Beth Phoenix or Melina

punk is gold

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Now I know atm both are hurt but my question is who do you guys think should and can take Mickie James spot as the #1 diva in the Wwe,for I know Eve is improving but she's not quite in their league yet,so who ya got Beth Phoenix or Melina.
I feel kinda guilty about answering this LOL but I gotta go with Beth Phoenix, hands down. Melina's hot but she flat out does NOT have the talent of Beth Phoenix.
Damn bro how many threads do you start a day 5 or 6? You have alot of ideas. But to answer your question the divas division is always gonna suck no matter who's their. But I believe Beth Phoenix is definitely a bigger blow for smackdown rather than Melina missing for raw. At least on raw you still have Gail Kim and Maryse and a developing Eve. On smackdown just McCool no one else.
Wow uhhhhh this is a VERY tough one. I think well in my opinion now, Beth is SD! and Melina is RAW so that's for both but perosnally i feel Melina. Mickie had a bouncy personality and was very athletic in the ring. Melina has a pretty good moveset and more lucha style so I think she's the one, Beth is great mind you but she's more of the powerhouse and Mickie wasn't a powerhouse. It's like Rey Mysterio/ Khali. Well not really but yeah haha.
I'm all about the divas/knockouts in TNA. I think they flat out wrestle better. Thats my opinion, the WWE since LITA and TRISH left has gone way down hill in Womens wrestling. I like Mickie even though she walks like a dude. Eve is getting better but still pushed to the top too quick(see Shameus and Swagger). The only two I really enjoy watching are The Glamazon and Maryse. I'm not even going to mention Way-Cool because they were way-cooler when they wrestled separately. Now for Melina, wow she is nice to look at and besides Maryse has the best entrance but damn the woman can not wrestle a lick, the David Otunga of women, she definitely has "IT" but can't wrestle. I'm going to stick with TNA when it comes to womens wrestling for now. By the way, as good as some of the WWE Divas look they will never have anything on The BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE and no one wrestler will ever look as HOTT as VELVET SKY. That woman is just down right Smokin' HOTT!
It's hard to say Beth is probably the better wrestler of the two, and Melina has the better look for a diva. Melina makes a better heel than a face in my opinion. Beth was getting over pretty well as a face before she got injured which surprised me because she made such a good monster diva heel. In the end I have to go with Beth. When she returns WWE will probably rebuild the womens division around her.
Beth Phoenix is way ahead of Melina. Better wrestler and better looking. Melina for me was more suited in he role she had with MNM. Best Melina moment ever....falling off the ring apron trying to do her splits entrance!:)
I'm sorry but neither of them can take Mickie Jame's place as the #1 diva face in the WWE Mickie is irreplaceable. Mickie has done it all in the business and when she left she left big shoes to fill that neither Beth nor Melina or anyone else can ever fill.
Beth Phoenix, easily. Did you hear how over she was before she got hurt? She was getting HUGE pops, night in and night out. Plus, she's extremely athletic and talented, and she's quite beautiful. She is everything a diva should aspire to be, and when she returns deserves to be the top diva. Melina is good, and hot, but she isn't the whole package like Beth.
Despite what ppl may think Melina is ALREADY the Top Face. Beth isnt over like she is. Melina was Mickie's Lita basically as in those two were the top two Divas when they were both there.

Trish passed the torch to Mickie & Lita never had the chance to pass the torch to Melina, but it's obvious that Mickie & Melina were the two top Divas and Beth was more a Chyna replacement as the third top tier Diva and that's how it is now only Melina is top face since Mickie left even though she's injured.

And if no one here agrees just watch what happens when she returns. I think it's ridiculous to think Beth can compete with Melina on being over as a top face. She's dominant and she cant even do that right and make it look good as Chyna half the time.

Melina is better overall and she's great in the ring. People who just think she's a hot ass and nothing more are just being stupid because it's not like just because a woman is hot she cant wrestle, there are plenty of hot Divas that can wrestle just because they dont look questionable as to what their gender is like some rougher looking female wrestlers doesnt mean they are soft models who cant go

Melina has proven she's talented and Lita was innovative during her generation of Divas much like Melina is with this gen of Divas

They are pushing for a new face and Beth may get that 2ndary top face spot, but if she doesnt come back soon that could go to Layla if LayCool explodes or Kelly Kelly maybe even Eve if they keep at it with her, who knows? I think Natalya would have a good chance to seeing as how she'll get her gold within a year since they were obviously waiting to push The Hart Dynasty till after Bret's Mania match

Anyway back on the topic- Melina is taking over the Division just like no matter how much they shove McCool down our throats and give her worthless meaningless title reigns Maryse will always be the Top Heel Diva (not counting Vickie, but wrestling Divas), no matter how much they try to make Beth into Chyna (I could point out several ways in which she fails) she'll never be the top face or that decent of a dominant Diva and Melina will always be number 1

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