Big Angle Planned For Raw?

Unsold Bacon

Shucky Ducky Quack Quack is reporting that WWE is planning some type of big angle for this Monday's Raw, which is the go-home edition of the show heading into the SummerSlam PPV. As announced this past week, the show is being headlined by John Cena and Bret Hart vs Edge and Chris Jericho in a Lumberjack Match.

Saw this on Wrestlezone.

I wonder what it will be? Maybe another Nexus attack or Sheamus doing something since he is aligned with them or Y2J and Edge doing something like joining again or making a truce. But I'm just throwing out Ideas I have no Idea.

Discuss Here.
I can't possibly come up with any idea what it could be. There's a long range of things that could possibly be happening next week. We've seen Melina return, we've seen Edge and Jericho make a truce, as well as we're probably gonna be seeing 2 extra people joining the Summerslam team to even the match-up.

So really the best possible thing we could do is sit back and hope for the best. I'm sure it's gonna be a good thing going if WWE has a big angle in mind, considering WWE hasn't really disappointed with their latest big angles (Nexus, Kane / Undertaker etc.)
i feel like a 5 year old, waiting for the next episode of my favorite cartoon to come on. Sadly I must wait a week to watch each episode. RAW has been doing to damn good lately I'm going to be shitting my pants waiting for Monday.. then I got to wait til 11 pm. for it to start.

Anyways, I think it will have ALOT to do with the tag match at summerslam. Maybe Cena will turn on Bret and join edge and Jericho? It's a stretch but damn it would be a shocker. Maybe something else happens to bret causing him to not beable to make it so SSlam, because I personally never expected him to make it to SSlam ever since they mentioned his name in the 7 man team.

Ferbian mentioned Melina returning, she is a good diva but I don't think something having to do with the diva's division would be a "big angle" leading to Summerslam. I can almost 100% garuntee it's going to happen during the lumberjack match, or at least have something to do with that match, causing it to lead to more problems for "Team WWE".

Either way I have never been more excited to catch a Monday Night RAW in a long time than I have lately, goddamn are they ever gettin' the job done.
To me it doesn't seem like something "big" will happen, Edge & Jericho will either rejoin Team WWE or they will throw Evan Bourne and someone else (I wish it would be BD but I know it won't happen) or Santino & Kozlov, that seems like what will happen and there will be a stupid GM email and we will have to hear Michael cole describing the replays every 5 minutes.
yeah i must admit im pretty excited to see what happens, i dont watch raw that much anymore since i work early and dont get the channel, but reading up on it in detail saves time, anyways i dont think cena will be turning on brett on raw, wouldnt make much since, them atch at summerslam needs a purpose, and thats cena going against the nexus, if it was to happen it would be at summerslam, i dont really see what it could be, probably just that they will announce on raw that they will announce who the GM will be at summerslam, or a mystery partner maybe. that would add excitement to the PPV itself with only a week away i dunno hard to say but i doubt it will be anything to pressing
like every one said it could be a wide range of things. Bret could be replaced. Danielson could return. Michaels could be gm or leader of nexus. Bret could turn on cena in the lumberjack match. Its just amazing how wwe writers didn't write themselves into a corner. Now what ever they do will be surprising. And what ever they do I will be watching. Can't wait till monday.
I'll be shocked if Edge and Jericho don't return to the Summerslam team, so I'm guessing that will be the big angle on Raw.

Possibly, after the match Bret Hart reaches out to them to try and covince them to rejoin Cena's team, for the good of the company.

Nobody is turning heel on Raw, that will happen at Summerslam.

Maybe the big angle is a couple more matches for Summerslam, we could do with them.
I'm thinking Bret Hart turns on Cena. Jericho and Edge (being Canadian) ally with Hart Dynasty creating some sort of new faction managed by The Hitman. Then you'd have Team WWE, Nexus, and Hart Dynasty. It would def. give Jericho and Edge a little more direction in their respectibe story's possible...right?
Like everyone else has said so far there's a wide range of what could happen. I hope Jericho and Edge rejoin Team Cena, and then maybe Edge, Jericho and Bret could all turn at Summer Slam. NO heel turn right before a ppv. I just don't see that happening one bit. I don't know how creative is doing it, but they are leaving the door wide open lately and it's great!
I have been thinking for a while that somehow someway the 7-on-7 tag match at SummerSlam would ended up being a triple-threat with 3 teams of 7 and one of the postings on here eluded to that. What if Jericho and Edge are quietly forming their own team and Bret in fact turns on Cena and the new team consists of Bret, Jericho, Edge, the Hart Dynasty, Dibiase, and Miz? Remember, Edge told Dibiase recently that he couldn't believe he wasn't selected for Team Cena and the Miz is not doing anything for SummerSlam except maybe waiting to cash in his MITB case. So that is one scenario and if that's the case, then I think Evan Bourne and Mark Henry (who both should've been on the team in the first place) will take the spots vacated by Edge and Jericho. The other scenario is quite simple...Nexus attacks the four guys and here comes the rest of team WWE to fight them off. In the end, Edge and Jericho, with convincing from Bret, realize it's best to put their differences aside for one night and try to take the Nexus down. Either way, I don't see Edge and Jericho not being a part of SummerSlam.
no one's said it yet? i guess i'll have to.
the miz. money in the bank.

i'm not saying it WILL happen, it's just a possibility. i hope he keeps the briefcase for a while before using it, at least until the end of 2010.

i'm just suprised no one's mentioned it, although i do think it will be to do with the team raw/nexus story
I don't know what it could be, but whatever it may be.... it'll be good. I'm thinking it'll involve Bret Hart maybe becoming "manager" of Team WWE and he'd be replaced by somebody else. It could be a reunion between Jericho and Edge... whatever it is though, I'm excited.
ALL of my post should be chalked up to the following assumptions:

1. Edge & Jericho do not rejoin Cena's team.
2. Hart does, in fact, turn on Cena to join Edge & Jericho.
3. There will be three teams in this match.

All are a stretch, but let's have fun and say this goes down.

Team one is Nexus, which will remain unchanged unless they turn someone to become a leader for them (I hope this doesn't happen, but Mr. Hart would play a fine spokesman/mentor.)

Team two - let's call them Team Heel #2 - would probably fall in line of Edge / Jericho / Miz / DiBiase / Hart Dynasty / Hitman (read: all of the reasonably over heels that aren't pasty white).

Cena's team would rebound with Henry & Bourne, leaving a seventh spot for Monsieur Helmsley, who is also a candidate to turn and align with Nexus.

This all takes A LOT of assumptions into account and there are too many moving parts for me to expect this. It'd be a fantastic story, but I doubt it's the case. If the "big angle" story isn't a red herring, perhaps it's Edge & Jericho aligning with Cena again or Miz finally getting to cash in. Fun to ponder on, though.
I can't possibly come up with any idea what it could be. There's a long range of things that could possibly be happening next week. We've seen Melina return, we've seen Edge and Jericho make a truce, as well as we're probably gonna be seeing 2 extra people joining the Summerslam team to even the match-up.

So really the best possible thing we could do is sit back and hope for the best. I'm sure it's gonna be a good thing going if WWE has a big angle in mind, considering WWE hasn't really disappointed with their latest big angles (Nexus, Kane / Undertaker etc.)

if the wwe ever considered a diva returning as "a big angle" i'll stop watching completely. that would be just as bad as dixie's twitters.
Not sure exactly how I would play it out, but it would be amazing if somehow the stakes in the Team WWE vs Nexus match were upped even more and they decided to make it into a War Games match. I don't like the elimination style tag match when the next PPV in the big 4 lineup is going to be Survivor Series.

And come on, we've been clamoring for War Games for years. The WWE even used the stipulation in a survey they had several months ago, so they recognize that it's an idea that's floating out there.

I know it won't happen, but man, it would be awesome, especially since everything I've heard about the War Games matches leads me to believe that it would be a stipulation worth using.
I'd love it if it was HHH returning but I doubt it. To Be honest, I have no idea what it is. All I know is the creative is doing something right!
i think the main event (cena & hart vs edge & jericho) is just a trap to beat up on Nexus, since they are the lumberjacks, as the two teams will turn their attention towards them and cena will call out the entire RAW roster, surround Nexus, and like i said will pretty much just beat them up lol

i mean the RAW team has to have some momentum going into the 7 on 7 at Summerslam
I think we might find out why and who put together the Nexus my money is on TRIPLE H OR BRET HART but I do like the idea or having HART TRUN ON CENA AND HAVING HIM TEAM UP JERICHO AND EDGE and makeing a new team what ever it is its going to be good WWE have been wrtting good as of late
tripolie atche;2291669 said:
i think the main event (cena & hart vs edge & jericho) is just a trap to beat up on Nexus, since they are the lumberjacks, as the two teams will turn their attention towards them and cena will call out the entire RAW roster, surround Nexus, and like i said will pretty much just beat them up lol

i mean the RAW team has to have some momentum going into the 7 on 7 at Summerslam

i guess we will find out if your answer is right if, at the start of the match, there is less then 5 minutes left. this seems to be a good gauge on whether there will actually be a match or not.
Funny that no one has mentioned this yet-- the GM will be in the building. If it's someone big enough, it can push the 7 on 7 back together. The GM can also fill in a lot of the gaps that are still left on the show (doesn't the card seem short on matches?), and if done right the storyline can create major intrigue going into SS.

And I can have my heart broken when it's not Randy Macho GM Savage
I'm hoping that Bret does something like this:

Cena: Because John Cena and Bret the "Hit-man" Hart are here and we are gonna take down Edge, Chris Jericho, and the Nexus tonight!

Bret: About that... I'm not going to be able to wrestle at summerslam.

Cena: Bret, Bret what are you talking about?

Bret: Cena, lets face it. Ever since Goldberg gave me that concussion I have never been able to wrestle, like the "Hit-Man" they wanna see. SO I won't be wrestling tonight... Or at Summerslam.

Cena: WHat the hell Bret?!

Bret: Cena, I promise I've got a plan.

Cena: A plan?

Bret: Just go out there and you'll see. My replacement will be out there. (Cena goes out and there alone).

Michael: Well who's his partner gonna be?...

Announcer: And his partner... (Bret's Music starts) Teddy Hart. (Nexus comes out with Khali on there side. Cena and Teddy win the match. Nexus attack Edge and Y2J. They then start to get into the ring. The Hart Dynasty and team RAW hit the ring and brawl with Nexus. No-one is left in the ring except Barret. Danial Bryan hits the ring and they have a stare down. Danial Bryan starts to fight and eventually team Raw over takes Nexus).
The tag match between Edge/Jericho and Cena/Hitman is going to be a setup. With Nexus lining up outside, the guess here is Edge or Jericho will do something to draw Nexus into the ring. Once inside Nexus will attack Cena and the Hitman then the rest of Team Raw will come down. Jericho and Edge will show their allegiance with the rest of the team and the Raw 7 will chase Nexus from the arena.
theres no way there going to make it a 7 on 7 on 7 thats ******ed, there would only be like 3 matches on the card it would never work, to many in the ring at one time it would be a disaster just like the 10 in the MITB match just SHITTY AS HELL
Im just going to throw this out as a possibility. I thnk somehow VINCE MCMAHON JOINS TEAM RAW. Remember, Nexus took him out too. Summerslam arrives, Vince turns on Team Raw because HE IS THE MASTERMIND BEHIND NEXUS.
The only big thing that can happen is that Cena works hard and convinces Jericho and Edge to join back with him.

Then he turns on WWE Raw and joins Nexus in a Hogan esque fashion.

However they wont do that since that would be too good to be true

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