Big Angle Planned For Raw?

Here are a few possibilities of what could happen, in my opinion. 1.) Cena, Hart, Edge & Jericho pull a swerve on Nexus, Team WWE kicks ass and has momentum going into SummerSlam. 2.) Vince could return to join Team WWE along with Triple H (but he's supposed to be out til the fall/winter time do to recent surgery), only to have one or both turn on Team WWE and be the mastermind(s) behind Nexus. 3.) Bryan Danielson returns and joins Team WWE along w/ another superstar they're trying to push (maybe Bourne). 4.) Doubt this would happen, but Shane O'Mac comes back along with Vince to join Team WWE w/ Shane turning on Team WWE at SummerSlam & being the brains behind Nexus. 5.) Highly doubt this would happen, but a former mega superstar from the past makes an appearance or states he will be at SummerSlam to help Team WWE, only to turn on Team WWE. That person - The Rock! Hear me out. The Rock stated he was going to do something over the summer w/ the WWE. 6.) The other thing to remember is the whole WCW/ECW Invasion angle. What happened before the Invasion PPV? Stone Cold "returned to the old Stone Cold persona", giving Team WWE huge momentum going into the PPV, only to turn on Team WWE and join the Alliance. Maybe Cena is going to play the role of Stone Cold at the PPV. I mean, he's not returning to some old persona, but he could be the one behind Nexus and turn heel like people have long been talking about. I could be wrong with my opinions. I look forward to some responses.
The only big thing that can happen is that Cena works hard and convinces Jericho and Edge to join back with him.

Then he turns on WWE Raw and joins Nexus in a Hogan esque fashion.

However they wont do that since that would be too good to be true

no, they won't do that because it would be too stupid to be true. i still dont get why you people think cena will turn heel.
Im not sure what the plan is but I cant see them scrapping the 7 on 7 match after a month of hype kinda screws up the selling of Summer Slam.Most likely theyre just gonna fill in the 2 open spots on Raw maybe someone unexpected shows up thats about the biggest shock im expecting.One things for sure it aint got nothing to do with Daniel Bryan its to soon for him to be re-hired.
I think Bret Hart will turn on Cena during the match and will join Nexus to lead their group. Necus does not need Cena or HHH as their leader. It will take a lot away from wade barret who is doing his best job as the leader of the group right now. If someone like HHH or Cena becomes the leader of the group that will take the spotlight away from barret. That would be a really good idea to reveal bret hart as leader of the group on monday and wil be a real twist going into the summerslam.
Why does everyone think Bret is going to turn? What if its revealed that Bret Hart is still the GM of Raw and that he planned the tag match so team Raw, with Edge and Jericho never really quitting, could destroy Nexus before Sunday.

I do believe somebody will turn at Summerslam, not 100% sure who yet.

Also it would not suprise me to see Miz cash in and win(or lose actually) on Monday. They have been setting that up to be a three way from the beginning so if Miz does cash in I expect Sheamus to get his rematch at Summerslam in a triple threat match. I also mentioned lose, and it wouldn't shock me to see Miz lose his cash in, and earn a title shot in a number one contender match or something the next month.
I believe there is a good chance that we will see the "coming together" of Team Cena on Raw...with maybe an added stip to the SS match. Maybe Jericho and Edge come around... not because of Cena, but because they see their Canadian hero being pummeled in the ring by the Nexus lumberjacks. I want to see how they are going to do it though... i think they could make it really dramatic and make the PPV seem like a good purchase. And could they also be introducing the mystery GM? hmmm...

I have to also address two things. First, the Cena-turning heel thing. People thought Hogan was too big, too beloved, and too much of a fan favorite to turn heel... but it happened and become one of the biggest shockers in wrestling history. I don't know if Cena will turn at SS, but I will not just dismiss it out of the realm of possibility. Remember, we in the IWC play the role of "fantasy writer" every day... If i don't agree with what you "think", "then hey man.... its your dream.... your speculation."

Secondly, The Bryan Danielson thing. That 90-day no compete clause? Thats for wrestlers who are released and going to work for another company... not wrestlers who will be re-hired by WWE. In fact, WWE can bring him back anytime they want... they don't have to honor a 90 day no compete clause because it only applies to companies OUTSIDE of WWE. It's the contract they wrote to protect WWE, not said wrestler. Maybe they have let Danielson compete in the indies recently so that he won't have much ring rust? Possible. I won't be surprised if this "Big Angle" on raw has something to do with him.
I also think Daniel Bryan making an appearance wouldn't be too far fetched of an idea. He can come and side with team WWE since nexus kicked him out of the group. His inclusion in this match would make sense and he could make team wwe even more legitimate.
I think that after a beatdown from the Nexus Rated Y2J realise that they have to rejoin the team. After that Cena gets on the mic and says soomething like, the teams are all even now. Wade says not quite, you see we have a new member cue Daniel Bryan. Wade says that between now and Summerslam you better find someone else for your team. Come Summerslam it could either be someone like Evan Bourne or a shocker like HHH or Taker.

I know this is unlikely but how awesome would it be.
I personally think it'll have to revolve around the Bret Hart Factor. It's the first time we've seen him since he joined the team and He's the only one of the team not to have reached melting point with the other members.

With Edge and Jericho leaving the team that will form the basis of the 'big angle.' I don't know if anyone else has noticed but Jericho has been a little chatty as of late, talking about this match and his involvement. He speaks about his excitement. I took that as proof that he will be involved in the match.

I am expecting the two Raw teams in the ME to be attacked by the lumberjacks.The remaining members of team Cena to come out and fight off the Nexus for the first time and then Bret Hart to actually get on the mic and point out that as a unit they can win at Summerslam. Bret Hart's Canadian hero status will be too much for jericho and edge to handle and they will agree to fight with Bret and then Game on.

I hate doing this predicting stuff.
heres a twist that can happen nexus and team wwe in the ring with the new member evan bourne. not mark henry? why does he deserve a spot. nexus says we got your number, 7 on 6 before we go off the air. the rocks music hits hes a got a wwe t-shirt on. we go off the air. come summerslam he and cena as the final 2 agains barret and maybe otunga. the rock rock bottoms cena. the end.

the rock said hes doing something big in the summer. where better then summerslam. this angle as him being the leader fits well with the fact nexus started in the summer. goes till september ppv maybe have it at the end of september which gives the rock much more time to destroy people with nexus. then right before the ppv have nexus turn on the rock and triple h returns to help the rock but pedigrees the rock. we have cena-rock vs barret triple h.
I cant think of anything because WWE is so shit with their storylines that they can pull anything from their pocket. But it could be something with Edge and Jerich helping Cena and Bret Hart or Bret Hart showing off some wrestling skills as he's been heard to be training in the dungeon. Hopefully this so called "BIG PLAN" is good

So what do u guys think???
Ive been reading up on some things, and the rock had said hes in a big angle for the summer heading into summerslam. could deal with nexus. it seems to me though the rock will not be wrestling and has signed a non wrestling contract. here are 2 things that could bring him back and tell me what you think.

1) the rock is the big plan for this mondays angle?
2) this will be long. the wwe has been wanting to put a wwe channel up for almost 2 years. now that the rock plans on returning could he be a host on a wwe talk show? it allows him to do movies on the side and it could be a long term deal because they have everything to keep the channel going until if we ever see the wwe close down. they could re-run raw, put wwe studio movies, and some old school tv series. the rock can be the main piece of this channel and for him to get on air with his ability to entertain talking who better?

there was alos speculation of the rock wanting to scratch the fucking pg script vince has going and put a little post attitude in the mix. could this be the reason his return in some peoples mind be delayed?

for me i do see the rock playing a big role for this years summerslam.
I think it will have something to do with Ricky Steamboat, I read that he was originally supposed to be on the SS team, but couldn't due to injuries, now he is out of hospital and up and moving, so he could either join Team Raw or Bret could get injured and have Ricky take his place. Or he could join Team Nexus as their leader because he respects them and they remind him of when he was new and trying to get into the business, very unlikely though.
That's just one thing that could happen out of a million, who knows maybe Rock comes back and teams with Nexus, at this point in time in the WWE anything looks like it can happen. Can't wait
Not too sure what to make of this but they'd have to give something to sell the SummerSlam PPV big-time considering that most of the event's focus has been around Nexus and the World titles. It's not a bad thing necessarily, but they'd have to throw something into the mix to get people interested on the cusp of the PPV weekend. I see a couple of scenario's playing out:

1) The RAW General Manager is revealed - There is a notable displeasure from the audience of having these mysterious e-mails popping up every so often during broadcasts, so why keep pushing the angle and finally reveal who the new person is, or give a huge hint that will mean something (not throwing it off like having Stone Cold, Piper and Shawn Michaels quotes)? Admittedly, this wouldn't do anything for the PPV so they'd have to include something else with this revelation... something I don't know what they could do.

2) It's a Trap - The entire Main Event is a way of designing a sneak attack on the Nexus and have Team Cena look dominant and have momentum heading into SummerSlam. I mean, Chris Jericho and Edge calling a truce soon after they have numerous promo's hating against each other (not to mention their feud), as well as best buddies Truth/Morrison bickering and the big babyface Khali not declining the switch to Nexus... all seem a little fishy to me. This ensures that Team Nexus can have a win without squashing Team Cena and making the match seem hard to predict.

This is the more likely scenario.

3) Open slots are filled - They need to fill the spots of Edge and Jericho with highly-logical or high-profile picks that will stand a chance against Nexus. From the 7 vs. 7 preview match the Nexus had with some various RAW stars, they can't choose any of those guys as they wouldn't look credible on Team Cena. They'd have to choose people with enough star power to compete, yet choose someone who is related to Nexus. Ted DiBiase and The Miz comes to mind. They haven't got a match at the PPV and could use this to get air time. A returning star to the company could benefit too... like maybe Bryan Danielson/Daniel Bryan? Hell, even Ricky Steamboat or someone to that effect would do well.

Either way, we'll all have to tune into RAW to find out.
All of those videos are pretty dated. I haven't heard any updates anywhere suggesting Rock will be back recently and until there is something more concrete out there I'll take it all as just rumour.
if we ever see the wwe close down

why, has hell frozen over and no one told me about it? not a chance that Vince would ever allow it, sure it came close in the Mondays night wars, but there was actual competition then. now? not even CLOSE to another company being a threat. nor do i see one in the next 10-15 years. minimum.

the rock can be the main piece of this channel and for him to get on air with his ability to entertain talking who better?

i love the Rock, always have, but i can give one better..
Chris Jericho. not only does he have the experience hosting shows (downfall, Redemption Song, VH1's 100 Most Shocking Music Moments) but he is just as entertaining as well, and has been in the wrestling industry longer than rock, and since WWE does own the rights to ECW and WCW as well, then why not someone who has been in all 3 of them?

but yeah.. i dont see Rock comin back.. as cool as it would be.
why, has hell frozen over and no one told me about it? not a chance that Vince would ever allow it, sure it came close in the Mondays night wars, but there was actual competition then. now? not even CLOSE to another company being a threat. nor do i see one in the next 10-15 years. minimum.

Sorry to break it down to you but the WWE will not live forever. I give the WWE another 10 years. With the rate they are going, they will be dead. Hell McMahon himself may even be dead within 10 years. Nothing lasts forever. WWE has a timeline like everything else in this word.

And no, I don't think it's Rock. Rock wants nothing to do with PG era WWE because WWE sucks right now with the stupid rating. That rating is going to kill WWE because they are being money hungry and soon we may not even see any hitting on that program. WWE is good as dead!
as someone above said its HIGHLY doubtful.. the last official thing rock said about a wwe return was he in no way wants any part of wwe pg.. it doesnt suit his character and he doesnt want to destroy his character/legacy by bringing "the rock" into wwe pg . the character would have to have a major overhaul and he wants nothing to do with that. we wont be seeing rock until wwe lightens up on the pg rating so much anymore
Sorry to break it down to you but the WWE will not live forever. I give the WWE another 10 years. With the rate they are going, they will be dead. Hell McMahon himself may even be dead within 10 years. Nothing lasts forever. WWE has a timeline like everything else in this word.

And no, I don't think it's Rock. Rock wants nothing to do with PG era WWE because WWE sucks right now with the stupid rating. That rating is going to kill WWE because they are being money hungry and soon we may not even see any hitting on that program. WWE is good as dead!

10 years? Just 10? I don't see it stopping in 10 years. Yea, eventually it'll cease to exist but not in 10 years. Even if McMahon dies, they will have someone to take over.

Anyways, I don't think it's The Rock. I don't think they would just bring him in with little advertising. They'd have to prepare it like they did with bret.
Sorry to break it down to you but the WWE will not live forever. I give the WWE another 10 years. With the rate they are going, they will be dead. Hell McMahon himself may even be dead within 10 years. Nothing lasts forever. WWE has a timeline like everything else in this word.

And no, I don't think it's Rock. Rock wants nothing to do with PG era WWE because WWE sucks right now with the stupid rating. That rating is going to kill WWE because they are being money hungry and soon we may not even see any hitting on that program. WWE is good as dead!

thank you. thank you for posting that, because up until now i thought I was the biggest Heel around here. How long have you been watching WWE for? when ratings drop, things change. remember a little thing called "the Attitude Era"? possibly you herd of it? well, that was things changing to adapt to the times. just like the PG era has, and if things get real bad, they will change again. WWE aint goin anywhere man, they're too big right now. thats like saying the NFL is gunna fold.
What I believe the big angle to be is that Jericho and Edge never really left Team WWE and it was just a setup by the WWE guys to make Nexus believe that the team was in shambles. We will see Edge/Jericho and Cena/Hart start the main event off, only for them to join forces and the rest of Team WWE comes in and beats up the Nexus. If that isn't the case it wouldn't surprise me to see a return from someone like Daniel Bryan to return to help take out the Nexus.
To me it doesn't seem like something "big" will happen, Edge & Jericho will either rejoin Team WWE or they will throw Evan Bourne and someone else (I wish it would be BD but I know it won't happen) or Santino & Kozlov, that seems like what will happen and there will be a stupid GM email and we will have to hear Michael cole describing the replays every 5 minutes.

santino and kozlov??? no way in hell i would wanna see them join team wwe. this isnt a funny comedian haha fued. and everyone in the match can at least wrestle. im thinking that nexus will probably injure hart and it will be a 4 on 7 at summerslam with possibly bourne and henry and possibly yoshi joining team wwe
Well the swerve was Edge and Jericho joined the team again. Meh, good enough wasn't really a surprise though. But who will replace Khali now? Still questions remain.
But who will replace Khali now? Still questions remain.

Given the build up and clues, the most obvious replacement is...the MIZ...

And as for the big angle on RAW...if it really was the Chris Jericho/Edge returning to the team and the "one final brawl before SummerSlam"....then I'm fairly disappointed...that was just too predictable. But then again, maybe there wasn't supposed to be a BIG angle in the end after all to happen, maybe, it was all just rumors and speculations.

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