ryback.

The guy hits the ring and quickly proceeds to take out John Cena. He stands over him as AJ skips around the ring to end the show.

The guy's name is Big E. Langston and he's one of the top names in NXT right now. In fact, he's the current NXT Champion as he defeated Seth Rollins recently.

I haven't really seen enough of this guy to form an opinion. Most of his matches in NXT consisted of just running through a lot of guys in near Ryback fashion. I have a feeling that Vince is primarily responsible for Langston being fast tracked to the main roster so quickly. I'm sure Vince loves his look and Langston is a legitimate powerhouse that's won several well known powerlifting tournaments.

With AJ skipping around the ring, it has me wondering if she's going to be his valet/manager. Or was she simply out there just for the sake of watching him take out Cena. It's hard to tell because last night's Raw was beyond chaotic, and not in a good way either.
If he will be a heel, im guessing he will probably feud with Ryback at some point.But tbh at the moment there is no room for another monster.I mean Ryback is enough If I have to watch them build up Big E. it will be boring as fvck.And if they dont build him ..well we all know how those kind of situations turn out.

I hope they have a big ass plan for him as just attacking Cena in this meaningless fashion will not get him far.Since Jack-H. pointed out he is a legit powerhouse, I'm looking forward to see some of that on Raw.I just hope they dont waste him.

Although I said it cannot work , he could possibly be to Ryback what Bobby Lashley was to Cena some years ago. I just hope they dont stick him in a feud with Cena and let Dolph get some more time in this feud.
Teaming him up with AJ is interesting and if rumours of Ryback winning the World Title off Big Show at Wrestlemania are true than Big E could be kept apart from him until maybe next year's Wrestlemania.

Pushed right that could be quite the World Title match in 2014
I don't understand why they give the NXT belt to him because Rollins is moving to the main roster, then WWE move Big E to the main roster immediately.....

So he will lose his belt next taping? That is weird
I love Big E Langston! I popped harder for his appearance last night and when he dropped Cena with the Big Ending then I did for anything else on WWE in weeks. I'm intrigued to see his affiliation with AJ and can't wait to see what kind of TV a crazy chick with a powerhouse at her disposal creates. I also love that the next generation is really taking shape. Ziggler, Ryback, Cesaro, Rollins, Reigns, Ambrose, etc. WWE may not be perfect, but the rise of tomorrow's stars is pretty exciting.
what bear with me. but just what if...AJ + Big E = Dolph's Manager/GF & Bodyguard/Enforcer?? We havent really seen a combination of 3 people used like that before, mainly two different scenarios (i.e. Diesel to HBK, Sherri to HBK etc.) we've seen a 2 guy/1 girl combo fail miserably in the SES but again that stable was formed a bit different. Call me crazy, but I think if they played out Big E's debut as AJ's offering to Dolph to help him completely embarrass and beat Super Cena, it could potentially be good tv. My only gripe about Big E's sudden debut, was just that: it was sudden. The 6 man TLC match with the Shield proved that was a light at the end of the tunnel regarding grooming new talent to start slowly but surely taking over for the the top workers who are either currently performing banged up or are a few years away from full time to part time to retirement. You had a match with 3 new faces actually putting on a great match with the currently hot Ryback as well as a fan favorite like D Bryan. I think the audience of the current WWE product needed that breath of fresh air. Then the VERY next night, especially at the Slammy's, Big E just debuts? I doubt anyone in Philly besides the WWE talent and staff backstage even knew who he was. I guess I just fail to see the direction and furthermore the need to bring in Big E so out of left field when the Ziggler/John Cena storyline itself was already heating up from the prior night a'la AJ swerve. I just hope they dont try to align him with The Shield just because they are all NXT guys. yeah that would suck.
I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that maybe this has something to do with Mark Henry's injury and Mark still not being ready. With that said, I somewhat understand the logic of having a monster heel against a monster face. We'll see in the coming weeks if Ryback goes after Big E or not. They probably will come to blows at The Royal Rumble match itself, not anytime sooner, but that's if it were the most logical thing to do. Everything is up in the air and you have way too many people involved in a short list of programs. You have The Shield vs Ryback and now the option of throwing Big E. into the mix, too many people for just one man. They really can't logically drop Dolph vs Cena because the feud just started and perhaps both men need each other at this stage of their careers. So moving Cena to Big E. and forgetting about Dolph doesn't make much sense and I don't think WWE will even go that route at this time.

Then you have The Shield perhaps at some time aligning themselves with CM Punk, especially if they want to keep the belt on Punk when he faces The Rock. I can see The Shield coming out to save Punk by beating down The Rock (whom I am always gonna say does NOT deserve a title reign whatsoever, what has he done in the past year? This just shows the lack of current star power on the roster to even consider Rock ending Punk's reign).

Then there's AJ Lee, the odd woman out on all this. She can go either to Dolph or Big E. or nobody and just be that woman who just wants to see Cena get beat up. I like the idea of pairing her with Dolph but I also think she needs to just kinda mess with Cena solo for a while. Have her make him think a next beat down is just around the corner. Throw him off his game, especially when it comes to Ziggler. I still say they should've paired Ziggler with a returning heel Flair, but oh well, completely MISSED opportunity. People want to cheer for Flair, but people love to boo him too. Ziggler + Flair = Unstoppable force in WWE (IMO).

Who knows for sure what WWE is doing. I liked the show last night and it once again left a sorta cliff hanger but all needs to come together to make sense pretty soon before WrestleMania.
With the talk of Monster hell vs. Monster face. Why use Big E. Langston. When WWE has Brock Lesnar in their pocket?

Anyways this thread is not about that. Many have said that Dolph is a present day HBK. What did HBK do that catapulted him into stardom. He dropped the dead weight. Jannety in this case is Vickie for Dolph. He dropped her just like HBK did with Marty. Shortly after that HBK got himself a valet. He didn't need one because he could carry himself, not just in the ring but also on the mic. Sound familiar? Dolph is the same way. He now has a valet in AJ Lee. AJ is Dolph's Sherri. That means Big E. is Diesel. See HBK didn't need a bodyguard but it served his cocky personality. I see Big E. as Dolph's Diesel. Not to the extent that Big E will become huge like Nash, but the fact that it fits Dolph's character. After costing Dolph the title shot, this is his way to make sure it won't happen again.
With the talk of Monster hell vs. Monster face. Why use Big E. Langston. When WWE has Brock Lesnar in their pocket?

Because Langston works a full time schedule & at a fraction of the price Lesnar does. Plus they can build Langston up for years to come while Lesnar is going to be gone in a couple months (unless they sign him to another ridiculous part time deal for some obscene amount of money.)
I like Big E., but I think this is too soon to bring him up to the main roster, especially against Cena. Also, the AJ storyline makes no sense to me, so I'm at an additional handicap in connecting to this storyline.

I hope they don't drop the ball on this.
I don't know why he is there, most people probably never heard of him.
I didn't know his name but, I watched a match of his on NXT one time and thought "this guy could be great on Raw".

When he came out, I said to myself "hey it's that big guy off NXT, what's he doing here?". Then, the Cena attack leaving a ton of questions.

Oh well, we'll see how this pans out. Seems like everyone is ganging up on Cena lately though, I think this could be leading to something BIG!
I love Big E, but unless he is Dolph's and AJ's bodyguard then i wont like it. I don't think he is ready to be up on the main roster yet. So hiding him off as a bodyguard would be a good move for wwe. Also never a fan of attacking Cena right away as that hasn't seemed to work out for most who do it. So please WWE don't feed him to cena be smart this time. At the last reason I'm not a fan of him debuting this way is 5! 5! 5! 5! 5! 5! 5! 5!
When he came out with AJ i was like "who the hell is he?" I don't watch NXT so i guess that's my own fault for not knowing him.

I think there are many others who don't follow NXT, so they maybe should of showed us clips of him weeks prior to his debut (a bit like they did with Brodus) of him destroying people in a Monster Heel way. It seems to me that WWE have desperatly rushed him out there and made that decision in the space of 2 or 3 days. Perhaps Mark Henry was the one planned all along to take out Cena, but because of his injury they needed someone else.

First immpression of Big E - I like his look, but the singlet needs to go. Don't know what it is with the RVD style Attire these days. It was a neat beat down on Cena but again we can't judge him on a 30 second appearence.

Another thing i thought of is that these NXT newcomers are being used as fillers to the upcoming Royal Rumble (we would at least know thier names when they entered the Rumble). I think The Shield already are way above just being Royal Rumble fodder, but not so sure about Big E as yet. Time will tell.
I have had my eye on Big E for quite a while watching him progress in FCW. He is a legit replacement for someone like Mark Henry if he doesnt return. A better worker than Henry even though I liked Mark Henry. Big E isnt quite as athletic as Ryback even with his amature wrestling backround due to his sheer mass. But upon entering the WWE he will most likely be the strongest guy in the WWE lockerroom until Henry returns if he returns. Where him teaming up with AJ is going to take him I really dont know. It seems the odds are stacked against Cena here once again. I don't see a Big E vs Cena fued anytime soon. Its still a Cena vs Dolph fued with AJ and now Big E really making it harder for Cena.
i've been a fan of big E for a long time now and i'm pleased that he has now debuted on raw. The only concern I have is WWE pairing him up with AJ. If wwe intend to use him as a bodyguard for AJ and Ziggler then it's a real waste of tallent. In my opinion Big e would have been much better being paired with Hayman as Big E is not the greatest that I have seen on the mic and would benifit from having somebody like Hayman as a mouth piece to get him over with the fans. The only other concern that I have is the ring gear. If they are going to build him as a monster then they need to change his look if he is going to be believable.
I'm leaning toward dud with this guy. His build is tremendous but he has a horrible lost look on his face. He needs to look either tough or charismatic. This guy looks like his head is too small for his body.

For the small sample of two Cena beatdowns and a few Youtube videos I don't see enough exceptionalism there. His finisher is different but a guy that size should do more than pull the other guy on top on him. It's almost looks like Langston is taking the bigger bump.

Maybe Vince and co have bigger ideas in their head but to me I see him going the way of Jackson Andrews, Ezekial Jackson, and Mason Ryan. I hope I'm wrong because I like powrrhouses but I just don't see it with Langston.
I haven't seen him in NXT so I don't really know much about him. I've seen a few people talk about him on here and kind of hype him up but not in a sickening way. My first impression of him was that he reminds me of Marcus Cor Von but shorter and more muscular.
I agree that he should stay as the bodyguard for Dolph for awhile until people know who he is a little more.
Two attacks isn't really enough to form a full opinion on him yet so I have to wait and see.
His build is tremendous but he has a horrible lost look on his face.

You thought that, too? I agree.

It's too early to come to any conclusions, of course, but Big E presents as another muscular, menacing-looking brute who either can (or can't) move around the ring. To me, it's six of Ezekiel Jackson or a half-dozen of Mason Ryan; WWE could have stopped the two of them from smiling so much and used one of them as a bodyguard for AJ.....or for Dolph.....or for whomever the hell he's supposed to be protecting. In fact, I wonder if Big Zeke and Mason aren't sitting in limbo, wondering why this new guy was brought up to fill a role they could have played.

We'll give Big E a chance, naturally, but I hope they quickly get to whatever personality he's going to be portraying.
I had mixed feelings after Raw went of the air because I know Big E. and he's gotta be one of the most over guys in NXT but my problem is what they would do with him, in fact I thought that Kassius Ohno or Bray Wyatt were ahead of him but it was a surprise to watch him go out there and take out John Cena.

SmackDown last night helped me digest the fact that he is now on the main roster and he has a purpose and for now it's not a singles push or another guy that will fill our midcard, for now he looks like an enforcer so I am okay with that, slowly who knows what that guy can do? His muscular look and his gimmick that comes out as a guy without feelings can work for both him and Dolph Ziggler. He has an intense presence that's for sure, and I will be pleased if his in-ring debut only happens around Elimination Chamber. If they book it properly, Dolph Ziggler can very well owe him a World Championship, because I can see the guy take out a Big Show with no problem. For now, I'm not too worried about him, he's just there to help Ziggler, so continue as that.

In the future he can mix it up pretty well with the likes of Ryback, John Cena, Sheamus and others. Give it time and don't rush things if you don't know what to do. Focus in a small group of guys at a time, now Shield, Ryback and Ziggler are your priorities WWE so don't ruin it.
Personally i was hoping Big E would turn out to be another member of the Sheild!!! Basically the Sheilds answer to Ryback. They could have used Mason Ryan as AJ bodyguard rather than Big E. Big E has some impressive power moves and i like his finisher. We are just gonna have to wait to see Big E do anything meaningful. Being a bodyguard he is gonna be limited in any kind of push while he is with Dolph.
My first impression is that I like his finisher, even though on closer inspection it actually looks not very painful to receive... But whatever, the same applies to numerous very popular finishers in the WWE history (Can anyone explain to me what is so vicious about the RKO, for example? Or how about Hogan's Legdrop of Doom? :p ). It's almost as if wrestling was fake or something, I don't know...

Anyway, it's way too early for a verdict on this rookie. New blood is always welcome, though. Let's see where the kid is one year from now.
If you have WWE's app for iphone or android in the Breaking News section there is a write up on Big E Langston and quotes from John Cena talking to Sheamus from either Smackdown or Main Event and he says that he has been in the ring with the Worlds Largest athlete Big Show and The Worlds Strongest Man Mark Henry but Big E Langston very well could be the strongest man he has ever been in the ring with.
He's just a younger, taller version of Mark Henry IMO, he even wears the Nation of Domination singlet.

He's also just another big man who will get pushed to the moon (and was on NXT) purely because he's 6'6", 300lbs and knows all of 2 moves.
He's just a younger, taller version of Mark Henry IMO, he even wears the Nation of Domination singlet.

He's also just another big man who will get pushed to the moon (and was on NXT) purely because he's 6'6", 300lbs and knows all of 2 moves.

Once again You have no idea what you're talking about.

How about he should be pushed because he can be charismatic? How about the fact that he was one of the most over superstars of NXT, and he did so with the number five of all things. But since you just strike me as the type who needs something who has to have something to bitch about, naturally that can't be it. It must be because he's a big guy.

"knows all of 2 moves"? He's been here a week. Calm your tits.

I don't have all day and getting ready to head out, so I'll state this. You can have all the opinions you want. This one happens to be wrong
A taller version of Mark Henry??? Do you know anything about Big E Langston?? He is no where near 6'6 and is not taller than Mark Henry!!!!! Big E is probably around 6'0 to 6'1 and right around 300lbs. Sometime's I really wonder where people get their way off the mark info on these guys. I mean 2 moves really??? The guy has only interfered twice he hasn't actually wreslted yet you think maybe you might wanna wait until he is in a match or go look up some matches of his in FCW so you can inform yourself and not look so damn stupid!!!!! The ignorance on these boards can be so thick at times it's digusting!!!!

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