this is why you piss me off so much.
Sorry. One of my sole goals in life is to appease you, so you won't throw food from your high-chair while reading my posts.
Or could it possibly be that my posts are coherent, I have a job, I'm married, and I don't take this posting thing as life or death?(*Waits for cracks of working at McDonald's and having a 300 lb wife.*)
It kinda saddens me that you get so mad over wrestling posts. And it's funny.
Variety? Cm punk, all he does is use his knees.
Do the Anaconda Vice, belly to belly suplex, running bulldog from the corner, crossbody, arm-trap swinging neckbreaker, plancha through the ropes, or the Savage elbow involve the use of his knees?
Just off the top of my head, there's seven moves he uses in almost every match that having nothing to do with his knees of every kind.
at least with daniel bryan he relies on his speed.
That he does. He has a high octane offense that few can match. And while I'm a huge Bryan fan, and find their(his and Punk's) ring work close, and often, comparable, do you know who else relied/relies on his speed?
Evan Bourne. You should make a "Who's better in the ring: CM Punk or Evan Bourne thread?" Because high octane offense is ALL that matters.
cm punk is just painfully slow to watch in the ring. dont be delusional and dont fucking ASSUME things. ARE U FUCKING ******ED???
I'm not sure what I assumed. I stated...MY....Personal...Preference. What that means, in layman's terms, is that I can't be wrong. If I said them as statements of fact, you could assume I'm wrong. But I never said any such thing, did I?
Thought not.
He is a better wrestler than cm punk.. dont be delusional.
He's not in my opinion. For this thread's purposes, that's all that counts.
can daniel bryan carry matches with big show? YES HE FUCKING CAN. can cm punk? no he cannot. daniel bryan can make anybody look good, cm punk cant.
First, it takes two men to have a good match. Second, the Big Show/Bryan matches I've seen could be generously labeled as passable. Want to see good Big Show matches from recent? See his series with Mark Henry in 2011, or his series with Sheamus, specifically their match at Hell and A Cell 2012.
Mark Henry and Sheamus have had better matches with Show then Bryan or Punk.
are u fucking serious? cm punk is theo ne with better promos and better physique (althoguh it isnt saying MUCH because both their physiques suck donkey balls).. cm punk also has more charisma, daniel bryan has a goofy gimmick.. cm punk can actually be taken seriously and is a massive draw. please do not be so delusional.
You have me curious: When did name calling, excessive cussing, and third grade grammar pass for making actual points about subject manner?
And this thread isn't about their physique or their promo ability. It's titled, "Better In Ring".
what? cm punk is explosive? yeah fucking right man.. hes slow as fuck in the ring. neckbreakers are not anything special. runnig bulldow is nothing special, running knee is also sloppy as fuck, it doesnt look legitimate.
Have you seen anyone else execute the arm-trap swinging all? If so, who? He's the only I've seen do it.
And the rest, again, are my opinion. Punk has the ability to go from a slower, more methodical pace to a fast-paced style quickly, often by doing moves in succession.
Is it Randy Savage's? No. But it's pretty darn good.
OH my fucking god.. are u on crack/ seriously u dont know how much i just want to punch u in the fucking face right now.
A tough guy over the internet. How original and mature. You can swear multiple times and threaten to punch me in one sentence!
do u even watch cm punk's matches?
All the time. His Best In The World DVD is excellent. I've followed him since ROH. The 'Summer of Punk' angle WWE somewhat ran in 2011? It was derivative of the angle ROH ran with Punk.
So, how about you?
compare his fucking diving elbow to SHAWN MICHAEL's diving elbow. big difference. shawn michaels are flawless, not cm punk's.. cm punk just botched it against randy orton this week.
1. Doing a comparison would be silly, because they do them in two different ways. And if you've followed Michaels' career, you would know that he botched it himself a few times. Heck, so did Randy Savage.
When Punk hits it square, which is 95% of the time, it's a thing of beauty.
i am really struggling to see if u are delusional or really just plain stupid.
Back to the name calling again when we can't make a coherent point, are we? Tsk.Tsk...
punk's out of nowhere offense? lol.. you make it sound good when it is not. trust me, his offense isn't that good.
Clearly, I should 'trust you', because you've proven to be correct so often before. Oh...wait.....
Punk's neckbreaker to Orton on Monday came out of nowhere. When he grabbed the ropes and held on when everyone else moves in so Orton can hit the belly to belly suplex, that was the essence of ring awareness. He has in the past on Mysterio, Cena, Jeff Hardy, Chris Jericho, to name a few, hit the GTS out of nowhere.
Punk's not even my favorite between the ropes, or even top 3 in WWE, to be honest. But I can appreciate the fact that he's darn good at what he does in there.
The ironic thing here is this: You take your namesake from him, and you're bashing him left and right, simply because I posted Punk > Bryan in the ring. Seriously, man, do you stalk my wrestling posts? If so, I beg of you, try and come up with better arguments.
Yet he can move from a methodical pace to a faster one quite quickly.
And he wouldnt look legit in a match with brock lesnar.
And this is based on what? Past experience? Nope. Rey freakin Mysterio had competitive matches with Brock Lesnar, but Punk won't look legitimate?
We'll find out, but until we do, that statement is a word you've used incorrectly, several times here: Assuming.
daniel bryan relies on his SPEED and high flying moves. to be honest that is his top strength, while cm punk doesnt have that much speed.
Again, look at my Evan Bourne example. Bourne relies on his speed and ability to fly, so does that make him better then Punk?
And that statement isn't even correct. Bryan mixes a high octane offense with technical prowess. I just prefer CM Punk in the ring, as I said,
the GTS can NOT be hit out of nowhere.u need to carry them and lift them down.. an example of OUT OF NOWHERE and INSTANT is shawn michael's finisher. shawn michael can sweet chin music someone who is flying towards him, can cm punk just hit the gts when someone is flying?
Out of nowhere means that it can happen suddenly from a variety of positions or without warning. That happens with the GTS. Punk hit the GTS out of nowhere on Orton Monday. Ended the match. He hit back-to-back GTS' out of nowhere on Jericho at Payback. Ended the match. Hit the GTS on Rock at Raw 1000, or, if you like, on your favorite wrestler, John Cena

o), at Money In The Bank.
I didn't say, "From any position." If I did, you could make the HBK/Punk comparison, and I would be wrong. But I didn't. I said 'Out of Nowhere.'
and anyways, cm punk always misses his gts.. it seems like it never hits the person.
That's a good thing, me thinks, because if he legitimately hit it, he would break a lot of noses.
cm punk's pace is TOO slow..
To you, perhaps. I think he wrestles an excellent hybrid of methodical, technical, and fast-paced when needed.
if youre going to have a bad physique.
He doesn't have a bad physique, whatsoever. He just doesn't have the typical WWE physique. Big difference.
skillset? his fucking moveset, half of it isnt executed properly.. his gts barely hits people.
And yet, by both our forums, and other Internet websites, Punk has been voted 'best wrestler'.
Either that's a lot of people on crack, or your wrong.
are u on crack? can u plz watch wrestling?? seriously, what have u been fucking watching? ur posts fucking piss me off so much.. u fucking piss me off so much.
1. Swearing and name calling are not legitimate substitutes for making a point.
2. If my posts anger you so much, stop reading them. It's as simple as that, kid.
Because I won't be reading anymore of yours. Your trolling is laughable and my brain hurts after reading your posts the grammar is so poor and much of what you write makes no sense. I prefer CM Punk in the ring. You prefer Bryan. Let me let you in on a little secret: That's OK! Some prefer TNA to WWE and others ROH to either company. That doesn't make them wrong either.
So since my posts anger you so much, do what I'm doing: Go under your User CP, and hit "block user." That way you never have to learn anything and can remain on the short bus forever. Bye now.