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Better wrestler in 2004: Chris Benoit or Eddie Guererro?

Obviously yo you are NOT a true wrestling fan because if you were saying Eddie Guerrero was overrated is the dumbest thing ive seen on any thread in here, 1st off i can put this argument to rest both men were equal champions and wrestlers back in 2004, Both had great feuds with there respective enemies, And JBL as i said in my last post for this was a nobody that whole year UNTIL he started his feud with Guerrero who made JBL into what he was and is til this day in the wrestling world.

Guerrero made stars and even JBL will tell you that he did, when he feuded wit Mysterio before he passed he made Mysterio into the star he is today, Benoit all he did during this year is at the top of the yr shot to the top of the ladder by winning the Royal Rumble, then Wrestlemania winning the World Title, BUT when he lost the strap we saw the Benoit Legacy go down the drain all the way up to his murder-suicide.

Now I can honestly say this though... wrestling wise Benoit will have a better Legacy, BUT EDDIE WILL BE THE MOST REMEMBERED FOR THE YEARS OF 2003-2005 Because he actually showed VINCE and the World anything is possible and open the door for people to win World championships like Mysterio,Batista(even tho he was destined because o his phsyic), and ill even put Sheamus in this list even tho he doesn't deserve not one inch of credit for his reign, but EDDIE is the one that paved the way for the impossible guys that you would never think of winning the Title winning the title, plus Benoit had his time in his last match in WCW beating SID for the belt, Benoit's the dumb one that left WCW the next night and took himself 4 more years to get back to the top. In closing Eddie Guerrero had not only the best 2004 year, but the best years in the WWE out of the two(The year Eddie left the company doesn't count for obvious reasons.)

So a true wrestling fan can't consider somebody overrated? Eddie was a good midcarder and an average main eventer plain and simple. Then after he died, he was made to be the greatest thing since sliced bread which makes him overrated. You can tell me what he did was so great in 2003 besides getting squashed by the Big Show because that's the only thing I remember. His matches in 2004 with JBL were good but what did he do after that? Don't get me started about 2005 in which his only good match was his first one against Mysterio and the rest were average or awful especially that Summerslam match. Mysterio was over when he first debuted in the WWE and still is over today.

Benoit had plenty of greater matches than Eddie in 2004. Benoit had great matches with HHH, HBK, Orton, and even got a great match out of Kane. Eddie had too good matches with JBL and one with Angle and that was it. I would like to know how if Eddie hadn't won the title, guys like Mysterio or Batista wouldn't have won because I find that ridiculous.
Again, Eddie wanted nothing to do with the world title. He pushed the WWE to have him drop the belt to JBL. JBL said this himself. Are you going to tell me that HBK is a midcarder? He had feuds with Chris Masters, Rhodes, Ted, Kane, ect... and every once in a while, he is put in the ME. HBK is another one that doesn't want the world title. Eddie, just like HBK, didn't want to be the world champ and a main eventer. He cracked under pressure. Eddie wrestled Batista before he passed, Benoit was jobbing to Booker T and Sharmell... Eddie was suppose to face HBK at WM 22, Benoit jobbed to JBL in 6 minutes at WM 22. Benoit peaked, Eddie didn't.

Lesnar didn't give his notice until after NWO. No way was Eddie never going to win the belt. He would have been a multiple time world champion if he wanted to. Those JBL/Eddie matches were complete carry jobs. That match with him at JD is probably JBL's best match. JBL never had a match that was as good as his match with Eddie at JD...maybe his match with Cena was as good or better, but that's debatable. I would like to know how Benoit was in a terrible position when he was given 20 plus minutes to wrestle HHH and HBK on numerous occasions? Eddie had to carry JBL, wrestled D-Von in single matches, was put in tag matches against the Dudleys/JBL, wrestled a out of shape and lazy Big Show (one of Shows best matches), an injured Kurt Angle, a jobber like Chavo...hell.. I even think Eddie wrestled Billy Gunn when he was the world champion. It's not fair to compare both since Benoit was given quality opponents and given 25 plus minutes, while Eddie was given shitty ones with little to no time.

I think Brock/Eddie had the best underdog story ever. The crowd was eating up everything Eddie did, even the small things such a kick to the the leg and a figure four leg. They were chanting his name like crazy. They weren't marking for Benoit when he was punching Lesnar or small things like that. To say he wasn't as over as Benoit is ridiculous! He was 10x more over. And about the Benoit/Lesnar match.. The flaw is that he was matching Lesnar, an animal, move for move. That's just bad storytelling. You aren't suppose to match move for move with an animal like Brock..Eddie vs Lesnar is exactly how you are suppose to work against a big guy. Benoit couldn't work with Big Show.. He was putting him in the crossface and giving him suplexes. He couldn't work with Lesnar, he was matching move for move with him. He was giving A-Train suplexes, ect...Eddie knew exactly how to put a big guy over and knew how to wrestle a big guy. And how was Edge/Eddie "ok"? Everyone talks about how good that match was. Benoit/Angle is overrated, first few minutes were dull. It got good near the end. You think Eddie was overrated but look at the matches they had with the same opponents.. Eddie had more entertaining matches.

Eddie cracking under the pressure doesn't help your argument one bit. It tells me that he couldn't handle being champion and didn't want the pressure so why would he be a better champion when he was so willing to give it up?

Lesnar and Goldberg were having a feud and Lesnar wasn't going to have the title at Wrestlemania and so they had to give it to somebody and luckily Eddie was the only one that wasn't injured or anything because JBL was still a midcard guy.

I'm going to tell why Benoit was in a more terrible position. You would expect your world champion to be the last one on the card in a PPV especially since there was single brand PPV's back then. Throughout's Benoit reign, you can tell that the focus was still on the overrated HHH/HBK feud and that shouldn't have been. HBK shouldn't have been in both triple threat matches as HHH wanted his buddy in there so he can't say he lost to Benoit one-on-one. Then in Bad Blood, he wrestled a great match against Kane and yet HHH/HBK went after him in one of the worst HIAC matches ever. There was NO reason that shouldn't have happened but it is HHH so I expected nothing less. Then at Vengeance, he finally beat HHH one-on-one but there was interference which was typical HHH at that time and then he lost the belt and put Orton over in a great match. I bet Benoit would have liked to wrestle who Eddie wrestled and be on the last match on a PPV and be the main focus instead of two old wrestlers who wanted the spotlight all to themselves.

I can't find ten people who remember the Eddie/Edge match but everybody remembers Angle/Benoit because it is one of the best matches in WWE history. Benoit proved he could be a world champion way before Eddie did and it showed. Benoit/Lesnar was better because Benoit showed he can hang with Lesnar better than Eddie could and don't forget that Benoit made Lesnar tap out at Survivor Series.

In 2004, Eddie had two or three entertaining matches while Benoit had five or six. Benoit had far more to deal with than Eddie did and he did a better job of being champion than Eddie and nothing is going to change that.

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