Better wrestler in 2004: Chris Benoit or Eddie Guererro?

BOSS Productions

Pre-Show Stalwart
No matter what you think about Chris Benoit, he was a great wrestler. Eddie on the other was never that great of a wrestler in my opinion and I believe that RVD did a better frog splash then him but once again that is just me, plus LJL said it best when he said "Eddie would have never won the the title if Lesnar hadn't left". Now these guys only had one world title reign in the WWE and it was during the year of 2004. The questions are who was better champion ? More over with the crowd ? The better wrestler that year ? Those three questions are the ones I want answered in this thread.
Chris Benoit was a better champion imo

Eddie Guerrero I'd have to say was more over with the crowd. No doubt everyone loved both men getting their big breaks and winning the big gold, but Eddie was great on the mic while Benoit wasnt and Vince liked his wrestling ability, but I recall reading Vince said if only he was good on the mic he'd be perfect, he just lacked that.

but the third question, the tie breaker, better wrestler hands down was Benoit, you cant deny that.

I'd say Benoit was the 2nd Greatest Technical Wrestler 2nd to Bret and maybe Kurt as the 3rd, it's arguable, but Benoit is definately in the top 3 so that last question is more factual than opinion really. Just look at Benoit in the ring, Eddie's not bad no one's saying that, but you gotta give Benoit credit
Gotta go with Benoit, he was and always will be one of the best ever to me. He could wrestle just about any style, he could believably take down anyone, fast, strong, viscious, technical, and a badass finisher to boot, lol. I enjoyed his reigns a lot more because I enjoyed his matches a lot more, even with MVP and I freaking hate MVP. Eddie was definitely more over with the crowd though, they loved that guy more than people love Jeff Hardy and that's a lot I believe and Eddie definitely had the mic advantage because Benoit was more of a not speak much kind of guy, remember the silent but violent thing attached to Benoit
Well I'll answer this IMO based upon the way you asked your questions

(1: Who was the better champion?) I'd have to say Chris Benoit because of the quality of stars on Raw vs. Smackdown at the time. Keep in mind, the man who eventually beat Eddie, JBL, wasn't even a viable contender to many when Eddie 1st won the title. Plus, when you go back and watch both title victories, they made Eddie seem as if he had to "cheat" his way to a victory vs. Chris doing it on raw and sheer determination. That match at WM between He, HHH & Shawn Michaels was CLASSIC hands down. The match with Brock & Eddie was basically a run-in finish from Goldberg and Eddie DDT'ing Brock on the belt (though his head never touched it), a frog splash and three seconds later, new champ. Winner: Chris Benoit

2): Who was more over with the crowd?) This one goes to Eddie. Eddie's story of overcoming his addictions was a great way to be seen as an everyday kind of man, someone who, depsite his demons came out and gave his all. The crowd then (and does now) ate that up. Chris Benoit on the other hand was somewhat of a surprise winner at the Royal Rumble and when pitted against two of the best to ever lace their boots, no one really thought he had a chance. That may have won him fans THAT NIGHT, but moving forward, Benoit was seen as a hard-working champion, while Eddie was being Eddie, which meant playing to the fans, laughing it up, etc etc. Winner: Eddie

(3: The Better Wrestler That Year) I give the nod to Chris Benoit here. Again, looking at quality of contenders, hands down Chris was the better worker. Though his regin was very short (prematurely ended IMO), he still was the Bret Hart of 2004. Even in his losing effort to Randy Orton, you just knew he was going to pull it out. Eddie on the other hand didn't really seem like a fighter's champ. He just seemed to be relishing in getting the belt, thereby not wrestling to his best abilities (ala, WCW days). Winner: Chris Benoit

Overall, Chris' reign was better. I'd give him an A- due to the fact he lost the title too qiuckly whereas I give Eddie a B- due to the fact he didn't have as many quaility contenders AND more so than that, he wasn't the fighting champ Chris was. Long Live Both Men. They were Great.
Benoit was a better champion because he won his title at Wrestlemania and over HHH and HBK in an epic moment and his reign lasted a few months. That being said neither reign was that spectacular, it was just the fact they put the belts on two wrestlers of their nature.

On a side note saying Eddie was never that great in the ring is a massive insult to the man. I'm not just saying that because he's dead, he legitimately was one of the very best in-ring wrestlers there's ever been.
Who they beat to become Champion:

Benoit had an amazing triple threat match and defeated HHH and HBK.

Eddie defeated Brock Lesner which was impressive, but was tainted by outside interference by Goldberg.

Advantage: Benoit

(I always think beating a man 1 on 1 is much more impressive than winning a triple threat match... but because of circumstances, Benoit gets the nod)

Title Defenses:

Benoit came back and once again defeated HHH and HBK. Next he faced Kane (in a non-main event match) who won a battle royal and both got intertwined with Eugene. (Note Benoit also won the Tag Titles at this time) Then defeated HHH and was thrown fully into storylines with Eugene.

Eddie: Eddie defeated the greatest wreslter in the history of the sport in Kurt Angle on the biggest show of them all while cementing his gimmick of "lie cheat steal". Then Eddie was in a emotional storyline involving JBL causing Eddie's Mom a heartattack, and eventually Eddie was disqaulified at Judgement Day. This match was famous for one of the most gushing blades in the history of the wwe. Eddie told an absolute fantastic story in this match. (on a personal note, this is one match i wish we can go back in time and give Eddie the clean win)

Advantage: Eddie

Even though Benoit was soaring with wins, he was actually being buried in the background. Never was the focus of the show on him as world champion. He was forced to a tag champ and divert time to that storyline, he was given 2nd nod to HBK vs HHH fued at Bad Blood, he was also having to become friends with the comical eugene. Despite Eddie losing he gave a memorable perfomance, and actually propelled the very good heel heat JBL lived off of for a year.

Title Loses:

Benoit was jobbed out to Orton as Evolution overshadowed all storylines and Benoit was sacrificed.

Eddie Lost to JBL in a Texas Bull Rope match- after he was announced as the winner, only for Angle to use instant replay. Eddie once again did a great job of conveying emotions, its of the few times you see the true sadness when a wrestler loses his title.

Advantage: Eddie

Eddie was left in much better position after that lose, his character was still hugely over with the crowd, and was poised to continuing Main Eventing and win another world title. While Benoit was completely buried. Benoit was never given the chance to show off what he does best which was wrestle. He ended up in tag matches on raw, and 3 ways on PPV, then became fodder for HHH and Evolution.

I think clearly Eddie had a much better title reign. I look back at Eddies reign with fondness, from his unexpected win against angle, to his blood fest with JBL, to his defeat. I still have memories of of those events 6 years later. I look back on Benoit's reign with frustration and "what could have been" - Benoit was never given the opportunity to do anything memorable.
Benoit was a better champion because he won his title at Wrestlemania and over HHH and HBK in an epic moment and his reign lasted a few months. That being said neither reign was that spectacular, it was just the fact they put the belts on two wrestlers of their nature.

On a side note saying Eddie was never that great in the ring is a massive insult to the man. I'm not just saying that because he's dead, he legitimately was one of the very best in-ring wrestlers there's ever been.

Well, I a love Eddie, I don't hate any wrestler but I truly believe that he wasn't that good of a wrestler.

And if he were it wasn't shown during his title reign, but that is just me don't get offended.
Professional wrestling is pre planned so the way someone does or doesn't win is a moot point. It was part of Eddie's gimmick to cheat. Its not that he couldn't win without help, it was that he liked to cheat. Brock never had that match completely won, and Eddie didn't get the pin directly after a goldberg spear, in fact if you watch the match, Eddie reversing the F5 into a DDT onto the title belt was more the reason he won. Even with those facts the final point is Eddie won clean with the frogsplash. So to say Eddie's win was "tainted" in a pseudo sport, where his gimmick was to do what he had just done, is a little bit silly to me. But more to the point of the thread, Eddie was more over, and while Raw had more marquee wrestlers, Eddie CARRIED SD! in 2004 whereas Benoit was lost in the shuffle on Raw. I'm not saying Triple H shoved Benoit to the side, I'm saying Trips was the more charismatic and interesting character. Benoit didn't deserve the spotlight because, while he had great in ring skills, he was never a good talker. Under the big lights of the WWE that is what matters, how can you combine everything? Eddie could wrestle, talk, and be the face of SD!, Benoit was a main character, but not the main character on raw. Eddie's future saw him continue to stay in the main event scene, battling Angle, The Undertaker and JBL, Benoit went on to do six man tag matches with Orton (another 2004 championship experiment failure) and Shelton Benjamin. Guerrero had by far a better 2004 and 2005, well except his death. Benoit just couldn't hold himself among the major players and was sent back to the midcard. Sorry pure wrestling lovers, but there is more to the wrestling business than german suplexes and 20,000 reversals per match.

Had 2 5 star battles with HHH and HBK. A Classic HBK WHC match on RAW. Had another classic Tag Title match when Edge and Benoit beat Evolution. Even the Tag Title loss to La Resistance was awesome and well done in Canada. He wrestled Kane and got 2 great matches outta him. Wrestled a 60 min Ironman match with HHH that ended up being a well done match. Also passed the tourch to Orton in another well done 5 star match.

The man was simply the best in the world at that time. After that he won the Tag Belts again by himself on Taboo Tuesday. Feuded with Edge, and had another great Triple Threat with Edge and HHH. Great year all around by Benoit.

Eddie had a amazing match with Brock, and Angle. Had a great match with JBL at Judgment Day 04 and the Steel Cage match on SD! then kinda fizzled out a little bit.
I think it was easily guerrero, he was as hot as damn near anybody at the time. People are probably stating their personal preference, but if you look at it objectively, Guerrero was the top draw at the time. And to say he wasn't a good wrestler is a joke, he is from one of the top two technical wrestling families period, have you seen any of his WCW matches. After Benoits little run he was back in the midcard.
After Guerrero lost his title, he was back in the midcard so don't think it only happened to Benoit. Guerrero and Benoit both weren't excellent draws in 2004 but I think Benoit was the better champion and he had to deal with a whole lot more than Guerrero. With Lesnar leaving and Angle injured I believe, Guerrero was on the short list of who would be champion and then JBL beat him in two really good matches and was a better champion. Nobody really cared that Eddie was champion as much as people cared about Benoit and Smackdown was really down at that time and Eddie didn't do much to improve it. Benoit had to deal with the two headed monster that is HHH and HBK. They made sure HBK was in the triple threat at Wrestlemania so that HHH didn't lose cleanly. Then for some reason they had the same at Backlash in which both cases it should have been HHH vs. Benoit. Then at Bad Blood, Benoit and Kane had arguably the match of the night which was upstaged by the snoozefest that was Hell in a Cell. Interference gave Benoit the win against HHH at Vengeance and then lost it to Orton in a great match at Summerslam. HHH could let Batista beat him three times cleanly but couldn't do it once for Benoit? Benoit had more great matches as champion than Guerrero and put up with a lot more which says a lot in my eyes.
Actually, I think Benoit beat him clean a couple of times, I know for sure he did at a house show on MSG because I was there,(they had that you tapped out chant killing trips) but like others have said, Guerrero was clearly more over with fans, which to me is the most important thing.
Benoit was given a token reign and got the chance to wrestle HBK and HHH. Guerrero was given the belt and the show was built around him, and they fed him JBL....JBL for God sakes, a guy that was on Velocity the same month! That brawl with JBL at JD is a classic and probably JBLs match. He was given crap and Guerrero made it work. Eddie was on fire. It's not fair to compare both because of the booking. It's ridiculous. Benoit wasn't as over as Guerrero was during their runs and that's not even up for debate.

After Guerrero lost his title, he was back in the midcard so don't think it only happened to Benoit. Guerrero and Benoit both weren't excellent draws in 2004 but I think Benoit was the better champion and he had to deal with a whole lot more than Guerrero. With Lesnar leaving and Angle injured I believe, Guerrero was on the short list of who would be champion and then JBL beat him in two really good matches and was a better champion. Nobody really cared that Eddie was champion as much as people cared about Benoit and Smackdown was really down at that time and Eddie didn't do much to improve it. Benoit had to deal with the two headed monster that is HHH and HBK. They made sure HBK was in the triple threat at Wrestlemania so that HHH didn't lose cleanly. Then for some reason they had the same at Backlash in which both cases it should have been HHH vs. Benoit. Then at Bad Blood, Benoit and Kane had arguably the match of the night which was upstaged by the snoozefest that was Hell in a Cell. Interference gave Benoit the win against HHH at Vengeance and then lost it to Orton in a great match at Summerslam. HHH could let Batista beat him three times cleanly but couldn't do it once for Benoit? Benoit had more great matches as champion than Guerrero and put up with a lot more which says a lot in my eyes.

Do you realize Guerrero wanted nothing to do with the WORLD TITLE? Even Batista himself said it in his book. Guerrero would have been a multiple time world champion if he wanted to.. Benoit was going to be a midcarder.
Benoit was given a token reign and got the chance to wrestle HBK and HHH. Guerrero was given the belt and the show was built around him, and they fed him JBL....JBL for God sakes, a guy that was on Velocity the same month! That brawl with JBL at JD is a classic and probably JBLs match. He was given crap and Guerrero made it work. Eddie was on fire. It's not fair to compare both because of the booking. It's ridiculous. Benoit wasn't as over as Guerrero was during their runs and that's not even up for debate.

If Benoit's was a token reign, then what you would call Eddie's? Angle was out and Lesnar was leaving so it was either him or JBL and they made a better champion out of JBL then they did Eddie. JBL had as much to do with those matches as Eddie Guerrero and maybe more. Benoit was insanely over in the year leading up to the match moreso than Guerrero and had more greater matches with more opponents than Guerrero and it is not even close.
If Benoit's was a token reign, then what you would call Eddie's? Angle was out and Lesnar was leaving so it was either him or JBL and they made a better champion out of JBL then they did Eddie. JBL had as much to do with those matches as Eddie Guerrero and maybe more. Benoit was insanely over in the year leading up to the match moreso than Guerrero and had more greater matches with more opponents than Guerrero and it is not even close.

Like I said, Guerrero cracked under pressure and wanted nothing to do with the belt. Batista said this himself that Guerrero didn't want the belt and he wanted Orton to win it. Guerrero was never given a token reign. The whole show was suppose to be built around him. Look at his run on Smackdown when he was champ.. Was he a curtain jerker like Benoit when he was the world champ? Guerrero could have been a multiple time world champion if he was still alive and if he wanted to.. Benoit was never going to win the world title again.. He was on ECW when he passed away, Guerrero was feuding with the biggest star in the company at that time for the title (Batista).. It's ridiculous to say that Guerrero's reign was a "token".. And do you dislike him that much to say that Benoit was more over than Eddie? Is this a joke? Guerrero was the most over star in the company at that time.
Like I said, Guerrero cracked under pressure and wanted nothing to do with the belt. Batista said this himself that Guerrero didn't want the belt and he wanted Orton to win it. Guerrero was never given a token reign. The whole show was suppose to be built around him. Look at his run on Smackdown when he was champ.. Was he a curtain jerker like Benoit when he was the world champ? Guerrero could have been a multiple time world champion if he was still alive and if he wanted to.. Benoit was never going to win the world title again.. He was on ECW when he passed away, Guerrero was feuding with the biggest star in the company at that time for the title (Batista).. It's ridiculous to say that Guerrero's reign was a "token".. And do you dislike him that much to say that Benoit was more over than Eddie? Is this a joke? Guerrero was the most over star in the company at that time.

I'm not taking about 2005. I'm talking about 2004 and in that year Chris Benoit was a better wrestler than Eddie Guerrero. How can you be sure that the show was built completely around him? Lesnar wanted to play in the NFL and Angle was injured so they had next to no options plain and simple. If Benoit would have stayed on Smackdown after the Rumble, Guerrero would probably still be in midcard obscurity. Before Benoit passed, he was planned to win the ECW Title and bring some credibility to that belt which was needed at that time. I never said I hated Guerrero but I feel he is one of the most overrated superstars in recent memory. And you what to know who was the most over guy in the company at that time? It was Eugene and that's a fact.
I'm not taking about 2005. I'm talking about 2004 and in that year Chris Benoit was a better wrestler than Eddie Guerrero. How can you be sure that the show was built completely around him? Lesnar wanted to play in the NFL and Angle was injured so they had next to no options plain and simple. If Benoit would have stayed on Smackdown after the Rumble, Guerrero would probably still be in midcard obscurity. Before Benoit passed, he was planned to win the ECW Title and bring some credibility to that belt which was needed at that time. I never said I hated Guerrero but I feel he is one of the most overrated superstars in recent memory. And you what to know who was the most over guy in the company at that time? It was Eugene and that's a fact.

You were telling me that Guerrero's reign was a TOKEN. If it was a token, the show wouldn't be built around him and he wouldn't have gotten a 2nd reign as planned. Guerrero was going to play a much, much bigger role than Benoit...Even Vince knew that Guerrero didn't belong in the midcard.. Benoit was on ECW feuding with who? Monty Brown? a new CM Punk? before that, he was jobbing to the Miz...MVP...Eddie was against the biggest star in the company at that time. I am not sure if you even watched Smackdown during Guerrero's reign. I remember listening to D-Von about how the crowd erupted when Guerrero was tagged it into one of their matches. The guy was being cheered as a heel in 2002-2003, and the WWE had no other choice but to turn him face. It happened to Cena, Rock, Austin, Angle, ect..How can you possibly say Benoit was more over when everyone in this thread has stated that Eddie was? You can't say that Benoit was the better wrestler. He was given way better opponents. Eddie was given freaking JBL. Guerrero made the whole match work. Last time he had such a great match was a YEAR later against Cena.

Also, Eddie had better matches with the same opponents Benoit had. I am talking about matches that were given equal time and similar stipulations. Eddie/JBL cage match on SD shits all over that borefest JBL/Benoit had in a cage match. Eddie/Big Show where Show gets fired is how you are suppose to work against a giant. Benoit was putting Big Show in the crossface and giving a 500 pound man a german suplex. Eddie/Edge on SD the street fight was way better than Benoit/Edge LMS. Eddie/Brock was better than Benoit/Brock.. plus, the crowds were way, WAY hotter for Eddie than they were for Benoit. I can go on and on. Benoit/Angle was better than Guerrero/Angle cause guerrero and angle were both injured. You really underrate Guerrero.. Guerrero is one of the greatest of all time, and overall, a way better performer than Benoit ever was.
Hands down this thread goes to Eddie Guerrero, not only did he put Smackdown on his back he elevated stars on that show that year as well, JBL went from tagging with Farooq at Wrestlemania 20 to becoming a long fledged heel,Then you have Rey Mysterio who at this time was tagging with Guerrero and two years later(Because of Eddies death of course) won himself a World Title, Benoit ever since he won that night at wrestlemania was defending the title with pride and guts but after that he was back training wrestlers and putting them over, so that year Eddie was the better wrestler because he made stars and he had the fans by his side during and after his title reign. Too bad he died right before his second title reign( he was suppose to face Batista at Armaggedon 2005 but Mr. Kennedy killed Eddie with that chair shot on Smackdown and then Rey took his place and won it at Wrestlemania 22).
Wow what a great question I have no really good answer here..I'd say Eddie just cause of what he He did he was the first Latino world heavyweight championg in wwe history when he was not even with the company 2yrs previously battled his demons got back and didn't look back...Benoit sure he could stake claim to that title to but not just cuz he beat HHH and HBK in a triple threat match I mean Eddie did defend the title at mania which last time i checked was a lot harder to do then win the title since if you win the rumble you generally end up champ at Mania....I miss both of these guys right now and wish we still had some more guys like them they were great.
I can honestly say I can answer this question fairly, Benoit was and is my favorite wrestler of all time, and could wrestle anyone. As A Champoin, I so marked out, as being over with the crowd, he was over in a different way then Eddie, it was more of a respect with Chris, plus everyone Eddie wrestled,Booker and LBJ, almost anyone would have popped huge for, because those to characters no one liked. And as a wrestler, I'm a huge Benoit mark.
You were telling me that Guerrero's reign was a TOKEN. If it was a token, the show wouldn't be built around him and he wouldn't have gotten a 2nd reign as planned. Guerrero was going to play a much, much bigger role than Benoit...Even Vince knew that Guerrero didn't belong in the midcard.. Benoit was on ECW feuding with who? Monty Brown? a new CM Punk? before that, he was jobbing to the Miz...MVP...Eddie was against the biggest star in the company at that time. I am not sure if you even watched Smackdown during Guerrero's reign. I remember listening to D-Von about how the crowd erupted when Guerrero was tagged it into one of their matches. The guy was being cheered as a heel in 2002-2003, and the WWE had no other choice but to turn him face. It happened to Cena, Rock, Austin, Angle, ect..How can you possibly say Benoit was more over when everyone in this thread has stated that Eddie was? You can't say that Benoit was the better wrestler. He was given way better opponents. Eddie was given freaking JBL. Guerrero made the whole match work. Last time he had such a great match was a YEAR later against Cena.

Also, Eddie had better matches with the same opponents Benoit had. I am talking about matches that were given equal time and similar stipulations. Eddie/JBL cage match on SD shits all over that borefest JBL/Benoit had in a cage match. Eddie/Big Show where Show gets fired is how you are suppose to work against a giant. Benoit was putting Big Show in the crossface and giving a 500 pound man a german suplex. Eddie/Edge on SD the street fight was way better than Benoit/Edge LMS. Eddie/Brock was better than Benoit/Brock.. plus, the crowds were way, WAY hotter for Eddie than they were for Benoit. I can go on and on. Benoit/Angle was better than Guerrero/Angle cause guerrero and angle were both injured. You really underrate Guerrero.. Guerrero is one of the greatest of all time, and overall, a way better performer than Benoit ever was.

The show was not built around Eddie Guerrero. For the last time, everybody was leaving or injured so they had to put the belt on him. His reign was just like Khali's in the fact that there was nobody left. Once JBL made his heel turn, WWE knew what they had and decided to put the belt on him and soon after Guerrero was competing in tag team matches. JBL had as much to do with all three matches as Guerrero and there's no way of denying that. Benoit was a better wrestler than Guerrero and it showed in 2004. Benoit did a better job than Guerrero in a far worse situation than Eddie.

Benoit/Lesnar shits all over Guerrero/Lesnar and then some. Eddie was getting his ass kicked from pillar to post until Goldberg came out and speared Brock and we know the rest. Lesnar/Benoit was a damn good match and Benoit was matching Brock move for move in one of the best matches in Smackdown history. Guerrero/Angle was alright but Benoit/Angle was one of the best title matches in WWE history and I don't believe Angle was injured in 2003 :rolleyes:

We can do this all day and my position would still be that Guerrero is hugely overrated and that won't change and Benoit was the better wrestler. I don't know why you started comparing matches between the two that weren't even in 2004 but Benoit's matches were better in 2003 and 2004 if that helps.
In terms of who's the better champion.... I'd say Eddie was the better champion because he had a more entertaining reign than Benoit did. I didn't really like Benoit as champion as much even though his reign lasted longer. Eddie was better than him in pretty much everything but in-ring ability. Eddie was definitely more over with the crowd. He was really good at getting the fans to care! Benoit may have been a lot more skilled in the ring but Eddie was the better wrestler because he was MUCH better on the mic, and more entertaining in the ring too despite Benoit having more legit skill.
The first time i watched wrestling was 2004 i think Benot had just won his title and i quit when he lost to Orton not exactly that but like a week later. i quit watching wrestling i came back to wrestling after wrestlemania 23 and Benoit was fueding with MVP over the united states championship. I was a huge Benot mark and i beleive his title reighn was what got me first intrested in WWE so Benoit for me. Eddie just gave me a couple of laughs every time he cheated.
The show was not built around Eddie Guerrero. For the last time, everybody was leaving or injured so they had to put the belt on him. His reign was just like Khali's in the fact that there was nobody left. Once JBL made his heel turn, WWE knew what they had and decided to put the belt on him and soon after Guerrero was competing in tag team matches. JBL had as much to do with all three matches as Guerrero and there's no way of denying that. Benoit was a better wrestler than Guerrero and it showed in 2004. Benoit did a better job than Guerrero in a far worse situation than Eddie.

Benoit/Lesnar shits all over Guerrero/Lesnar and then some. Eddie was getting his ass kicked from pillar to post until Goldberg came out and speared Brock and we know the rest. Lesnar/Benoit was a damn good match and Benoit was matching Brock move for move in one of the best matches in Smackdown history. Guerrero/Angle was alright but Benoit/Angle was one of the best title matches in WWE history and I don't believe Angle was injured in 2003 :rolleyes:

We can do this all day and my position would still be that Guerrero is hugely overrated and that won't change and Benoit was the better wrestler. I don't know why you started comparing matches between the two that weren't even in 2004 but Benoit's matches were better in 2003 and 2004 if that helps.

Again, Eddie wanted nothing to do with the world title. He pushed the WWE to have him drop the belt to JBL. JBL said this himself. Are you going to tell me that HBK is a midcarder? He had feuds with Chris Masters, Rhodes, Ted, Kane, ect... and every once in a while, he is put in the ME. HBK is another one that doesn't want the world title. Eddie, just like HBK, didn't want to be the world champ and a main eventer. He cracked under pressure. Eddie wrestled Batista before he passed, Benoit was jobbing to Booker T and Sharmell... Eddie was suppose to face HBK at WM 22, Benoit jobbed to JBL in 6 minutes at WM 22. Benoit peaked, Eddie didn't.

Lesnar didn't give his notice until after NWO. No way was Eddie never going to win the belt. He would have been a multiple time world champion if he wanted to. Those JBL/Eddie matches were complete carry jobs. That match with him at JD is probably JBL's best match. JBL never had a match that was as good as his match with Eddie at JD...maybe his match with Cena was as good or better, but that's debatable. I would like to know how Benoit was in a terrible position when he was given 20 plus minutes to wrestle HHH and HBK on numerous occasions? Eddie had to carry JBL, wrestled D-Von in single matches, was put in tag matches against the Dudleys/JBL, wrestled a out of shape and lazy Big Show (one of Shows best matches), an injured Kurt Angle, a jobber like Chavo...hell.. I even think Eddie wrestled Billy Gunn when he was the world champion. It's not fair to compare both since Benoit was given quality opponents and given 25 plus minutes, while Eddie was given shitty ones with little to no time.

I think Brock/Eddie had the best underdog story ever. The crowd was eating up everything Eddie did, even the small things such a kick to the the leg and a figure four leg. They were chanting his name like crazy. They weren't marking for Benoit when he was punching Lesnar or small things like that. To say he wasn't as over as Benoit is ridiculous! He was 10x more over. And about the Benoit/Lesnar match.. The flaw is that he was matching Lesnar, an animal, move for move. That's just bad storytelling. You aren't suppose to match move for move with an animal like Brock..Eddie vs Lesnar is exactly how you are suppose to work against a big guy. Benoit couldn't work with Big Show.. He was putting him in the crossface and giving him suplexes. He couldn't work with Lesnar, he was matching move for move with him. He was giving A-Train suplexes, ect...Eddie knew exactly how to put a big guy over and knew how to wrestle a big guy. And how was Edge/Eddie "ok"? Everyone talks about how good that match was. Benoit/Angle is overrated, first few minutes were dull. It got good near the end. You think Eddie was overrated but look at the matches they had with the same opponents.. Eddie had more entertaining matches.
The show was not built around Eddie Guerrero. For the last time, everybody was leaving or injured so they had to put the belt on him. His reign was just like Khali's in the fact that there was nobody left. Once JBL made his heel turn, WWE knew what they had and decided to put the belt on him and soon after Guerrero was competing in tag team matches. JBL had as much to do with all three matches as Guerrero and there's no way of denying that. Benoit was a better wrestler than Guerrero and it showed in 2004. Benoit did a better job than Guerrero in a far worse situation than Eddie.

Benoit/Lesnar shits all over Guerrero/Lesnar and then some. Eddie was getting his ass kicked from pillar to post until Goldberg came out and speared Brock and we know the rest. Lesnar/Benoit was a damn good match and Benoit was matching Brock move for move in one of the best matches in Smackdown history. Guerrero/Angle was alright but Benoit/Angle was one of the best title matches in WWE history and I don't believe Angle was injured in 2003 :rolleyes:

We can do this all day and my position would still be that Guerrero is hugely overrated and that won't change and Benoit was the better wrestler. I don't know why you started comparing matches between the two that weren't even in 2004 but Benoit's matches were better in 2003 and 2004 if that helps.

Obviously yo you are NOT a true wrestling fan because if you were saying Eddie Guerrero was overrated is the dumbest thing ive seen on any thread in here, 1st off i can put this argument to rest both men were equal champions and wrestlers back in 2004, Both had great feuds with there respective enemies, And JBL as i said in my last post for this was a nobody that whole year UNTIL he started his feud with Guerrero who made JBL into what he was and is til this day in the wrestling world.

Guerrero made stars and even JBL will tell you that he did, when he feuded wit Mysterio before he passed he made Mysterio into the star he is today, Benoit all he did during this year is at the top of the yr shot to the top of the ladder by winning the Royal Rumble, then Wrestlemania winning the World Title, BUT when he lost the strap we saw the Benoit Legacy go down the drain all the way up to his murder-suicide.

Now I can honestly say this though... wrestling wise Benoit will have a better Legacy, BUT EDDIE WILL BE THE MOST REMEMBERED FOR THE YEARS OF 2003-2005 Because he actually showed VINCE and the World anything is possible and open the door for people to win World championships like Mysterio,Batista(even tho he was destined because o his phsyic), and ill even put Sheamus in this list even tho he doesn't deserve not one inch of credit for his reign, but EDDIE is the one that paved the way for the impossible guys that you would never think of winning the Title winning the title, plus Benoit had his time in his last match in WCW beating SID for the belt, Benoit's the dumb one that left WCW the next night and took himself 4 more years to get back to the top. In closing Eddie Guerrero had not only the best 2004 year, but the best years in the WWE out of the two(The year Eddie left the company doesn't count for obvious reasons.)

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