Big Brother 17


It's goin' down forreal!

It's summer time, you know what that means.....another season of Big Brother! Yes, Julie Chen is back with season 17 of Big Brother. Now, I wasn't a fan of Big Brother until I watched last season and it was stellar. The way the casting looks, seems like they followed the formula of last season. You've got the pretty people, the not-so-straight guy, the oddballs, the religious one, a former NXT superstar, and so much more. Oh and don't forget, we have our first ever transgender houseguest! These kinds of personalities don't bode well together which makes it very interesting to see how everyone gets along during the season.

It's already been confirmed that special guests will be on the show every week to announce a twist (Yes, we're getting weekly twists). Not sure if it's a celebrity guest or former houseguests coming on the show, either way, it should be awesome. I hope this thread gets some traffic much like the Survivor thread. So come one and all and discuss Big Brother 17 with me and the rest of the forums.

Discuss away!
going to say this, stop watching crap like Big Brother, if you can get enough people not watching it then there should be better TV created, proper drama and comedy. This sort of programming is lazy.
going to say this, stop watching crap like Big Brother, if you can get enough people not watching it then there should be better TV created, proper drama and comedy. This sort of programming is lazy.

Funny. People that talk shit about pro wrestling have said this exact same thing for the past 30 years.

Big Brother is a strategic reality based game filled with social skill and athleticism. It sure beats the fuck out of any celebrity **********.

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