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Better year for Superstar: Jericho in 08 or Orton in 09

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As we have constantly argued over the last 2 years, who has been the better heel out of Orton, Jericho and Edge, Orton and Jericho stand out only due to the fact of Edges injury.

This takes me back to the Slammys in where I fell last year in 08, Jericho rightfully deserved the SOTY award, and (i know its WWE's award and not official critics), they got it right. Jericho tore the roof down.

I remember watching the Cena vs Orton match "Winner gets SOTY award" and before the match started, I could've clearly said it was Orton's award, but being they played it as a match and Cena won, Orton didn't receive the recognition.

Looking at the WZ Awards for this past year...with matches and feuds of the year...Orton made 09. Hands down. Triple H, Cena, Kingston...Orton owned 09 without a question.

But who was better in their respective year...
Jericho in 08 or Orton in 09?
But who was better in their respective year...
Jericho in 08 or Orton in 09?

Jericho in 2008 went from having a rather boring IC reign, to losing MITB, to turning heel, to the incredible feud with HBK, and winning two world titles. Orton had a great year in 2009 as well. Winning the rumble, main eventing with HHH at Wrestlemania, winning the WWE title a few times, the end to the epic feud with Cena in an Iron Man match, and the Kofi feud. They both had the feud of the year for their respective years. Orton's had a good year, but Jericho in 2008 had a better year because he went from an upper midcard face to a world champion heel, whereas Orton has been main eventing almost nonstop since 2007.
Chris Jericho had the better year.

Now I'm not saying Orton had a bad year (which he didn't), but Jericho, I think, had the best heel year in a long time. His return was kick ass, atleast to me. But after wards he got kinda dull. Than he beat Jeff Hardy in an amazing match for the IC title, went on to losing it to Kofi Kingston, because of interference from HBK. And boom, the rivalry of '08 and possibly an all time classic started, HBK vs. Y2J. He won the Slammy for best feud (which he came out the victor) and Super Star of the Year. He also held two world titles. And IMO became the best heel in all of pro wrestling. So I think Jericho had the better year. He went from mediocre return, to the biggest heel in the industry.
Jericho 2008.

The reason being, Orton was EXPECTED to have a great year in 2009. It was in the cards. Barring injury, Orton was going to be top dog in 2009 no matter what.

Jericho, on the other hand, was set up for a mediocre, perhaps slightly above average 2008. But leave it to Chris to take a good idea and run with it, as with the Michaels feud and the Scramble.

Also, remember, Jericho was the most hated heel (execpt maybe Vicki Guerrero) in 2008 yet the fans STILL voted him at the SOTY Slammy winner. THAT is impressive - enough fans simultaneously hated him but still recognized what he'd accomplished that they voted him for the award.

I think that's why WWE had it in a tournament this year. Took the decision away from the fans.
Orton won the rumble, headlined mania and summerslam, and helped get kingston over because of how over orton was. I say no doubt it was orton who had the better year.
I don't dislike Orton, but Jericho had a better year in 2008 and in 2009. Jericho is the best guy in the WWE right now, and he has been pretty much ever since he came back. He's better now than he ever was, at the peak of his career. Orton's still young, and he still has lots of time to hit his peak.
I'd say that this was the start to the pinnacle of Orton's career cause he won the Royal Rumble and had a decent title run. But at the same time, I realized how boring Orton is, while it's cool to see how sick, psychotic, and sadistic he is. I think he's boring at the same time. hella boring. Honestly, I think he should go back to being the cocky Legend Killer if you ask me at least then I think it was easier for him to slip into a better character. That was way better than the Viper.......wtf. It just gets repetitive watching him punt people in the head, which looks fake as hell btw. I used to be a huge Orton fan....Now I'm sick of him.

Having said that, I believe that Jericho's 08 year was way better than Orton's 09. Just for the fact that, he continues to stay fresh as a character and he's having consistently decent matches. Last years, storyline with HBK and him was classic. And Jericho never ceases to amaze me. And works hard at what he does. You can tell. It's sad that he is always given short title runs. He's never failed the Wellness Policy, one of the WWE's best workers, and he puts over some of the other stars as well Mysterio, Christian, and many others that have stepped in the ring with him. So Orton put over Kingston, that's only one star.

My vote is Jericho.
Both of them were hugely overrated years for both of them. Orton had sublime momentum going into 2009, but he has spent most of it stuck in a rut. His feud with HHH had him losing most of the time and, crucially, at WrestleMania. Then he moved onto Cena, and was mostly destroyed there too, before finally ending the year by losing repeatedly to Kofi Kingston.

Similarly, Jericho had no momentum at all in 2008 until he turned heel in May and then embarked on his lengthy feud with Michaels and his new character took off. Neither of them are particularly vintage years, HHH had a better 2008 and Cena a better 2009, but that is ignored.

If I had to pick, I'd say Jericho gained momentum as last year went on, whereas Orton lost it though 2009, so he probably had the better year.
Ill say Y2J had the better year. he had the best feud of the decade with HBK a few world title runs a record breaking ic title run and at the same time was able to create an entirly ney character for himself. The only thing i disliked about jerichos year is how he became champ.Why did jerichoget in the scramble match when he couldnt walk and just lost to HBK. HBK should have won the title that night, but back on topic, had jericho not took time off from wrestling hed be in the running for superstar of the decade
im extremly bias towards jericho so im gonna stick with him. If orton could actually pull off a few more victories over cena then he did this year then maybe i would have changed my mind
orton did get destroyed by cena this year, but that was because of booking cena to look like superman's superior. orton took what wwe gave to him and he ran with it putting together meaningful feuds with HHH Cena and began putting over Kofi Ted and Cody. with that being said I still think Y2J had the better year.
Gonna go with Jericho because he completely took control of his character and develpment. He went from a mid card champion face to a bad ass super heel world champion.. twice.

Orton has had a good year but it was all much like his previous years and he was assured a big year, we knew what was going to happen. I think Jericho found a way to completey take his career by the balls and he really elevated himself.

Just like IC said. RKO was gonna have a good year, no matter what. Chris Jericho was chillin' in the midcard and then he just went balls out and killed 2008. Him and HBK had a fucking epic feud. He was on top of his game that year and untouchable. I definitely gotta go with Y2J on this one. Randy Orton had a great year too. He won the rumble, had that badass build-up and feud leading into Wrestlemania. Wait, I lie. Randy Orton.. he has the better year. Yeah, definitely. Him and Cena reignited a old feud and made it interesting again. Despite what all the haters and idiots said about it now working, it totally did! The Ironman match pwned. Their I Quit match was solid, and they just had it going on. I changed my mind mid-post. RKO in 2009 for the win!
I'm going with Orton by far and here's why. Jericho didn't anything the first half of the year even though he was Intercontinental Champion. Then he started a feud with Shawn Michaels in which the first match was good and the rest were lackluster and don't get me started on the two that were stopped by the referee. Then he won the title at Unforgiven and lost it to Batista the next PPV. Won it back eight days later and then lost it to Cena with nothing memorable in between.

Orton started off the year strong by feuding with Vince McMahon and his family and winning the Royal Rumble. Even though he didn't win at Wrestlemania, he won the next PPV at Backlash. He also won the title two more times and beat Cena twice at Summerslam and Hell in a Cell. He is helping Kofi and Kofi's team won their Survivor Series and let's not forget what happened in MSG.

All in all, I believe Orton had the better year for the reasons I stated.
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