Big E Langston As A Singles Star

I guess he's just Big E but whatever.

Let's be honest. The New Day are one of the best acts on the roster, because they don't feel scripted. They're entertaining, they let their real personalities shine, and the crowd has responded. The fact that they had a segment where they were jousting with The Fucking Rock on the microphone sort of shows you how good they are.

That being said, all good things in wrestling will eventually come to an end. The New Day won't be a team forever. Of the three in the group, Big E is clearly the guy with the most potential as an individual star. First of all, he has the size, the look and the physique of a star. The two top guys in the business by far are John Cena and Brock Lesnar. They aren't small guys doing flips. They're athletic, they're explosive, but they're also huge. When you think of a superstar pro wrestler, you think of a certain look and Big E has that look. He looks like a wrestler that could kick your ass, he doesn't look like a regular guy. He's also pretty athletic, and can get some nice height on that running body splash. My point is he can also work a solid match. Even more important than the look, Big E has natural charisma. He's great on the mic and he's comfortable in front of the audience. He's a guy that doesn't need to be scripted. Despite what people on the internet might think, a wrestler's look and charisma are the two most important factors in determining their success. It's entertainment, and Big E is entertaining in every aspect.

The New Day doesn't even have to actually break up for Big E to be a singles star. With the Dudleys now heel, and with the League of Nations and the Wyatt Family looking for signficance, there could be another heel team getting a run as the Tag Team Champions. If that happens, the New Day could still be together, but Big E and Kofi could compete for the IC/US Titles with Xavier Woods continuing his role as a manager. That might be the best of both worlds, a singles push for Big E, with the fun dynamic of the New Day still in tact.

So what do you think? Do you agree with my assessment of Big E's value? Does Big E have what it takes to eventually break out as a singles star? Even if the New Day remained a group, would you want to see them compete for singles titles and could Big E hold the IC or US Championship as part of the New Day?
I think the key to letting Big E shine is letting his natural humor and natural charisma show on camera. If you watch the and Youtube exclusive interviews that he has been in or read his Twitter, you know he has that natural charisma about him. Like you said, he looks comfortable with a mic in his hand, which is something a lot of current guys can't say.

I think it would be fantastic if he became a dual champion, holding, say, the US Title while also defending the Tag Team Titles. I honestly think Big E winning a singled title will be what pushes New Day apart.

I still hold out hope that Kofi will get a main event level push once New Day unfortunately breaks up, but Big E has all the tools that we assume Vince looks for in a big star. So long as they don't push him into the silent bodyguard role he was in when he first came to the main roster, I foresee good things for Big D Wangston.
Agree with the above Big E's push should be what separates New Day. I would even be for Kofi & Xavier staying with the gimmick and pushing in the Tag-Team division, maybe they could find a 3rd member? Apollo Crews or someone? That sets up a Crews/Big E match from the get go. Have recently heard rumours of Crews having a gimmick change too.
I've always said, if you have to sacrifice Woods and Kofi for Big E, do it. Big E is obviously the most likely of the three to get the company push considering his background, size, and his ability in the ring mixed with his new found ability on the stick. Now I love Kofi and Xavier, but I don't think WWE necessarily has "plans" for either of them following the New Day. Personally, I see Kofi possibly getting a short upper card push before falling back into the mid-card niche that he's carved for himself over the years and as for Woods, they barely let him in the ring even now so manager/commentator may be the route they go with him.

That said, I think New Day still has a face run in them. In a perfect scenario, New Day would get massively over as faces ultimately leading to a Big E turn. I'd love to see Big E play the whacked out heel, similar to Eric Young's gimmick. I think it would allow him to continue to use the full range of his personality while also putting him over as a dangerous heel. That's fantasy booking land though.
No...just no. Big E is up there with Great Khali and Braun Strowman in terms of how unbelievably, ungodly awful he is. He can't wrestle, he can't talk, and he has the charisma of a cardboard cutout. His singles run in 2013-2014 was absolutely atrocious. They jobbed every single star on the roster to him in an effort to get him over as THE next mega babyface, and it failed horribly, because Big E has ZERO potential. He ruins New Day segments with his idiotic facial expressions and sucks the humor out of the occasional funny thing they do. When they break up, the only place Big E should go is the unemployment line.
No...just no. Big E is up there with Great Khali and Braun Strowman in terms of how unbelievably, ungodly awful he is. He can't wrestle, he can't talk, and he has the charisma of a cardboard cutout. His singles run in 2013-2014 was absolutely atrocious. They jobbed every single star on the roster to him in an effort to get him over as THE next mega babyface, and it failed horribly, because Big E has ZERO potential. He ruins New Day segments with his idiotic facial expressions and sucks the humor out of the occasional funny thing they do. When they break up, the only place Big E should go is the unemployment line.

You really must only like guys that are in their 40's and out of shape, excluding fish boy, Dolph Ziggler. If it was up to you, we'd always have RAW with endings like this weeks.

Big E has potential to be the first colored WWE Champion. He's entertaining, smooth in the ring and can talk.

I still can't believe how much of an idiot you really are.
You really must only like guys that are in their 40's and out of shape, excluding fish boy, Dolph Ziggler. If it was up to you, we'd always have RAW with endings like this weeks.

Big E has potential to be the first colored WWE Champion. He's entertaining, smooth in the ring and can talk.

I still can't believe how much of an idiot you really are.

"Colored"? What are you, 75 years old?

And you're still living in the fictional world where WWE has had no black world champions. I guess Booker T, The Rock, Mark Henry, and Bobby Lashley don't count?

And Big E is none of the things you said. He's not entertaining or charismatic, his best matches are barely passable, and he can't cut a promo to save his life.
The only way the New Day gets broken up is if Kofi or Big E suffers a catastrophic injury that shelves them for 6-9 months. And, even THAT is a stretch. People need to understand that WWE caught lightning in a bottle with New Day. Here you have three spare parts that were not being utilized. They pieced them together, and much to Creative's surprise created the most naturally over group on the roster. New Day is MONEY! Those three feed off each other. Break it up, and you have three men basically being directionless. Woods will probably get Future Endeavored soon after. Kofi will be used for his acrobatic skills. Big E? WWE already have plenty of muscle-bound big men. Where do you think Big E is going to go? He will probably wind up on the mid to lower mid card until he gets Future Endeavored. The three members of the New Day NEED each other. A push to make Big E more of a singles competitor is asking for his release. Sad to say.
And Big E is none of the things you said. He's not entertaining or charismatic, his best matches are barely passable, and he can't cut a promo to save his life.

I would have agreed with you before seeing him in New Day. For some reason it has brought new life to his character.

Used to feel the same about him when he was walking down to the ring. He just looked boring to me anyway, nothing but his size stood out. And when New Day was first formed I thought, why put him in there. Well what a surprise.

Woods is a natural on the mic, Kofi is just great period, and Big E gyrating is one of the best things about RAW. The whole group just works and the fans think so as well. Being good in the ring helps their cause even more, and that trombone is the best thing ever. I can't wait for New Day segments each week, they have become the most entertaining parts of the show.

When it's all said and done, Kofi will go back to where he was before upper mid card maybe holding the IC or US title. Woods would make a wonderful mouthpiece and I can see Big E in the main event scene. But I hope it doesn't happen for awhile.
He had some rad matches with Swagger, Rusev and the Wyatts during his singles run. Always preferred him over the other two in terms of wrestling style. I don't know how well he would do in main event style matches with longe lengths and more enhanced storytelling but I wouldn't mind seeing them at least give him a shot at it. An Owens, Ambrose or even a Reigns vs Big E match with a decent amount of time could be a solid high 3-4 star match easily.
I would have agreed with you before seeing him in New Day. For some reason it has brought new life to his character.

To me, the 'new life' has come about because the New Day guys were instructed to act like morons, and while there's always space for comedy acts, I don't see anything about Big E's ring fighting that has improved since he went clown.

Gyrating those meaty hips looks faintly obscene to me and he's just as sloppy and awkward in the ring as he ever was. But yes......he's funny, if you like this sort of thing.

And, hey! If he can get over as a single by getting laughs, more power to him.
I guess he's just Big E but whatever.

Let's be honest. The New Day are one of the best acts on the roster, because they don't feel scripted. They're entertaining, they let their real personalities shine, and the crowd has responded. The fact that they had a segment where they were jousting with The Fucking Rock on the microphone sort of shows you how good they are.

That being said, all good things in wrestling will eventually come to an end. The New Day won't be a team forever. Of the three in the group, Big E is clearly the guy with the most potential as an individual star. First of all, he has the size, the look and the physique of a star. The two top guys in the business by far are John Cena and Brock Lesnar. They aren't small guys doing flips. They're athletic, they're explosive, but they're also huge. When you think of a superstar pro wrestler, you think of a certain look and Big E has that look. He looks like a wrestler that could kick your ass, he doesn't look like a regular guy. He's also pretty athletic, and can get some nice height on that running body splash. My point is he can also work a solid match. Even more important than the look, Big E has natural charisma. He's great on the mic and he's comfortable in front of the audience. He's a guy that doesn't need to be scripted. Despite what people on the internet might think, a wrestler's look and charisma are the two most important factors in determining their success. It's entertainment, and Big E is entertaining in every aspect.

The New Day doesn't even have to actually break up for Big E to be a singles star. With the Dudleys now heel, and with the League of Nations and the Wyatt Family looking for signficance, there could be another heel team getting a run as the Tag Team Champions. If that happens, the New Day could still be together, but Big E and Kofi could compete for the IC/US Titles with Xavier Woods continuing his role as a manager. That might be the best of both worlds, a singles push for Big E, with the fun dynamic of the New Day still in tact.

So what do you think? Do you agree with my assessment of Big E's value? Does Big E have what it takes to eventually break out as a singles star? Even if the New Day remained a group, would you want to see them compete for singles titles and could Big E hold the IC or US Championship as part of the New Day?

He does if WWE books him right. I didn't like how they booked him as a face after him and Ziggler stopped tagging, he got boring. However, with his new personality, I just hope they find a balance on keeping his toughness without sacrificing charisma.
No...just no. Big E is up there with Great Khali and Braun Strowman in terms of how unbelievably, ungodly awful he is. He can't wrestle, he can't talk, and he has the charisma of a cardboard cutout. His singles run in 2013-2014 was absolutely atrocious. They jobbed every single star on the roster to him in an effort to get him over as THE next mega babyface, and it failed horribly, because Big E has ZERO potential. He ruins New Day segments with his idiotic facial expressions and sucks the humor out of the occasional funny thing they do. When they break up, the only place Big E should go is the unemployment line.

Big E is one of the most entertaining guys on the roster right now. From his social media activity, you can see the guy is naturally funny and charismatic and he didn't get to show that before The New Day.

As another poster has said, WWE have found "lightning in a bottle" with The New Day. All 3 of the guys were doing nothing of note and inititally the gimmick seemed like it was destined to flop. but OMG they've become absolutely hilarious. Big E makes me laugh every single time he's on screen and they've carved a great niche for themselves right now. There is absolutely no reason to even consider breaking The New Day up for a long time, they're great where they are.

I think Kofi is better in the ring than Big E, but the big guy is pretty solid in there. He's not going to give you a technical masterpiece but he's perfectly fine. However, I do see him having more success as a part of New Day than on his own. Perhaps he could remain in the faction and wrestle in singles as well?
It would depend on if he can still be funny and charismatic like he is now. Before The New Day Big E was just another generic musclehead. Generic muscleheads are a dime a dozen in pro wrestling. This ain't 1983, a big man needs more than just "I'm big and mean, boo me." With an act like that he'd only get over with the crickets and frogs. Half the audience would be headin' for the shitter. The New Day gave him a chance to be more than that. It gave him a chance to show his natural charisma and sense of humor.
Xavier woods has a youtube channel called upupdowndown thats about video games. If you want to see how huge Big E's personality is just watch them. All 3 of them are hilarious.
Big E as a singles competitor can work if he remains with the same latitude of his character that he has now. The best part about him down at NXT is the same about him now. He's able to control the creative aspect of his character allowing him to show off what he can do. He's always had the physical skills and the look. Now with the New Day, you are able to see what he's capable of on the mic. I think he can be a World Champ if given the right situation.
Big E has a lot of upside, he's young, huge, moves well for his size, with his New Day role shown to have plenty of charisma and what is sadly big for these times: he's never been injured! (Yes it's sad that's a plus worth mentioning) Unless he does something incredibly stupid to tick off the higher ups and/or starts suffering major injuries he's practically guaranteed another midcard singles title sometime in the future. World title is....another story. Generally speaking comedy acts don't get to the top of the mountain so Big E would have to prove that he can do more than bring out the laughs. So that's a no for now but I would like to see them try to put him in a more serious role that can actually speak compared to his last singles run where he was mostly mute.
Big E has a lot of upside, he's young, huge, moves well for his size, with his New Day role shown to have plenty of charisma and what is sadly big for these times: he's never been injured! (Yes it's sad that's a plus worth mentioning) Unless he does something incredibly stupid to tick off the higher ups and/or starts suffering major injuries he's practically guaranteed another midcard singles title sometime in the future. World title is....another story. Generally speaking comedy acts don't get to the top of the mountain so Big E would have to prove that he can do more than bring out the laughs. So that's a no for now but I would like to see them try to put him in a more serious role that can actually speak compared to his last singles run where he was mostly mute.

The New Day definitely delivers in terms of comedy, but they also can get the job done in the ring and have been booked as pretty solid heel champions.

When you look at a lot of top guys like Chris Jericho, John Cena, Kurt Angle, Eddie Guerrero and especially the Rock they can all make the audience laugh. Humor can be important for a top guy if it's natural, as it's another way to entertain the audience and win them over. Honestly in today's landscape of generic voiceless characters and over-emphasis on workrate and in-ring competition, a little humor is appreciated. Almost all of the Rock's greatest moments are comedy moments. Plus, with the size and power of Big E he already has that inherent legitimacy and credibility that his sense of humor isn't really going to take away from.
There is no doubt that Big E has charisma. I liked his run during NxT when he would pin his opponents for 5 seconds. He is a good athletic power brawler. I would want him in either mid-card or upper mid-card level when he restarts his singles career. Out of New Day, I like him the most with Kofi and Xavier being close second. He should surely have multiple good IC-US Title runs.

The New Day definitely delivers in terms of comedy, but they also can get the job done in the ring and have been booked as pretty solid heel champions.

When you look at a lot of top guys like Chris Jericho, John Cena, Kurt Angle, Eddie Guerrero and especially the Rock they can all make the audience laugh. Humor can be important for a top guy if it's natural, as it's another way to entertain the audience and win them over. Honestly in today's landscape of generic voiceless characters and over-emphasis on workrate and in-ring competition, a little humor is appreciated. Almost all of the Rock's greatest moments are comedy moments. Plus, with the size and power of Big E he already has that inherent legitimacy and credibility that his sense of humor isn't really going to take away from.

Agreed for the most part. I wasn't trying to imply that he shouldn't try to make people laugh anymore, more like if he were to go for the WWE title it wouldn't be his primary job like it is now. Sure we love it when the top guys make us laugh but that was one of the reasons they deserved their stop: they could make us laugh while still being to look good in serious storylines we expect from them as champs. Big E can certainly do the comedy and it would be a great weapon in his arsenal but he obviously needs more than that to be champ and he hasn't shown he has the guns yet. (Sorry kinda got stuck in the metaphor)

Again I wouldn't mind at all if he got the shot to prove whether he has it or not but until he does the answer of "Should he be WWE champ" would be no. Of course it would be nice if that answer changed in the future but until then making us laugh as part of the New Day isn't too shabby of a job. :)
As it stands right now with Vince in charge Big E is the one that will be the break out star when/if New Day breaks up. He's gold on the mic, he oozes charisma and has the look that makes Vince cream his khakis. If they split up today I'd put money on him going into the Main Event.

I hope they do this without breaking up New Day by forgetting that asinine Freebird rule and just let him be the singles star of the group.
I couldn't stand Big E before The New Day formed. Even now, he's by a rather large margin my least favorite member of the stable. If they ever were to split up, Big E would probably get future endeavored. I really doubt he has what it takes considering he's the worst in the ring of the three and easily the worst at promos too. His singles run before New Day was boring so unless they let him be a similar character to how he acts in New Day promos, he doesn't stand a chance following a split.

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